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UNMIK Headlines 30 December

Headlines - 30.12.2015

Mustafa: I will not resign (Epoka e Re)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, told the paper that 2015 was a year of major decisions. He added that there is no reason for him to resign being that he is following the right path and respecting the law. According to him, to resign from this path means to abandon and leave the people of Kosovo in the middle of the mud. Kosovo’s chief of the executive assessed that the current government has the legitimacy and the required international support to continue with the work that Kosovo people entrusted him with. 

Thaci: I do not expect obstacles to become President (Epoka e Re)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Principal Deputy Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, said that 2015 has been a successful year. He added that signing of the Stabilization Association Agreement (SAA) and attraction of over 1.5 billion Euros of foreign investments as well as creation of the legal framework which guarantees an independent judiciary, are the key successes achieved in 2015. He added that Kosovo has become an example of cooperation in the region, and an example of inter-religious coexistence in the world. Asked if he believes that he would gain sufficient votes to become Kosovo’s President being that even some of the deputies of the co-governing party, LDK, said openly that they would not vote him, Thaci said that there is no reason to delay political processes in Kosovo. “Therefore, I do not see reasons or convincing signs that there would be obstacles in the voting for president.” Thaci said.   

Jahjaga: I am disappointed with this political class (Zeri)

Kosovo’s President, Atifete Jahjaga, told the paper that she is disappointed with Kosovo’s political class which was powerless in overcoming the parliamentary crisis. She called on political parties that through dialogue to find the path out of the crisis, while adding that extraordinary elections are not a solution. According to her, the decision of the Constitutional Court on the agreement for Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities must be respected by all leaders. In her last year as president, Jahjaga said she still has more work to do, but didn’t want to comment whether she would run for another term. “The year 2015 was relatively successful. We signed the SAA and were given serious promises for visa liberalization for next year. I am also confident that next year the KSF will be transformed into Kosovo Armed Forces,” Jahjaga said, adding that the EU integration path must not be hindered because of the wishes of certain individuals. 

Ymeri claims Association/Community is dead (Epoka e Re)

The leader of Vetevendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, told the paper that opposition was stronger than the government during 2015. He said that the Constitutional Court has proclaimed the Association/Community for Serb-majority municipalities, dead. According to Ymeri, the current government does not have the legitimacy to continue further. He added that early elections would bring a new, democratic breathing to Kosovo. Ymeri announced that 9 January protests are going to be civilized, massive and peaceful. 

Kurti: Protests until early elections (Kosova Sot)

In an interview for the festive edition of the paper, former Vetevendosje leader and MP Albin Kurti said that there could have been no other decision by the Constitutional Court except to declare the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities anti-constitutional. He said that the opposition will continue to protest until the government either resigns or is brought down. “When the difficult situation of the disappointed people is taken into account, protests become even more inevitable,” said Kurti. What is also inevitable, according to Kurti, is the announcing of early elections. “2016 will be the year of united opposition’s victory,” he stated.

Haradinaj: The new year will start with new direction (Epoka e Re)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, assessed in an interview for this daily that 2015 was a year of facing problems accumulated for years. He added that the manner of governing has exhausted Kosovo both politically and economically. He accused Kosovo’s Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Principal Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci for trying to change Kosovo, by giving away its territory and by violating the Constitution. He expressed optimism that Kosovo would change its direction in 2016. “We will stop Mustafa-Thaci governing, we will annul harmful agreements and we will build new institutions,” Haradinaj said.  

Delawie: Association/Community, in compliance with the Constitution (Zeri)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delawie, in an interview with the paper said that according to the decision of the Constitutional Court, the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities is in compliance with Kosovo’s Constitution. According to him, the Court has given specific instructions on how to draft the statute for this Association/Community, in order for it to be in compliance with the Constitution. He also added that it is very important for Kosovo to have a fully functioning Assembly. “The problems of Kosovo should be resolved through dialogue. What worries me is when people think that because they are MPs - they are above the law and don’t need to comply with regulations like other citizens. No one is above the law,” Delawie said. He also added that Kosovo institutions should do more in combating corruption.

Tahiri: No Association/Community without dissolving parallel structures (RTK)

Kosovo Minister without portfolio and chief negotiator Edita Tahiri said that the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities will not be established until Serb parallel structures are not dissolved. She said this is also specified in the Brussels Agreement. As to the decision of the Constitutional Court, Tahiri said it was the Government that requested the court’s interpretation of the agreement and that the statute of the Association/Community, once finalized, will also be referred to the Constitutional Court.