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UNMIK Headlines 19 January

Headlines - 19.01.2015

Serbia interferes in Trepca mine (Kosova Sot)

Following the Kosovo government decision’s to amend the Law on Public Enterprises, which would make the Trepca mining complex a public enterprise, the head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric, held a press conference where he said that Serbia owns the Trepca mine. “Our message to Isa Mustafa and Hashim Thaci is: Do not touch what is ours,” Djuric said, adding that he expects the international community to get involved. Aleksander Vulin, the Serbian Minister of Labour and Social Policy, warned of protests and said the Kosovo government’s decision could threaten stability in Kosovo. Furthermore, Ljubomir Maric, a Serb minister in the Kosovo government, said the mayors of the four northern municipalities are ready to cut off all contact with Pristina institutions if there is a decision to change the ownership of Trepca. At the same time, two Kosovo opposition parties, Vetevendosje and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), announced that they will support Trepca becoming a public enterprise during a vote at today’s Kosovo Assembly session.

Government backs down on Trepca, proposes restructuring (Gazeta Blic)

Citing reliable sources, the news site reports that the Kosovo government is close to giving up on transforming the Trepca mining complex into a publicly-owned enterprise. “Instead of amending the Law on Public Enterprises, with the aim of taking away competencies over Trepca from the Privatization Agency of Kosovo, the government will propose a restructuring of the mining complex,” a source said. The news site tried to contact senior government officials but they were not available for comment.

Jacobson: Preventing liquidation of Trepca a tough job (dailies)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Tracey Ann Jacobson, commented on the ownership of the Trepca mining complex by the government of Kosovo. “The government is working to prevent liquidation of Trepca while recognizing court decision, community interest and budgetary realities. Tough job,” she wrote on her Twitter account.

Northern Serbs will block Mitrovica-Leposavic road today (Kosovapress)

Serbs in northern Kosovo will today block the Mitrovica-Leposavic road to protest against what they see as the privatization of the Trepca mining complex, unidentified sources told Kosovapress. Protesters were to gather at 9:00 a.m. in the village of Rudare, in Zvecan municipality. According to sources, the protest has been organized by the Trepca workers union in the north.

Mustafa calls on people not to leave Kosovo (Bota Sot)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said on Sunday that people from Kosovo should not flee to other countries because the government, led by the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), is working hard to improve their lives. “We have taken the responsibility to govern Kosovo in these difficult times, and we will work hard for Kosovo’s economic development,” Mustafa said. He made these comments on the 25th anniversary of establishment of the LDK in Vushtrri/Vucitrn.

Vladeta Kostic elected Gracanica mayor (Zeri)

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has published the preliminary results of the extraordinary elections in Gracanica. According to the CEC, Vladeta Kostic from the Serbian List won the elections with 64.9 percent of the votes. Nenad Rasic from the Progressive Democratic Party won 31.5 percent, Shaip Berisha from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) got 1.7 percent, and Dragisa Miric of the New Party of Kosovo won 1.8 percent.

Kosovo to host “Western Balkans 6” summit (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, said that Kosovo will host the “Western Balkans 6” ministerial summit in March, which will gather representatives of the region and the European Commission. Selimi said the summit is a continuation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s initiatives for cross-border investments in the Balkans. Selimi added that Serbia, as a founding member of the summit, will also be invited to the event.

Greece doesn’t rule out recognition of Kosovo (Epoka e Re)

The Head of the Greek Liaison Office in Pristina, Konstantina Athanassiadou, told students at a private college in Pristina that Greece has not ruled out recognizing Kosovo’s independence. “We are flexible,” she said, adding that Greece already provides technical support to Kosovo in a number of areas.