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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, February 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: Honored friends, allies joined us to celebrate independence day (media)
  • Kurti: We are partners with USA, but it does not mean that we always agree (Koha)
  • Sarrazin: Kosovo and Serbia must advance implementation of Ohrid agreement (DW)
  • Gervalla briefs German MPs about “substantial changes” in north (media)
  • Gervalla and Turkish FM discuss increasing security capacities (Koha)
  • Gervalla meets foreign ministers of Croatia, Portugal and Liechtenstein, security a priority (media)
  • Rucker: Decision on the dinar, hasty (media)
  • Abbott: Kosovo, a special country that deserves to be successful (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Veljkovic: Belgrade left us in the lurch, and Pristina is harassing us (KiM radio, Media Center Caglavica)
  • Radakovic: Verification of signatures to oust mayors could have been completed in a day (Kosovo Online)
  • Nestorovic: Process of removing mayors deliberately stalling (Kosovo Online)
  • Vucevic: We work every day to make our Army stronger, it is the guarantor of peace in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, RTS)
  • Zeman: By recognizing Kosovo West created dangerous precedent (RTS)



Albanian Language Media  


Osmani: Honored friends, allies joined us to celebrate independence day (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani said in a post on X on Sunday that Kosovo was “honored to have had so many friends and allies join us to celebrate our Independence Day yesterday. Let us continue to work together, strengthen our alliances, and build on the promise of our great country and the values upon which our Republic is built.”

Kurti: We are partners with USA, but it does not mean that we always agree (Koha)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has said that the relations with the United States of America are good, adding that being an ally "doesn't mean that we agree absolutely every time".

"I have not stated the position of any other country, but as Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, I have said that our relations, our cooperation with the United States of America (USA) is very good, now we are partners, allies, friends, this does not mean that we agree absolutely every time with every country on everything, but in this aspect we have a new Regulation of the Central Bank of Kosovo which the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, according to the Constitution and the law, has the duty to support, so I also say that our relations are very good and I stand by this word", Kurti said.

Kurti said that he will go to Brussels if he is invited to sign the agreement with Serbia.

"If they call us to sign the agreement, I will definitely go. I have been constructive and committed even when we were called to Brussels and the round of talks cannot be said to have been successful. I do this for the EU, but I also do it because we must have normal relations with Serbia. As for me, these would be normalized as early as last year, but if it was not done in February and March of 2023, it can be done in February and March of 2024, why not", he said.

He has emphasized that with the head of diplomacy of the European Union, Josep Borrell, they discussed the dialogue and the importance of signing the agreements.

"...But I have not been told that there will be an invitation to a high-level meeting in Brussels. If that invitation comes to me, of course we will consider it and I am generally positive, but I reiterate that the violations so far and the non-respect of the agreements that Serbia has made, and which culminated in the letter of Prime Minister Brnabic, they practically withdrew from the agreement, and they are practically canceled by signature", he said.

Talking about relations with Serbia, he said that this neighboring country is not arming itself to defend itself. According to Kurti, Serbia has no one to protect itself from.

"They buy them due to their aggressive Constitution and their Serbian projects. In particular, they buy weapons from the Russian Federation and from China. For my conviction, it wants to prove itself, especially to the Kremlin, that it is in continuity with Putin's policy, precisely that it is aggressive towards Kosovo. We have often heard that Belgrade has good relations with Moscow, that it needs Moscow in relation to Kosovo. I would say that this is true, but the opposite is also true," he said. According to him, Belgrade is very aggressive towards Kosovo precisely to prove himself to Putin. "Because Putin doesn't trust anyone and as a contentious dictator, he needs those he considers friends to prove themselves to him, and this is what the president of Serbia, Vucic, does, who by buying weapons and giving aggressive statements towards Kosovo proves his loyalty of to the president of Russia", he said.

Sarrazin: Kosovo and Serbia must advance implementation of Ohrid agreement (DW)

The German government's representative for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, in an interview with Deutsche Welle during the Security Conference in Munich, asked Kosovo and Serbia to advance the implementation of the Ohrid agreement. Sarrazin said that the goal is to integrate the Western Balkans into the European Union. He has said that Germany's approach in terms of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia is to advance the Ohrid Agreement and its implementation. He believes that the window for dialogue has not yet closed.

