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UNMIK Headlines 10 July

Headlines - 10.07.2013

KSF with the same mandate despite reaching full capacity (Koha Ditore)

North Atlantic Council announced that the Kosovo Security Force has reached full operational capacity and is fully capable of performing tasks within its mandate.

“The Kosovo Security Force mission remains the same as it always has been: to conduct civil protection operations and to assist the civil authorities in responding to natural disasters and other emergencies. The Alliance will continue to provide support and advice through a NATO Liaison and Advisory Team. KFOR’s mission is also unchanged: to provide a safe and secure environment for all people and communities in Kosovo. We will continue to fulfill that mission according to our United Nations mandate”, said NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen in a statement.

Although Kosovo political leadership hailed the decision of the North Atlantic Council, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and KSF Minister Agim Çeku failed to make any reference to their previous pledge that 2013 will be the year of Kosovo’s army. In fact, the two did not mention the term “army” at all in their statements.

EU and US call for approval of amnesty law (dailies)

European Union office in Kosovo, heads of EU member states’ missions in Kosovo and the United States embassy issued a statement calling for fast approval of amnesty law. “The law as drafted is narrow in scope, excludes offences that resulted in serious bodily harm or death, and only provides amnesty for economic offenses committed in connection with a call to resistance”, reads the statement. They said that the swift adoption of the law is a decisive step in ensuring full integration of all citizens into Kosovo institutions throughout the country.

Ashton: Belgrade made difficult decisions (Epoka e Re)

The EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Catherine Ashton, expressed appreciation to the leadership of Serbia for the vision and courage to make difficult decisions and face major political challenges, which according to her resulted with the unanimous decision of the EU countries to start the discussions with Serbia, without setting additional conditions. Ashton made these statements during her visit to Belgrade, where she met with Serbia’s President Tomislav Nikolic, Pm Ivica Dacic and Deputy PM Aleksandar Vucic, while today, she is going to visit Pristina.

AAK declares “war” to Vetëvendosje (Zëri)

Alliance for Future of Kosovo is demanding the post of Kosovo Assembly deputy chairperson currently being occupied by Vetëvendosje’s Glauk Konjufca and also wants to change seats with Vetëvendosje MPs for the fact that it now has more MPs following Alma Lama’s leaving Vetëvendosje.

Vetëvendosje claims that based on election results, their party was the third and that their power is based on the number of votes despite an MP deciding to leave their parliamentary group.

Serbs prevent construction of houses in “Kroi i Vitakut” (Koha Ditore)

A group of Serbs from the north forced workers to stop construction of houses in the “Kroi i Vitakut” neighbourhood. “A group of about 30 Serbs blocked on Tuesday a part of ‘Kroi i Vitakut’ neighbourhood and did not allow Albanian workers to reconstruct houses”, said Kosovo Police Spokesperson for Mitrovica region Besim Hoti who added that the protest ended peacefully. Officials from Mitrovica municipality said they expect work will resume soon.