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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, December 21, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • KFOR publishes footage of patrols in the north (media)
  • Police: Explosions in the north suspected to come from shock bombs (RFE)
  • Kosovo Police Director of Operations interview with Kallxo 
  • Stoltenberg mentions Kosovo in his end of the year speech (Klan)
  • KFOR says it is analysing Serbia's request for return of army to Kosovo (Koha)
  • Haradinaj calls on NATO to remove barricades as soon as possible (Telegrafi)
  • Dendias mentions situation in the north of Kosovo also in Tirana (Klan)
  • Jasharaj: If law on wages is adopted, strike will not continue in January (EO)
  • The first results: Presevo Valley with over 100 thousand registered inhabitants (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Spain MFA: We cannot support Kosovo's application for EU membership (Kosovo Online, Blic, RTS)
  • Petkovic: No response to request for phone call with Serb arrested by Kosovo police (Tanjug)
  • Lawyer: Political process staged against Pantic, his rights are violated (Kosovo Online)
  • Brnabic: On verge of armed conflict because of unilateral Pristina’s acts (RTV)
  • Vucic: The statement of the German ambassador in Pristina dangerous, a threat to the Serbian people (Beta, N1, RTS)
  • Brnabic on Twitter: Ambassador Rohde's statements are outrageous (Tanjug)
  • Serbian List, Petkovic react to Svecla’s allegations about Rakic (Kosovo Online)
  • Starovic: Kurti told falsehoods that we had more than 100 exercises with the Russians (Tanjug)
  • Day 12 at barricades in northern Kosovo (RTS)
  • The Greek minister refused to hold a conference in front of the "Republic of Kosovo" sign (RTS, Blic, Ekonomia Online)
  • NGOs from Serbia and Kosovo: Escalation and de-escalation reflect the failure of political imagination (Beta, N1, KiM radio)
  • Aliyev: Serbia, Azerbaijan strategic partners, support territorial integrity (Tanjug)
  • Stoltenberg: Security situation in Kosovo crucial for stability of Western Balkans (media)
  • Rasic: In 2022, not a single house was built for returnees in Kosovo (Beta, Danas, KiM radio)


  • Kosovo Police Confirms Arrested Ex-Cop Being Held at Police Station (BIRN)



Albanian Language Media  


KFOR publishes footage of patrols in the north (media)

The NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, KFOR, said in a Facebook post that “during the last days, the NATO-led KFOR mission conducted a series of exercises in northern Kosovo to test its capabilities to continue ensuring a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities living in Kosovo. These activities were carried out in close cooperation and coordination   with the main actors in the area and in accordance with KFOR’s UN mandate based on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999.”

Read more:

Police: Explosions in the north suspected to come from shock bombs (RFE)

Two explosions happened in Mitrovica North on Tuesday, which are believed to have come from shock bombs. Kosovo Police said that patrol units reported that the explosions happened around 20:45 and 21:20 in the Bosniak Neighborhood and the Three Towers. “Based on the information we have so far, there have been no injuries or material damage,” the police information office told Radio Free Europe.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) said the explosion in the Bosniak Neighborhood happened near a team of TeVe1 TV station. “The Association of Journalists of Kosovo expresses deep concern about the situation created in the north of the country and calls on all colleagues to be very careful during their reporting from this part. The AJK at the same time calls on the competent authorities to undertake the necessary measures to ensure that the reporters can do their work without being in danger,” the AJK said.

Kosovo Police Director of Operations interview with Kallxo 

Kosovo Police Head of Operations, Gazmend Hoxha, said in an interview with Kallxo on Tuesday that Dejan Pantic is being held at the police station in Jarinje. Pantic, a former member of Kosovo Police was arrested on the suspicion of being behind the attack against officials of the Central Election Commission and Kosovo Police in the north. The Basic Court in Pristina, which ordered a 30-day detention against Pantic, said that he is suspected of terrorism.

Hoxha said: “This person is at the police station in Jarinje. He lives in the same conditions as our police officers in that station. He doesn’t sleep on a chair, he sleeps in a bed, he gets food, water, and the medications the doctors prescribed him. We have provided him with his medications even before those prescribed by the doctors were sent to him. A medical team from EULEX also visited him. We are open for this to be monitored and for the conditions there to be checked”.

Hoxha also said that Pantic is not subject to any mistreatment and that he is not denied his rights. “There is no physical mistreatment or denial of his rights. The conditions are those of the police station. None of his rights have been violated. Police are sharing what they have with him,” he said.

