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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, January 19, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti in Davos: Kosovo, a success story (media)
  • Osmani meets Barbano, discuss security developments and rule of law (Klan)
  • Gervalla: Lajcak failed dialogue process, entered without strategy and vision (Reporteri)
  • EU requests clarifications from Kosovo regarding CBK's decision (media) 
  • Kearns: Serbia's path is increasingly authoritarian (RTK)
  • Collection of signatures for dismissal of Zvecan mayor begins today (Koha)
  • Zvecan mayor: Petition unfair, elections were democratic and accepted (Express)
  • Hoti: Deepening of crisis, consequence of government’s inadequate measures  (media)
  • Serbian lawyer who visited Jashari family graves Thursday, says he was detained for 4 hours by Serbian BIA (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Stano: EC analyzes and seeks clarification on Pristina’s decision on payment transactions (Tanjug)
  • Petkovic: Belgrade started with diplomatic talks to prevent termination of payment transactions (N1, FoNet)
  • Mijacic: 87.000 beneficiaries in Kosovo dependent on Serbian budget, implementation of regulation to induce poverty (KoSSev)
  • Stojanovic on ban of dinar, official Belgrade’s reaction (Radio KIM)
  • Zvecan residents expect elections to choose their own representatives (Kosovo Online)
  • Swimming for Holy Cross organized at Gazivode lake (KoSSev)


  • Kosovo’s Ruling Party Steers Capital Expenditure to its Own Municipalities (Balkan Insight)
  • Evidence-Tampering Denied at Trial for Kosovo Serb Politician’s Murder (Balkan Insight)
  • Kosovo Institutions Silent on Enforcing Euro-Only Rule in Serb Areas (Balkan Insight)       



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti in Davos: Kosovo, a success story (media)

The Prime Minister of the country, Albin Kurti, spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos about the developments in Kosovo, while the foreign secretary of Great Britain, David Cameron, was also on the panel.

In a post on X, Kurti wrote that in his opening speech he talked about Kosovo as a success story.

"Honored to give the opening remarks at the World Economic Forum about Kosovo as a success story, in a panel on international finance moderated by Sara Pantuliano, alongside David Cameron, Fettah Nadia, Songwe Vera..., all who share our enthusiasm for the progress of Kosovo", Kurti wrote.

Osmani meets Barbano, discuss latest security developments and rule of law (Klan)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani received in a meeting today the head of EULEX, Giovanni Pietro Barbano.

According to a press release issued by the presidency, they discussed the latest security and rule of law developments. Osmani and Barbano also discussed the cooperation between the institutions of Kosovo and EULEX, within the technical mandate of EULEX for monitoring, mentoring and advising.

Gervalla: Lajcak failed dialogue process, entered without strategy and vision (Reporteri)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, said that the mediator for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak is a failure. "He entered this dialogue process without a strategy and without a vision, and it seems that he will leave this dialogue when his mandate expires," she told RTK.

According to her, the promises made to Kosovo were not worth even 24 hours, until Lajcak went to Belgrade."Banjska is the best evidence that Lajcak has failed the entire dialogue process", said Gervalla.

Gervalla, has stated that she does not hide that the draft of the Association is not good.

She said the measures of the European Union towards Kosovo are not only unfair, but totally incomprehensible. "Not only for us, but for a part of the representatives of the European Union. They don't know how to remove them, because they don't know what they put them on for," she said.

Gervalla, spoke about the assessments from the EU for the September 24 attack in Banjska.

"There have been different assessments by EU institutions, which have led to a wrong assessment of what happened in Kosovo. The fact that the EU, even after the declarations and resolutions of the European Parliament, even after the various declarations of the member countries of the European Union, the EU as an institution, that is, that part of the EU institutions, which deals with the foreign policy of the EU, specifically Borell's office, have failed to give a verdict on what happened in Banjska", she said.

EU requests clarifications from Kosovo regarding CBK's decision (media) 

The European Union has called on Kosovo and Serbia to avoid uncoordinated actions that are not in the spirit of normalizing relations and could negatively affect the situation on the ground.

The spokesperson of the EU, Peter Stano, answering the questions related to this decision of the CBK on the cash operations to be made only with Euro currency, said that the European bloc is still analyzing this issue.

"We are still analyzing and seeking clarifications about this decision, the motives and the implications it may have... Kosovo and Serbia should avoid uncoordinated actions that do not go in the spirit of normalizing relations and that may have a negative impact in the situation on the ground", Stano said.