"First of all, it must be said that the window is not closed yet. We have the EU special envoy, Miroslav Lajcak, who works, he has an agenda, and he wants to achieve the implementation of Ohrid. And our approach is to support him and do everything, so that this window is used, which Miroslav Lajcak now fills. He is very active and that is our approach. It seems to me that there is no point in thinking too much about what will come next. We are for Ohrid and we want both parties to move forward with the implementation of Ohrid and I think this is crucial. I see on both sides that domestic politics will become an important factor. I want to say it explicitly; the future of the whole region is in the EU, and this should sometimes stand above domestic politics." - he said.

He was asked if there was any positive news during the talks with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic who were at the conference in Myhih.

"Not something I could talk about here. But one thing can be known for sure, that the German government remains committed to doing everything so that this progress is here soon." Sarrazin replied.

Further, he said that the Western Balkans is the second most important topic after Ukraine..

"I believe everyone knows that we are at a stage where the war in Ukraine, the question of the future world order, the US elections and Trump, seem to be in the foreground once and for all. I believe that we should not forget that in all these issues, Europe's strategic ability to positively develop the Western Balkans will be decisive for the question of whether they will take us seriously in other issues. Of course, the EU is required to supply Ukraine, but the topic at least second in importance is the Western Balkans. If the EU's capacity there is not functioning adequately, how can anyone far, far away from us take us seriously in the global competition on major world issues." - he said.

Gervalla briefs German MPs about “substantial changes” in north (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, met on Sunday with several German MPs and the central topic of discussion was Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe. “At the margins of the Munich Security Conference, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Donika Gervalla met with a group of German MPs, and informed them about political processes in the country, the security situation and substantial changes in the northern municipalities, the results of good governance and the priorities of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kosovo,” a press release issued by Gervalla’s office notes.

Gervalla and Turkish FM discuss increasing security capacities (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, met with her Turkish Foreign Minister, Hakan Fidan. They discussed the partnership between Kosovo and Turkiye and capacity building in the field of security.

"The partnership between the two states and Turkey's support in raising Kosovo's security capacities were also an important part of the meeting between Minister Gervalla and her Turkish counterpart, Hakan Fidan. During this meeting, Minister Gervalla expressed her gratitude to Turkey for the continuous support given to Kosovo in many fields, as well as informed her Turkish counterpart about the progress achieved in democratization, freedom of the media, citizens' rights, economic development and citizen welfare in Kosovo", reads the communique issued by the Foreign Ministry.

Gervalla meets foreign ministers of Croatia, Portugal and Liechtenstein, security a priority (media)

Within the margins of the Security Conference in Munich, Germany, Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla held separate meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, Gordan Grlic Radman, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal, Joao Gomes Cravinho as well as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liechtenstein, Dominique Hasler.

During these meetings, she informed them about the processes that Kosovo is going through, including the security and destabilizing tendencies of Serbia, which openly endanger security and stability not only in the Western Balkans, but also beyond.

"Cooperation in the field of economy and support for Kosovo on its way to membership in international mechanisms was also an important part of the fruitful bilateral discussion with Croatia, Portugal and Liechtenstein", says the communique sent to the media.

Rucker: Decision on the dinar, hasty (media)

The former Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, Joachim Rucker, said that Kosovo is part of the Euro-Atlantic Community and that he sees its future in the EU.

Speaking about the dinar issue, he said that it was a hasty decision. "Well, I think it was introduced a little bit hastily, I don't doubt it could be legal, but I think politically you have to give people more time to adjust to a change like that," Rucker said.

Asked whether the sanctions against Kosovo should be lifted, Rucker said "I think there were some demands here in terms of what you call sanctions, and I think those demands were important and they can be met by the government, I'm absolutely sure, and we can move forward. Of course, Kosovo is part of the Euro-Atlantic Community and I see its future in the EU. So, this is not a big obstacle," Rucker emphasized.

