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UNMIK Headlines 16 August

Headlines-16.08.2017 (2)

The PAN coalition changes position (Koha)

Representatives of the PAN coalition pledged last Wednesday that they would participate at the Assembly constitutive session if a consultative meeting was to be held this Wednesday, in order to resume with the session on Thursday or Friday. Adem Mikullovci, chairman of the session fulfilled their condition; however, PAN representatives changed their minds. Sources of the paper understood that representatives of this coalition plan to postpone the constitutive session for the next week. “There is a determination to go with the session, however, it was decided that PDK should propose the day of holding it, being that they will nominate their leader for the Assembly President,” said the source from this coalition.

“The session to resume when political conditions are created” (Epoka e Re)

Enver Hoxhaj, deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), told the paper that the constitutive session of the Assembly will resume when the political and objective conditions are created. He said that except for the speed of creation of the institutions, their quality is equally as important. According to him, the PAN coalition is interested to create a political consensus on the major issues that await Kosovo. He reiterated that  PAN’s only candidate for  Assembly President will be Kadri Veseli.

LAA holds a round-table with political parties, PAN not invited (RTK)

The LAA coalition will organize today a roundtable to discuss finding a solution that would overcome the created situation in Kosovo after the 11 June elections. The LAA coalition has invited the Vetevendosje movement, minorities as well as experts on constitutional law, but they ignored MPs of the winning coalition PDK-AAK-NISMA.

Mustafa has conditions for Vetevendosje (media)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, spoke after the meeting of the leadership of his party about eventual coalition with the Vetevendosje movement. He said that there are certain issues that have to be clarified prior to creation of a partnership. “They have to clarify their position as a political party. They have to tell if it is true or propaganda that they have submitted 72 cases against me to the prosecution. I was never called by the Prosecution. Then how to agree on a coalition with a party when we do not know what would happen with demarcation, transformation of KSF into an army, economy,” Mustafa said.

Vetevendosje uncertain on addressing the Constitutional Court (Zeri)

The Vetevendosje movement has not decided on whether to join the LAA coalition to address the Constitutional Court with regards to the non-attendance of the PAN coalition at the Assembly’s constitutive session. Officials of this political party consider that the Constitutional Court could complicate matters further, “as it did in 2014.” They said that they would decide after today’s meeting called by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). “From the experience that we have with the Constitutional Court in the past, they only complicate things. Last time, the situation became so complicated that as a consequence, we still face problems today,” Vetvendosje MP, Ismail Kurteshi said.

Kosovo “forgets’ the dialogue (RFE)

Radio Free Europe reports that lack of the creation of new institutions even two months after the parliamentary elections, is being considered to have caused major delays for Kosovo on the political dialogue with Serbia, mediated by the European Union. According to analysts, this has enabled Serbia to gain field in the diplomatic arena, to send signals to the international community that Kosovo is immature to deal with major issues, such as the dialogue. Political analyst, Imer Mushkolaj, said that Serbia is using Kosovo’s institutional vacuum.

The U.S. values Kosovo’s steps against religious radicalisation (Koha)

The U.S. State Department’s International Freedom of Religions Report 2016, stresses that the constitution of Kosovo prohibits religious discrimination and provides for freedom of religion, subject to limitations to ensure public order, health, and safety or to protect the rights of others. “The government took steps to counter radicalization and violent extremism related to religion. According to religious communities, the government continued to respond to societal violence and vandalism against several religious minority communities. Parliament considered, but did not vote on, a government-recommended bill that would allow religious groups to register and acquire legal status so they would be able to conduct business. Religious minorities said municipalities failed to act on requests to build churches and cemeteries, and the government failed to assist them with zoning issues. Several longstanding disputes over ownership of religious property remained unresolved,” the report stresses.

Lack of constitution of institutions risks €78 million EU support (Koha)

With the delay on the constitution of the Assembly and the government, Kosovo risks breach of the agreement with the European Union on allocation of the remaining financial support of the Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) programme. The EU Office in Kosovo informed that if the agreement with the government of Kosovo is not reached by December, and if the agreement is not ratified at the Assembly, Kosovo will lose the right of allocation of €78 million. The paper reports that this would affect the process of reforming the public administration, for which the major part of these funds were foreseen.