According to Hoxha, Pantic was sent to the police station in Jarinje because of the circumstances created after the barricades were erected. “I am not sure about his family, but his lawyer was present when the court interviewed him. Freedom of movement in that part is limited and the barricades have made a visit impossible,” Hoxha said when asked about a visit from Pantic’s family.

Hoxha also said that Kosovo Police communicated with KFOR troops to prevent the burning of the crossing point in Jarinje, during the latest protest. “We communicated with our main security partner, KFOR. Kosovo Police together with KFOR were ready, there was an operational plan to act and prevent the burning or damaging of our border points,” he said.

Hoxha also said that the Jarinje crossing is in the territory of Serbia and that it is the duty of the Serbian state to provide security. “We are talking about the Jarinje point. What we can say is that according to the Brussels agreement, the point is in Serbian territory while the Bernjak point is in the territory of Kosovo. The state that has the border crossing point in its territory has the duty to provide security,” he said.

According to Hoxha, the persons that were seen in the protest in Jarinje are criminal groups. “Criminal groups that were seen there were groups of hooligans, certain fans, criminal gangs, who were masked and were trying to move inside the territory of Kosovo, but coordination by the Kosovo Police managed the situation well and there were no consequences”.

Stoltenberg mentions Kosovo in his end of the year speech (Klan)

The Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, made his year-end speech. Addressing the members of this alliance, he mentioned, among other things, the activities of this alliance in the territory of Kosovo.

“From the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean. Maintaining a safe environment and security in Kosovo, which is key to the stability of the Western Balkans region. Or helping the security forces in Iraq to ensure that ISIS does not return. You play an essential role in our security. And NATO allies are investing more in defense. Supporting our armed forces makes our Alliance stronger and all our people safer. So, thank you very much for your service. And I wish you and your families peaceful holidays and a happy New Year!" Stroltenberg said in the conclusion of his speech. 

KFOR says it is analysing Serbia's request for return of army to Kosovo (Koha)

KFOR has said that it is analysing the request of the Government of Serbia to return Serbian soldiers to Kosovo.

"We are currently analysing the request of the government of Serbia. We will continue to provide a safe environment and freedom of movement, which encourages productive dialogue, gives leaders the ability to create long-term sustainable solutions, for the benefit of all communities living in Kosovo," KFOR says.

Haradinaj calls on NATO to remove barricades as soon as possible (Telegrafi)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said today that local Serbs and their political leaders must understand that they are most damaged by the barricades. He argued that there is no other case in Europe, except for the north of Kosovo, where the movement of people is impeded.

Haradinaj said in a Facebook post that Kosovo treats Serbs as equal citizens and in many cases with even more advanced rights. He said, “the central institutions have opened all doors to the integration of Serb citizens, guaranteeing their security, assuming major financial obligations, guaranteeing their political representation and even giving them the right of veto on many issues related to their interests, even by discriminating against the majority population”.

Haradinaj also said that the Serbs in the north have no reason to feel threatened and let alone block themselves and the north. “I call on Serb political representatives, intellectuals and all reasonable people, wherever they are, in Kosovo or in Serbia to use all their influence for the removal of the barricades. I also call on countries that are friends with Kosovo or Serbia, NATO and KFOR, to help remove as soon as possible the barricades, this last stain in Europe. Let us celebrate the New Year holidays as civilised Europeans, in the quiet of our families and not with barricades and with hatred toward one another”.

Dendias mentions situation in the north of Kosovo also in Tirana (Klan)

The Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias mentioned the situation in the north of Kosovo also during his official visit to Albania.

"I want to be clear that peace and stability to us constitute the primary part. We have in front of us a very concrete step that we must push, it is the escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo."

"In the meetings I had in Belgrade and Pristina, I emphasised the dialogue between the two countries," Dendias said in Tirana after the meeting with the Albanian Foreign Minister, Olta Xhacka.

Jasharaj: If law on wages is adopted, strike will not continue in January (EO)

Leader of the Union of Education, Science and Culture (SBASHK) Rrahman Jasharaj said in an interview with the news website that if the Kosovo Assembly adopts the law on wages on Thursday, the suspended strike in the education sector will not continue in January next year.

“The public must understand because we could not decide otherwise … we had a close result in favor of suspending the strike … the strike remains an open option and we have allowed this timeline until January next year. If things go as planned and if Nagavci’s statement [Minister of Education] is true and if the MPs do their job [adopt the law on wages], then in January we will have very good news and a decision can be made to end the strike,” Jasharaj said.

