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UNMIK Headlines 7 November


Mustafa: Brussels agreements cannot be stopped by eggs or teargas (dailies)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said yesterday that opposition’s violent acts with eggs and teargas to obstruct the work of Kosovo institutions cannot force the government of Kosovo to withdraw from the agreements reached in Brussels. Mustafa stressed that Kosovo government will implement all the agreements reached with Serbia, although, he said that the government will respect the verdict of the Constitutional Court on these agreements. “We will not withdraw from the agreements reached with Serbia. Eggs and teargas cannot force us to annul these agreements. For each case, we will respect the verdict of the Constitutional Court as the final verdict, but it should remain clear that we will implement all the agreements reached in Brussels,” Mustafa said.

Opposition determined to continue blocking the Assembly (Koha)

The leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Visar Ymeri, said yesterday that the actions of the opposition parties to block the work of the Assembly will not stop until the government withdraws from the recent agreements on Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and border demarcation with Montenegro. The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo, Fatmir Limaj, said that there is a consensus on European integration, but according to him, "Kosovo cannot remain isolated while those who committed genocide are rewarded."  While for the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group chief, Adem Grabovci, the current actions of the opposition are hindering Kosovo's European integration path.

Justice Minister Kuci pelted with eggs (dailies)

Vetevendosje Movement activists yesterday pelted with eggs Kosovo Minister of Justice, Hajredin Kuci. “Hajredin Kuci is part of the government that brought the Association of Serb majority municipalities. He is also responsible for the failed justice system in Kosovo,” read a press statement issued by Vetevendosje. Kosovo government harshly condemned the attack against Kuci, saying that such violent acts endanger the health and dignity of the legitimate representatives of Kosovo institutions and are intended to hamper progress and European integration processes of Kosovo.

Appellate court confirms “Llapi group” verdict (dailies)

The Appellate Court in Pristina rejected the appeals from three former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) members in the process known as the “Llapi group”. The defendant Latif Gashi was sentenced to six years in prison, Rrustem Mustafa to four years in prision, while Nazif Mehmeti was sentenced to three years in prision. Gashi and Mustafa are currently Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MPs in the Kosovo Assembly. The court said the defendants were guilty of “war crimes against the civilian population; in particular, inhumane treatment, [causing] immense suffering or violation of bodily integrity or health, application of measures of intimidation and terror, and torture”.