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UNMIK Headlines 26 April

  • CEC certifies Serbian List following ECAP ruling (media)
  • ESI: Discussions on border changes bring back tensions in the Balkans (Koha)
  • Ahmeti on Berlin Summit: There are rumors that Germany has a proposal (RTK)
  • Kosnett: Kosovo has good laws but implementation of court decisions, a challenge (media)
  • Serbian Police detain and interrogate SLS official at border crossing (media)
  • Vetevendosje leaders file lawsuit against Thaci and Veseli (media)
  • Lekaj: Opposition is making noise, there are no elections this year (Epoka)
  • “Kosovo should be in the UN Report for sexual violence during conflict” (RTK)

 Kosovo Media Highlights

CEC certifies Serbian List following ECAP ruling (media)

The Central Election Commission (CEC) decided to certify the Serbian List for extraordinary elections in four northern municipalities following the ruling of the Election Complaints and Appeals Panel (ECAP) which said that the party meets all necessary criteria to run in the 19 May elections.

Head of the CEC, Valdete Daka, said ECAP rulings are obligatory. “We have the ruling of the ECAP to certify the Serbian List and its four candidates and this decision is effective as the Serbian List has announced it will not appeal to the Supreme Court,” she said.

The CEC decision however was criticized by Vetevendosje whose representative Adnan Rrustemi called it a dangerous precedent. He said the CEC is not permitted to automatically follow ECAP rulings and that it should wait for a period of twenty-four hours to see whether anyone will follow the matter to the Supreme Court or even the Constitutional Court.

ESI: Discussions on border changes bring back tensions in the Balkans (Koha)

The European Stability Initiative (ESI) said in a report titled “The Hypnotist – Aleksandar Vucic, John Bolton and the return of the past” that discussions on the border changes have brought back tensions in the Balkans which may flare up at any moment.

The report argues against border changes proclaimed by Serbia’s Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo’s Hashim Thaci and calls on the EU to take on an active role to put on the right track the region’s European perspective and end discussions that lead towards conflicts.

“The European Union should immediately close the Pandora box of further talks on redrawing Balkan borders. It should reaffirm the principles that led the EU to open accession talks with Serbia in 2014, which included the gradual normalization of relations with Kosovo. It should warn Aleksandar Vucic that the war-mongering by Serbian government ministers has to stop. Threats to intervene militarily in North Kosovo are unacceptable. Germany, France and other EU members should make clear that they are also prepared to take more responsibility for security in the Balkans, if at any moment the US president decides to withdraw all US troops. At the same time the European Union should offer Serbia, Kosovo and all other Balkan countries the prospect of real, tangible progress,” ESI recommends.

The U.S. national security advisor, John Bolton, is also mentioned in the report in connection to his statement he made back in 2008 when he was serving as the U.S. ambassador to the UN. “Further partitioning Kosovo is the right thing to do, at least for the areas with a Serb majority that border Southern Serbia. It would reflect both the ethnic and political reality on the ground,” he is quoted to have said.

See the full report here:

Ahmeti on Berlin Summit: There are rumors that Germany has a proposal (RTK)

Shpend Ahmeti, co-head of Kosovo delegations in discussions with Serbia, said there are rumors that Germany is expected to make a proposal on Kosovo-Serbia talks, during the 29 April Summit in Berlin.

“To be honest, we do not expect any major change of the situation. There were announcements that the agreement will happen there… but it is not so. It has more to do with definition, or to get ideas on how to move forward with the process.”

“It is true that there are discussions in the international arena between the U.S. and European partners. But this does not mean that there will be a proposal which has to be accepted or rejected there. We are still in the initial phase of the political dialogue. The truth is that all these countries agree that there are chances and possibilities to reach an agreement this year, but as you are aware, the process has been blocked for several months now,” Ahmeti told Voice of America.

Kosnett: Kosovo has good laws but implementation of court decisions, a challenge (media)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett, said in a debate organised by the Kosovo-based think tank Fol that Kosovo has sound laws but that implementation of court decisions remains a challenge.

“As Kosovo enters its second decade of independence, it has capable institutions and sound laws, stemming from its constitution. Citizens have more access to information on government decision-making than ever before.  Kosovo is impressing the world as a regional leader in public procurement transparency and victim compensation. And in a trail-blazing move, Kosovo passed comprehensive whistleblower legislation before the European Union.   Kosovo’s citizens have much to be proud of on this front. But you have a lot of work to do as well,” he said.

