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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, August 2, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Krasniqi: Administrative instruction for elections in north will apply to all municipalities (media)
  • Kosovo Police director met KFOR commander and head of EULEX (media)
  • Head of EULEX: We will have follow-up meetings with Kosovo Police to assess security (Klan)
  • The CEC is ready to organise the elections in the north again (media)
  • KDI: The Assembly fulfilled 13% of the legislative agenda (media)
  • AJK condemns public pressure of LVV MPs against the RTK journalist (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • One month and a half since ban on Serbian goods, medical supplies in hospitals on verge (RTS)
  • Citizens on consequences of banning import of Serbian products (Kosovo Online)
  • Aleksandar Karadjordjevic: Prevent humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo (RTV)
  • KFOR: Ristuccia, Barbano and Kosovo police director discussed de-escalation measures (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Barbano: In coming period, additional meetings of EULEX and Kosovo police in cooperation with KFOR (media)
  • Vucic bids farewell to Chinese Ambassador (BETA, N1)
  • Serbian Ombudsman discussed with ICRC delegation situation of Serbs arrested in Kosovo (Radio KIM)



Albanian Language Media  


Krasniqi: Administrative instruction for elections in north will apply to all municipalities (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Local Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, has said that there is a lot of room for the correction of the Law on Local Self-Government. He emphasised that due to the non-fulfillment of the conditions for voting on the amendment of this law, the ministry has found administrative instructions that can be put into operation.

"You know that we have initiated the completion of the law, we have proposed some changes, we have presented them, but it has not been put to the vote, because we need 2/3 of the votes of the communities. This has put us in front of a situation where we have to see from this basis of the law on local self-government, let's see what are the administrative instructions that as the ministry we have the power to develop and then clarify different positions in this law. Finally, we have also started the administrative instruction on the procedures for organising a petition in municipalities where there is a request from the citizens for the removal of the mayors. This originates from the law on local self-government, Article 72, and now we have formed a professional working group from actors involved in local government and let's see what their work will be." the minister said.

He added that the established working group should draft the administrative instruction by September 1 that will regulate the procedures for how a petition is organised in municipalities where there is a request from the citizens for the removal of the mayors.

"As for the departure of the mayors of the municipalities, I believe that the mayors have won a mandate. Their removal from the offices of the mayor is determined by law and the resignation of each mayor of the municipality cannot be requested by any other institution or by any other authority because the mandate is personal, and the mayor has won that mandate".

Kosovo Police director met KFOR commander and head of EULEX (media)

The General Director of the Kosovo Police, colonel Gazmend Hoxha, hosted on Tuesday the commander of KFOR, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, the head of EULEX in Kosovo, Giovanni Pietro Barbano and representatives of the EU Office.

"This was a meeting held within the framework of the ongoing cooperation that the Kosovo Police maintains with KFOR and EULEX. The issues that were discussed had to do with the security situation in the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo, including the recent developments in the north of the country", says the KP announcement.

According to the announcement, cooperation and coordination within the framework of the relevant tasks and responsibilities, with the aim of providing security and maintaining public order and peace, was assessed as a common goal.

Head of EULEX: We will have follow-up meetings with Kosovo Police to assess security (Klan)

The head of EULEX, Giovanni Pietro Barbano, met the general director of the Kosovo Police, Gazmend Hoxha, where they discussed security issues in Kosovo.

On his Twitter account, Barbano has emphasized that EULEX will hold follow-up technical meetings with the Kosovo Police to conduct bi-weekly joint security assessments between the Kosovo Police and EULEX and as necessary with KFOR.

"We agreed on general modalities to further strengthen our ongoing cooperation and coordination to support stability in Kosovo and the security of all its communities," he wrote.

The CEC is ready to organise the elections in the north again (media)

The Central Election Commission (CEC) is ready to re-organise the elections in the four northern municipalities of Kosovo, whenever requested by the institutions in charge, said the spokesperson of this institution, Valmir Elezi.

"The Central Election Commission, as a permanent constitutional institution, has as its main task the organisation of elections whenever they are announced. As always, as we have said in the past, the CEC is ready to fulfil the duties arising from the Constitution and the laws in force", he said.

The Ministry of Local Government Administration has started the procedures for the removal of four Albanian mayors in the municipalities in the north. The working group must finalise the Project-Administrative Instruction and submit it to the office of the Secretary General of MLGA by September 1 of this year.

On July 10, Kosovo reached an agreement with the EU to reduce tensions in the north, and it also included the holding of new elections in the north.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has said that there can be no elections without a full de-escalation of the situation in the north. The EU has called for the elections in the north to be held as soon as possible.

KDI: The Assembly fulfilled 13% of the legislative agenda (media)

Kosovo Democratic Institute of (KDI), through the report on the work of the Assembly of Kosovo after the end of the spring session, said that this institution has fulfilled only 13 percent of the legislative agenda for this year.