Jasharaj said that the version of the law on wages, which was published in some media, is welcome for the unionists. He also said that he received assurances from the Minister of Education, that the law is in line with the requests of the Union.

The first results: Presevo Valley with over 100 thousand registered inhabitants (Koha)

The Presevo Valley, with an Albanian majority, has more than 100,000 inhabitants, based on the publication of the first results of the population census in Serbia, by the Republic of Serbia Statistics Authority.

As "Spektri" reports, according to the data, 54 thousand 684 people were registered in Bujanoc, while 42 thousand 634 residents of this municipality were estimated. 60,568 people are registered in the Municipality of Presheva, while officially only 35,097 inhabitants are estimated.

According to the explanation of the Serbian authorities, the registration includes every citizen of the Republic of Serbia with or without residence in this country, foreigners with permanent residence and those with temporary residence permits.

As for the total figures, Serbia has less than 7 million inhabitants, or about half a million less than the last census, in 2011.




Serbian Language Media 


Spain MFA: We cannot support Kosovo's application for EU membership (Kosovo Online, Blic, RTS)

Spain cannot vote for Pristina's application for membership in the European Union because it does not recognize it, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Kosovo Online.

"Spain, like other countries of the European Union, has not changed its position on the non-recognition of Kosovo and believes that dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is the only possible way to achieve a permanent solution to the dispute over the territory. According to the logic of non-recognition, Spain cannot vote for the application for membership in the EU", it is stated in the response of the Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain to Kosovo Online portal.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti submitted an application for EU membership in Prague on December 15, as the Czech Republic holds the presidency of the EU Council until the end of the year.

The spokeswoman of the Czech presidency, Eva Hrncirova, said that by the end of the Czech presidency of the EU, member countries and EU institutions will be informed about Pristina’s request for membership. She also stated that in the last days of the EU presidency, there will not be enough time for any other procedure.

Professor Slobodan Zecevic from the Institute for European Studies told Kosovo Online that the sequence of steps is such that Pristina’s request will come to the Committee of Permanent Representatives in the European Union (Coreper) and that the Spanish representative there will say that they do not accept its candidacy for membership.

Petkovic: No response to request for phone call with Serb arrested by Kosovo police (Tanjug)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said Tuesday the court in Pristina was not responding to a renewed request by lawyers to allow the family of Dejan Pantic, a former Kosovo police officer arrested on December 10, to have at least a one-minute phone conversation with him, Tanjug news agency reports.

The lawyers made the request last Friday but there has been no response for five days now, Petkovic wrote in a post on Twitter.

"But a call via video link was arranged without delay when it suited (Pristina PM Albin) Kurti's court to place Dejan in custody", he added.

Earlier yesterday, Pantic's wife and son went to a base set up by Pristina's special police forces near the Jarinje administrative crossing but were not allowed to get in contact with him.

In a statement to the Kosovo Online news portal, Dejan's son said they had only managed to send him clean clothes and hygienic items. Pantic's family has had no contact with him since the arrest.

Lawyer: Political process staged against Pantic, his rights are violated (Kosovo Online)

Officials of the Kosovo government declared Dejan Pantic guilty even before his trial ended, although he did nothing wrong, Pantic’s defence lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic said. He added this is yet another proof that a political process is staged against him, as in addition to all his rights violations, now the presumption of innocence has also been violated.

He made those remarks reacting to the statements of Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla who said last night that “freedom of the movement and development of all citizens can’t be conditioned by freedom of criminals who with their terrorist acts endangered all citizens without distinction”, thus declaring Dejan Pantic guilty for the alleged crime he is charged for, although his trial has not even started yet.

“I would not enter the political sphere, however, the Law on Criminal Proceedings, and Constitution as well, include provisions that no one can be declared guilty, until the guilt is established by enforced court decision. This what has been said yesterday represents gross violation of presumption of innocence of each person (…)”, Pantovic said, adding that Svecla violated the Law on Criminal Proceedings and Kosovo Constitution and that it was inappropriate for a minister to make such statements in public.

He also strongly opposed statements of the Kosovo police operations chief, Gazmed Hoxha that rights of Dejan Pantic have not been violated.

“The statement that not a single right of Dejan Pantic has been violated is absolutely unacceptable. His right to unimpeded and unobstructed contact with defence lawyers has been violated. Only colleague Mitrovic saw him via video link. Contact with family, that Pantic has been deprived of, is also a violation. This is a guaranteed right that must be allowed to any detained or convicted person, such as visits, talks and similar. Pantic does not have those rights”, he said.