Kosnett mentioned the case involving the Orthodox Monastery in Decan as an example of the court ruling not being enforced. “The constitutional court, which bases decisions on Kosovo’s constitution, confirmed the Orthodox Church’s ownership of several parcels of land.  But local and central-level cadastral officials refused to implement the decision, with the tacit support of senior officials,” he underscored.

The U.S. ambassador also said that rule of law enables everyone to have a bright future: “I believe Kosovo’s international partners have a constructive role to play in shining the spotlight on violations of justice as well as positive steps, as the U.S. Government and others have been doing for some time.  We will continue to do this.  Expect to hear more soon about ways we can help ensure that those who engage in corruption or organized crime experience consequences for their corrupt behavior.  But the primary responsibility for ensuring justice in Kosovo must lie with the people of Kosovo, acting both individually and collectively.”

In conclusion, Kosnett said that every citizen has a role to play in upholding the rule of law. “Expect more from your elected officials.  The establishment of democracy in Kosovo was a tremendous achievement; don’t take it for granted.  Vote. Write. Speak out.  Demonstrate peacefully. Expect politicians, police, prosecutors, and judges to meet their responsibilities of providing justice fairly, equally, and with honor.”

Serbian Police detain and interrogate SLS official at border crossing (media)

Srdjan Jovanovic, adviser to the Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj and official from the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) was detained and interrogated by the Serbian Police at the Dheu i Bardhe (Konculj) border crossing while travelling from Kosovo to Vranje. He was allegedly told that the Serbian intelligence service BIA has ordered his detention.

The media highlight that this is not the first time that Serbian authorities undertake such actions against the members of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) political entity. Slobodan Petrovic, Boban Stankovic, Nebojsa Jakovljevic and Srecko Spasic were also stopped by the Serbian police. In a statement, SLS called on the EU and all relevant institutions to react to these actions.

Kosovo leaders have condemned the detention of Jovanovic. Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj said this was a clear case of intimidation and “a sign of aggression towards Kosovo citizens.” He also urged the EU to reflect and address behavior of Serbian authorities towards Kosovo citizens. “This aggression does not help normalization of the relations between our countries,” Haradinaj added.

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli called the behaviour of Serbian authorities “unacceptable.” “This is an act that aims encouragement of hatred and insecurity among Kosovo Serbs,” Veseli said. He added that the European Union should react and request from Serbia to stop these provocative actions. At the same time, Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli warned that in case Jovanovic is mistreated by the Serbian police, Kosovo will review the possibility of closing the liaison office in Serbia.

Meanwhile, the EU Office told Zeri that they have been made aware of Jovanovic’s detention and that they have requested for clarifications from the Serbian authorities.

Vetevendosje leaders file lawsuit against Thaci and Veseli (media)

Albin Kurti, leader of the Vetevendosje Movement and Glauk Konjufca, caucus of this political entity, have filed a lawsuit at the Basic Prosecution against President Hashim Thaci and the Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli. According to Kurti, Thaci and Veseli slandered under oath against him, Glauk Konjufca and Sadri Ramabaja, during the hearing held on 28 December, for the case of 'The Eye of the People.’

“We are submitting today the criminal report against Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli, given the false statements against the 'People's Eye' on the occasion of the attack they have made against me and Glauk. It's a clear political tendency to fight the Movement, it concerns political elimination of Vetevendosje," Kurti said. Vetevendosje caucus Glauk Konjufca said that Thaci and Veseli have chosen to hit a political opponent through justice. “According to the president, I and Albin are connected with an organization such as 'The Eye of the People.” The president said accusations should widen against me and Albin, and they have chosen to hit the political opponent through justice, and we believe there are brave prosecutor here but that they do not come in, "Konjufca said.

Lekaj: Opposition is making noise, there are no elections this year (Epoka)

Kosovo’s Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, who is also deputy leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), does not believe that there are going to be early elections this year. He said he does not see any reason for this and added that the current government will end its regular mandate. He said Kosovo has a weak opposition that is more making noise and it is not proving its criticisms towards the government. He also denied that relations between Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli and PM Ramush Haradinaj are estranged.  

“Kosovo should be in the UN Report for sexual violence during conflict” (RTK)

Albania’s Ambassador at the United Nations Besiana Kadare, has presented a request during the UN Security Council debate on sexual violence during conflicts, organized by German as it is presiding over the Council and led by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas.

Kadare called on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to include Kosovo in his future report about the sexual violence during conflict. “Over 20,000 survivors suffer in silence even today, isolated by stigma and discrimination. Despite all existing evidence no case was punished so far,” she said. Albania was the only country to mention Kosovo during the debate, RTK reports.