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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 12, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Marty's allegations exceed individual dimension; Serbia's armament not undangerous for the region (media)
  • Osmani: Kosovo is an example of a genuine democracy (RTK)
  • Government of Kosovo introduces economic recovery measures (media)
  • Hoti: 100 euros assistance does not solve the problem of price increases (Klan)
  • PDK calls Government's decision a “populist” move (Koha)
  • Haradinaj: Kurti cannot hide his failures with 100 euros (media)
  • Ministers: Israel and Kosovo to increase cooperation (media)
  • Rama on Serbia’s purchase of arms: It is for defense, I am not worried (media)
  • Prosecution: Swiss expertise found no DNA of anyone else in things near Dehari (media)
  • COVID-19: 9 new cases, no deaths (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Almost 6000 refugees from Ukraine staying in Serbia (Kosovo-online)
  • Drecun: Threats to Marty not coming from Belgrade, aimed at compromising Serbia (Tanjug)
  • Kosovo's Specialist Chambers about threats to Marty: Focus on fairness of proceedings (Kosovo Online)
  • Rama: I am not concerned with Serbia’s armament (Kosovo-online)
  • Pendarovski says Serbia is not a threat, Djukanovic concerned (Tanjug)
  • China confirmed it delivered regular military shipment to Serbia (Kosovo-online)
  • Petkovic reacts to Kurti’s statement on Serbia’s armament (Radio KIM)
  • State Department: To understand the risk and price of doing business with China (VoA, Beta, N1) 
  • Prosecution invites B.B. for interview on allegations about Ivanovic’s murder (Radio KIM)


  • US sanctions Western Balkan figures, citing ‘threat to regional security’ (Politico)
  • Baerbock: It is our responsibility to finally open the accession negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia (EWB)
  • Suspicion in Serbia after Opposition Leader Meets President (Balkan Insight)


  • Kosovo’s Street Kids: Neglected at Home, and by the State (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: Marty's allegations exceed individual dimension; Serbia's armament not undangerous for the region (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti was asked by reporters at a press conference today, where he presented the newest economic recovery measures, to comment on a range of issues, including the recent allegations made by the former Swiss senator Dick Marty that Serbian intelligence agency was trying to get him assassinated in order to blame the Albanians for the crime.

"The state and the people of Kosovo always knew who Serbia was," he said, adding that he hoped that Quint representatives in Belgrade, the EU, would raise this issue with relevant authorities there. "This is a serious allegation which exceeds any individual dimension and includes an entire state." Kurti said Kosovo institutions would cooperate with Switzerland in getting more information about the case. "We are interested in seeing the case resolved through. It is not enough to denounce it and explain that in the last sixteen months senator Dick Marty has had special protection due to a threat unknown to us until now. The reasons, circumstances, information need to be clarified because clearly this has not only to do with Marty but also with Kosovo and Albanians."

Asked about his visit to the United States and about the fact that Serbia's Ambassador Marko Djuric had a meeting with President Joe Biden, Kurti said that that specific meeting was "protocolary" and "very brief". "As I've stated before, I will travel to the United States in May for official meetings there," he noted. 

On reports that Serbia has recently made another purchase of weapons, Kurti noted this is “not undangerous" for the region. He also said Kosovo has provided an additional budget to the Kosovo Security Force. "This extra budget is also a reflection of the situation in which we are now and our northern and hostile neighbour that is arming up. We are concerned, we are cautious, but we are not afraid." "It seems Serbia feels panic realising that it cannot sit on three-four seats anymore, it tries to strengthen itself because it may end up alone."

Osmani: Kosovo is an example of a genuine democracy (RTK)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu said at the inaugural meeting of the Council for Democracy and Human Rights Kosovo is an example of a genuine democracy and works to improve democracy but also to become even stronger as a regional and international partner.

“To work towards the strengthening of democracy and the spread of democratic values ​​means to work for the preservation of the pillars on which modern, prosperous societies are built and whose philosophy is focused on the preservation and promotion of human rights.

Kosovo today is an example of a genuine democracy, but also an example of a country that constantly works to improve the level of democracy by focusing on protecting the interests of its citizens, but also becoming more and more empowered as a partner. credible regionally and internationally,” Osmani said.

