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UNMIK Headlines 29 May

  • 11 Serbs, 4 Albanians and 4 Bosniaks arrested in yesterday’s operation (media)
  • UNMIK reacts to detention of two of its members in the north (media)
  • Haradinaj speaks about the arrested Russian staff of UNMIK (Express)
  • Pacolli: UNMIK “summoned” to clarify presence at roadblock (social media)
  • Prosecutor asks UNMIK to strip immunity of its Russian staff (Insajderi)
  • Thaci: Russian “disguised” as diplomat arrested (media)
  • KP director: Russian UNMIK staff participated in roadblocking (Kallxo)
  • Russia reacts to arrests in the north (Express)
  • Haradinaj: Army was not involved in operation in the north, not its job (RTK)
  • Kosovo Ministry of Interior issues statement on yesterday events (media)
  • KFOR issues statement about developments in the north (media)
  • EU comments on police action in the north (Kallxo/Koha)
  • Veseli visits injured police officers (media)
  • Tahiri: Serb citizens gave us information about smugglers (Klan Kosova/Telegrafi)
  • Serbian List leader Rakic calls for protest in Mitrovica North today (media)
  • KFOR: Police operation did not surprise us, situation under control (RTK)
  • Tax Administration officer arrested for attacking Kosovo Police (Kallxo)
  • Haradinaj to Apostolova: Crime will be attacked (RTK)
  • Kurti: Police operation, “controlled tensioning” (social media)
  • Kosovo to receive EC report today (Klan Kosova)
  • After police action, Bahtiri visits Albanians in Leposavic and Zvecan (RTK)
  • Kosovo leaders meet Susan Falatko (media)
  • Serbia’s Parliament adopts report on Kosovo (RTK)

11 Serbs, 4 Albanians and 4 Bosniaks arrested in yesterday’s operation (media)

Kosovo’s Special Prosecution said in a press conference that the police operation yesterday followed considerable number of witness’ testimonies collected over a one-year period. Special prosecutor Syle Hoxha said investigations into the case that resulted in today’s arrests were launched in April of last year.

Authorities announced that as part of the operation, 12 locations were searched and 19 police officers arrested of which 11 Serb, 4 Albanian and 4 Bosniak. The police officers arrested in connection to the case have been suspended.

At the same time, Kosovo Police director Rashit Qalaj said that the police operation has been concluded and that apart from Zubin Potok, there were no problems in any other areas where the police operation was carried out.

“Of police staff arrested, one was at the rank of captain, one of station commander, three sergeants. Various illegal items were confiscated which will serve as evidence, including weapons, technology equipment and money. Officials are being detained for 48 hours and have been suspended”, said Miradije Kelmendi from the Kosovo Police Inspectorate.

Koha Ditore covers yesterday’s developments under the front-page headline Belgrade and Moscow concerned with the anti-crime action in Kosovo. Bota Sot reports on its front page that “Kosovo Police has unmasked Serbia’s criminal activities”, while Zeri and Epoka e Re highlight on their front pages that the anti-smuggling operation resulted in 19 arrests of police officers, covered seven municipalities and commander of the police station in Zubin Potok is among those arrested.

UNMIK reacts to detention of two of its members in the north (media)

UNMIK has issued a statement following the developments in the north and the detention of two of its staff members by the Kosovo Police.

UNMIK said it was following with great concern developments in the northern Kosovo, including the detention of two UN staff members during the course of their duties by Kosovo Police.

"Both staff members were subsequently transferred to hospital for treatment of injuries.  We are establishing the precise circumstances, in close coordination with all international agencies on the ground", the statement reads adding: "The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo Mr. Zahir Tanin called for the immediate release of the UN staff members, adding “any harm to United Nations staff will be met with the highest degree of diplomatic and international legal responses. I urge all parties to abide by the principles of rule of law and dignity for all to life and liberty, and to help restore calm and security in the area.”

The Russian national was subsequently released.

Haradinaj speaks about the arrested Russian staff of UNMIK (Express)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj commented on the detention of Russian national working for UNMIK who is accused of trying to impede the work of Kosovo Police during yesterday’s police operation in the north saying that the law will be implemented towards anyone who tries to endanger security of the country.

“We respect immunity of the international organisations’ representatives. Kosovo respects their rights. If one of these representatives endangers the security, we respect and implement the law, based on international conventions. I do not want to connect this case with Russia’s agenda. It is well known that it is an agenda of destabilisation. We work with our allies against these agendas. There is no place where the law is not implemented in Kosovo, there are obstacles, but it is impossible because the crime will not prevail,” Haradinaj said.

