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UNMIK Headlines 20 July

Headlines - 20.07.2013 Legal conflict regarding amnesty law (Koha Ditore) The paper reports that the fact that the amnesty law was sent to the Constitutional Court to review its legitimacy and to the President of Kosovo to promulgate it could cause a conflict as the applicable law suggests a legal act is suspended until the Constitutional Court delivers its decision. As a result of this situation, it is unclear whether President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga will be able to promulgate the law within the given timeframe. Constitutional Court may not review amnesty law’s legitimacy (Tribuna) Amnesty law risks not being reviewed at all by the Constitutional Court as it is alleged to have been presented to the Court after the legally-set deadlines have expired. Sources told the paper that the law was supposed to reach the Constitutional Court by Thursday afternoon as it was approved by the Assembly last Thursday. Vetëvendosje MP Albulena Haxhiu who submitted the case to the court insisted this was done within the legal timeframe and that the Constitutional Court has no reason not to review the amnesty law. “We expect the Constitutional Court to act based on constitutional principled and assess justly our request. It is also worth noting that the legal advisor of the Constitutional Court who received our request informed us that today was the last day,” said Haxhiu. CEC with secret plan for elections in the north (Tribuna) Head of Central Elections Commission Valdete Daka issued a confidential report informing CEC members of an operational plan aimed to be implemented for local elections in the north. The report, a copy of which the paper seems to possess, speaks about issues that need to be coordinated with OSCE for organizing elections in the north. It also says the OSCE will have an operational role while elections will be organized based on applicable legislation. “Registration of political entities and certification will be implemented by respecting procedures on the Law on general elections. If necessary, the OSCE may ensure mediation in transmitting requests,” said Daka in the report. Travelling to the north with EULEX helicopters (Tribuna) Kosovo Customs have refuted the statement of Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi that Kosovo police and customs officers are freely travelling to the northern border points, Jarinje and Bërnjak. Customs officials said that they still have to reach one of these points by EULEX helicopters. “At border gate 1, Jarinje, customs officers are moving with cars while at gate 31, Bërnjak, they still travel with helicopters,” said Fllanza Mezini from the Kosovo Customs. Trial against Nazim Bllaca concluded (dailies) Trial chamber consisting of EULEX and Kosovo judges sentenced Nazim Bllaca yesterday to 4 and half years in prison for the killing of Ibush Kllokoqi in 1999. However, Bllaca, considered a collaborating witness in a number of cases, seems will not have to serve any prison time because the period he spent under house arrest could be deducted from his sentence.