He has expressed his conviction that there will be results in the medium term regarding the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. "The UN is an important place to resolve whatever needs to be resolved, but I think what is very important, is of course the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, and I am still convinced that we will see results in the medium term", Rucker said.

Abbott: Kosovo, a special country that deserves to be successful (Koha)

In his last message as ambassador of Great Britain to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott invited local leaders to create a modern vision for a democratic Kosovo that "supports, encourages and protects citizens".

“My time as British Ambassador in Kosovo has come to an end. The warm welcome of the Kosovar people to a British Ambassador has made working and living here unlike any other posting I have done. This is a special place that deserves success.

“The international context remains a challenge. I do not have an easy way to offer a solution, but I invite those who lead Kosovo to create a modern vision of a democratic state that supports, Encourages and protects its citizens” Abbott said.

He said through a video message that Kosovo is a special country that deserves to be successful. "I can assure you that you will always be in our hearts", he said.

Abbott expressed his happiness for the help given to the Kosovo Security Force (FSK) and the training conducted.



Serbian Language Media


Veljkovic: Belgrade left us in the lurch, and Pristina is harassing us (KiM radio, Media Center Caglavica)

Serbian Democracy Vice President Stefan Veljkovic described the current political situation in the north of Kosovo, in the "Slobodno Srpski" TV Show, as "police and institutional violence perpetrated by institutions from the majority, Albanian population, with the tacit approval of Belgrade and the international community", KiM radio reports.

"Many believe that this situation is truly unbearable, and many have already left Kosovo, primarily my peers, that is, people in their thirties, but also those younger than me. Whole families left, I know countless cases where the parents, both spouses, have government jobs in education and health care according to the Serbian system and they leave, if they leave, I don't know what the rest of us can expect," he said.

He states that the state system could not absorb all people into its ranks.

"Not all of us can have a state job, and data from the National Employment Service of Serbia from the end of 2023 show that around 25 percent of working-age people in Serbian communities in Kosovo do not have a job. So, 25 percent is a worryingly high figure, and it is a consequence of the fact that even the Government of Serbia did not have any strategic approach on how to get people to stay here and live here, but it all came down to that damned party booklet and whether you know this or that one, and not whether you really need the job, whether you have the qualities," he said.

''In addition, the private sector was completely destroyed," says the vice-president of Serbian Democracy.

He also stated that people are "very worried about the security situation in the north of Kosovo".

"You have 10 police bases and checkpoints in the north of Kosovo that have been built or are under construction. You have around 300 to 400 special forces of the Kosovo police who are constantly on the ground in the north of Kosovo. You have a protest of several hundred businesspeople who asked to legally import, I emphasize legally to import goods from Serbia proper to Kosovo, but the Kosovo government remained silent. And then what can we expect," he added.

According to Veljkovic, "Serbs look at the International Community as the only factor that may not have left them in the lurch."

"To be honest as a Serb, and as someone who has lived his whole life here in Kosovo. Belgrade has left us in the lurch, Pristina is harassing us, and the international community sometimes comes out with a statement, but there is a big rift. For example, from Mr. Hovenier, we see slightly stronger positions in favor of the Serbian community, from other politicians from the international community, especially Mr. Rohde, we see a great deal of leniency towards the Kosovo government," said Veljkovic and stated that Quint does not use its advocacy capacity to the extent that it could.

Radakovic: Verification of signatures to oust mayors could have been completed in a day (Kosovo Online)

Mitrovica North-based NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) Executive Director, Dusan Radakovic said the process of ousting mayors in northern Kosovo, initiated by petition submitted by residents, but whose signatures have not been verified yet although one month has passed – is being politicized and “buying of time” was taking place until next year, when regular local elections should be held, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“The signatures have been submitted almost four weeks ago. There are 10.000 signatures which should have been verified in three hours, let it be 24 hours. Because in elections, at which there are 800.000 or 900.000 votes, those results following election day, are checked within three to four hours”, Radakovic said.

He also said it is a shame for the Central Election Commission and Ministry for Local Governance Administration that citizens should offer ten or 20 times more votes to replace someone who won 100, 200 or 500 votes, as Mitrovica North mayor Erden Atic.

