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UNMIK Headlines 2 December

Headlines - 02.12.2015

Delawie: The U.S. position is clear, violence is not accepted (RTK)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie said in an interview for RTK that the U.S. position towards the recent developments in Kosovo is clear: violence is unacceptable. “Where the political situation in the country is concerned, I think that I have tried to make it clear during the past months that the position of the U.S. towards violence as political tactics, is objected by us because we think that there is no room for violence in democracy.” Speaking about the visit of the U.S. Secretary of State to Kosovo, Delawie said that he is coming to express U.S. support for Kosovo. “I think that he will speak about the issues that I also spoke about since my arrival, a few months ago, such as the rule of law, economic development and regional security. It is interesting because Secretary Kerry is traveling to many countries in Europe, but Kosovo is one of the few countries where he will discuss more about bilateral relations and not only the multilateral ones. Delawie also informed that U.S. Secretary of State will be divided in three parts. He will initially meet with Prime Minister Mustafa, Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and Deputy Prime Minister Stojanovic, to discuss bilateral and political issues. During the second part, for which I am very pleased, he will meet with a dozen young Kosovars who participated in educational programs or exchange programs sponsored by the U.S. government… You know that ever since I was nominated for this position, I said that everything is done for the Kosovo youth and we should continue to work for the future of Kosovo and Secretary Kerry will divide some time to meet with some young people of Kosovo. The third element concerns a press conference,” Delawie said. Asked if Secretary Kerry is visiting Kosovo due to the current political situation, Delawie said that this visit was planned a long time ago. 

Thaci travels to Montenegro about border demarcation (Koha)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci has travelled unexpectedly to Montenegro to take part in a meeting that is to address the Kosovo-Montenegro border demarcation, sources revealed. The meeting comes ahead of the NATO’s likely decision to issue a formal invitation to Montenegro to join the alliance with one of the conditions for its admission being the defined borderline with neighbouring countries. However, Thaci is expected to return to Kosovo in time for the meeting with the US Secretary of State John Kerry. 

Opposition announces fresh protests across Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

Representatives of the opposition parties have announced they will stage protests against the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation with Montenegro in different cities in Kosovo. In a press conference, the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said that they will call a rally in Gjakova/Djakovica on Saturday demanding their conditions for withdrawal of agreements be met.

Derguti: Veseli wanted to suspend opposition for three months (Zeri)

Kosovo Assembly Vice-President from the Vetevendosje Movement, Aida Derguti, told the paper that Assembly President Kadri Veseli, during the Presidency meeting on Monday, demanded the suspension of the opposition for a period of up to three months. However, according to her, vice- presidents of the Assembly told Veseli that there are no legal grounds for such a decision. Despite this, Derguti said that the opposition will not stop and will continue to oppose the agreements on Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and border demarcation with Montenegro. "We will intensify our actions, including protests for which we will inform the public on time," Derguti said. 

House arrest for Vetevendosje MP Fisnik Ismaili (Zeri)

Vetevendosje Movement MP Fisnik Ismaili, who was arrested on Monday at the premises of the Assembly for allegedly possessing two canisters of teargas, has been issued the measure of one month’s house arrest. “I’ve sworn as a member of Parliament that I will protect the interests of Kosovo and this is what I am doing. When the injustice becomes the law, resistance will be my main duty,” Ismaili wrote in his Facebook account.  

Serwer: Association/Community not to violate Kosovo’s sovereignty (Zeri)

Daniel Serwer, former U.S. diplomat and expert for Balkan issues told the paper that violence in the Kosovo Assembly is unacceptable. According to him, the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities can be implemented without violating Kosovo’s sovereignty. “The violence that is being used in the Assembly is unacceptable. Voters should make the final judgment as to how they feel about this issue. The opposition has the right to object but only peacefully. I think the Association of Serb-majority municipalities can be implemented without violating Kosovo’s sovereignty,” Serwer said. He added that the violence in the Assembly is damaging the image of Kosovo. 

Police rebut reports that terror suspect Muhaxhiri is in the region (Bota Sot)

Kosovo Police in a press conference yesterday spoke about the arrest of a terror suspect at the village of Hani i Elezit as part of a wider operation carried out in cooperation with Italian police. Kosovo Police said there are over 100 persons arrested in Kosovo so far in connection to terrorist activity while 80 are believed to be fighting alongside the Islamic State group in Syria. The police also rebutted media reports that the terror suspect Lavdrim Muhaxhiri is in one of the countries in the region saying they possess no such information.