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UNMIK Headlines 15 March

Headlines - 15.03.2013

Ashton wants “extended constitutional competencies” (Koha Ditore)

Brussels proposed an umbrella mechanism for municipalities with a Serb majority to the Kosovo leadership, which is separate from the association of the municipalities that existed for more than ten years. However, the presented model would not impose constitutional or legal changes.

According to one of the participants in the meetings with EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Catherine Ashton, “the Association of Serb municipalities has the right to propose judges, prosecutors, regional police commander for the north to the central institutions and other positions requiring a nomination made by the Serb community. The right to nominate remains with the central bodies,” said this source. “The Baroness has not presented a final plan, but she gave examples on how the Association of Serb municipalities could have a wider scope and additional competencies than the current association of Kosovo municipalities, while remaining within the legal frame.” 

Kosovo-Serbia agreement reached, the only problem are judges? (Kosova Sot)

Belgrade and Pristina reached an agreement on northern Kosovo, but have yet to agree on who will appoint judges in the region. An anonymous diplomat said Kosovo and Serbian officials agreed on the executive authority that will be handed to municipalities in northern Kosovo. They did not agree, however, on who besides EULEX would appoint judges in the north: Kosovo Serbs or the Pristina government. The source also said both sides agreed on the executive authority and the future of the Association of Serb Municipalities, which will replace parallel institutions financed by Serbia and will operate under Pristina’s control.

Mustafa cannot “run away” from Ashton (Koha Ditore)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, did not attend yesterday’s meeting that EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Catherine Ashton had with political leaders because he was in Brussels. However, Ashton is reported to have said that Mustafa cannot escape meeting her and that she will catch up with him in Brussels.

LDK official Vjosa Osmani dismissed the possibility of Mustafa intentionally having travelled to Brussels to avoid meeting Ashton and said Mustafa scheduled his visit to Brussels two months ago. Osmani also noted that LDK will not shift its position on the dialogue with Serbia. “Mrs. Ashton was informed that we support the dialogue as a process for resolving disputes with any country, in particular countries in the region, but we continue to insist that the red lines set forth in the Constitution of Kosovo should be respected and agreements should be ratified at the Assembly,” said Osmani.

Families of missing seek international pressure on Serbia (Koha Ditore)

Members of the Kosovo Government commission for missing persons are requesting a meeting with EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Catherine Ashton during her visit to Pristina to ask her to put pressure on Belgrade authorities on the issue of missing persons. Members of the commission, however, did not manage to meet Ashton but said in a press conference that the representative of the EU Office in Pristina will convey their demands to Lady Ashton. “Only the international community can make Serbia disclose where the mass graves are located,” said the chairman of the commission Prenk Gjetaj.

Burns: No special status for the north (Epoka e Re)

Former United States Under Secretary of State, Nicholas Burns, warned that a special political status for Serbs in northern Kosovo would risk sustainability of the country. He told Voice of America that the Serb community in the north should be part of the state of Kosovo and that Serbia should recognize the independence of Kosovo. “Of course the human rights of Serbs in Kosovo should be respected, but this community should be part of the state of Kosovo. Giving them a special political status and rights would mean that there are no guarantees for stability of the country. Therefore, I agree with the Government of Kosovo that these communities should be part of the political system of Kosovo,” said Burns. 

Serwer: Autonomy for the north splits Kosovo into two entities (dailies)

Balkan analyst from John Hopkins University Daniel Serwer said that Serbia continues to have territorial claims over all of Kosovo, which makes an agreement between them impossible. “I cannot imagine how progress can be made if this claim continues to exist. I know that Serbia cannot join the EU if it carries on with this claim,” Serwer told VOA, adding that Serbia cannot hope to benefit from Ahtisaari’s package when it has not recognized it.

Serwer said Belgrade needs to find a way to recognize Kosovo’s sovereignty and independence by sending an ambassador to Pristina or by allowing Kosovo’s membership in the UN. Speaking about a possible agreement for the north of Kosovo, Serwer stressed that the sticking point between both sides is that Serbia wants local institutions in the north to have executive competencies, which is unacceptable for Kosovo.

Krasniqi: Verification of deputies from AKI is humiliating (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Assembly speaker Jakup Krasniqi is against the Kosovo Intelligence Agency verifying deputies of the parliamentary commission for monitoring of this agency. Krasniqi stated this following a request from a member of this commission, Imri Ahmeti, who originally requested his response two years ago. “As an Assembly speaker it seemed humiliating to me that an unconsolidated institution would deal with verifying the deputies of the Kosovo Assembly, in particular the deputies of this relevant commission,” answered Krasniqi, adding that all parties should know about the past of their deputies. 

Balkans threatened by ethnic divisions (dailies)

US intelligence agencies noted in an annual report that internal political and ethnic divisions are presenting an increasing threat for the western Balkans region. Stepping up efforts for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is also accompanied by the danger of increased violence from Serb extremist groups in the north of Kosovo, the report found.

LB to protest against dialogue with Serbia (Koha Ditore)

The Movement for the Union called for protests because they were unhappy with the result of talks with Serbia. Avni Klinaku scheduled the protest for 19 March under the slogan: “Against division of Mitrovica and for Eastern Kosovo”. The head of Movement said this protest comes when talks between Kosovo and Serbia are about to be finalized.