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UNMIK Headlines 8 January

Headlines - 08.01.2018

Special Court does not retrieve to initiatives for abrogation (Koha)

The efforts to abrogate the Law on Special Court have not shaken the Specialist Chambers and the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office. “The Specialist Chamber of Kosovo is focused on implementation of its mandate in accordance with the endorsed Law on Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecution, as well as in accordance with the constitutional amendment. We do not have any comment on political development,” stresses e response of the Specialist Chamber’s Information Office.

‘Cooperation between the Specialist Chambers and Kosovo has been and will be in accordance with the Law on Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecution. The Law, (mainly article 53), as well as the Regulation of Procedure and Evidence of the Specialist Chambers (especially Chapter 13 section 2) offer more detail on cooperation between the Specialist Chambers and the institutions of Kosovo,” is noted in the response.

Veseli: The Special Court is harmful, but it will happen (Gazeta Express)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli has written an op-ed for the portal, prepared reportedly to be published before the holidays, however it was decided to postpone its publication in order not to burden Kosovo people in the verge of holidays. “Kosovo deserved the least for this to happen, but it will happen despite hundreds of arguments which speak against it. It is an injustice happening on behalf of justice. We should be prepared be prepared and do the utmost for the state to be as little harmed as possible. It is not at all a matter of individual fate. The issue is unjust harming by the doctrine of moral equalizing of the parties involved in war,” Veseli wrote.

Veseli further writes that 22 December, the date of the initiative of a number of MPs to abrogate the Law on Special Court, should be a lesson for all in Kosovo. “First of all, the initiators, when they considered abrogation of the Special Court, should have considered it better, so also the reactions against it. In their failure, they showed that they were not prepared to move their initiative ahead. This means that they were not ready to take over responsibility. We have learned one thing from life: when you initiate something you should take over responsibility and it is not done by escaping from it.

LDK on the other hand, should understand that political opponents cannot be defeated by courts, it is not the proper way towards power,” Veseli wrote.

Dikovic: KFOR warned us on tensions in Kosovo (RTS, RTK)

Head of the Serbian Army Headquarters, General Ljubisa Dikovic, said that KFOR Commander gave him information that there could be turbulences at the border with Kosovo. He said KFOR has undertaken all measures to prevent this. “It is important to stress that exchange of information with KFOR as a security subject responsible for peace in Serbian southern province, is on daily basis. I spoke on Friday with COM KFOR, and I received certain information that security will be affected at certain land security zones as well as within the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. According to him, the current situation at the border with Kosovo is stable. “Fortunately, everything is quiet and there is stabile situation now, and I am certain that KFOR has undertaken all measures and it will remain so,” Dikovic said.

Dikovic together with Serbia’s Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, visited Bujanovac. Vulin said information for possibility of turbulences at the border with Serbia was received from Czech KFOR.

Haradinaj waiting for U.S. visa (Koha)

Media reported during the weekend that the U.S. Embassy to Kosovo has rejected the request of Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj for a visa to travel to the U.S., due to the recent developments on the Special Court. “On 24 March ’98 we had moments of life or death. It continued so until 24 March ’99, when America and NATO came to support us. I will never forget the difficult moments of waiting until 24 March ’99. I will wait also for visa until they decide to give it to me. I believe in Kosovo! I believe in America! I am still in procedure for visa,” Haradinaj wrote on his Facebook page.

Vetevendosje Movement MP Donika Kadaj Bujupi stated that if Haradinaj was rejected visa to travel to the U.S., then he should resign.

Serwer: Special Court abrogation with serious consequences for Kosovo (Zeri)

The U.S. expert on Balkans, Daniel Sewer, told the paper that abrogation of the Law on Specialist Chambers would be followed by serious consequences for Kosovo, as relations with the U.S. and the EU would be more problematic. He added that Kosovo leaders are behaving as if they are threatened by the Special Court. Serwer hopes that efforts to abrogate this Law will not succeed.

Speaking about lack of ratification of the Agreement for demarcation of the border with Montenegro, Serwer said that this is apolitically immature action as Kosovo is in need of visa liberalization.

As far as the establishment of the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities is concerned, Serwer said such agreement should implement in accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo. “Here also, Kosovo has much more to gain by implementing the program than by abandoning it,” Serwer said.

Haradinaj upset with Kurti’s statement (Zeri)

Asked about the statements that the government of Kosovo will precede to the Assembly with an initiative for abrogation of the Special Court, the Office of the Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj sent a written statement to the portal. “We do not comment statements of the the leaders of political parties on these matters. We respect the initiative of the MPs of the Assembly of Kosovo on Specialist Chambers. However, such sensitive issues should not serve as games for personal political profits,” is stressed in a response of the Office of the Prime Minister.