When it comes to medical care, we only have information that he received adequate therapy. We know he suffers from a heart condition, and neither we as defence lawyers nor his family could be reassured of it, because we could not talk to him, he said. Pantovic also listed the right to spend some time outside and the right to accelerated criminal proceedings given that Pantic is detained, have also been violated. 

Brnabic: On verge of armed conflict because of unilateral Pristina’s acts (RTV)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic called upon non-governmental organisations, part of the National Convent, to react to the mistreatments Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are exposed to, Radio Television of Vojvodina reports.

She also said that at this moment everybody should do their utmost to preserve peace.

“We are on the verge of an armed conflict because of unilateral acts of Pristina. Organizations of civil society, I am kindly asking you to react to the torture Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are exposed to. We must preserve the peace together”, she said.

She asked where on European soil was it possible not to have information about an arrested person for 12 days, referring to former Kosovo police officer, Dejan Pantic, Kosovo police arrested on December 10.

“Nobody knows where he is, or if he received the therapy. The family can not talk to him. And then comes the EULEX chief who says they also do not know where he is. And what are you doing in Kosovo and Metohija? Is this human to you?”, she added.

Vucic: The statement of the German ambassador in Pristina dangerous, a threat to the Serbian people (Beta, N1, RTS)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said that the German ambassador Joern Rohde in Pristina "is known for his anti-Serb views and interferes in everything, starting with what kind of beans will be eaten in North Mitrovica", reported N1 last night.

"His statement is dangerous, it is a threat to the Serbian people," said Vucic to TV Pink from Baku, regarding the German ambassador's statement that the barricades should be removed by Christmas.

Vucic asked "why Pistina mentions the victims and how many Serbs they are going to kill", referring to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, stating that Kurti makes threats in his statements.

"Germany wants complete dominance in the Balkans," stated Vucic, who also said that he "always knew that someone was pushing Kurti in his imbalance."

He said that the Serbian army was ten to fifteen times stronger than ten years ago, and that military cooperation in Baku would be discussed.

As he stated, relations with Turkey will be affected by the fact that they are arming Pristina, mentioning drones.

"I will make decisions in accordance with the interests of my people, Serbia's trust in the West no longer exists".

Vucic said that, regarding the crisis in the north of Kosovo, as the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, he will make decisions in accordance with the interests of his people.

"It is better to talk for a thousand days than to have one day of war," Vucic said in an interview from Azerbaijan for Pink TV, reported N1.

"No matter how small and weak you are, when you protect freedom, when you protect your hearths, then your strength is much greater," said Vucic. 

He assessed that "some think" that the moment was right to put full pressure on Serbia because they did not like the situation in Ukraine, reported N1. 

According to RTS, Vucic said, it was no longer 100 percent certain that the party they support would win as easily as it seemed two or three months ago, so it was important to end the Kosovo problem as soon as possible, so that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not call for a Kosovo precedent.

The president said that Serbia's trust in the West no longer exists, after the statement of the former German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the Minsk Agreements were brought only to buy time for Kiev and the statement of the official who "told him to his face that the West will not respect any agreement".

Brnabic on Twitter: Ambassador Rohde's statements are outrageous (Tanjug)

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, said last evening that the statements of the German ambassador in Pristina, Joern Rohde, about the removal of the barricades are "really outrageous" and, she added, on several levels, reported Tanjug agency.

"First, today you stated that the barricades must be removed and even dared to give/order deadlines (until Christmas). By the way, ambassador, clarify: your Christmas or ours? Just so we know...''

''The barricades are there because of Dejan Pantic. Are you aware, ambassador, that today is the 11th day that his family has not spoken to him and that for 11 days no one, not even EULEX, knows where he actually is? Where else is that possible than in Kurti's ghetto?'' Brnabic said on Twitter, reported the agency.

Serbian List, Petkovic react to Svecla’s allegations about Rakic (Kosovo Online)

Serbian List in the strongest terms condemned “drawing a target on the forehead” of the Serbian List President Goran Rakic by Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla, that came only hours after Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti “voiced threats against Serbs at barricades”, Kosovo Online portal reports.