Pacolli: UNMIK “summoned” to clarify presence at roadblock (social media)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli said the Foreign Ministry will treat the arrest of UNMIK officials in line with international law.

“Kosovo Police has informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the details of the event. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned UNMIK for clarification and will continue to work closely with law enforcement authorities to clarify the situation regarding the presence of the international and local UNMIK staff at the roadblock”, Pacolli wrote on social media adding in a later post that Kosovo has for a long time alerted the international community for “destabilizing efforts of Russia in the region.”

Prosecutor asks UNMIK to strip immunity of its Russian staff (Insajderi)

Mitrovica Chief Prosecutor, Shyqyri Syla, told Insajderi that the Russian national, UNMIK employee Mikhail Krasnoshchekov, has been released due to his immunity as member of the UN. Meanwhile, the Kosovo Serb staff member Dejan Dimic is still under arrest.

Syla said there was pressure from UNMIK for their release, however the Serbian staff member has not been released. “I just released the Russian citizen. Tomorrow I will officially ask the Special Representative in Kosovo, Zahir Tanin, to lift his immunity to conduct criminal proceedings against him,” Syla said yesterday afternoon.

Thaci: Russian “disguised” as diplomat arrested (media)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci talked to reporters about yesterday’s operation by Kosovo Police Special Units in the northern municipalities. Thaci has called on all citizens of Kosovo regardless of their ethnic background to view this as a rule of law operation that is not targeted against any community. He said, “we need to be grateful to the people for cooperating with Kosovo Police”.

“I was just informed by Kosovo’s security authorities, heads of police and intelligence, the chief prosecutor and other mechanisms, about their engagement in the fight against smuggling, organized crime, and other officials and citizens that were part of this joint criminal enterprise. This is a law enforcement initiative by Kosovo’s institutions aimed at combating evil. The operation was Kosovo-wide, among those arrested are citizens of different communities, Albanian, Serb and Bosniak. A Russian disguised as a diplomat, who tried to obstruct police in their operation, has also been arrested,” Thaci told reporters.

He responded to statements made by Serbian President Vucic, saying that he [Vucic] knows very well that he cannot move toward Kosovo. “If something unpredictable happens, security institutions, including the Kosovo Security Force, will be ready to intervene. Their statements are not calling for war, but rather aimed at winning sympathy among the public in Serbia. No one should protect people that have violated the law. We call for cooperation to fight organized crime because this has regional dimensions. We will not tolerate anyone to be involved in crime. We want them to cooperate,” he added. Thaci also said that security institutions are carrying out their duties in accordance with the law and their competencies and that no one will be allowed to build barricades. “Kosovo’s borders are at Gate 1 and 31 and we must stress that the independent Kosovo will never allow Serbia to return here,” he said.

“Serbia’s President knows very well that he cannot move toward Kosovo, it is both impossible and unthinkable, but Kosovo’s institutions are ready to take measures, including the Kosovo Security Force,” Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is quoted as saying. “Serbia and Vucic thought that Kosovo can never be free and independent, but here we are. The more the European Union is late with processes for Kosovo, the greater willingness there is among us for national unification, including Presevo Valley. No one should be afraid from national unification”.

KP director: Russian UNMIK staff participated in roadblocking (Kallxo)

Director of the Kosovo Police, Rashit Qalaj, said the Russian national working for UNMIK participated in roadblocking and that is why he was arrested. “In one of the roadblocks, there was a UN car and in it was a UN staff member from Russia and a local staff. The reason we took them in was for participating in roadblocking,” he said.

Russia reacts to arrests in the north (Express)

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reacted following yesterday’s operation by Kosovo Police in the north, saying that the arrest of several Serbs is another provocation by Kosovo.

Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the ministry, said Kosovo’s actions are a result of non-reaction by the European Union and the United States of America. “Kosovo’s officials are now used to the fact that no one reacts to their provocations,” she said.

“The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on international leaders in Pristina to prevent the further escalation of conflict”. Zakharova also said that the intervention of special police units in the Serb municipalities “will lead to the escalation of interethnic tensions that will undermine long efforts by the international community to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict”.

Haradinaj: Army was not involved in operation in the north, not its job (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj spoke at the beginning of the meeting of the government about yesterday’s Kosovo Police action in the north of Kosovo.

He said such action commenced in order to establish order, and combat crime and corruption. “Crime is not a danger only for Kosovo but for all the countries. We aspire EU integration and we should be careful with our position,” he said.

“The order of the prosecutor was to arrest, but also some raids in some cases. It started today in the morning and it commenced based on the law. At certain zones, the operation went calmly, but there was confrontation of the operation in Zubin Potok. The Kosovo Police has not used increased force. We have some injured citizens, but also arrested citizens, one of them is Russian. I appealed to Serb citizens to remain calm,” Haradinaj said and expressed appreciation to Kosovo police and all involved mechanisms in today’s action in the north.