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Government of Kosovo introduces economic recovery measures (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti and Finance Minister Hekuran Murati presented today a set of measures as part of the economic recovery package aimed at increasing support for the citizens of Kosovo.

Kurti also said that the Government of Kosovo would tomorrow approve the draft law for increasing the minimum wage to 264 euros.

"For the month of April, we will double the social welfare assistance for all families benefiting from it. We will allocate additional 100 euros to pensioners," Kurti said at a press conference today. He added that a one-time allowance of 100 euros would also be paid to all employees of the private and public sectors, and to students. The total amount of the assistance surpasses 100 million euros, he underlined. 

Hoti: 100 euros assistance does not solve the problem of price increases (Klan)

Avdullah Hoti, former PM and MP of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) took to Facebook to say that today's decision of the government of Kosovo to support citizens reflects the poverty of fiscal and social policies of the executive to protect standard of living of families.

"This one-time assistance of 100 euros, no matter how useful, does not solve the problem of rising prices. Moreover, this aid does not include thousands of unemployed and those engaged in agriculture,” Hoti wrote.

He added that long-term measures, as proposed at the beginning of the crisis must be taken.

According to the proposal, the price of energy should not have increased; Pension and social benefits should be indexed to the core food price inflation rate; Subsidies in agriculture should be increased; The minimum wage should be increased; The withdrawal of a large amount of pension savings should be considered.

PDK calls Government's decision a “populist” move (Koha)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) has slammed the recent measures presented by the Government of Kosovo as part of the economic recovery package as a "populist move." 

"The Kosovo government has confirmed that it is incapable of running the country. All Kurti is doing is populism, after raising the price of energy and not being able to control the prices of products, the government began the day with this decision which is like charity. Citizens need the hand of the state and any help is welcome, but not with charity," said PDK's Bernard Nikaj at a press conference.

Haradinaj: Kurti cannot hide his failures with 100 euros (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) said at a press conference today that Prime Minister Albin Kurti is trying to hide behind his government's failures by announcing the recent economic measures. 

He said Kurti should have instead reviewed the budget to enable a mid-term solution to the financial crisis. "The amount of 100 euros is too little," he said. 

He noted that working people in Kosovo need dignified salaries and that the minimum net wage should be 370 euros. "Salaries have not moved in years while the prices grew continuously. The Government needs to urgently pass the law on salaries with an increase by 33 percent of salaries and all pension schemes." Haradinaj said that the Kosovo budget could handle such an option.

Ministers: Israel and Kosovo to increase cooperation (media)

Israeli Minister for Regional Cooperation, Esawi Frej, and Kosovo Minister of Local Government Administration (MLGA) Elbert Krasniqi held a press conference in Pristina today where they expressed commitment to deepen cooperation.

Frej said that Israel considers Kosovo to be important and the country will invest in different fields. "In the majority of Balkan countries we have no ambassadors but we have one in Kosovo," he said, adding that once economic relations strengthen, Israel will open an embassy.

Krasniqi said that the visit of the Israeli minister will last for three days and will focus on many fields. "This is an important moment because we are deepening our cooperation. The visit is only the beginning of our mutual cooperation," he said.

Rama on Serbia’s purchase of arms: It is for defense, I am not worried (media)

The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama during a press conference in Germany also focused on the situation in the region, after the war that started in Ukraine. Rama was asked about arming of Serbia with the anti-missile defense system, but according to Rama this should not worry Albania at all.

Rama further said that Serbia has taken encouraging steps at the UN, and that the Western Balkans have so far shown that they are together.

"I am not worried about Serbia's armament. I see no reason to worry today. It is more important that we breathe the wind of peace and hold the Western Balkans together as much as possible, even with the help of our strategic allies, such as Germany. I do not see how a missile defense system can be a concern for us. Serbia has taken steps. Has taken encouraging steps at the UN. And the Balkans so far are together. Cooperation in the region is of great importance due to the conflict in Ukraine," Rama said.

Rama, among other things, was asked about a possible visit to Kiev where he said that he would gladly do it if it were his turn.

"There are others before me who deserve to have this protagonism. If it were my turn I would do it with great pleasure. But I think that it should not take the turn of others," Rama said. 