He repeated the call for both sides to address this issue as part of the dialogue for the normalization of relations, which is mediated by the EU.

Kearns: Serbia's path is increasingly authoritarian (RTK)

British MP Alicia Kearns said that Serbia's path is increasingly authoritarian and that negative measures are required. “Seems to have forgotten the Banjska attack which proved my concerns completely accurate. Confirms with her obsession with me that Serbian authorities are running scared of Western realization that Serbia's path is increasingly authoritarian and that negative measures needed,” she wrote on X.

Collection of signatures for dismissal of Zvecan mayor begins today (Koha)

The collection of signatures for the dismissal of the mayor of the Municipality of Zvecan, Ilir Peci, will begin today. Peci himself confirmed this for Koha, saying that the collection of signatures will take place in a tent located near the municipal building in the center of Zvecan.

So far, the collection of signatures for the dismissal of the mayors has started in North Mitrovica and Leposaviq.

It is expected that the signatures will also be collected for the dismissal of the mayor of Zubin-Potok, Izmir Zeqiri. The Kosovo Police have said that they are monitoring this process in both municipalities. Zeqiri has said that the collection of signatures can start from today, but he does not know if this process has started.

The deadline for collecting signatures for the dismissal of the mayors in Leposaviq, North Mitrovica and Zubin-Potok ends on January 22, while in Zvecan on January 27.

Mayor of Zvecan: Petition is unfair, elections were democratic and accepted (Express)

The Mayor of Zvecan Municipality, Ilir Peci, considers the petition of Serbian citizens for his dismissal to be unfair. He said that the elections were democratic and accepted by everyone.

"The petition for the overthrow of the mayor of Zvecan municipality has started today. It seems that there is a large number of interested parties who are still signing the petition, but they have a certain time and I believe that they have enough time to see the outcome", said Peci.

Peci, who continues to serve as mayor from an alternative office in the village of Kelmend, said the elections were democratic and accepted by the local and international spectrum. For this, he sees the petition as unfair.

Hoti: Deepening of crisis, consequence of government’s inadequate measures  (media)

Former Prime Minister of Kosovo and current MP of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Avdullah Hoti, has published some statistics from the Statistics Agency of Kosovo, which, according to him, show the difficulties faced by Kosovar families as a result of inflation. He said that the lack of adequate measures to mitigate the consequences of inflation has deepened the crisis.

"According to the Kosovo Statistics Agency: 43.4% of families cannot afford an unexpected expense of 100 euros from their own resources, 49.2% of families cannot cover the expenses of a meal every two days that includes meat, chicken and fish, 48.8% of families have declared that paying debts is a heavy financial burden, 8.1% of families had great difficulties, while 20.1% faced difficulties in making the usual necessary family payments, taking into account the income,” he wrote.

Hoti said that the Government's statistics are already proving the claims in the Assembly but also outside it that one-time aid is not a solution.

"The solution is: (1) indexation of pensions and social assistance, at least as much as inflation, in order to maintain the minimum standard of living of most vulnerable families to inflation, and (2) temporary expansion of the list of goods with a reduced VAT rate of 8 percent", Hoti wrote further.

Serbian lawyer who visited Jashari family graves Thursday, says he was detained for 4 hours by Serbian BIA (media)

Serbian lawyer Cedomir Stojkovic, who was visiting the Jashari family cemetery on Thursday, says that he was detained for four hours by the Information Security Agency in Serbia-BIA.

The arrest happened while he was returning from Kosovo to Serbia. He says he has already been released.

"After I was detained for 4 hours by members of the Information Security Agency of Serbia, I was released for free movement," he wrote.



Serbian Language Media


Stano: EC analyzes and seeks clarification on Pristina’s decision on payment transactions (Tanjug)

EU Spokesperson Peter Stano said the European Commission (EC) still analyzes Pristina’s decision on terminating use of all currencies except for euro, and seeks clarification in this regard, adding Belgrade and Pristina are expected to avoid uncoordinated actions that do not go in favor of normalization of relations.

"We are still analyzing and seeking clarifications about that decision, the reasons (for making it), motivations and possible implications, but in general Kosovo and Serbia are expected to avoid uncoordinated actions, which are not suitable for the normalization of relations and which could negatively affect stability on the ground", Stano told press briefing in Brussels.

He appealed to both sides to deal with this topic within the dialogue held under the EU’s mediation.