Commenting voices from Belgrade that Kosovo Security Force (KSF) was involved in the action, Haradinaj, just as KFOR earlier, denied the claims. “The army was not involved, because there is no reason for it, it is not its duty. We have also informed international security instances, they were aware about all the parameters of this action,” he said.

Kosovo Ministry of Interior issues statement on yesterday events (media)

The Kosovo Ministry of Interior Affairs issued a press release yesterday informing that Kosovo Police and the Kosovo Police Inspectorate have implemented measures and arrested people suspected of different criminal activities.

The police operation was supervised by the special prosecution and was carried out in different municipalities in Kosovo and did not have an ethnic character. A similar operation was carried out yesterday in Vermice/Prizren.

Police have arrested 19 police officers suspected of involvement in criminal activities. The arrested police officers were transferred to the premises of the Kosovo Police Inspectorate. Police also arrested nine citizens that had arrest warrants and another seven citizens that tried to obstruct police from carrying out their duties. At the barricade in Zubin Potok, police arrested a Russian national, Mikhail Krasnoshchekov, who put an UNMIK vehicle at the barricade.

KFOR issues statement about developments in the north (media)

KFOR has issued a statement following recent developments in the north which reads:

“Concerning the current situation, KFOR informs that Kosovo Police is conducting a police operation throughout Kosovo, following arrest warrants issued by Pristina Court in relation to an investigation on corruption. KFOR confirms that this is only a police operation and no Kosovo Security Force or any other military force has been deployed to the North of Kosovo. Because of the political sensitivity of the moment, Commander KFOR invites all the parties to deal with the disputes peacefully and responsibly, without any use of force or violence. People should stay calm, they have nothing to fear.”

KFOR added it continues monitoring the situation and is ready to intervene, if requested as third responder, in order to guarantee security for all communities in accordance with its mandate under the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.”

EU comments on police action in the north (Kallxo/Koha)

In a statement provided for BIRN and Koha, EU foreign policy spokesperson Maja Kocijancic called on Pristina and Belgrade to show restraint in face of recent developments in the north of Kosovo. “We are in contact with leadership in Pristina and Belgrade and we have called for outmost restraint”, Kocijancic said.

Kocijancic said that support for the rule of law, including presumption of innocence, is an objective that EU strongly supports. “Police operations should bring trust in the rule of law for all communities. Such operations should strengthen not impair efforts for normalisation”, she added.

“Police operation in Mitrovica targeting suspected individuals from the entire region and other parts of Kosovo, based on court orders, should be carried out in accordance to the law and communicated adequately”, Kocijancic said adding that the EU believes that more police and judicial cooperation in necessary for all actors by fully respecting the Brussels agreement.

Veseli visits injured police officers (media)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli has visited the injured police officers during yesterday’s police action that took place in several Kosovo municipalities.

He told the media that the police operation is a message for all those who are involved in organized crime. “The rule of law will dominate in the entire Republic of Kosovo. This is a message for all those involved in organized crime and corruption. Kosovo state will not compromise. No matter if they carry an official position, be it political or police, the rule of law will not compromise with anyone, regardless ethnicity,” Veseli said.

“The positive news is that injured police officers are in good health, and out of danger for life. They are Kosovo’s brave men. I as leader of institutions thank them for extraordinary work and they will always have our support,” he said.

Tahiri: Serb citizens gave us information about smugglers (Klan Kosova/Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Justice Minister Abelard Tahiri spoke about yesterday’s police operation saying it was carried out in eight municipalities of Kosovo and was “exceptionally well prepared” by law enforcement agencies.

“I think today was a very important day in striking a blow to criminal groups that operated in this area”, Tahiri told Klan Kosova yesterday. He added that the operation was not aimed at Kosovo Serbs or any other community in Kosovo but was targeting criminal activity.

“I can say with full responsibility that citizens of the Serb community, in particular, cooperated and provided information to law enforcement authorities about persons involved in these criminal groups and smuggling”, he said adding that the resistance which was encountered by the police was organised by the criminal groups not local residents in the north.

Serbian List leader Rakic calls for protest in Mitrovica North today (media)

Most news websites report that Serbian List leader Goran Rakic has called on all Kosovo Serbs to protest today in Mitrovica North at noon against the Kosovo Police operation on Tuesday. “The protest will be held against brutal threats and attacks against the Serb population in the north of Kosovo, and also against the arrest of Serbs,” Rakic is quoted as saying.

