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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 30, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

ECAP issues decision in NISMA's complaint regarding ballots from Serbia (Indeksonline)
Astrit Dehari’s case to be investigated by Special Prosecution (media)
Family's attorney reacts to Astrit Dehari’s case being transferred to Special Prosecution (media)
EU HR Mogherini meets Western Balkans leaders (media)
Bislimi: Agreement on President can only be reached between Kurti and Mustafa (Express)
Kosovo Police with a statement on assault at Svirce village (media)

Serbian Language Media:

UN Security Council session on Kosovo takes place tomorrow (Tanjug, B92)
Vucic: Our strategic path is the path to the EU (B92, Tanjug)
Western Balkans remains devoted to EU perspective, regrets for Macedonia and Albania (Tanjug, B92)
Serwer: Pristina will be under pressure to reach an agreement with Belgrade (N1)
Skopje: Kosovo deal on border change acceptable only as “unique case” (Beta, Al Jazeera, N1)
EP rapporteur Bilcik says Serbia’s path to EU depends on reforms and Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Beta, N1, Blic)
“KLA” graffiti in Babin Most village, Srpska Lista reacts (RTS, Radio KIM)
Civil society: Results weak; No expectations (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)
Dacic on Bytyqi brothers’ case: Congress resolution sort of pressure (RTS, KoSSev)
Pacolli: Foreign Affairs Ministry has nothing to do with entry ban to Dusica Nikolic (KoSSev)
Serbian MFA employees in a two-day visit to Kosovo (KIM radio)


Why Serbia Won’t Stop Playing the Russia Card Any Time Soon (The Moscow Times)
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung claims: The West loses in the Balkans (DW, B92)


EU Must Be Clearer With Balkans If It Wants To Expand (Forbes)
Serbia Must ‘Deliver Substantive Reforms’ Before Joining EU (Balkan Insight)
Civil society needs support to fight corruption and organised crime in the Western Balkans (

Humanitarian and Development:

British Embassy launches project for strengthening justice system in Kosovo (media)
CoE standards of freedom of expression promoted and supported in Kosovo (CoE)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 29, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

Vetevendosje appeals ECAP decision on Diaspora ballots (media)
Certification of election results, focus of Thaci-Daka meeting (media)
Mustafa confirms Haziri’s role in talks, but not as chief negotiator (Express)
Thaci: Proud of Kosovo army (media)
U.S. expert: Grenell cannot find solution for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue earlier than spring 2010 (Express, VoA)
France: No visa liberalisation for Kosovo until all conditions are met (Express)
“Any internationally-guaranteed Kosovo-Serbia deal is acceptable” (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Heritage Foundation expert says US should be cautious with Serbia over Kosovo (N1, Beta)
US Senate idea: To solve BiH and Kosovo in ''a package'' (Kosovo Online, Sputnik)
EU "launches" a new plan for Serbia: Forget membership? (Vecernje Novosti, B92, Kosovo Online)
Detention of 28 persons arrested in Kosovo north extended, Office for KiM reacts (Radio KIM)
CEPS warn of 'captured state' phenomenon in Serbia and Montenegro (BETA, N1)
Rationale of the Central African Republic (CAR) on revoking recognition of Kosovo (B92, Sputnik)


Robelli: A justice-loving state or a region of thugs? (Koha Ditore)

Indictments Loom as Questioning of Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas Intensifies (Balkan Insight)
Kosovo Town Files More War Crimes Complaints Against Serbs (Balkan Insight)
Former EU top diplomat becomes security lobbyist (EU Observer)

Humanitarian and Development:

Petition initiated against environmental degradation from hydropower plants (media)
EU to grant 76 mln euro to curb pollution from Kosovo power plant - KEK (SeeNews)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 28, 2019

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 28, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• Bugajski speaks about Kosovo-Serbia dialogue at U.S. Senate committee (Zeri)
• Kurti urges for discussion on reparations in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue (Prishtina Insight)
• Gucati: Kurti should keep his promise, abolish Special Chambers (RTK)
• 102 additional criminal charges for Serbs suspected for war crimes (RTK)
• Kosovo statistics agency ready for population census in 2021 (KP/Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