"During this session, the Assembly held 49 sessions in total. Approximately half of them were plenary sessions, while the delay in dealing with the parliamentary agenda in the previous and current year, together with bad planning, caused the need to conduct a large number of continuation sessions," said KDI researcher, Arber Thaci in a media conference.

"In addition to these, eight extraordinary sessions and two sessions of a solemn nature were also held," he said.

Thaci announced that during this period the Assembly approved a total of 44 draft laws, 11 of which were international agreements. "Of these, 17 draft laws were part of the government's legislative plan for 2023, while the majority of approved draft laws, 27 draft laws, were part of the legislative plan of the previous years 2022 and 2021".

Furthermore, KDI said that 14 draft laws are still waiting to be approved in the second reading, as they were only approved in the first reading during this session. "This proves that the MPs were careful to register to receive their allowances, but they showed irresponsibility in regular participation in the work of the Assembly".

"This is contrary to the ruling of the Constitutional Court and the public interest, which obliges MPs to participate regularly in the works of the Assembly", Thaci said.

AJK condemns public pressure of LVV MPs against the RTK journalist (media)

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo has reacted to the situation of Tuesday’s boycott of the press conference of the Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Rozeta Hajdari, by journalists.

The reaction of the AJK said that they have followed with concern the public pressure that Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) MPs have put on the RTK journalist, Edona Podvorica, who boycotted the press conference, along with most of her colleagues from other media. AJK considers Tuesday's boycott as a legitimate form of protest by journalists and media and invites the ruling party not to put pressure on public media journalists.

Also, AJK invites the management of RTK not to be influenced by the pressure of the authorities in reporting on the action of its team in the field. Otherwise, on Tuesday MP Valon Ramadani wrote that "it seems, this institution avoided the legal obligation, by not staying at the conference of Minister Rozeta Hajdari". Another Vetevendosje MP, Enver Dugolli, wrote along the same lines.



Serbian Language Media


One month and a half since ban on Serbian goods, medical supplies in hospitals on verge (RTS)

Serbs in Kosovo are warning that should the ban on importing Serbian goods in Kosovo continue they would soon run out of medical supplies, RTS reports. Pristina authorities imposed a ban on Serbian goods import in June this year.

The ban, RTS writes further, negatively affects all segments of lives. Doctors claim the situation in the hospitals in the Serbian areas is becoming alarming – in Pasjane, Gracanica, Mitrovica North where the highest number of patients seek medical attention.

“The last reserves of antibiotics are being spent in the Clinical Hospital Centre in Mitrovica North, the last reserves of infusion solution and sanitary material. A humanitarian disaster is threatening us if this unreasonable decision is not revoked. We appeal to representatives of the international community, who are here based on Resolution 1244, to make the lives of our citizens less difficult and call upon Pristina to revoke this decision. In our hospital Serbs, Albanians, Bosniaks, Roma are receiving media treatments, and it is necessary to enable treatment and easier lives for our citizens”, Doctor Dragisa Milovic, deputy head of Clinical and Hospital Centre in Mitrovica North said.

RTS also said recently there are no reactions from the international community to this issue either, as it did not include a request for free movement of goods in the so-called package for de-escalation in northern Kosovo. Verbal decision of the Kosovo Government to ban the import could be interpreted as not officially made, however it is being implemented, carrying along different risks – economic, social, political and security.

RTS further writes that revoking the ban on importing Serbian goods would help relaxation of Belgrade-Pristina relations, along with withdrawal of Kosovo special police units from the north and initiative to dissolve the Albanian mayors, as well as calling new elections.  

Citizens on consequences of banning import of Serbian products (Kosovo Online)

Serbs living in Kosovo, both in the north and south of the Ibar River, said the ban on importing Serbian goods imposed by Pristina authorities in June this year has significantly impacted quality of their lives, adding they are missing some groceries they used every day. They also said those offered as substitutes for Serbian products were more expensive, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Svetozar Zivic from Gracanica told the portal that he is dissatisfied both with the range of products and the prices.

"We've been to a couple of stores, there's no basic - low-fat mayonnaise, no Serbian beer, no milk, no yoghurt. A lot of things. We're really endangered in that regard, but I hope it will get better. The prices are disastrous, very high for our standard", Zivic says.

"There is a lack of goods, you can see it in the shops. It is completely empty. Here are the merchants, ask them what is missing, there is a lack of "Plazma", which is the most wanted for children, milk", Branislava Krasic said.

Employee of Jugomarket, located in the centre of Gracanica, said they are running out of stock and that customers are looking for Serbian products.

Ratomir Milanovic from Leposavic told the portal there is a shortage of some products.

"In Leposavic, there is a shortage of consumer goods, milk, and dairy products. We are still getting by with greens, but there is also a lack of other goods, dried meat. As for medications, we have not had them for a long time, only in private pharmacies, and now that has also decreased. To get medications, we have to go to Raska or somewhere further away", Milanovic said.

Meanwhile, Ljubisa Miljojkovic from Leposavic said he does not have the impression that products are lacking but that he is worried about the next period.