KFOR: Police operation did not surprise us, situation under control (RTK)

KFOR spokesman Vincenzo Grasso said on Tuesday that KFOR was not surprised by the Kosovo Police operation in the north. “It was not unexpected. This issue concerns to the rule of law and it is not in our mandate … There were some barricades and armed clashes, but there was no need for us to intervene. The situation is calming down … There are uncertainties about the future, but this is a political issue and it is not something that we the military can help with,” Grasso said.

Tax Administration officer arrested for attacking Kosovo Police (Kallxo)

The news website reports that Marko Milovanovic, a member of the Kosovo Tax Administration in Mitrovica, was arrested on Tuesday for taking part in attacks against Kosovo Police in the north. Citing unnamed sources, Kallxo reports that Milovanovic is among the Serb citizens that were injured during clashes with the police.

Haradinaj to Apostolova: Crime will be attacked (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj met on Tuesday with the head of the EU Office in Kosovo Nataliya Apostolova, to discuss Kosovo Police action in the north. “At the regular meeting with the EU Representative in Kosovo Nataliya Apostolova, we discussed the latest developments in the country, with a special focus on today’s operation of the Kosovo Police against organized crime and corruption. The government of Kosovo remains committed to strengthen the rule of law. The crime will be attacked in the entire territory of the country, regardless profile and ethnic belonging of the suspects for involvement in criminal deeds,” Haradinaj wrote on his Facebook account.

Kurti: Police operation, “controlled tensioning” (social media)

Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti called yesterday’s police operation “controlled tensioning” and said that the people that institutionalized organised crime and high-level corruption now want to fight it with actions on the ground once a year. “Crime and contraband in the north did not happen overnight – they have been going on for as long as extortion and theft in the other parts of the country”, Kurti wrote on social media.

“We can’t say for sure what this was about when the operation against crime and corruption is led by infamous Syle Hoxha and the current just as infamous president (with the Assembly speaker on his right side and prime minister on the left). They pretend to defend Kosovo while robbing it”, Kurti said adding that the police operation was yet another “controlled tensioning” used to cover of the government’s scandals.

Kosovo to receive EC report today (Klan Kosova)

Head of EU Office and Special Representative Nataliya Apostolova will meet Kosovo’s Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli and present to them European Commission’s report on Kosovo.

There will be a joint press conference following the event.

After police action, Bahtiri visits Albanians in Leposavic and Zvecan (RTK)

After the Kosovo Police action in northern Kosovo, Mitrovica mayor Agim Bahtiri visited Albanians in Leposavic and Zvecan, the news website reports. “After the action of Kosovo Police to arrest individuals involved in organized crime and smuggling, which I hail for being very professional and efficient, I visited today Albanians who live in the villages near Leposavic and Zvecan. “During the meeting and discussions with villagers of Boletin, Kelmend, Zhazhe, Bistrice, Ceraje and Kushutove, I appealed for calmness and full trust on state institutions of the Republic of Kosovo when their security is concerned,” Bahtiri wrote on his Facebook account.

Kosovo leaders meet Susan Falatko (media)

The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci met on Tuesday with Acting Director of Office of South-Central European Affairs at the U.S. State Department Susan Falatko who was accompanied by U.S. Ambassador Philip Kosnett. They discussed the process of normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as the rule of law and order in Kosovo.

“Kosovo is committed to the strengthening of good neighborliness. The dialogue must continue unconditionally, with consensual support of all Quint states,” Thaci reportedly said adding that the role of the U.S. is irreplaceable.

Falatko on the other hand emphasized the importance for Kosovo to remain committed to the strengthening of the rule of law and the achievement of normalization of relations with Serbia.

Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj discussed in a separate meeting with Falatko excellent relations between Kosovo and the U.S., economic empowerment of Kosovo, rule of law and Kosovo’s Euro-Atlantic orientation. Haradinaj spoke about Kosovo’s readiness for a truthful dialogue with Serbia which leads towards a final, legally binding agreement that would result with mutual recognition.

Serbia’s Parliament adopts report on Kosovo (RTK)

The Parliament of Serbia has endorsed the report on Kosovo drafted by the Office for Kosovo at the government of Serbia. The report was adopted with 145 votes for, four against, while 13 MPs did not vote. Some MPs from the opposition did not participate at the works of the Parliament. Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said during the two-day works of the Parliament of Serbia that “Serbia has to admit that it has lost control over Kosovo and that compromise for normalization of relations should be found”. MPs discussed the 82-page report, where 17 of them present data about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue from 2013 to 2019. The rest of the report presents ‘most significant results of the office for Kosovo from May 2014 to 2019’. The report notes that the dialogue has worked on interest of Serbs in every direction and that peace in Kosovo was kept during this time.