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UNMIK Headlines 20 May

Germany conditions Serbia: Implementation of agreement first (Epoka)

Germany’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Guido Westerwelle, immediately after arriving at Belgrade Airport, stated that he has come to encourage “for the real historical chance for Serbia and that Germany and Germans want to contribute for Serbia to take a proper place in order for the country to develop economically. “I want to encourage you to take the difficult decisions in the proper manner and with courage,” said Westerwelle. “Both our countries are European, we are both Europeans, and we are equal partners and I want to contribute in order for the difficult discussions, which were crowned with a historical result on 19 April, to be implemented successfully,” said Westerwelle.

Germany’s Foreign Ministry informed through a press release that Westerwelle’s visit toBelgradeand Pristina will take place as agreed with Baroness Ashton, and that chief of German diplomacy wants to contribute on the success of her efforts. This press release stressed thatSerbiais candidate for the start of the discussions for EU membership, however, “progress on relations with Kosovo,” is a condition for EU membership.

Blomeyer believes implementation of Agreement will start tomorrow (Koha)

The Ambassador of Germany in Kosovo, Peter Blomeyer, assesses the visit ofGermany’s Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle, inBelgradeand Pristina as an encouragement and not pressure to the leaders ofSerbiaand Kosovo, to start implementation of the Agreement reached on 19 April. Westerwelle will meet the two Prime Ministers  and other representatives of the states, at the time when it is most required, especially now on the verge of the meeting of the parties in Brussels, on Tuesday, 21 May, and where a great will to reach an agreement between the parties on implementation of the Agreement of 10 May,  is expected,” said Blomeyer. “I believe that implementation of the Agreement between Kosovo andSerbiawill start on Tuesday. It is not that simple to such a thing, however it is several time easier than the successes reached so far, during the discussions,” he added.

Pristina denies new compromises for the Agreement (Koha)

Members of the Kosovo Government expect that when their chief, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, returns from Brussels where he will meet Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic on Tuesday, they will be able to talk about the implementation of the April 19 agreement for the establishment of the association of Serb majority municipalities in northern Kosovo.

Kosovo’s European Integration Minister Vlora Çitaku said the April agreement is meaningless if it is not implemented. “The Government of Kosovo hopes that there will be full agreement on the implementation plan for the April 19 agreement. Only the implementation plan gives meaning to the April 19 agreement. Otherwise, the agreement is not complete and it would not pave way to Serbia’s membership talks.”

Çitaku said Belgrade is responsible why the agreement is not being implemented yet. “Kosovo has accepted the implementation plan of Baroness Ashton. The Serbian delegation expressed some concerns, related mainly to the situation in the north and they said they have to talk first to the people there to explain the content of the agreement to them and then accept the implementation plan. Concerns were related to the areas of police and justice, knowing that Serbia has to dissolve its parallel security structures there and this has caused headaches in Belgrade, as they have to deal with the situation they created there.”

Çitaku also said Kosovo would not have to make concessions about the implementation plan. She was replying to a statement made by Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic who said that “Kosovo is expected to make new compromises”. “There is no more talk about giving ground, because the agreement has been reached and it cannot be renegotiated. It is very clear what needs to be done and there is no room to give ground,” Çitaku added.

Fuele: Serbia to implement agreement with Kosovo (dailies)

The European Union’s Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele has called on Serbian politicians to engage in the implementation of the Brussels Agreement and to continue reforms. He said the agreement is a great move in relations between Belgrade and Pristina and that now it needs to be implemented.

Asked to comment on reports that Germany thinks the Brussels Agreement is not enough for Serbia to get the date for membership talks, Fuele said, “EU member states agree that priority in starting these talks is noticeable and sustainable progress in relations with Kosovo”.

Haradinaj confident in implementation of agreement (Tribuna)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), said he is optimistic that in their next meeting Kosovo and Serbia prime ministers, Hashim Thaçi and Ivica Dacic, will agree to implement the April 19 agreement. “What is important is that we now have an agreement and we expect it to be implemented on the ground. We need to be careful and not rush, because this is a game of nerves and we must keep our composure. I believe the implementation of the agreement will commence soon,” Haradinaj said.

Serbia wants return of Serbs to Kosovo (Tribuna)

Marko Djuric, chief advisor to Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, said Serbia was waiting for dialogue on wealth, religious and cultural heritage and the return of 230,000 displaced Serbs from Kosovo (even though according to UNHCR statistics there are 60,000 displaced Serbs). Djuric, who leads Belgrade’s team for the implementation of the Brussels agreement, said the plan proposal can be drafted only with consent of both parties and that the EU representative is not expected to give advantage to any party on the interpretation of the agreement. “A difficult task awaits our team. We are not entitled to make errors,” Djuric said.

Kadri Veseli may become prime minister (Zëri)

In an interview for the paper, Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and PDK deputy leader, Hajredin Kuçi, unfolded the PDK plans for the next elections and who can be Thaçi’s counter-candidate for the post of prime minister. 

Asked if former SHIK chief Kadri Veseli can run for the post of prime minister, as he is member of PDK’s leading structures, Kuçi said, “Mr. Veseli is deputy leader of the party and as such can manage every position in our country.”

Does this mean he can be the next prime minister of Kosovo?

Kuçi: Absolutely. Only the decision needs to come from the PDK and then it needs to adopted by the Parliament of Kosovo.