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UNMIK Headlines 8 June

Headlines - 08.06.2016

Russia insists on implementation of UNSC resolution 1244 (Koha)

The Russian Deputy Foreign minister Gennady Gatilov met the UN Special Representative for Kosovo Zahir Tanin and stressed the need for implementation of the UN Security Council resolution 1244 and noted that UNMIK plays a key role in stabilization of the region. “The Russian side reaffirmed the importance of strict compliance with the provisions of UN security Council resolution 1244, which remains in full force and effect and remain binding international legal framework of the Kosovo settlement, accentuated the important role of UNMIK in ensuring the stabilization of the situation in the region, and the inexpediency of reduction of funding and personnel”, a press release issued by the Russian Foreign Ministry said. 

Kosovo risks losing millions and face EU embargo (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports on the front page that Kosovo may lose millions of euro for failing to timely implement certain measures deriving from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU. The non-functioning of the Kosovo Competition Authority as well as delays in the public administration reform could prove to be obstacles to Kosovo benefiting from the SAA funds. Apart from the financial damage, the failure to implement these measures could also lead to EU authorities banning any export from Kosovo, warns the paper.

Opening of Mitrovica bridge under question (Koha Ditore)

The implementation of the agreement for opening of the Mitrovica bridge on Ibër/Ibar river has been put under question because of disagreements over the setting of the administrative borderline between the south and north municipalities of Mitrovica. The Serbian List representatives reject the borderline being drawn along the Ibër/Ibar river as is stipulated by the Law on the Administrative Borderline. The mayor of Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri, said they agreed not to discuss the issue with the media but did reveal that a meeting is scheduled to go ahead today. At the same time, Mitrovica North Mayor Goran Rakić told Serbian media that the revitalization of the bridge is linked to the signing of the memorandum on the borderline between the two municipalities. 

Grabovci: There will be no early elections (Bota Sot)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group chief, Adem Grabovci, said on Tuesday that there are no reasons for early elections at the moment. “We support all actions which offer solutions, but for the moment we are not convinced that elections are the solution,” Grabovci said. He called on the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and Initiative for Kosovo to return to the Assembly and protect the interests of their voters. 

VV blames Haradinaj and Limaj (Zeri)

Vetëvendosje Movement parliamentary group chief, Glauk Konjufca, told the paper that the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) have put themselves "in an auction and will make a coalition with those who offer them the best price". According to him, they have no red lines regarding coalitions.  Konjufca also said that Vetëvendosje did not take the decision to boycott the Assembly, but this was done by the AAK.  “Vetëvendosje agreed to it in order not to jeopardize the functioning of the joint opposition bloc,” he said, adding that after three months they decided to return to the Assembly, since, as he says, the government is adopting laws without any obstacles. Konjufca also accused the two other opposition parties, AAK and NISMA, for allowing bad governance to continue by breaking the united opposition, being passive outside institutions and boycotting the Assembly.  With regard to agreements on border-demarcation with Montenegro and the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, Konjufca said that actions against these agreements will become more radical. 

Abdullahu: Demarcation agreement, soon in the Assembly (Kosova Sot)

Faton Abdullahu, advisor to Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, said the border-demarcation agreement with Montenegro will be submitted soon to the Parliament so that the process of visa liberalisation can be completed during the summer months. According to him, the proposals of the opposition are valid, but in order to have legitimacy, they must go through a thorough analysis, while respecting the Constitution and legal procedures. 

Haradinaj: Government to give up the two agreements (Epoka e Re)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj, appealed to Kosovo leaders to not risk Kosovo and the visa liberalisation process by insisting to ratify the agreement for demarcation of the border with Montenegro. He reiterated that this agreement harms the territory of Kosovo, therefore it should be corrected as soon as possible. He warned that his party will organize a protest on the day that the Assembly puts this issue on the agenda. He informed that AAK will not return to the regular works of the Assembly and that it will be present only during the solemn sessions and the session when the Assembly would try to ratify the agreement on demarcation. Haradinaj said that current government is a misfortune for Kosovo. 

Selimi: Vetëvendosje will use teargas against demarcation (RTK)

Vetëvendosje MP Rexhep Selimi said yesterday that his party will again use tear gas in the Assembly if such action is required to stop the ratification of agreement on border-demarcation with Montenegro. “Vetëvendosje has no problem to use tear gas. For us is a problem if Montenegro border police are located where they do not belong. The opposition will continue to oppose these harmful agreements,” Selimi said. He also said the conditioning of visa liberalization with the border-demarcation agreement by the EU was unfair.  "We will continue to oppose these agreements through protests either inside or outside the Assembly,” he added. 

Mustafa to meet IMF on veterans’ issues (Kosova Sot)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, during a visit to Gjilan/Gnjilane on Tuesday said that economic development, health sector and education are the priorities for the government of Kosovo. He also said he will soon meet representatives of the International Monetary Fund to discuss the issue of war veterans’ pensions. 

Veseli: Kosovo determined on its Euro-Atlantic path (Epoka e Re)

Kosovo’s Assembly President, Kadri Veseli reconfirmed during his meetings in the United Kingdom that priorities of the institutions of Kosovo are strengthening of the legal state, economic development, integration in the European family as well as NATO membership. Veseli expressed appreciation to his British counterpart John Bercow, for the support and help of the UK at different times and circumstances. Representatives of different parties of the two Houses of the British Parliament were also present at this meeting. Veseli also met with the former NATO Secretary General, Lord George Robertson.