It added that Svecla and Kurti are the most responsible for the current situation in northern Kosovo as they for months “carried out repression against innocent population, banned vaccination, elections, referendum, stormed with armoured vehicles and heavy arms the kindergarten, sent ROSU units against barehanded population, arrested people without evidence, built bases on confiscated Serbian properties and carried out institutional violence”.  

Serbian List also said it would consider Albin Kurti and Xhelal Svecla as absolutely responsible in case of “endangerment of the physical and psychological integrity of Goran Rakic or any other citizen”.

They also made reference to Svecla being part of the political movement which while in opposition during their protests “pelted with stones buildings where institutions are located, burned down official vehicles and pelted with stones the governmental building in Pristina”.

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic in his reaction to Svecla’s allegations termed them as “brutal threats”.

“Following Kurti’s call on murdering Serbs, Xhelal Svecla continues with brutal threats tonight, and draws target on the forehead of Goran Rakic. These threats are the most serious ones, because Svecla directly leads Kurti’s special forces armed with long barrel weapons”, Petkovic said. 

Starovic: Kurti told falsehoods that we had more than 100 exercises with the Russians (Tanjug)

Serbian Ministry of Defense has already sent a denial to the British newspaper Guardian about the statement given to them by Albin Kurti, who said that the Serbian Army had 104 military exercises with Russia last year, and I want to deny it once again, said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Nemanja Starovic yesterday, reported agency Tanjug. 

"That is a brutal lie because the data show that in 2021, the Serbian Army held 21 military exercises with foreign partners, four of which were with partners from Russia, and 17 with NATO member states," Starovic told Tanjug.

Day 12 at barricades in northern Kosovo (RTS)

Northern Kosovo still remains blocked, and it has been the 12th day since Serbs stayed at barricades placed in Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok municipalities, RTS reports. Protestors say barricades will be removed once their demands are fulfilled, including release of arrested Miljan Adzic, Dejan Pantic and Sladjan Trajkovic, and withdrawal of Kosovo special police units from the north. Also, Jarinje and Brnjak crossing points are still closed by the Kosovo police. The situation is calm, RTS further reports, adding that a caution prevails to avoid possible provocations from the Albanian side.

The last night at the barricades also went peacefully, RTS correspondent reported. During the night several detonations were heard in Mitrovica North, which has become an almost daily occurrence. RTS also said there is no information on what caused those explosions, whether police were destroying pyrotechnic devices or the aim was to disturb the public.

Police patrols are present at several locations, in ethnically mixed areas but also on bypassing Mitrovica-Zvecan road.  

Protest to be held on Thursday in Rudare

The Crisis Committee called on people in northern Kosovo to protest tomorrow at midday in Rudare settlement, in Zvecan because of the latest threats of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. In an interview to British The Guardian Kurti said recently he worries that removal of barricades can not exclude casualties, that they need to be careful but that however, “this violation of lawfulness and constitutionality” can not be allowed forever. 

The Greek minister refused to hold a conference in front of the "Republic of Kosovo" sign (RTS, Blic, Ekonomia Online)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Nikos Dendias, refused to hold the conference and to be photographed in front of the logo of the ''Republic of Kosovo'', reported RTS, citing Pristina based portal Ekonomia online. 

Due to the attitude of Nikos Dendias, the place where conferences with guests are usually held was changed in the Pristina Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Dendias held a conference with Kosovo Minister Donika Gervalla Schwartz on the other side, in the conference hall, where there was no logo, but only the Greek and Kosovo flags.

Dendias and Gervalla were not even stopped to take pictures at the entrance, as it was the custom, because it also said, "Republic of Kosovo", according to Ekonomia online.

The head of Greek diplomacy stated on Twitter that he discussed cooperation in various fields, regional development and dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade with the Kosovo minister.

NGOs from Serbia and Kosovo: Escalation and de-escalation reflect the failure of political imagination (Beta, N1, KiM radio)

Non-governmental organisations from Kosovo and Serbia have assessed that the constant cycle of escalation and de-escalation in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina is "a reflection of the failure of political imagination", and that the energy invested in dealing with the latest crisis distracts attention from a bunch of burning issues that directly affect the daily life of citizens, reported Serbian media. 

As stated in the joint statement after the meeting in Gracanica, these non-governmental organisations called for new constructive voices that look to the future, but at the same time recognizing the past, that is, voices that "search for partnerships and coalitions in spite of the red lines that should define us; voices that publicly stand up against humiliating and divisive rhetoric".

