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UNMIK Headlines 10 March

Headlines - 10.03.2016

PDK, long-term partnership with LDK (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) reconfirmed on Wednesday its readiness to have good relations with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). The PDK Steering Council adopted a 13-point political statement on Wednesday expressing their readiness to continue a long-term partnership with the LDK saying that this is in the interest of political and institutional stability. The PDK Steering Council also decided that the new party leader will be elected on 7 May and until the party’s convention Kadri Veseli will be acting party leader. “After overcoming some major challenges, now is the time to resort with full capacities to the implementation of policies that are in the interest of the country. As leader of the PDK, I will call on our coalition partners to do even more for the good governance of the country,” Veseli told the council. He also said that “it is the responsibility of the ruling majority to enable the opposition to distance itself from unacceptable actions, because we cannot have a sustainable democratic system without a democratic opposition”. “I will be personally engaged in communication with opposition parties,” he added.

Mustafa: Thaci was elected president in compliance with Constitution (RTK)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, during an interview for RTK yesterday said the presidential election procedures were transparent and in compliance with the Kosovo Constitution. “The whole process was transparent and the Assembly adhered to rules and regulations. Mr Thaci was elected president in compliance with the Constitution,” Mustafa said. In regards to changes in the government, Mustafa said there will be some changes but in terms of power-sharing everything will remain as initially agreed with the coalition partners. Speaking about the agreement on border-demarcation with Montenegro, he said this agreement has not yet entered into force because it has to be ratified by the Assembly. “This agreement is not complete until it is ratified by the Assembly. The opposition does not want to hear about it. The border-line is not yet marked and completed,” he said. In regards to recent attacks on the government official’s vehicles, Mustafa said those who are throwing Molotov cocktails at the government building are the same that are burning vehicles.

Vetevendosje to stick to its methods in today’s Assembly session (Epoka e Re)

As Kosovo Assembly is set to hold a plenary session today at 10 o’clock, Vetevendosje officials said they see no reason why they should change methods used so far in the Assembly. Vetevendosje’s deputy leader Driton Caushi said opposition representatives will be at the Assembly today and will continue opposing the government.

Maric: Association/Community without executive powers (Klan Kosova)

In his first interview for Kosovo Albanian media, Kosovo’s Minister of Local Government and Administration Ljubomir Maric said that the current political crisis in Kosovo is preventing Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities from being established. He said the problem lies in the Association/Community being used as a pretext for internal political rows in Kosovo. Maric dismissed media reports that the Association/Community would lead to the creation of a type of Republika Srpska in Kosovo. “This is impossible for the fact that the Association/Community will not have executive and legal competencies,” added Maric.

Busek: It might be late for war crimes trials (Zeri)

The former Special Coordinator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Erhard Busek, told the paper that addressing war crimes is the right thing but he expressed doubts about this process because of the time period from the last war. “It has been a long time since allegations for war crimes committed by former KLA fighters. It might be a bit late for war crimes trials,” he said. In regards to the current political crisis in Kosovo, Busek said tear gas is not the solution. "Finding a solution is not only an obligation for Vetevendosje or for the opposition. I think the new president will have to show that he is able to produce solutions for the future,” he added.

Kosovo has yet to meet all visa liberalization criteria (Koha)

The EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs, Dimitris Avramopoulos said on Wednesday in Brussels that as soon as Kosovo meets the required criteria, the Commission will be ready to propose visa liberalization for the people of Kosovo. Avramopoulos also confirmed that in the second half of this month a team of European Commission experts will visit Kosovo to monitor the situation and to give guidance for meeting the remaining criteria. The paper recalls that Avramopoulos was scheduled to visit Kosovo early this year. According to unnamed diplomatic sources, Avramopoulos has not visited Pristina yet because Kosovo has yet to meet all the criteria.

KDI: No progress in government’s transparency (Epoka e Re)

The Kosovo Democratic Institute presented yesterday the annual index of transparency in the public procurement field for the government and the office of the prime minister. KDI said it noted no positive trend in transparency increase of documents published by the government regarding public procurement procedures. “We hope that electronic procurement system will change this situation,” said Artan Canhasi from the KDI.