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Headlines 3 March

 Headlines - 03 03 2017

Mustafa: Dialogue format to be decided together with Thaci and Veseli (RTK)

Responding to a question put forward by a MP on how the dialogue format with Belgrade will change after chief negotiator Edita Tahiri announced changes would be made to the current one - PM Mustafa said that any change would be done in coordination with President Hashim Thaci and Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli. He said however that most of the issues discussed in Brussels pertain to the government but added that the level of representation will be in line with the one determined by the EU facilitators. “We will also make efforts to be more transparent in the future,” Mustafa noted. Among the upcoming issues that Mustafa said will be raised in the dialogue is that of missing persons. “We will request guarantees from the European Union so that Serbia provides exact information on the whereabouts of persons still unaccounted for and the location of mass graves in Serbia. We will request the opening of former Yugoslav army archives,” Mustafa said. The issue of the pension fund for the citizens of Kosovo and the return of their savings from Serb banks, compensation for war damages are also going to be discussed, Mustafa added.

Thaci: Without demarcation, we remain without visa for years  (Klan Kosova)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, warned during an extensive interview to Klan Kosova that if demarcation of the border with Montenegro is not voted at the Assembly, Kosovo might remain without visa liberalization not for several months but perhaps several years.  He said that demarcation has become extremely politicized.

 He also said that Kosovo could already have its own army three years ago if some deputies had not withdrawn from voting at the very last moment due to the fear of him gaining political points. “In 2014, we agreed with internationals and reached agreement with NATO, the U.S. and the EU to create the army of Kosovo. Everyone, Serb and non-Serb agreed to do it. At the last moment, there was a rejection to vote, with the justification that Thaci would gain political votes. I said it then that we would seek the opportunity but we would not find it for years,” Thaci said. He blamed some Albanian MPs for the failure. “Now cooperation with the Serb political group is required. I have to say that my entire political engagement on this matter has not led to a positive result. I have discussed with each Serb representative one by one. When you discuss with them in this manner they do agree. However, as a group, they take orders from Belgrade. I was openly told that they do not dare to vote because of Belgrade. I am for Kosovo institutions to discuss with Serbs until the very last moments, but we should not remain their hostage,” Thaci said.

Speaking about the current situation in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, (FYROM), Thaci said that President Ivanov has violated the constitution and laws of his own country. “Ivanov has made a major mistake, and I hope that he will correct it and reconsider it. Macedonia does not make any sense as a state without Albanians. With this approach, by burring Ohrid Agreement, Ivanov demonstrated an anti-Albanian behavior. However no one can violate the legitimacy gained by votes to anyone. Things have gone too far. Now Albanians have to take their own fate in their hands and they should not wait on what is this or that leader, Gruevski or Zaev, thinking.  Because Albanians in Macedonia have become guardians of democracy, however they should perhaps think more about their national rights, because he (Ivanov) as President is not grateful. Albanians in Macedonia have their own political identity, they have intellectual elite, people who know how to lead and they have won even in more difficult situations,” Thaci said.

Haradinaj: The country should go for new elections, even in my absence (Klan Kosova)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, said on Thursday, after the decision of the French court to postpone its ruling on the request for his extradition to Serbia; that Kosovo should not remain hostage in certain processes due to his absence, therefore Kosovo should go for new elections, despite his remaining in France. “We are in trouble in Kosovo. The economic and social situation is serious. We have problems with law and order. This is only a burden for Kosovo. I think that Kosovo should not remain hostage, for me or anybody else. Let the country go for new elections, with or without me. I will always be with Kosovo. If some want to keep me hostage in order to delay processes, I request for the processes not to be halted,” he said.

“No to endorsement of the Association and demarcation, but let the country move towards elections. Let the institutions rejuvenate,” he said.

Haradinaj also revealed some of his plans for cooperation with the political parties in Kosovo. “I planned to continue partnership with AKR. We already cooperate with NISMA, and we also discussed with Balli Kombetar. But I am in favor of the decision for the situation in the country to be pass to the citizens,” Haradinaj said.

 Vetevendosje supports protest for Haradinaj (Koha)

The Vetevendosje Movement has announced it will support Saturday’s protest called by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) in support of its leader Ramush Haradinaj. In a statement, Vetevendosje called on all citizens who believe that Haradinaj is being kept unjustly in  detention in France to express their discontent on Saturday at 13.00hrs in Pristina. “Haradinaj was part of the liberation war against Serbia’s genocidal chauvinism in Kosovo. Serbia’s arrest warrants need to be invalidated for all fighters of the liberation war,” Vetevendosje said.

War veterans to protest on Monday in front of the Assembly of Kosovo (Epoka)

Representatives of KLA veterans associations issued on Thursday a press release which calls for a protest on Monday in front of the Assembly of Kosovo with their demand to urgently change the law on the special court so that it includes trying crimes committed by Serb forces in Kosovo. “We call on KLA war veterans to join us in the protest in front of the Assembly of Kosovo, on Monday, 6 March,” the press release states.