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UNMIK Headlines 3 February

Headlines - 03.02.2014

Thaçi and Dacic talk about “historic” success of the dialogue (dailies)

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and Prime Minister of Serbia Ivica Dacic were committed on Sunday for the continuation of the dialogue as the only path towards good neighbouring relations. Together with EU facilitator Catherine Ashton, both prime ministers were panelists in the Munich Conference for Security, where one of the topics was the dialogue. Thaçi said that the achieved agreement in Brussels does not mean surrendering one side, but reflects understanding and mutual respect. “Peace cannot be achieved while evoking emotions from the past,” said Thaçi. 

Kosovo Government expects agreement on 12 February (Koha Ditore)

The Kosovo Government is expecting an agreement on the basic court of Mitrovica North to be reached on 12 February. Sources inside the Kosovo delegation say that, after receiving the date, Serbian changed its position on the 19 April agreement, especially with having the basic court serve only four municipalities in the north. Officials involved in the dialogue have told the newspaper that, without holding elections in Serbia, it is difficult to achieve the agreement on the basic court. 

Agreement on courts, important for the successor of EULEX (Koha Ditore)

Despite EU high representative for foreign policy and security Catherine Ashton’s report about Serbia’s progress in the dialogue, the reality is not looking very promising. Certain EU diplomats, who admitted that progress has been made, add that Ashton “exaggerated” her report, perhaps in an attempt to help Serbia start membership negotiations. However, unhappiness in delaying the implementation of a few items is growing among EU member countries.

EU diplomats accept that there are many delays in the implementation of the achieved agreement in the dialogue, especially on courts. However, it is important to achieve the agreement by 12 February regarding the composition of courts in the “Mitrovica region.” 

Kerry: Balkans engulfed in corruption (Kosova Sot)

US Secretary of State John Kerry, during an international security conference in Munich, spoke about corruption in South-East and Central European countries. Kerry noted that there is “a disturbing trend in too many parts of Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans” where people's aspirations “are once again being trampled beneath corrupt, oligarchic interests.”

Jahjaga did not request reserved seats (Lajm)

Lajm reports that the Office of the President of Kosovo released a press communiqué regarding how the Consultation Council for Communities’ stance does not reflect that of the President and her office. The Consultation Council for Communities communiqué stated it supports minorities’ request for reserved seats. “Consultative Council for Communities is represented by representatives of all communities in Kosovo. The Council elects its head from a candidate belonging to the community. The Office of the President emphasises that President Jahjaga called on all parties and political subjects to find the best solution in the framework of reform that would help Kosovo’s European agenda progress,” reads a press release from the Office of the President. 

Government risks losing EU funds (Tribuna)

The European Union has given an ultimatum to the Government of Kosovo to put in place key procurement institutions - Procurement Review Authority and Central Procurement Agency - by the end of March, or else face withdrawal of EU investments in the field.

In a letter of which the paper claims to be in possession, head of EU Office in Kosovo operations Christof Stock told the Government that it should have procurement institutions up-and-running by mid March. “As you all know, the EU is committed in working for an efficient and transparent procurement system in Kosovo. This is also one of the key elements for the proper implementation of Stabilisation and Association Agreement that your government is currently negotiating,” Stock wrote. “We are considering undertaking adequate measures to ensure that the EU funds are being used in an effective and efficient manner,” he added.

Bahtiri promised citizens of Mitrovica North (dailies)

Mayor of southern Mitrovica Agim Bahtiri visited Albanian neighborhoods in northern Mitrovica on Sunday. During his visit at “Kodra e Minatoreve,” “Kroi i Vitakut and “Lagja e doktorëve,” citizens told Bahtiri that construction, security, and employment are their main concerns. Bahtiri promised his support for the citizens in the north and appealed to the families to return to their homes. “Individuals and families whose houses are built and completed should return there urgently; this is the help that institutions request from you,” said Bahtiri, who promised that funds to continue building the houses will be found. 

Rakic: I will cooperate with Pristina (Epoka e Re)

The Srpska list candidate for Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic, stated that if he wins the elections and takes over the mandate to govern Mitrovica North, he would also cooperate with Pristina to create conditions for existing Serbs. “Except for the Serbian Government, I will also cooperate with the international community and Pristina institutions, in order to create conditions for Serbs to remain in these parts. Our only weapon is the table of discussions,” Rakic told Serbian media. 

War crimes remain in the hands of EULEX (dailies)

According to the draft document of Kosovar authorities, Kosovo judiciary structures are not fully ready to deal with what EULEX has been - war crimes and organized crime. The rule of law strategy, which will be presented to the European Union by the end of April, does not entail assuming the full responsibilities that EULEX exercised until now, reports Radio Kosova. This broadcaster reports that it has seen the document. The platform foresees judiciary reform and executive roles of international judges and prosecutors.