Prosecution: Swiss expertise found no DNA of anyone else in things near Dehari (media)

The Special Prosecution has received the report from the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Lausanne, Switzerland, regarding the case of Astrit Dehari.

The Special Prosecution notifies that the expertise report was received in French and then sent for translation into Albanian.

During the day, the expertise report in French and Albanian will be submitted to the Dehari family and the legal representative of the family.

The expertise report of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Lausanne, Switzerland in the case of Astrit Dehari, states:

"DNA analyzes, from objects that were in contact with the deceased, Astrit Dehari, in moments close to death, (razor, pen tied with a shoelace and a piece of metal, did not show DNA profile "except for him, Astrit Dehari".

It is also noted that additional toxicological tests of Astrit Dehari peripheral blood have shown the presence of caffeine and the absence of ethanol.

" There is no recommendation in the expertise regarding the exhumation of the body of the deceased, and it is not recommended that the body be re-examined given the time that has passed," the report said.

Based on the findings of this report, the Special Prosecution says that it will continue to investigate this case and will take all necessary actions.

COVID-19: 9 new cases, no deaths (media)

9 new cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Kosovo in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health reported. 39 persons recovered during this time. There are 504 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.




Serbian Language Media


Almost 6000 refugees from Ukraine staying in Serbia (Kosovo-online)

Serbian Commissioner for Refugees, Vladimi Cucic said yesterday that 5.698 refugees from Ukraine reported their presence in Serbia, adding that slightly higher than 50 people are staying at the premises of the commissariat, while others are staying in private accommodations, Kosovo-online portal reports.

He also said Serbia is ready to receive more refugees than current accommodational capacities of the commissariat.   

Cucic, along with EU Delegation Head to Serbia, Emanuel Giaufret, Finish Ambassador to Serbia, Kimmo Lahdevirta, Ambassador of Poland Rafal Perl, Deputy French Ambassador Fatih Akcal and Deputy Ambassador of Ukraine, Marko Martinjak visited Ukrainian refugees accommodated at the Asylum Center in Vranje. Cucic said that 41 refugees are staying in Vranje, and nine or ten in Obrenovac.

“Serbia is ready, in a manner done since 2015, in addition to offering 6.000 accommodation capacities to receive much more refugees if asked to do so, and as it was the case thus far we will do it in cooperation with the EU”, Cucic said.

He noted that Serbia is doing its utmost, has nothing to be ashamed of, neither of the quality of what it offers, nor of the number of those it is ready to accept.

“Serbia is the first country outside of the EU, if not the only one, that joined the EU directive concerning the protection of the rights of the refugees, and unfortunately at this moment those are our brothers from Ukraine. We thank the EU, as without its support it won’t be possible to create human conditions, that children go to school, have health protection and any other protection as needed”, he said.

Head of the EU Delegation Giaufret said Serbia has an extensive experience in dealing with refugees from the war in former Yugoslavia, and the migrant crisis that took place a few years ago. He noted that the EU will continue working with Serbia in helping the refugees, it donated 120 million euros already, and is ready to give an additional 57 million for this purpose.

He also expressed satisfaction that refugees from Ukraine were cordially accepted by the local population in Serbia.  

“From one hand, the state of Serbia provided infrastructure and the system to offer aid and support to refugees, while on the other hand, ordinary people embraced refugees, making them feel welcome and offered them necessary help. The refugees are enabled, same as in the EU, to have access to education, health system and labour market”, he said.

Deputy Ambassador of Ukraine, Marko Martinjak thanked Serbia and citizens of Vranje for hospitality to the refugees from his country.

Drecun: Threats to Marty not coming from Belgrade, aimed at compromising Serbia (Tanjug)

Chairman of the Serbian Assembly Committee on Kosovo-Metohija, Milovan Drecun on Monday dismissed allegations that former Council of Europe Rapporteur Dick Marty, who has investigated crimes committed by Kosovo Liberation Army was receiving death threats from Serbian intelligence services, adding that the disinformation might be “a brutal provocation” aimed at compromising Serbia's security services and Serbia itself, Tanjug news agency reports.

"If we were to threaten Dick Marty's safety in any way, we would compromise the entire trial of the KLA. Is that our interest? We want those crimes to come to light and their perpetrators prosecuted. This is a major set-up, with the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service or elements from Pristina, the Albanian mafia or the Albanian diaspora behind it", Drecun opined.

