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UNMIK Headlines 11 October

  • Kurti: We will govern with LDK, our teams to harmonise the program (media)
  • Vetevendosje and LDK agree to govern together (RTK)
  • Vetevendosje and LDK teams to meet today (RTK)
  • Special envoy Grenell on initial meetings in Pristina and Belgrade (media)
  • Grenell to Vucic: Closer and swifter cooperation with Pristina (RTK)
  • Hahn proposes “conclave” for solution between Kosovo and Serbia (Koha)
  • Haradinaj says Germany doesn’t support border changes (media)
  • Kurti meets Swiss Ambassador, informs him on new government priorities (RTK)
  • Kurti hosts meeting Finish Ambassador to Kosovo, Pia Stjernvall (media)
  • NISMA leader Limaj calls for a Kosovo-wide vote recount (Epoka)
  • Thaci: Nobel Prize decision brought immense pain to countless victims (RTK)
  • Kosovo marks International Day of the Girl Child (media)
  • Pride Parade in Pristina concludes with a concert (media)

Kurti: We will govern with LDK, our teams to harmonise the program (media)

Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti said after his meeting on Thursday with the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, and deputy leader and candidate for prime minister from this political party, Vjosa Osmani, that they agreed to minimise the number of ministers and deputy ministers at the new government of Kosovo.

Kurti said that they also agreed with Osmani to reach a 30 percent quota of women participation in government. Kurti said they did not discuss today about division of the posts at the new government. He added that his government will be transparent and will not make political bargaining.

Kurti said further that the government would have twelve ministries and added that they will not be running after the Serbian List to seek coalition.

“Kosovo has of course wasted a lot of time, and citizens’ expectations are very high. So, we started discussions without wasting time based on the joint idea for as efficient government as possible and as powerful state as possible. We want to meet the needs of the citizens and to orient the state towards development and democracy,” Kurti said.

“Our teams will meet to harmonise our programs and projects. We have discussed how to minimise and share responsibilities at the governing cabinet. As soon as we have the concrete result, we will inform you about the individual names of the new government,” Kurti said.

Vetevendosje and LDK agree to govern together (RTK)

Vjosa Osmani, candidate of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) for prime minister, said after the meeting with Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti on Thursday, that there is readiness on both sides to reach a coalition and that they will wait for the final result of the vote count in order to reach a final agreement.

“We have just had a meeting to discuss cooperation after a good process. We discussed at the level of principals. Both political parties showed good will to govern together. We started our discussions on some issues, with regards to the reduction of the number of ministers, as well as increase of the good work that will be done. It remains for the parties to discuss details. We are also waiting counting of all votes, prior to reaching a final agreement. There is good will among both parties,” Osmani said.

She said that whoever wins after the final count of votes, will be leading the government.

Vetevendosje and LDK teams to meet today (RTK)

The teams of Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) are to meet again today in order to approximate their governing programs. LDK’s candidate for the prime minister Vjosa Osmani informed about this meeting however she did not give further details about the time or place where it will be held. She only said that they see LVV as the only partner that they could govern with, but that this initially requires trust among both parties.

Special envoy Grenell on initial meetings in Pristina and Belgrade (media)

Several media cover a statement issued by U.S. President Trump’s special envoy for the Kosovo – Serbia peace negotiations, Richard Grenell, on his initial meetings in Pristina and Belgrade. The statement reads: “In his first official visit to Kosovo and Serbia on October 9-10, Ambassador Richard Grenell met in Pristina with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, as well as party leaders Albin Kurti, Isa Mustafa, Vjosa Osmani, Kadri Veseli, and Ramush Haradinaj, and in Belgrade with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.  Ambassador Grenell started both days by first meeting with leaders of the business community.  It is the strong belief of the Trump Administration that economic development, job creation for young people, and increased commerce opportunities are a key part of ensuring a durable peace.  The goal is to bring our partners in Serbia and Kosovo together for a comprehensive solution to resolve points of conflict in the region. Both sides will need to work closely and quickly, with an eye toward the future.”

Grenell to Vucic: Closer and swifter cooperation with Pristina (RTK)

The President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met on Thursday with the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for the Pristina Belgrade dialogue, Richards Grenell. Vucic reportedly spoke to Grenell about Serbia’s commitment for the solution of the problems between Pristina and Belgrade through dialogue. He said that a compromised solution for the interest of stability and the future of the entire region, can be reached by respecting legitimate rights of Serbia. Grenell on the other hand spoke about strong engagement of President Trump’s administration for economic development, jobs and increased trade possibilities as the main part of ensuring sustainable peace. “The intention is to bring to our partners in Serbia and Kosovo a comprehensive solution that would resolve the conflict points in the region. Both parties should work closely and swiftly looking towards the future,” Grenell said.

