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UNMIK Headlines 22 July

Headlines - 22.07.2017

Hoxhaj:Kosovo has ensured votes for UNESCO and INTERPOL (Zeri)

Kosovo’s Acting Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj, told Zeri that Kosovo will be soon recognized by the 115th state. According to him, all the procedures have already concluded and it only remains for the recognition to become official. However, Hoxhaj did not want to reveal the name of the state.

Hoxhaj also said that Kosovo has already ensured the required votes to be accepted at the international organisations such as UNESCO and INTERPOL.

Haradianj calls on Mustafa and Pacolli for support (RTK)

The candidate for prime minister from PAN coalition, Ramush Haradinaj, confirmed on Friday after visiting late President Ibrahim Rugova’s family that he has their support and called on the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa and the leader of the Alliance for New Kosovo (AKR) Behxhet Pacolli, to join forces and support creation of the new government as soon as possible.

All media reported that Rugova’s daughter, Teuta Rugova, who is LDK’s elected MP, promised her support for Haradinaj. She also called on LDK MPs and leadership not to ignore her father’s close cooperation with Haradinaj.

RTK sources learned that Haradinaj is discussing with five other MPs to convince them to support him with their vote on creation of the new government.

Mustafa: No loyal LDK MP would vote Haradinaj (RTK)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), took to Facebook to write that no loyal LDK MP would vote Ramush Haradinaj for the Prime Minister fo Kosovo. Furthermore, he said that his party would never join PAN coalition.

“Those who attacked the Prime Minister and the government led by LDK with all means and violent methods, today speak on behalf of Ibrahim Rugova and request from LDK to give them votes for a government led by PDK. Based on what right? Moral? Political? Ethical?” asked Mustafa.

“We are not responsible that you made mistakes on your calculations. Therefore do not bother us by telling how Rugova gave you the mandate. Today we are not giving you neither the mandate nor the trust,” Mustafa wrote.

Delawie meets Kurti and Konjufca (RTK)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, met on Friday with Vetevendosje’s nominee for the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and Vetevendosje MP Glauk Konjufca.

They discussed the flow of 11 June elections, process of creation of the institutions as well as challenges and work that awaits the future government of Kosovo.

They also discussed about the rule of law, war against corruption, economic development, diaspora investments as well as relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

Vetevendosje representatives reiterated their readiness for deeper partnership and alliance between Kosovo and the U.S.

Mogherini speaks in Greece about Pristina-Belgrade dialogue (Koha)

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini met on Friday in Athens with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias.

The EU diplomat stressed the importance of the Balkans and insisted that this region would be a priority for the Union. She said that she believes there will be multiple opportunities in the next months to make progress in the discussions between Athens and Skopje over the name dispute, and between Belgrade and Pristina regarding the difficulties Serbia and Kosovo have in their relationship.

Vetevendosje announces internal elections (RTK)

Vetevendosje movement has issued a communique to inform that they will be announcing internal elections today. “Vetevendosje movement organizes on Saturday at 11:00 hours a conference to inform about announcing internal elections and nomination of the candidates for municipal mayors and assemblies for 2017 local elections,” informs the press release.

Delawie: Government should be formed by people voters elected (TV Herc, RTK)

In an interview given to Shterpce local broadcaster in Serbian, TV Herc, the U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delavie, said that Kosovo is at a turning point because of all the changes that are going on in the world, the changes going on in Europe, people are distracted by different things. “The world is not going to stand by and wait for Kosovo to figure itself out. The world is moving, and Kosovo needs to move too. It is at a turning point because I think it has an opportunity now, that it may not have in the future, to make the decisions that will put it firmly on a European path so it becomes a European country like any other and Kosovo citizens, from whatever group they come from, can enjoy the benefits of living in a European nation.

There is a risk that Kosovo does not make these right decisions, and that is why I have been emphasizing the turning point. It is very important for all of Kosovo’s citizens and the politicians that have been elected in the last month to make the right decisions so that Kosovo can advance, so that its citizens can enjoy the full benefits that a democracy, their Constitution gives them. The citizens can take advantage of economic growth to improve their livelihoods,” Delawie said.

Asked about who should form the future government of Kosovo, Delawie said the people that the voters elected. “The people that the voters elected need to make that decision, not me, not the Quint, not any other foreigner. The citizens of Kosovo voted for Parliamentarians. The Election Commission has now certified the results so we know who those Parliamentarians are going to be, and they have to work to identify a government that can achieve 61 votes in the Assembly. It is not for me to say who should be in that government, it is not for any other foreigner to say who should be in that government. It is for the citizens of Kosovo through their elected representatives who need to say that,” he said.

He added that the U.S. Embassy would work with any government that emerges according to the rules and the laws of Kosovo’s Constitution, Kosovo’s laws. “Any government willing to try to make progress on key issues that are facing Kosovo today. These are the ones I mentioned earlier- the rule of law, economic development, and the regional security issues. We are eager to work with politicians, with the government, that will work to solve the problems that are facing Kosovo’s citizens today.”