“It is high time for this decision to be accepted and to go for referendum or elections. And that mayor and assembly represent the real image of citizens living in the north, by number and percentage”, he said. He added the criticism from the international community because the process runs slow, is mild and without concrete sanctions.

Nestorovic: Process of removing mayors deliberately stalling (Kosovo Online)

Community Building Mitrovica deputy director Nemanja Nestorovic told Kosovo Online portal he has the impression that the process of replacing mayors in four northern municipalities is being deliberately delayed.

Residents of Mitrovica North, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok collected signatures in January as part of a petition for the mayors’ dismissal, but it is still waiting for the Central Election Commission to verify these signatures. Nestorovic said Pristina authorities are actually buying time to adopt instructions for organizing a referendum, and they come up with the best solution for them.

"In such a status quo, the authorities in Pristina are trying to find the best solution for them. As things stand, the elections will come, and it is unfortunate to say because of the great tensions that exist both at the central level and at the local level. I think that this process has been postponed until the end of this year, in order for the current authorities in Pristina to secure their position in the next elections as well", Nestorovic added.

Vucevic: We work every day to make our Army stronger, it is guarantor of peace in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, RTS)

Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said the country works every day to strengthen the Army, because it is the strongest guarantor of peace due to the challenging security situation in Kosovo, reported Kosovo Online, citing RTS.

"The current security situation in Kosovo is very challenging. Due to the survival of our people in Kosovo and Metohija, we undertake certain activities regarding the defense of our country and the strengthening of the Serbian Army. We work every day to make our Army stronger because it is the strongest guarantor of peace for our country and the strongest deterrent to all those who are not well-intentioned,'' Vucevic told RTS.

He added that Serbia owes its current security to the strong Army that was created from 2012 until today.

"If we didn't have the kind of army we have today, believe me, Kurti and those who cover and support him would have made much more difficult and worse moves towards us and our people in Kosovo and Metohija," he said.

When asked if there is a risk of an outbreak of violence, he pointed out that there is always a risk, but "we are trying to reduce it to the level we can control".

Vucevic also commented on Serbia's performance at the UN SC session, which, in his opinion, was a great diplomatic success.

"The President of the Republic presented in an argumentative manner everything that is happening chronologically in Kosovo and Metohija, he spoke about everything that threatens the survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. On the other hand, we heard a man who only has his personal name and surname, Albin Kurti - he has no designation of any territory, entity, let alone a country. He talked, I must say, nonsense, without any counterargument. This is Serbia's political and diplomatic success, we should not expect anything revolutionary, in terms of change of the policies of the countries they have towards Kosovo, but it is very important that the world public and Serbia persistently and strongly repeats everything that concerns the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. That battle will continue and will not stop, nothing can be solved overnight. We must be persistent, have faith, wisdom, and knowledge, how to protect our national interests. We must not be discouraged, it is complicated and complex. Our national interest is to preserve peace and our people in Kosovo with political, diplomatic and all the skills we can apply," said the minister.

He concluded that so far, the USA has been the most open in its criticism of Pristina, while the other Quint countries have been somewhat more correct.

"Let's see what will happen in that matter. I would say that no one has a dilemma anymore as to who is the cause of the chaos and everything that is happening in Kosovo and Metohija, and that is the little tyrant Albin Kurti, the one who makes all this by leading the administration of Pristina," said Vucevic, reported the portal.

Zeman: By recognizing Kosovo West created dangerous precedent (RTS)

Former Czech President Milos Zeman said the West by recognizing Kosovo has created a dangerous precedent, adding that this act represents “a shame”, RTS reports.

Addressing the conference on international law, Kosovo and Ukraine, Zeman harshly criticized recognition of Kosovo as an act of support to “a state linked with mafia structures and repression against Serb minority”.

He said the act creates a dangerous precedent because “major powers impose their will on the smaller states and recklessly change existing borders”. He called for consistency in international standards, comparing the cases of NATO intervention against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and Russia in Ukraine.

The conference organized by the Institute for Geostrategic Studies Geopolitikon in Prague gathered reputable politicians and officials, RTS recalled.