Those who might be interested in threatening Marty's safety are definitely not in Belgrade, but people identified in Marty's report “as the perpetrators of the most brutal crimes committed by KLA", he added.

In an interview for a Swiss daily, Marty has said the death threats seemed to come from "certain circles of Serbian intelligence services."

Drecun said Marty's "naivete" was a cause for concern.

"Marty should come to Belgrade, where the parliamentary committee on Kosovo-Metohija would present to him the findings and the documentation we have obtained through a working group on crimes committed by the KLA - all of which confirm his own findings - and he would be safe here. Our services are under strong institutional control, there is a parliamentary committee on control of security services and no illegal activities or activities behind the scenes could occur", he added.

He also said that Serbia and Serbs owe gratitude to Marty.

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Kosovo's Specialist Chambers about threats to Marty: Focus on fairness of proceedings (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo's specialist chambers are focused on their mandate to ensure fair, independent, impartial, and safe procedures and are unable to provide any other information, the Special Court told Kosovo Online, when asked ''whether threats to former Council of Europe rapporteur, Dick Marty would influence the current trials in The Hague against former KLA leaders''.

Dick Marty, a former Council of Europe reporter who investigated KLA crimes and human organ trafficking, has had police security since December 2020, he said in an interview with Swiss media.

Marty said that the death threat "seems to come from certain circles of Serbian intelligence services" which, as he stated, asked paid assassins from the underground to liquidate him in order to "blame the Albanians from Kosovo".

On this occasion, among others, the Serbian Security Information Agency announced that it had sent a letter to the Swiss Federal Intelligence Service (FIS) in which it strongly condemns and denies malicious claims about the involvement of Serbian security services in planning anyone's murder, recalled Kosovo Online.

Rama: I am not concerned with Serbia’s armament (Kosovo-online)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said the armament of Serbia with an anti-missile defence system should not concern Albania, Kosovo-online portal reports citing Pristina-based Eknomija online. He added Serbia acquired a defence system, therefore it is not a problem.

“I am not concerned with the armament of Serbia. I see no reason for concern today. It is more important to instil the wind of peace and hold Western Balkans together as much as possible, even with the support of our strategic allies, such as Germany. I do not see how an anti-missile defence system can be concerning for us”, Rama is quoted as saying in response to a question relating to the armament of Serbia during a press conference in Germany.

Commenting on the situation in the region, following the war in Ukraine, Rama said Serbia has taken encouraging steps in the UN. He stressed that cooperation in the region was of high importance given the conflict in Ukraine.

Rama was on an official visit to Germany and met German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and President Walter Steinmeier there to discuss opening of Albanian negotiations with the EU. 

Pendarovski says Serbia is not a threat, Djukanovic concerned (Tanjug)

North Macedonia is a NATO member state and has no assessment that Serbia is a threat to it, President Stevo Pendarovksi said during an official visit to Montenegro, Tanjug news agency reports.

At the same time, his host, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic voiced concern over the armament of Serbia.

“We do not have an assessment that Serbia is a security threat to us”, Pendarovski said during a joint press conference.

Regarding the armament of Serbia, Djukanovic noted it is always concerning, since it, as he said, increases the sense of endangerment of the security in Europe. 

China confirmed it delivered regular military shipment to Serbia (Kosovo-online)

Spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhao Lijian said that China has delivered a regular military shipment to Serbia, within an annual plan of cooperation between the two states, adding this transport was not directed against “any third side” and has nothing to do with the current situation in the world, Kosovo-online portal reports.

This way China confirmed the delivery of military equipment to Serbia, while Lijian didn’t provide details on what the package contained. This armament acquisition caused significant interest of the media both local and international including those in the West.

Petkovic reacts to Kurti’s statement on Serbia’s armament (Radio KIM)

“Official Belgrade threatens no one, but rather advances its defence military capacities as a guarantee to the peace and stability in the Western Balkans”, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said in relation to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s statement that Serbia’s armament was not safe for Kosovo, Radio KIM reports.

Petkovic added that “Kurti ought to use any situation to attack Belgrade and provoke incidents on the ground”. He also said that “Kurti should resort to dialogue as the only meaningful mechanism for normalisation of relations”.

