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UNMIK Headlines 11 June

The Government wants ratification of unfinished plan (Koha)

The Government of Kosovo has called on members of Parliament to vote for the draft law on the ratification of the Kosovo-Serbia agreement for normalization of relations and for the implementation plan. The request was made on Monday by Deputy Prime Minister Kuçi during his address at the parliamentary committee on legislation. Kuçi said this is only the first agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, while announcing that other agreements are expected, until the signing of a peace treaty. “The ratification of the implementation plan does not damage Kosovo, because it gives a clear orientation to people who are working in this direction, and any changes to happen in the future should go through the parliamentary committee on legislation and the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo,” Kuçi said. His request however was not supported by the majority of the legislation committee, who postponed the voting on the draft-law for Tuesday (today).

Biden evaluates “maturity and leadership” of Thaçi (Koha)

“Your maturity and leadership to overcome ethnic divisions and hostilities from the bitter past is highly appreciated by the U.S.A,” US Vice President Joseph Biden is reported to have told Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi in Washington on Monday.

A press release issued by the Kosovo Government notes that Biden expressed “highest consideration and the position of Prime Minister Thaçi, calling him an undisputed statesman who took important decisions in difficult times, but always to the benefit of Kosovo and its people”.

The paper also carries a separate box under the headline Biden requests rapid implementation of the agreement with Serbia.  “US Vice President Joe Biden has requested from Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi to move fast in implementing the agreement for normalization of relations with Serbia.” the Associated Press reported. Biden praised Thaçi for his political courage in reaching the agreement with Serbia and “now it is important for the agreement to be fully implemented, in order for Kosovo and Serbia to be able to follow the path of peace and prosperity”.

Vetëvendosje: Agreement to be sent to Constitutional Court (Epoka e Re)

Vetëvendosje movement has requested from the Constitutional Court to assess the agreement for normalization of relations between the Republic of Kosovo and that of Serbia, prior to the discussions for ratification at the Assembly of Kosovo. Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuçi, has objected such an action, saying that perhaps this movement has political reasons to object the agreement, however, according to him, there are no judicial reasons to do so.

Amnesty for northern Serbs, SHIK and SIA (Tribuna)

The Amnesty Law, which is expected to be endorsed soon, will provide pardons for certain acts committed not only by Serb parallel structures, but also for parallel structures of Albanian political parties that operated after the war.

International sources in Pristina told the paper that the law is expected to pardon certain acts committed by illegal structures mainly related to parallel security structures.

The source said the amnesty law would provide pardons for local Serbs who worked for the Serbian Information Agency (BIA) and the Serbian Ministry of Interior Affairs (MUP). The law will also provide pardons for actions and acts committed by members of the Kosovo Intelligence Service (SHIK) and Homeland Security (SIA).

The same source said that acts that will be pardoned do not include murders and other serious crimes. “Authorities will continue to prosecute serious offences even after the endorsement of the Amnesty Law,” the source said.

The source also said that amnesty for parallel structures in northern Kosovo is needed to integrate Serbs in Kosovo’s institutions.

Kuçi: Way less than 12 laws will be changed (Epoka e Re)

The Commission for Legislation will vote today at 13:00 hours, the draft6 law for ratification of the agreement for normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hajredin Kuçi, said on Monday to the members of this commission that the law for amnesty will not refer only to a certain territory or ethnicity. According to Kuçi, due to the agreement of 19 April in Brussels, Kosovo will change much less than 12 laws. He added that dialogue with Serbia has to continue until the treaty of peace is reached.

IMF: Careful with highway to Skopje and benefits for veterans (Koha)

Representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), who visited Pristina on Monday, concluded that the Government of Kosovo has met all requirements foreseen in the stand-by agreement with the IMF. This marks the completion of the fourth stand-by arrangement aimed at supporting a program that would facilitate the country’s fiscal pressure.

IMF officials however warned the government that before starting the construction of the highway to Skopje they should conduct a feasibility study. As far as war veterans are concerned, IMF representatives said the government needs to determine the cost of all benefits proposed for them.

Meanwhile, government officials argue that this year’s and next year’s budgets provide guarantees for the implementation of both projects.

Çeku: Political problems, obstacle to Kosovo’s membership in NATO (Koha)

Kosovo Security Force Minister Agim Çeku said that Kosovo’s membership in NATO is being prevented by political reasons. “We have four countries that have not recognized Kosovo, they do not recognize Kosovo as a country and claim NATO only signs contracts or partnership with states”, said Çeku adding that the north presents a serious challenge as this makes Kosovo a country with a potential for destabilization. Çeku made the comments before students of University of Pristina on the 14th anniversary of NATO air strikes on Serb forces.

Surroi: Kosovo captured by organized crime (Zëri)

Publicist Veton Surroi said in an interview for the paper that fourteen years after liberation, the state of Kosovo is “politically captured by a wave of organized crime and this crime has proven itself by stealing of votes”.

“It is now clear that the problem of Kosovo has not been resolved because Kosovo’s architecture has not stopped constructing from 1999 onwards with an evident problem of the northern part of Kosovo. Negotiations process has not fulfilled Kosovo needs and the needs of Kosovo include end of state-building process, functioning of the state and its international legitimacy”, said Surroi who recently published a critically acclaimed book titled “Billionaire”.

Voting with UNMIK documents (Kosova Sot)

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi said in upcoming local elections in autumn, citizens of the northern part of Kosovo can vote with current identification cards they possess. The paper contacted Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri on the issue, who said, “Prime Minister Thaçi has expressed one possibility that in this short time frame, where a citizen does not have a possibility to be equipped with documents, but who is in civil registry, to be able to vote… We had a phase of transition in UNMIK administration and people could own such documents. But it is rejected the possibility of going to the elections with documents of Serbia, with the exception of those which are only transitional Kosovo documents.”