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UNMIK Headlines 8 May

Serbia now wants negotiations on position of Orthodox Church (Koha)

Kosovo and Serbia delegations in Brussels failed to agree on Tuesday about the implementation plan of the agreement that was reached on April 19. Based on their statements, chances seem slim for an agreement to be reached on Wednesday. The Kosovar side says it has gone to Brussels about the implementation plan and not a new agreement, the Serbian side wants to address new topics such as the wealth and position of the Serb Orthodox Church in Kosovo.

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi, who heads Pristina’s several-member delegation, told media that parties expressed their positions, “and I think tomorrow Mr. Gentilini (the EU official facilitating the meeting) will present to us the new project plan for the implementation plan and I hope we will discuss it”.

Asked to comment on Serbian accusations for lack of constructiveness, Kuçi said, “I don’t want to make accusations. We are here to reach an implementation plan and not to hold new negotiations. They (the Serbian side) want to reach something beyond the agreement or maybe a new agreement.”

Opposition wants Jahjaga to announce date for local elections ASAP (Koha)

Representatives of political parties are calling on Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga to announce a date for local elections in order to give time to the Central Election Committee to make necessary preparations. Opposition parties argue that delaying the announcement of elections could have a negative impact on their organization.

Officials in the Office of President of Kosovo say Jahjaga is holding final consultations with political parties on the matter. A spokesman for the president, Arbër Vllahiu, said political parties have suggested approximate dates. “The legal timeframe for elections is September 15 – December 15. The President announces the date for local elections at least four months in advance,” Vllahiu said.

Elections in the north in Serbia’s hands (Zëri)

While Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga is yet to announce the date for local elections, it remains unclear if elections will be organized in Serb majority municipalities in northern Kosovo. On the one hand, heads of institutions say local elections will be held throughout the country, including the north, but on the other hand political analysts argue that Serbia decides about the north.

Valdete Daka, chairperson of the Central Election Committee, told the paper, “I am confident that when the date of elections is announced it will apply for the whole territory of Kosovo. The CEC is competent to organize elections. If there will be elections in the north, we will organize them in cooperation with our partners and in accordance with our Constitution and laws.”

Driton Selmanaj, from the Kosovo Democratic Institute, said local elections in the north would depend completely on Belgrade’s readiness. “If Belgrade is interested to stabilize that part and integrate it in Kosovo’s political and constitutional system, I think elections will be organized quickly. If Belgrade however adopts a different approach, I think one cannot even talk about free and right elections in that region,” Selmanaj said.

They (don’t) agree! (Zëri/Lajm/Epoka e Re)

Zëri reports that Kosovo Prime Minister and PDK leader Hashim Thaçi and AKR leader Behxhet Pacolli met on Tuesday to discuss changes in the coalition government, but failed to reach an agreement. Sources close to the meeting told the paper that the AKR will not get the Ministry for Economic Development and that there will be no other changes.

An advisor for Pacolli told the paper that the two leaders met but did not discuss government reshuffling. “There is nothing new. They met but did not discuss changes in the government,” the advisor said.

Lajm on the other hand reports that Thaçi and Pacolli have finally agreed on government changes. According to the paper, AKR has taken over the Ministry for Economic Development, and Besim Beqaj has moved over to the position of Minister of Finance.

Epoka e Re quotes sources from AKR saying that the coalition partners have agreed for the current director of Kosovo Electricity Transmission, System and Market Operator (KOSTT), Fadil Ismaili, to become new Minister of Economy thus giving the New Kosovo Coalition (KKR) another ministry.

Mustafa: Elections reform towards closure (Tribuna)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the biggest opposition party – the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), said on Tuesday that the process of elections reforms is being finalized. Mustafa said two remaining issues which he said would be resolved soon are the composition of the Central Election Committee (CCEC) and an extended mandate for reserved seats for minority communities.

EULEX to downsize in June (Koha Ditore)

The EU rule-of-law mission in Kosovo (EULEX) will downsize by 25-30 percent in June this year. Talks are underway between European officials and government representatives for the transfer of executive competencies from EULEX to Kosovo institutions. Sources told the paper some EULEX staff members have already received notifications that their contract will not be extended. Among them are judges and prosecutors, but also administration staff.

The transition plan, according to Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi, will be ready by the end of the year.

Shpend Kursani, researcher in KIPRED, said EULEX has not met the expectations of the people of Kosovo or its sponsors in Brussels. He also said results on the field are incomplete.

Ahmeti: Kosovo needs to become a UN member state (Epoka e Re)

During a visit to Washington, Ali Ahmeti, leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (BDI) in Macedonia, said Kosovo needs to become a member state of the United Nations. “Kosovo needs to be recognized and become a member of the United Nations. Once it gets visa liberalization, Kosovo also needs to hold membership negotiations with the European Union,” Ahmeti said.

Kelmendi arrested again, this time by EULEX (dailies)

Papers report that Kosovo Police released Naser Kelmendi yesterday as his 48-hour detention period ended but was immediately after arrested by EULEX. Kelmendi’s case is now being dealt with by EULEX that also issued his a 48-hour detention. Kelmendi’s defence counsel opposed the arrest saying it was illegal and in violation to the Constitution of Kosovo.

Kelmendi is wanted in Bosnia and Herzegovina on charges of organized crime but his extradition there is still uncertain as Kosovo has no extradition agreement with B&H.

Shootings in the north (Tribuna)

Mitrovica municipal officials on Wednesday called on law enforcement mechanisms to take measures and prevent frequent incidents in the north. Mitrovica residents have expressed concern over frequent blasts and gunshots at night.