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UNMIK Headlines 13 July

  • Papadopoulou: Kosovo still needs EULEX (Koha Ditore)
  • Djuric granted permission to visit Kosovo (media)
  • Veseli: Initiative on KLA veterans’ lists protects ex-fighters (RTK)
  • Kosovo authorities release two Serbs suspected of espionage (media)
  • S. State Department: Corruption still an obstacle to doing business in Kosovo (VOA)
  • Veseli nominates Muzafer Shala Minister of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Klan Kosova)
  • Prizren court declares 400 missing persons as dead (Klan Kosova)

 Kosovo Media Highlights

Papadopoulou: Kosovo still needs EULEX (Koha Ditore)

At the end of her mandate in Kosovo, head of EULEX Alexandra Papadopoulou said in an interview with Koha Ditore that EULEX still has a role to play in Kosovo despite ‘unquestionable’ progress made in the ten years since the mission's deployment.

“Oftentimes us internationals but Kosovars as well expect miracles. They think things can change very quickly and this is understandable; people want changes, they want to see things improve as quickly as possible but sometimes this is not a realistic expectation. Rule of law is not only related to the adoption of laws… Rule of law has to do with conception, it is a social change and social changes everywhere require time,” she said.

“All these social changes, not only the rule of law as a whole, can be corrected if the law is truly rigorously implemented,” Papadopoulou said underlining that the majority of judges and prosecutors in Kosovo do a good job but that they also need the support from the society.

Asked about prosecution of war crimes, Papadopoulou said that as with cases of corruption, war crimes cannot be successfully prosecuted if there is no evidence. “You cannot convict people based only on speculation,” she noted. “I hear a lot of criticism about EULEX in Kosovo that it doesn’t criminally prosecute war crimes committed by Serbs. This is wrong. EULEX is blind when it comes to the nationality of war crimes perpetrators. Completely blind. It was your legislation that until recently did not permit raising indictments in absentia. So we have many cases, ready, regarding war crimes committed by Serbs which now under the new mandate have been transferred to local authorities.”

Djuric granted permission to visit Kosovo (media)

Head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric, is visiting Kosovo, media report. Officials from the Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Djuric’s visit was not approved by them but by the Government of Kosovo. Djuric is expected to attend the inauguration of a spa centre in the municipality of Zvecan, funded by the Government of Serbia.

Veseli: Initiative on KLA veterans’ lists protects ex-fighters (RTK)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said his initiative for setting up a commission to look into the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) is aimed at protecting ex-fighters and stop manipulation on their name.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting of the Assembly presidency, Veseli said we will not sit and watch KLA former members being abused. “Kosovo Liberation Army is our nation’s value. The status of a KLA fighter is sacred. No one can deny or abuse in the name of KLA,” said Veseli.

Kosovo authorities release two Serbs suspected of espionage (media)

Online media are quoting reports from RTK2 saying that authorities in Kosovo have released two Serbs detained on suspicion of espionage. The two men were detained on 11 July at the “Dheu i Bardhe” border crossing point with Serbia on suspicion they were transporting documents from Serb municipal officials in Kllokot and Vitia to Belgrade.

U.S. State Department: Corruption still an obstacle to doing business in Kosovo (VOA)

In the recent Investment Climate Statements providing information on the business climate in more than 170 countries, the U.S. State Department identified corruption as still being an obstacle for doing business in Kosovo. The document states that Kosovo has recorded positive economic growth rates and has significant potential to attract more investment but “will not be able to do so until it addresses serious structural issues.”

“Opinion polls attest to the public perception that corruption is widespread in public procurement and local and international businesses regularly cite corruption as one of Kosovo’s largest obstacles to attracting investment. Kosovo has enacted strong legislation to combat corruption, but the government has thus far been unsuccessful in efforts to investigate, prosecute, jail, and confiscate the assets of corrupt individuals,” the report states.

Veseli nominates Muzafer Shala Minister of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Klan Kosova)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Kadri Veseli has nominated Muzafer Shala to take on the post of the Minister of Innovation and Entrepreneurship after the post was vacated by Besim Beqaj who is has an active criminal indictment.

Shala, a holder of a doctorate degree in electronic engineering, is member of the PDK branch in Vushtrri.

Prizren court declares 377 missing persons as dead (Klan Kosova)

The Basic Court in Prizren has declared 377 persons, mostly from the Krusha e Madhe village, missing from the 1998-99 conflict in Kosovo as dead on request from the families. According to the local news portal, Gazeta e Prizrenit, the main reason behind the families’ request to declare their missing members as dead is to resolve outstanding issues relating to inheritance, pensions, civil status and so on.