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UNMIK Headlines 10 November

Headlines - 10.11.2014

UN Security Council session on Kosovo postponed (Tribuna)

The paper quotes Indeksonline as saying that authorities in Pristina have sent a request to the UN Security Council asking it to postpone its upcoming session on Kosovo set to take place in November. The request was justified by the fact that new institutions in Kosovo have not been established yet. At the same time, Belgrade officials also sent a similar request to UN Headquarters in New York saying that they are currently busy with the visit of the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, to Serbia. The requests have been granted but a new date for the session has not been scheduled yet. However, according to Indeksonline, it is most likely to take place in December. 

Bloc calls for Jahjaga’s intervention (Koha Ditore)

The post-election coalition consisting of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje, are waiting for the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, to put pressure on the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) so that its MP and Assembly chairperson, Flora Brovina, will continue the constitutive session. LDK deputy leader Haki Rugova said that delays in calling the session, now that the bloc has given up the Speaker’s post, are unjustifiable and intentional. “We expect the President to play her role in guaranteeing the functioning of institutions. She should make a decision so that there are no more delays”, Rugova said. 

Mustafa: Bloc needs a news agreement (Kosova Sot)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, is said to have suggested a new agreement between the post-election coalition parties, which would determine new governing responsibilities and objectives. Asked whether he is going to be a candidate for Prime Minister, Mustafa said that every agreement is founded on political strength, specifically the number of MPs. “This is also the stance of LDK for the new agreement and the position of Prime Minister,” said Mustafa. 

Haradinaj not in favor of redesigning coalition agreement (Tribuna)

The request by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) to take the post of Prime Minister when, for six months, the head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, had been the bloc’s nominee, has put the coalition into a state of deadlock. New rounds of talks are now expected between the post-election coalition parties in order to redefine the agreement. Sources of claimed that the leader of AAK did not welcome LDK’s idea concerning the post of Prime Minister. “Ramush Haradinaj did not comment on this issue within the bloc, but what can be said is that he did not welcome the idea of redesigning the agreement and still didn’t say yes to it,” said a source inside the bloc. 

Germany to determine next Prime Minister (Zeri)

Zeri writes on the front page that the leaders of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, are on their way to Germany and are likely to receive guidance on which one of them will have Germany’s support to lead the new Kosovo government. Agim Veliu, a member of the LDK presidency, confirmed that Mustafa will travel to Germany but did give any details about his meetings there. Also, AAK sources confirmed that Haradinaj also travelled to Germany and is expected to have important meetings aimed at resolving the current political stalemate in Kosovo. Mustafa and Haradinaj are also expected to take part in the ceremony organized for the 25th anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall. 

Apart from corruption, EULEX also accused of nepotism (Koha Ditore)

On the front page, the paper announced a second series of articles related to alleged wrongdoings in EULEX. This time around, it focuses on cases of nepotism. According to the paper, evidence suggests that prosecutor Jonathan Ratel had hired his flat mate as a prosecutor although the person had no work experience. Similarly, judge Francesco Florit is said to have presided over the case of the wife of one of the intermediaries mentioned in prosecutor Mariah Bamieh’s recent allegations, and though the wife was sentenced to 18 months in prison, Florit made sure she spent no time behind bars. The paper also claims to have secured correspondence between EULEX officials which confirms that they were aware of corruption allegations and the employment of prosecutors who did not meet basic criteria. The list of irregularities is topped by EULEX Chief Prosecutor Jaroslava Novotna and Deputy Chief Prosecutor Jonathan Ratel. EULEX has denied any irregularities in the hiring process and added that all possible complaints have been duly addressed.

Romania supports dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade (Kosova Sot)

Romania will continue to support KFOR and political dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta said during a meeting with KFOR Commander Francesco Paolo Figliuolo in Pristina.

Thaci: Rama’s visit to Serbia, a benefit for the entire region (Epoka e Re)

Hashim Thaci, the outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo, said in an interview for RTK that the visit of the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, to Serbia will serve the entire region. “I think that it is a message for the entire region, that there will not be a lack of communication among different countries or Prime Ministers any more. I consider that building normal inter-state relations between Albania and Serbia is also a reflection for the European and Euro-Atlantic spirit of the region. Albania, as a NATO country, of course has its advantages in this direction. Therefore I encourage Prime Ministers Rama and Vucic to show through their engagement their role to their respective countries but to the region in general as well,” said Thaci. 

Ahmeti and Hysa discuss liberalization of border (Epoka e Re)

Ylber Hysa, the Ambassador of Kosovo in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), met in Tetovo with the leader of the Democratic Union for Integration in Macedonia (BDI), Ali Ahmeti. The two discussed the importance of the road between Skopje and Bllace, the crossing of the border by the people of both countries with ID cards, the establishment of joint border and customs, and the holding of joint government meetings. Kosovo expressed interest in signing the agreement on border crossing with ID cards as soon as possible. Hysa stated that Kosovo welcomes the aim of the FYROM Government to build the Skopje-Bllace road, hoping that works would start as soon as possible. They also discussed the political situations in Kosovo and FYROM and concrete projects that would bring the populations of Kosovo and FYROM closer.