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UNMIK Headlines 19 August


Haziri: LDK to consider Kurti’s proposal (RTK)

Albin Kurti, nominee for prime minister from the Vetevendosje movement, requested through an open letter from Kosovo Assembly MPs to propose a joint candidate for Assembly President, in case the PAN coalition boycotts the 24 August session or refuses to present their candidate. He also noted that if the candidate of the PAN coalition does not gain sufficient votes, MPs should proceed with election of their joint candidate.

Lutfi Haziri, member of leadership of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), said his party will consider Kurti’s proposal on Monday. “The leadership considers all constitutional options that lead to speedy creation of institutions,” Haziri said.

Mustafa: Kosovo needs government with Albanian majority (Gazeta Metro)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (LDK) and the outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, took to Facebook to write that Kosovo needs an Albanian majority government, not a government where Serbs are political factors.

Mustafa wrote that the party he runs will not cooperate with 'those who do not choose the means to come to the government'.

"There is no Government of Kosovo with Radojicics and Veselinovics… Kosovo needs an Albanian majority government, which fully respects the rights of the non-majority population," Mustafa wrote.

Makolli: Pacolli’s ultimatum intended unification of opposition (Zeri)

The ten-day ultimatum of the leader of the Alliance for New Kosovo (AKR) Behxhet Pacolli, requesting from opposition leaders Isa Mustafa and Albin Kurti to reach an agreement on creation of the government, stressing that if this does not happen his staying in the LAA coalition does not make sense, is over. The general secretary of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR), told the paper that with his this ultimatum, Behxhet Pacolli intended to unite the opposition parties and not leave the LAA coalition. He justified increase of international pressure to overcome the political blockade.

Kosovo to sign petition for membership at UNESCO (media)

Kosovo intends to initiate on Monday a petition to request from UNESC’s Executive Committee and the General Conference acceptance of Kosovo as member of this significant international organisation. The petition will be signed by members of Kosovo’s Academy of Sciences and Arts, those of the Institute of History and Institute of Albanology, as well as from the University of Pristina.


Serwer: Government with 61 votes is not a stability formula (Zeri)

The U.S. expert on Balkans, Daniel Serwer, told the paper that creation of the new government of Kosovo with simple parliamentary majority is not a formula for stability. Serwer considers that if the PAN coalition fails to create the government, Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci should give the mandate to the Vetevendosje nominee for prime Minister, Albin Kurti. “A government with 61 votes that would have to face a strong opposition in one hand and depend on the Serbian List on the other, does not sound at all to be a formula for stability,” Serwer said.


Rame Buja resigns from PDK (media)

After Shukri Buja, Rame Buja, one of the founders of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), has also resigned irrevocably from this party. He handed over his resignation letter to party’s leadership and leader Kadri Veseli. "The degradation that is taking place [hope I am wrong] will further disturb and disorient this political subject, in which I have lost faith in the end, if the ongoing political degeneration is not stopped, " wrote buja on his resignation letter. the letter. He added that reasons for his resignation are numerous, and that he would not want to mention them on this occasion.