They assessed that there is already a trend that people, especially young people, leave Serbia and Kosovo and other parts of the Western Balkans, and that "new bags are packed as new barricades are erected", adding that very few of them will probably return. They added, many groups that are considered outside the spectrum of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina are fundamentally ignored, such as the Roma community, which is marginalised in both Serbia and Kosovo.

They assessed that it is necessary to maintain communication channels that reduce the possibility of misunderstandings and misinformation, emphasising that many problems faced by both communities are almost identical, but that this is rarely recognized. They stated that right now is the time for solidarity because the war in Ukraine is a "painful reminder of the dark reality of war" and stressed that they oppose all unjustified projections of force and all narratives of hatred and division.

"The futures of Kosovo and Serbia are inevitably intertwined, and the agreement on the normalisation of relations represents a crucial first step in building a better tomorrow. However, it is only the first step," it said. 

The joint statement was signed by: Aktiv, Balkan Forum, Belgrade Center for Security Policy, Center for Democracy and Education, Center for Peace and Tolerance, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Balkans, Center for Representation of Democratic Culture, Community building Mitrovica, European Fund for the Balkans, Forum for development and multi-ethnic cooperation, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, the Committee of Lawyers for Human Rights and many other NGOs.

Aliyev: Serbia, Azerbaijan strategic partners, support territorial integrity (Tanjug)

After meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Baku, Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev said Serbia and Azerbaijan were strategic partners and would continue to support respecting of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries.

"That policy will remain firm. We support international law and only the norms and principles of international law should be implemented", Aliyev said at a press conference with Vucic.

He said double standards were evident around the world and noted that this was quite problematic and worrying. The norms of international law should apply to all countries, Aliyev said.

Stoltenberg: Security situation in Kosovo crucial for stability of Western Balkans (media)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the security situation in Kosovo is crucial for the stability of the Western Balkans, Serbian media report.

“Maintaining a safe environment and security in Kosovo is crucial for the stability of the Western Balkans”, Stoltenberg said in his end-of-the-year speech. 

Rasic: In 2022, not a single house was built for returnees in Kosovo (Beta, Danas, KiM radio)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Return, Nenad Rasic, said today that during 2022, not a single house for returnees was built in Kosovo, reported Danas daily.

The Ministry of Communities and Return did not finance the construction of any houses during 2022, and one million euros of investments went into surplus without return, as well as 250,000 euros of subsidies that were foreseen in the budget, said Rasic today at the press conference. 

He announced that he will work on the return to urban environments.

"Considering that we have only been here for 15 days, I was unpleasantly surprised, a million euros of investment went into surplus without return. There was no way we could use that money. I don't know what my predecessor did, but whatever he did do, he didn't do it in this ministry. I have never seen worse management. I was really disappointed that one-third of the budget goes into surplus," Rasic said, reported Danas, citing KiM radio.

The budget of the Ministry for Communities and Return in the next year will also amount to three million euros. Minister Rasic stated that, according to his knowledge, there are 200 requests for the return of displaced persons.

According to Rasic, the Ministry will have to do everything from scratch. 






Kosovo Police Confirms Arrested Ex-Cop Being Held at Police Station (BIRN)

Kosovo Police operations chief told BIRN that Dejan Pantic – who was arrested 12 days ago – is being held at a police station near the Serbian border and is receiving all the treatment he needs.

Gazmend Hoxha, Director of Operations of the Kosovo Police, told BIRN that detained policeman Dejan Pantic is being held in a police station in Jarinje, near the Serbian border, and is receiving all necessary medical treatment.

“He is being held at Jarinje police station,” Hoxha said, adding that the Serbian barricades erected immediately after his arrest made it impossible to transfer Pantic to a detention centre.

On Tuesday, Nebojsa Vlajic, his lawyer, told the media that he still did not know his client’s location, several days after his arrest.

“Everyone believes that he is at a base of the Kosovo Police”, near the Jarinje border crossing. “But whether it is really there or not, I don’t have any official confirmation,” he said.

Vlajic said that he had addressed the EU rule-of-law EULEX mission about Pantic’s whereabouts, noting that EULEX’s mandate is to supervise the judiciary in Kosovo. “More than two days ago, I asked for an answer to those questions, they still haven’t answered,” said Vlajic.

Civil society organisations as well as the Kosovo Ombudsperson have called for respect of human rights in Pantic’s case.

Hoxha rebuffed media reports about Pantic’s mistreatment. “It is not true. It is disinformation aimed at propaganda,” he said when asked about claims that he is lacking proper treatment and is sleeping in a chair.

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