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UNMIK Headlines 19 June

Headlines - 19.06.2013

Vetëvendosje “sets fire” to the agreement (dailies)

Activists of Vetëvendosje have set on fire the text of the agreement with Serbia in all major cities in Kosovo and the move is a preceding scenario to prevent the Kosovo Assembly session of 20 June from ratification of the agreement which is set to be put to vote. Vetëvendosje has admitted it is alone in rejecting the ratification of the agreement in the Assembly with two opposition parties, LDK and AAK, having decided to support the motion.

On Tuesday, leaders of Vetëvendosje have announced that they will prevent the ratification of the agreement also inside the Assembly, the scenario of which is being prepared. The leader of Vetëvendosje, Albin Kurti, said that all their actions would be democratic.

Ischinger is skeptical about implementation of agreement (Zëri)

Former EU envoy in talks on Kosovo status Wolfgang Ischinger said he is skeptical that agreement between Kosovo and Serbia will be fully implemented. He said that beyond painful decisions, the lessons from history show that peace between neighbours requires compromise.

Registration at CEC, condition for Serb parties to run in elections   (Koha Ditore)

Based on a reliable source, Koha Ditore reports that the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, is expected to decree 27 October as the date for local elections. Jahjaga has consulted the political parties on the date of elections and she will have final meetings with them during this week. However, representatives of the political parties in the north that were not certified at Kosovo legal authorities were not among those consulted. Parties that are part of the illegal government will not be able to compete in these elections if they do not register with Central Election Commission. “The entire process will be realized under CEC’s mandate,” stated Edita Tahiri, head of Kosovo delegation at the technical discussions with Serbia being held in Brussels.

Minister Hoxhaj receives support of the U.S. for Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

During the participation at the ministerial meeting of the U.S. – Adriatic Charter, Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj, had a separate meeting with the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, Philip Reeker, who hailed the progress in Kosovo and expressed further support of the U.S. for Kosovo, including participation and membership of Kosovo at regional initiatives.

Hoxhaj expressed appreciation of Kosovo’s population for the strong support of the U.S. in every aspect, and the will of Kosovo citizens to deepen bilateral cooperation and strategic partnership with the U.S.

Freedom House: Kosovo worse than all Balkans states (Koha Ditore)

In the recent report “Nations in Transit”, Freedom House provides a comprehensive study of democratic development in 29 countries mainly from Europe where Kosovo is ranked among the semi-consolidated authoritarian regimes. According to the report, Kosovo has stalled in processes such as elections system, civil society, independent media, central and local democratic governance, independent judiciary and fight against corruption. In these areas, Kosovo stands worse than all regional countries in the Balkans.

Government of Kosovo reacted to the report calling its findings “inaccurate” and “tendentious”. “The author of the report has failed in maintaining minimum of professional seriousness and political impartiality”, said Minister Blerand Stavileci speaking on behalf of the Kosovo Government.

Hand grenade explodes in north of Mitrovica (Koha Ditore)

A hand grenade has exploded yesterday in north Mitrovica, in the “John Kennedy” street, said Kosovo Police. No one was injured in the explosion. “The explosion happened after 17:00 hours and has caused only material damage,” said Police spokesperson for Mitrovica region, Besim Hoti. According to him, Police is on the scene and is conducting investigations. He did not comment about possible motive of the attack.

However, sources of newspaper have emphasized that the incident comes as a result of problems between criminal groups. According to the source, two brothers have won a tender for the repairing the facades of buildings in the “John Kennedy” street and did not accept bribing another group the members of which are suspected of throwing a hand grenade.

Bondsteel expected to close in 2014 (Tribuna)

Tribuna quotes sources as saying that depending on developments in the north of Kosovo, after Brussels agreement, there will be a decision on possible downsizing of NATO troops serving with KFOR.

Sources said the aim is to have the biggest military base in the region, Bondsteel, close down in 2014 as well as the KFOR camp in north of Kosovo known as “Nothing Hill”, while the only operating camps will be in Pristina and Istog. KFOR spokesperson, Guenter Bohn, said for the newspaper that KFOR is not informed about a decision that would lead to the change of structure of KFOR mandate.

Poor Kosovo leads in economic growth (Koha Ditore)

World Bank predicts that economic growth for Kosovo in 2013 will be 3.1 percent and urges it to continue structural reforms, fiscal consolidation and regulating the business environment. However, economic growth will not be able to reduce poverty in Kosovo where there is an estimated 80 percent of the population in moderate poverty and 30 percent living in extreme poverty.

A better climate this year will affect mostly Kosovo importers and exporters and the banking system while it is not expected to have a positive impact on lowering the unemployment rate which continues to be at 45 percent.

Around 2,000 citizens protested in Skënderaj against EULEX (Koha Ditore)

The protest organized by the organizations of KLA war veterans in Skënderaj municipality gathered around two thousand citizens yesterday. For approximately one hour, the citizens protested against EULEX and the arrests of former KLA warriors. Protesters were mainly former KLA members from different operative zones, public servants of Skënderaj, students, members and supporters of PDK, but also heads of businesses which closed during the time of protest. While former warriors carried their war uniforms, many protesters carried T-shirts with the logo, “Do not judge my freedom.”

Bukoshi, not guilty, not welcomed in the Government (Koha Ditore)

Bujar Bukoshi’s seat at the Government was not guaranteed even though the reasons why he had to leave the Government ended on Tuesday to his favour. Bukoshi was acquitted from charges for abuse of official position but his colleague, Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi, was not able to say whether Bukoshi could return after the decision of the Basic Court in Pristina. “The Prime Minister decides on this issue,” said Kuçi.