• The Security Council on Kosovo on Thursday, despite Pristina's opposition (RTS, Tanjug, FoNet, N1)
• Dacic: Still no news if Kosovo requested membership in UNESCO again (Tanjug)
• Kocijancic: Pristina to revoke tariffs, Belgrade to enable conducive environment for talks (FoNet, N1)
• Basketball players from central Serbia banned to enter Kosovo in Brnjak (Radio KIM)
• Families of the missing persons in Kosovo: Last chance for the truth (RTS)
• Grubjesic: No reconsideration of previous agreements, should be a Brussels message (RTS)
• Medvedev: Free trade agreement to help Serbia’s exports (FoNet, N1)


• NATO 'Respects' Serbia's Joint Military Drills With Russia (RFE)
• Kosovo Activist’s Lawyer: Swiss Experts Deprived of Evidence (Balkan Insight)
• France is pushing the E.U. toward strategic disaster (Washington Post)
• Serbia’s Attitude to Kosovo ‘is Damaging Kosovo Serbs’ (Balkan Insight)
• Putting Kosovo on EU’s map: A short (and easy) guide for the new government (European Western Balkans)

Humanitarian and Development:

• Taking the stone from the Earth (Prishtina Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 25, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: Justice for Astrit has no alternative (media)
GLPS calls for investigations of state officials in Dehari case (media)
Johnson: Kosovo and Serbia requested greater engagement of the U.S. (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: The world hasn't seen such political liars (Tanjug, B92)
“Information on closure of Serb pharmacies in North inaccurate” (KoSSev, RTK2)
New US ambassador to Serbia presents letters of accreditation (Beta, N1)
Arrested Nenad Arsic from Caglavica says he is not guilty, denies involvement in criminal acts (Gracanica online)
Serbian List: Prosecutor Syle Hoxha is not working according to the law, accusing the Serbs without evidence (Kosovo Online, TV Most)
Djuric: Desperate attempts of Jeremic to spoil relations between Serbia and Russian Federation (Tanjug)
Popovic more concerned with the silence of the international community (Kosovo Online)
Serbian President says Russian anti-aircraft systems in Serbia for exercise (FoNet, N1)
Süddeutsche Zeitung: No hope in EU future, Balkans face return of conflicts (N1, DW)


Talking Kurti and Dialogue With Everyday Serbs (K2.0)
Testimony by Deputy Assistant Secretary and Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer (
Kosovo prosecutors to reopen probe into activist’s death (AP/WAPO)
Kosovo Activist’s Family Say Swiss Report Confirms His Murder (Balkan Insight)

Humanitarian and Development:

Fate of missing persons, a grave wound for Kosovo (RTK)
18 women associations win grants from EU and Austrian government (Koha)
Learning local languages through education institutions in Kosovo (Radio kontakt plus, RTK2, Radio Kosovo 2)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 24, 2019

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 24, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• Dehari family receives copy of forensic report into their son’s death (media)
• Vetevendosje reacts to report’s conclusions into its activist’s death (media)
• Lumezi: We will seek assistance from U.S. in investigating Astrit Dehari's death (media)
• Haziri doesn’t expect final agreement during Kurti government (ekonomiaonline)

Serbian Language Media:

• Representatives of Washington and Moscow answered three questions of Vecernje Novosti daily (Serbian media)
• Jeremic: Vucic’s delineation leads towards Serbia’s membership to NATO (Danas, RT)
• US "indecent" proposal; Serbia: We refuse it (Blic, Tanjug, B92)
• Palmer on Serbia-Kosovo agreement (Tanjug, B92)
• The Russians delivered S-400 missile defense system and Pantsir S (Tanjug, B92, Sputnik)
• “It is not a priority to Srpska Lista to enter government with Kurti” (Tanjug, B92)
• Djuric comments on counting votes from central Serbia in Pristina (Tanjug, B92)
• Macron offers special partnership to the Balkans? (B92, Tanjug, Nezavisne)
• Kosovo police arrest three officers in the northern Mitrovica (KoSSev, N1, KIM radio)
• Vucic: Pristina announces closure of pharmacies in the North tomorrow (KoSSev)
• CEC completed counting of votes from Serbia, 3000 ballots verified (Kosovo-online)


• “We Are Their Voice”: German Far-Right Builds Balkan Alliances (Balkan Insight)
• ‘Amid stormy global seas, UN charter remains our moral anchor’, says Guterres on United Nations Day (UN News)

Humanitarian and Development:

• Ombudsperson Institution of Kosovo joins Equinet (Kosovapress)
• How much is Serb community (un)safe in Pec region? (Radio Gorazdevac, Radio kontakt plus)