Hahn proposes “conclave” for solution between Kosovo and Serbia (Koha)

EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn, in a meeting with reporters on Thursday in Brussels, talked about the situation in the region and expectations from Kosovo after the recent parliamentary elections, the paper reports on page two. “I have great expectations after the elections in Kosovo. Unnecessary tariffs should be lifted as soon as possible in order for dialogue to resume. The new High Representative has said he will visit Kosovo immediately after he assumes his mandate and that he is willing to engage in finding a solution,” he said. Hahn also suggested that representatives from Pristina and Belgrade should engage in a dialogue similar to the papal conclave until they find a solution.

Haradinaj says Germany doesn’t support border changes (media)

Kosovo’s outgoing Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, said on Thursday after meeting a delegation from the German Bundestag that Berlin does not support any idea for border changes between Kosovo and Serbia, several news websites report. Haradinaj wrote in a Facebook post that he thanked Germany for their support for visa liberalisation for Kosovo and their position against border changes. He also said dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia should be held without conditions and result in mutual recognitions in the existing borders.

Kurti meets Swiss Ambassador, informs him on new government priorities (RTK)

Vetevendosje Movement leader Albin Kurti met on Thursday with the Swiss Ambassador to Kosovo Jean-Hubert Lebet. Ambassador Lebet congratulated Kurti on the election results and for the campaign “which addressed concerns of the citizens”. Kurti reportedly informed Lebet that the priority of the new government will be democratic state building based on rule of law and combatting of corruption, economic development, employment, and immensely required needs on healthcare, education, as well as looking after those that are most in need. They expressed interest for cooperating contacts and meetings in the future.

Kurti hosts meeting Finish Ambassador to Kosovo, Pia Stjernvall (media)

Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti and secretary for foreign affairs at this political party Kreshnik Ahmeti, hosted on Thursday a meeting with Finish Ambassador to Kosovo Pia Stjernvall and Trinka Jusufi, adviser at this Embassy. According to a press release issued by the Vetevendosje Movement, Stjernvall congratulated Kurti for the archived result at extraordinary elections and assessed positively the regular election process, which was monitored by the observers of the Finish Embassy. They also discussed the need for reforms at different fields, especially on the education system, where they agreed that Finland could help improve education quality with its expertise. Speaking about the dialogue with Serbia, Kurti reiterated the position of LVV that content is more important than the deadlines, and “stressed the three main principles that would heal consequences of the previous approach: no agreement without dialogue, no dialogue with maps, and no presidents of the countries over these maps,” informs the press release of LVV.

NISMA leader Limaj calls for a Kosovo-wide vote recount (Epoka)

NISMA leader Fatmir Limaj said on Thursday that the decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC) for a recount of only 313 ballot boxes from Sunday’s parliamentary elections is scandalous, the paper reports on its front page. Limaj also argued that the technical errors, which the CEC too acknowledged, can be omitted only through a Kosovo-wide vote recount.

Thaci: Nobel Prize decision brought immense pain to countless victims (RTK)

The decision to award Petr Handke with the Nobel Prize, has caused many reactions. Handke is not known only as a writer, he is also known as a great supporter of Slobodan Milosevic and his massacres in Balkans.  He had stated that Milosevic defended his people and expressed his will to be in his army, RTK reports. Kosovo President Hashim Thaci took to Twitter to write that the decision brought immense pain to contless victims. “I remember in 1990s Václav Havel, Susan Sontag and many others knew that evil in Europe must be stopped. That genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo had a perpetrator. Handke chose to support and defend perpetrators. The decision of Nobel Prize brought immense pain to countless victims,” Thaci wrote.

Kosovo marks International Day of the Girl Child (media)

Several news websites report that several activities will be held in Pristina today on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, which is observed on 11 October every year since 2012. The activities are aimed at promoting their rights and raising awareness about the challenges and difficulties they might face since childhood.

Pride Parade in Pristina concludes with a concert (media)

All media report on the “Pride Parade” organized by the LGBTI community together with supporters and activists in downtown Pristina on Thursday. The parade started at “Skenderbeu” square in Pristina and concluded with a concert at “Zahir Pajaziti” square. The U.S. Ambassador Philip Kosnett, Pristina Mayor Shpend Ahmeti and other significant figures of Kosovo society were seen participating at the parade. Koha Ditore covers the parade under the headline LGBT community calls for equality, love and justice.