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UNMIK Headlines 31 August

  • Pre-election coalition registration deadline expires, LDK,VV to run alone (media)
  • Mustafa: True elections do not involve pre-election coalitions (RTK)
  • Vetevendosje calls on its members to apply for election (media)
  • Quint countries issue statement on forthcoming elections (media)
  • S. appoints Matthew Palmer Western Balkans envoy (media)
  • Kosovo leaders welcome Palmer’s appointment (Zeri)
  • Pacolli reacts to Dacic at EU-Western Balkans meeting (KP/Koha)

 Kosovo Media Highlights

Pre-election coalition registration deadline expires, LDK,VV to run alone (media)

The deadline for registering pre-election coalitions with the Central Election Commission (CEC) expired on midnight of 30 August and while four coalitions applied, the one between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Vetevendosje was not among them.

The coalitions that applied for registration include Vakat between three political parties: Democratic Bosniak Party, Democratic Party Vatan and United Bosniac Party; the AAK-PSD coalition between the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and Social Democratic Party; NISMA-AKR-PD coalition between the Social Democratic Initiative, New Kosovo Alliance and Justice Party; and Sloboda coalition between the Progressive Party of Kosovo and New Kosovo Party.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Vetevendosje and the Democratic League of Kosovo are expected to run on their own as none applied for registration.

Mustafa: True elections do not involve pre-election coalitions (RTK)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa said today following the expiration of deadline for registration of pre-election coalitions that "true elections are only those whose fate is decided by the citizens and not pre-election coalitions."

"Coordination of opposition activity with Vetevendosje and discussions to govern together have brought us closer on many interests of the country. Therefore, I will remain committed in working to crown a post-election coalition, on conditions of mutual respect," he added.

Vetevendosje calls on its members to apply for election (media)

Vetevendosje Movement has called on all its members interested to run for election to present their applications by Monday.

"Internal democracy is one of the main pillars of our organisation," Vetevendosje said in its announcement noting that relevant election commissions have been set up in all centres to provide more information for interested candidates.

Quint countries issue statement on forthcoming elections (media)

The Ambassadors of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States issued a statement on upcoming parliamentary election saying it is a crucial opportunity for the citizens of Kosovo to decide the direction of the country.

“Kosovo citizens deserve the promise of a peaceful, prosperous future, and the only way to secure this future is through the will of the Kosovo people expressed in these elections.”

Quint countries said Kosovo has in the past managed credible, although not perfect, elections and this year there is a need to improve on past performances and avoid manipulation and fraud: “We reject pressure on voters, including through threats to jobs, and vote-buying, including through the promise of public positions.  We reject any attacks against the media, either physical attacks, or calls for violence, or attempts to label media as ‘fake news.’  We stand with the independent media and civil society in their roles to monitor and provide public oversight to the elections process.”

In their message to political party leaders and candidates, ambassadors of Quint countries said this election campaign should focus on the opportunities and problems facing Kosovo and that candidates running for election must be free of criminal backgrounds and demonstrate how they will fight corruption and organised crime.

“As our governments recently noted, elections and the formation of a new government offer a chance to urgently restart talks with Serbia with the objective of reaching a comprehensive, politically sustainable, and legally binding agreement that contributes to regional stability.”

“Finally, we address ourselves to the most important actors in the election: the people.

Our governments want Kosovo, now in its second decade of independence, to succeed.  We will continue to support its development.  But the responsibility for Kosovo’s future, for Kosovo’s leaders, and for Kosovo itself lies only with you, the people of Kosovo,” the statement concludes.

U.S. appoints Matthew Palmer Western Balkans envoy (media)

The U.S. Secretary of State has appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Palmer as his Special Representative for the Western Balkans, media report quoting a statement issued by the State Department.

“In this role, Palmer will lead our efforts to strengthen U.S. diplomatic engagement in support of peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and focus on integration of the Western Balkan countries into Western institutions,” the statement reads adding that in his new capacity Palmer is set to travel to Slovenia beginning of September for the Bled Strategic Forum and will also take part in the Quint Balkan Directors meeting in Brussels and attend meetings in Vienna and Podgorica, September 4-10.

Kosovo leaders welcome Palmer’s appointment (Zeri)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci has welcomed the appointment of Matthew Palmer as the U.S special representative for the Western Balkans.

"I congratulate appointment of DAS Palmer as special representative for WB and welcome an increased role of the US in integrating Kosovo and our whole region into the Euro-Atlantic club of nations," he wrote on Twitter.

Acting Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli said Palmer's appointment is necessary "at a time when the region needs to make progress towards good neighbourhood and Euro-Atlantic integration."

Pacolli said Palmer is a great friend of Kosovo and "supporter of our cause for integration to NATO, EU and UN."

Pacolli reacts to Dacic at EU-Western Balkans meeting (KP/Koha)

Kosovo’s outgoing Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli is reported to have fiercely criticized Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Belgrade authorities during the informal meeting between EU foreign ministers and Western Balkans underway in Helsinki.

Pacolli is said to have reacted to Dacic’s "attempts to present Serbia as a constructive party in the region and demonise Kosovo." “You tell different fairytales in Belgrade and different here,” Pacolli told Dacic adding: “You are no angel as you try to appear with beautiful words before European colleagues. Does the violation of buses, citizens, our businesses at the border points or territory of Serbia look European to you? Scandals you have made in Africa are now well-known to everyone.”

In his remarks, Pacolli thanked organizers of the event for inviting Kosovo as an equal party. He said Kosovo and its people are the most isolated in Europe and underlined that this situation cannot continue. “We have concluded our obligations are per contract: please, Kosovars should move freely, we deserve Europe because we are European,” he said.