"Everything is supplied. When I come to the store, there is yoghurt, milk, cheese, and everything I need. However, I am worried that there will be a shortage because one does not know what will happen in the future, when I see what the situation is, it will be difficult", he added.

Aleksandar Karadjordjevic: Prevent humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo (RTV)

Reacting to the news about a possible humanitarian crisis that may occur due to the low level of medical supplies in the Clinical Hospital Centre in Mitrovica North, Serbian Crown Prince Aleksandar (of the house of Karađorđević) expressed concern in a press statement today over the well-being of patients and strongly condemned, as he said, the harmful actions of Pristina institutions, Radio Television of Vojvodina (RTV) reports.

“(…) It was with great sadness and distress that I received the news that as a result of (Albin) Kurti’s decision to block trucks with goods from central Serbia in the middle of June this year, the main pharmacy of the Clinical Centre of Kosovska Mitrovica is now running out of medicine.

It is unthinkable and unacceptable, I am deeply disturbed and concerned for the well-being of patients and all people who may need medical help.

I appeal to all those who have an influence on Kurti to do everything in their power to prevent a humanitarian disaster from happening (…)”, he said in a statement. 

KFOR: Ristuccia, Barbano and Kosovo police director discussed de-escalation measures (Kosovo Online, social media)

Commander of KFOR General Michele Ristuccia met yesterday with head of EULEX Giovanni Barbano and director general of Kosovo police, Gazmend Hoxha and discussed with them de-escalation measures, Kosovo Online portal reports citing announcement KFOR posted on Twitter.

“The #KFOR #NATO-led Mission Commander, MG Angelo Michele Ristuccia, met with the Head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo @EULEXKosovo, Pietro Barbano @EulexHoM and the General Director of the @Kosovo_Police, Gazmend Hoxha.

They discussed at length the de-escalation measures that will be implemented in the short term by Institutions in Kosovo. The meeting was positive and constructive and will be followed by further periodic meetings both at technical and executive level”, KFOR said in posts on Twitter. 

Barbano: In coming period, additional meetings of EULEX and Kosovo police in cooperation with KFOR (media)

New head of EULEX, Giovanni Barbano said he spoke with the heads of Kosovo police and KFOR, Gazmend Hoxha and General Michele Ristuccia, about further strengthening of cooperation aiming at supporting stability in Kosovo and security of all communities living there, Serbian media report.  

“Yesterday I had a very fruitful discussion with DG of @Kosovo_Police Hoxha & @NATO_KFOR Cdr, MG Ristuccia: we agreed on the overall modalities to further strengthen our ongoing cooperation & coordination to support stability in Kosovo, & the security of all its communities 1/2

In the upcoming days we expect follow up technical meetings with the Kosovo Police in order to conduct bi-weekly joint security assessments between Kosovo Police & #EULEX & - as appropriate- with #KFOR 2/2”, he wrote on Twitter.  

Vucic bids farewell to Chinese Ambassador (BETA, N1)

At a farewell reception in honour of outgoing Chinese Ambassador Chen Bo Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that, in Serbia, sincere friends are seen off with sadness but also with pride because of the honour and opportunity to have such friends, N1 reports.

“For us, Ambassador Chen Bo is much more than a diplomatic representative of the People’s Republic of China, a country that in Serbia enjoys the highest possible respect from citizens. She is, above all, our precious friend”, Vucic wrote in a post on his Instagram profile.

“We planned many projects together, looked forward to every kilometre of road and railway, shared concerns in difficult times, listened to each other with attention and respect and always relied on the support and partnership attitude of the great People’s Republic of China for everything that Serbia and its citizens needed”, he added.

He said that, in the most difficult of times, Ambassador Chen Bo’s strong commitment to strengthening comprehensive relations between China and Serbia “always bore her personal seal of sincere love and respect” for Serbia and its people. That is why Serbia is Ambassador Chen Bo’s second home where she is no longer a guest but someone who will always be welcomed here with joy, respect and great affection, Vucic said.

Serbian Ombudsman discussed with ICRC delegation situation of Serbs arrested in Kosovo (Radio KIM)

Serbian Ombudsman Zoran Pasalic spoke in Belgrade with head of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) regional delegation Jelena Stijacic, and the regional coordinator of that organisation, Aurelia Gotie, on the issues of protecting the rights of detained Serbs in Kosovo, Radio KIM reports.

"A constant communication" has been agreed upon, the Ombudsman Office said, adding that Pasalic and representatives of the ICRC Regional Delegation expressed "concern about the position and status of detained Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija".

On June 26, Pasalic asked International Committee of the Red Cross to "protect the Serbs arrested in Kosovo from further maltreatment, abuse and torture and to investigate the actions of the Kosovo police against them when they were taken to detention centers", reads the statement.

The statement also said that Ombudsman informed numerous international institutions that deal with the protection of human rights and prevention of torture about the torture against arrested Serbs in Kosovo. On July 10, Pasalic also addressed 106 national institutions dealing with the protection of human rights, of which he so far received responses from only three, the statement added.