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UNMIK Headlines 27 July

Headlines - 27.07.2013

Hoxhaj: Kosovo has 101 recognitions (

Kosovo's chief diplomat Enver Hoxhaj said on Friday that 101 world countries have so far recognized Kosovo's independence. During a report at Kosovo Parliament's foreign affairs committee, Hoxhaj said another three countries will soon recognize Kosovo.

"In the last six months, we focused on recognitions. We visited 30 countries that have not recognized Kosovo. According to my information, another three countries are close to finalizing procedures for recognizing Kosovo's independence and they are expected to announce their decisions very soon," he said.

Hoxhaj said the top priority of Kosovo's Ministry for Foreign Affairs is cooperation with five non-recognizing member states of the European Union. He added that the governments of Greece, Slovakia and Romania are more open to Kosovo's recognition than their public.

Kurti: Only Vetevendosje would dare fight corruption (

During a visit to Suhareka municipality on Friday, Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti said only his political party would dare fight corruption in Kosovo. "Vetevendosje is the only one that would dare fight corruption to the end and liberate the people and the economy. We have the know-how, the willingness and the courage to confront them," Kurti was quoted as saying.

Kurti said there were two prevailing processes in post-war Kosovo: the privatization process and negotiations with Serbia. "The first process de-industrialized Kosovo, whereas the second process is creating a different state within the state of Kosovo," he added.

Ceku: Review for KSF (

In an interview for Epoka e Re, Kosovo Security Force Minister Agim Ceku said the force is determining its mission. He said that according to the Ahtisaari Package and laws adopted by Kosovo's Parliament, the KSF has limitations in its duties, mission, mandate, equipment and structure.

Ceku said a process for reviewing the KSF would take place by the end of the year. "Following the review, the KSF will undergo changes, it will have a new mandate, which it currently lacks. The review process will conclude this year and then we will come out with recommendations that will be sent to the government and parliament ... The review process requires time, coordination, studies, but it is an irreversible process."

Ceku also said the KSF is ready to defend Kosovo and all its people. "The KSF is in the service of the people of Kosovo. It serves all citizens of Kosovo wherever they live, in the north, the east, south or west," he added.

Vulin: Agreements invalid without EULEX (

Aleksandar Vulin, head of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo, said on Friday in Prizren that no agreement between Belgrade and Pristina would be valid without the executive role of EULEX.

Reacting to a resolution on EULEX adopted by Kosovo's Parliament, Vulin said EULEX deployed in Kosovo not according to Pristina's will but after a decision by the United Nations Security Council and the Republic of Serbia.

"I want to remind representatives of institutions in Pristina and the international community that we are very serious in our position that no agreement is valid without the executive role of EULEX. The withdrawal of EULEX for us would mean that agreements have been annulled and that they cannot be implemented," Vulin said.

Putin: Kosovo is Serbian territory! (

Russian President Vladimir Putin told Serbian patriarch Irinej that Moscow would uphold its position in international politics that Kosovo is still legally Serbian territory. During a meeting with the head of the Serb Orthodox Church, Putin said Russia would not recognize Kosovo's independence, "which was in violation of UNSC Resolution 1244 and all international norms". "Moscow will continue to support Serbs in their righteous battle to preserve their territory, people and religious sites in Kosovo," Putin said.

Serbs accept PAK in the north (

The Privatization Agency of Kosovo (PAK) is among few institutions that have managed to wield their authority in the northern part of Mitrovica. Unlike other institutions and statements about the failure of Kosovo institutions to operate in this part of the country, the PAK exercises its mandate in the north and has opened an office there. Last week, PAK sold four properties in northern Mitrovica and the winning bidders were members of the Serb community. This rules out claims by the Serbian Government that privatization in Kosovo is conducted without the participation of local Serbs or that it discriminates them.

Kosovo Police arrest Serb suspected of war crimes (dailies)

Several dailies report that Kosovo Police on Friday arrested a Serb who is suspected of committing war crimes. A police spokesman confirmed the arrest but did not reveal the identity of the suspect. Police said the suspect was arrested at the Jarinje border crossing.