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UNMIK Headlines 1 November

Headlines - 01.11.2013

Zbogar: We want legitimate leaders (Tribuna)

EU Special Representative to Kosovo Samuel Zbogar said no one should attempt to change or stop the votes of the citizens in upcoming local elections. He warned that if there are manipulations, Kosovo will not make substantial steps towards European perspective. “European Union expects Kosovo to hold elections in harmony with international standards. This is an elementary step towards European path”, Zbogar told the paper.

“Measure of elections success is if there are in each municipality of Kosovo legitimate leaders elected through a process without irregularities and flaws that happened in the past”, said Zbogar further.

Ahead of elections, EU allocates €15 million for Kosovo Serbs (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that three days before local elections, European Commission pledged 15 million euro financial aid for municipalities with Serb majority in Kosovo, especially for those in the north. These funds have been given as pre-membership instruments which also includes Kosovo.

In a statement, European Commission says the funds have been dedicated to support implementation of the first agreement for the leading principles of normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. “These special funds will help to address the needs of municipalities with Serb majority in entire Kosovo, with special attention in the municipalities in the north. Financing will be focused in municipal infrastructure, in public administration, in rural and regional development, in employment and environment,” reads the EC statement. 

“Train ticket” saves Vulin (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports that Aleksandar Vulin will be coming in Kosovo on Friday. He will not be arrested, even though the police confirmed he entered illegally in his last visit in Kosovo. One decision of the basic court in Mitrovica, with which the arrest warrant has been withdrawn, says that, “The suspected Aleksandar Vulin on 16 October 2013 from territory of Serbia has entered legally into territory of Republic of Kosovo through railway line on the relation Kraleva-Zvecan-Mitrovica which is proved from the train ticket.” The train ticked has been used as evidence, although it bears no name of the passenger. 

Kukan: Kosovo needs EULEX (dailies)

Head of European Parliament delegation visiting Kosovo Eduard Kukan said EULEX will claim back the trust of citizens through its work. He also said the EU rule of law mission should remain present in Kosovo. “We are noting some positive changes in EULEX structure and a more positive approach to its work. I am convinced EULEX will confirm this and although the population is not overly enthusiastic for this, I am certain that in the future EULEX will convince you with its work”, said Kukan at a joint press conference with Assembly Speaker Jakup Krasniqi.

Zannier concerned about the security in the north (Kosova Sot, Tribuna)

OSCE Secretary General, Lamberto Zannier, yesterday expressed concern for the situation in the northern part of Kosovo. “Personally I continue  to be concerned for the uncertainty of security conditions in the north  and for the campaign for boycott that is continuing in the north which includes intimidating candidates, voters and persons who are engaged in the election process,” said Zannier. He told the ambassadors of 57 member countries that in the meeting facilitated yesterday by OSCE between representatives of Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels a number of important issues were tackled. 

Petrovic: Special attention to the north (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister, Slobodan Petrovic, stated that first local elections in the north are of special importance, because it is a way of replacement of tensions with institutional cooperation. He believes that improvement of the situation in the field will start with these elections. He added that the problem of the north requires special attention and energy. “With the help of factors and support of the international community, the situation in the north of Kosovo will improve and advance,” said Petrovic.

Tërnava entrusted another mandate at the head of ICK (dailies)

Naim Tërnava has won the race for leadership of Islamic Community of Kosovo. In favor of Tërnava voted 53 delegates of Council of Islamic Community of Kosovo, while 5 were against, 1 abstained. Re-elected Tërnava said that the improvement of Islamic infrastructure, inclusion of learning faith and allowing of headscarf in public schools will be only few of the principles for which he will work in the future. He was alone in the race for the head of Islamic Community of Kosovo.