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UNMIK Headlines 23 July

Headlines - 23.07.2013

Thaçi: Decisions of parallel courts not to be legitimized (Koha Ditore)

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi said in a debate that decisions reached by courts in the north that are based on Serbia’s old laws will not be legitimized in Kosovo. “Those rulings will not be recognized,” he said to the participants of the Pristina Political School.

Speaking about agreement with Serbia, PM Thaçi said it was the best possible solution and presents a European agreement that will improve neighbourly relations without which Kosovo would not have a future as a state. He also said Kosovo is soon expected to be issued an international prefix through application by an EU member state or the EU itself.

The north neutral to independence (Tribuna)

European officials said that the Kosovo side was made aware that the agreement of 19 April is neutral and actions to implement it should also be status neutral. “It was clear from the outset that there can be no implications on the status,” said the unnamed EU official. Any arrangement in the north, according to the source, should therefore reflect neutrality towards independence of Kosovo. “No matter how painful this will be for any of the sides, this is the reality,” the source added.

Fight against corruption continues with “strong messages” (Koha Ditore)

On Kosovo Justice Day, heads of state gave “strong messages” for the rule of law, fight against corruption and organized crime while President Atifete Jahjaga evaluated that Kosovo is rooted in the rule of law, and as a state of rule of law it will not recognize anymore the power of crime but the “strong hand of the law.”

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi has reiterated that the rule of law presents the essential priority of his Government. The Kosovo Justice Day, according to Thaçi, marks moments of the new history of Kosovo. “Kosovo citizens have been unjustly deprived of the right to celebrate this day for one century. Seen from the historic aspect, our permanent efforts for justice served our country as a guide for freedom, equality and peace, while seeing it today, the justice serves Kosovo for strengthening the rule of law and contributes to integration processes,” said Thaçi.

“Civil Protection”, ransoming local businesses (Koha Ditore)

Quoting what it says are reliable sources, the paper writes that the illegal security structure “Civil Protection” is seeking ransom from businesses in the north. In fact, the source added, this was also the reason behind a physical clash between two Serb brothers from Leposaviq and four members of the “Civil Protection”. Firearms were also used in the clash resulting in three members of the “Civil Protection” being admitted to Mitrovica hospital in the north for minor injuries.

Serbs divided about the “joint list” (dailies)

Kosovo Serbs are again divided on the issue of creating a joint list with which they would race in Kosovo local elections. The proposal for such list has been made from Prime Minister of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, who presented the stance that Serb political entities should not participate separately in local elections but create a joint list.

But, while the Serbs who live south of Iber River say that the joint list would strengthen their position for the protection of the interest of Serb community, those who live in north of Kosovo emphasize that with such proposal, Belgrade officials are trying to “clean the treason.” One of the Serb leaders from the north, while talking for Radio Free Europe, emphasized that their representatives during talks with the head of the state of Serbia have expressed disagreements that the Serbs from the north to participate in the elections organized by Kosovo institutions, but, according to him, the pressure about this issue is expected to be high.

Constitutional Court’s strange request (Lajm)

Kosovo Constitutional Court has sent a letter to President Atifete Jahjaga informing her that it has received a file disputing the legitimacy of the amnesty law and instructing her not to sign the law in question until the court reaches a decision. The paper suspects there may have been some misunderstandings resulting in Court’s drafting of the letter because the President has full authority to sign laws within the given timeframe or send them back for review.

Krasniqi: Justice system to have its say on EULEX, not Assembly (Koha Ditore)

Whether EULEX is to remain in Kosovo and under what kind of mandate, is an issue which the justice system should decide on and not Kosovo Assembly, said Speaker Jakup Krasniqi. Asked by journalists if Kosovo Assembly can decide to remove EULEX from Kosovo, Krasniqi said the question is being made at the wrong address. “These questions should be addressed to the Kosovo justice system. They are obliged to give an answer to this question because they know about their capabilities, if they have them or not. I don’t think that this whole issue is an issue for the Assembly, while the justice system is an independent system,” said Krasniqi.

US KFOR: Serbian Gendarmerie will not provoke anymore (Kosova Sot)

Kamenica Mayor, Shaip Surdulli, on Monday met US Army Major, Jonathan Hartsock and his associates. “What we want is that the Serbian Gendarmerie doesn’t go out on the paved road to upset the citizens, while we are not going to leave our place”, said Surdulli in this meeting. On the other hand, Major Hartsock said that on Saturday with the KFOR General they visited the area in Karaçeva. Surdulli said he received promises from the US KFOR that Serbian Gendarmerie will not make any more such entries in Karaçeva.

Selimi and Lushtaku hospitalised (dailies)

The two accused in the so-called Drenica case, Ambassador Sylejman Selimi and Skenderaj Mayor Sami Lushtaku, have sought medical assistance in the hospital in Pristina. Selimi is undergoing treatment at the cardiology ward while Lushtaku was taken to the orthopedic department. Officials at the hospital said the health condition of the two men is not cause for concern.