“Kurti now attempts to falsely accuse Belgrade of being behind the threats to Dick Marty, same as he has been falsely accusing us that we destroyed our own cemeteries or inscribed KLA graffiti on the Serbian houses. The traces of such misdeeds lead directly to Pristina and no Kurti’s propaganda on the account of official Belgrade can undo that'', Petkovic is quoted as saying. 

State Department: To understand the risk and price of doing business with China (VoA, Beta, N1) 

"Doing business with companies based in the People's Republic of China is a sovereign decision, but governments need to be aware of short-term and long-term risks and prices," said an unnamed State Department spokesman when asked by VoA on the allegation that the previous weekend, Chinese military equipment was delivered to Serbia by military transport aviation. 

VoA wrote that the comment was preceded by John Kirby's remarks during a press briefing in Washington that the US was unable to confirm Saturday's Chinese delivery to Serbia, which official Beijing marked as conventional military equipment - or to, as he said, speculate on influence on Russia or Ukraine.

VoA in Serbian language reported that until the conclusion of the text, the Ministry of Defense of Serbia did not answer the question of the Voice of America whether and what kind of military equipment was delivered to Serbia from China and whether Chinese army planes were used for that.

Prosecution invites B.B. for interview on allegations about Ivanovic’s murder (Radio KIM)

Serbian Organized Crime Prosecution has invited B.B. for an interview on allegations he presented during an interview with KRIK investigative portal relating to the murder of the leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice Oliver Ivanovic in Mitrovica North, Radio KIM reports.

He should report to the prosecution on April 15, and provide as the invitation said, necessary information relating to the criminal act of terrorism.

In an interview with KRIK investigative portal B.B. named alleged perpetrator and organizers of the murder of OIiver Ivanovic, linking it with organized crime group in Belgrade and influential businessmen in northern Kosovo. 





US sanctions Western Balkan figures, citing ‘threat to regional security’ (Politico)

Those targeted include former leaders of North Macedonia and the short-lived State Union of Serbia and Montenegro.

The United States sanctioned seven people in the Western Balkans on Monday, including former leaders of North Macedonia and the short-lived State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, calling them a “serious threat to regional stability.”

Those targeted — from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and North Macedonia — were added to the list of specially designated nationals, maintained by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or OFAC. This means their assets are blocked, U.S. citizens are generally prohibited from dealing with them, and they are also banned from entering the U.S.

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Baerbock: It is our responsibility to finally open the accession negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia (EWB)

BRUSSELS – In a statement for German media following the EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting on Monday, Foreign Minister of Germany Annalena Baerbock stated that the accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania should be opened in the first half of this year. She added that Serbia if it wants to become an EU member, must align itself with the sanctions on Russia.

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Suspicion in Serbia after Opposition Leader Meets President (Balkan Insight)

A meeting between arch rivals Dragan Djilas and Aleksandar Vucic has injected fresh uncertainty into the fight for power in the Serbian capital.

Surprise talks between Serbian opposition politician Dragan Djilas and President Aleksandar Vucic concerning an inconclusive election in the capital, Belgrade, has triggered anger and suspicion within the ranks of the country’s opposition.

Djilas is a former mayor of Belgrade and leader of the Freedom and Justice Party, which ran in this month’s parliamentary and local elections as part of an opposition bloc called United for Serbia.

Vucic was re-elected as president and his ruling Serbian Progressive Party, SNS, again won the parliamentary vote, but there was no clear winner in Belgrade, where 55 seats were won by the SNS and its allies in the Socialist Party, SPS, and 55 by the opposition, including United for Serbia.

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Kosovo’s Street Kids: Neglected at Home, and by the State (Balkan Insight)

Institutional neglect and a lack of resources mean many children are slipping through the social welfare net in Kosovo.

Rina [not her real name] was sipping her usual morning macchiato when the boy, who could not have been older than seven, approached her table at a café in downtown Pristina, capital of Kosovo.

“D’you want to buy a chocolate bar for 20 cents?” he asked.

Rina turned down the chocolate but reached for her purse anyway. “Do you go to school,” she asked the boy, whom she saw regularly on the city streets.

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