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UNMIK Headlines 4 May

Headlines - 04.05.2013

Serbia’s structures monitor the north with security cameras (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports that Serb security structures have placed cameras throughout the northern part of Mitrovica. “The north of Mitrovica will be monitored 24 hours non-stop by the Serb Civil Defence and Serbia’s Police through security cameras obtained through funding from the Government of Serbia”, a source told the paper.

Officials from the Kosovo Police in Mitrovica said they are aware cameras were mounted in different parts but that they don’t know who placed them. “In case of an incident in the north, Kosovo Police has no access to these cameras and no information as to who controls them”, said police spokesperson Besim Hoti.

Sources added that the purpose of the cameras being placed in the north is to monitor movement of international forces and of non-Serb citizens in the north.

Jacobson: Kosovo’s Constitution and laws to apply in Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

US Ambassador to Kosovo in an interview for KTV’s show Rubikon said that the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is only the start and that this is to be followed by a more complex process, the implementation stage.

“Without going into too much detail, because they are still being discussed, in the very near future the two sides have to come out with a concrete implementation plan that addresses all issues of the agreement”, said Jacobson.

Jacobson dismissed allegations that the agreement grants territorial autonomy to the north. “I would call it decentralization as foreseen in the Ahtisaari Plan and as allowed by the Constitution of Kosovo”, she said. “Kosovo’s Constitution and Kosovo laws will be in Kosovo. I know this is not a perfect agreement, I don’t think such an agreement exists, but I believe this is the best agreement that could have been achieved by the two sides”, added Jacobson.

Ban: Association has a range of competencies (Tribuna)

In the newest report on Kosovo that the paper claims to have secured, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hails agreement between Kosovo and Serbia and that it foresees the creation of an association/community that will enjoy a range of competencies and own statute.

The report is dominated by positive notes, writes the paper, and unlike other times, Ban avoided criticism of security situation and praised Kosovo and Serbia leaders for reaching the agreement.

“I welcome first agreement on guiding principles for normalization of relations reached in the framework of the dialogue facilitated by the EU. This is a historic achievement,” said UN SG Ban.

He urged the two sides to keep channels of communication open and make efforts to implement the agreement.

The report covers the period from 16 January to 22 April and has been submitted to UN member states on Friday.

Heading to Brussels for implementation plan (Tribuna)

Early next week, Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi is set to travel to Brussels where he will discuss the implementation plan of the agreement with Serbia’s advisor to Prime Minister Dacic, Marko Djuric. Sources said the meeting is scheduled to take place on 7 May and will be chaired by the European Commission director for Western Balkans, Fernando Gentilini.

Government “project” for early elections (Zëri)

The paper quotes international sources as saying that they have observed that Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi is making efforts to have his government overthrown by the Assembly so that the country can head for early elections. This scenario would, as a result, imply that both local and parliamentary elections would take place at the same time.

However, Thaçi is seeking how to achieve the fall of his government in the easiest possible way without damaging his credibility. “The Prime Minister wants the fall of his government not to cause loss of future elections. This is the only dilemma he has”, said the unnamed source.

Majko: Kosovo-Serbia agreement without Thaçi and Dacic desire (Koha Ditore)

Former Prime Minister of Albania Pandeli Majko during his visit to Kosovo said he believed that the agreement reached between prime ministers Hashim Thaçi and Ivica Dacic was not something they personally preferred. “I think it was not personal desire of Albanian Thaçi and Serb Dacic signing of a bilateral Kosovo-Serbia agreement. This agreement, in essence, is European plan with American support for the future of the most problematic relationship in the region”, said Majko.