Petkovic: Belgrade started with diplomatic talks to prevent termination of payment transactions (N1, FoNet)

Belgrade started with diplomatic talks and meetings with the bank system in order to prevent termination of the payment transactions with central Serbia on the territory of Kosovo, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said, N1 reports.

Petkovic told RTS the attempt to terminate payment transactions with central Serbia is one of the gravest unilateral decisions of the Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, “which aims at exodus of the Serbian people and an attack on survival of the Serbian population there”.

According to him, it is about an illegal decision. “I certainly expect what (Miroslav) Lajcak said, and it is that he hopes for a solution, and that he hopes it will not end up in negative consequences, to happen”, he said.

Petkovic also said that euros are not legal means of payment in Kosovo, given that Kosovo does not have an agreement with the European Union, Kosovo Online portal reports. "There is no agreement, no deal, so-called Kosovo has never signed any agreement with the European Central Bank, nor with the European Union. So, we will open up that issue separately. Let's see those who are violators of European norms, standards and regulations, how they can now abolish the dinar, which is legally in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija", Petkovic said.

As it was noted on the official website of the European Central Bank “Kosovo is not a member of the EU, but unilaterally adopted the euro in 2002 and since then uses it as its de-facto currency”. “It means that the euros there are not legal means of payment, but the population treats it as such”, the portal said.

Differently from euro as de facto currency, euro as official currency is used by some non-EU members such as Monaco, San Marino, Vatican, Andora but they have concluded monetary agreements with the EU.

Mijacic: 87.000 beneficiaries in Kosovo dependent on Serbian budget, implementation of regulation to induce poverty (KoSSev)

Kosovo Central Bank regulation to ban use of Serbian dinars is an attempt to create new reality on the ground that would limit functioning of the institutions financed by Serbia, and all this before formation of the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities and making the financing from Serbia transparent – this is how Dragisa Miljacic from INTeR explained Pristina’s latest decision, adding that implementation of this regulation will induce poverty in the Serbian areas and increase mistrust towards Kosovo government, KoSSev portal reports.

He also said that 87.000 persons in Kosovo receive pensions, social aid, salaries and agricultural subsidies, financed by Serbia.

Mijacic said the Office for Kosovo and Metohija budget for 2024 amounts to 104.4 million euros, adding these are regular transfers, as most of the above mentioned allocations go through this office. As far as capital investments are concerned, he referred to the statement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic from 2022 that development projects and capital investments financed by Serbia in the Serbian majority areas in Kosovo amount to 800 millions euros.

Mijacic said Kosovo government also has benefits from those funds as "significant part of these investment funds ends up in Albanian construction companies, service industries, shops, retail, as well as in the Kosovo budget, which also contributes to inter-community cooperation and social cohesion between Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo".

On the other hand, he pointed out, Kosovo Government allocations for majority Serb communities - amount to 41.6 million euros in total, or only 40 percent of the total Serbian allocations for citizens in Kosovo. At the same time, on January 1, 2024, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced over 12 million capital investments in ten majority Serb municipalities in Kosovo.

Comparing allocations from Serbian and Kosovo budgets, Mijacic said financial capabilities of the Kosovo government were far below the ones of the Serbian, and that Kosovo does not have financial capabilities to cover costs in education, health and social aid system currently being paid by Serbia, in particular according to the existing level.

He also said there are legal provisions in place in Kosovo which allow the Serbian Government to finance Serbian community affairs. Article 143.2 of Kosovo Constitution, Mijacic added, provisions of the Comprehensive Proposal to resolve Kosovo status, dating from March 26, 2007 should have supremacy over all other provisions in Kosovo.

He said it was particularly symptomatic that such regulation of the Central Bank to ban use of dinars was made at the time while Vucic and Kurti, under Miroslav Lajcak’s mediation talk about provisions on creating Community of Serb-majority Municipalities, that should provide legal framework for functioning of the education and health institutions in majority Serbian areas in Kosovo.

Stojanovic on ban of dinar, official Belgrade’s reaction (Radio KIM)

“Do not only complain about what (Albin) Kurti is doing, we know what he is doing, we feel what he does and expect nothing better (from him). But from you, we expect you to have some plan, apart from writing press statements. If you have a conscience, find some solution, do not let everything stop in a couple of weeks”, one of the presidents of Serbian Peoples’ Movement from Gracanica, Branimir Stojanovic told the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Petar Petkovic, Radio KIM reports.

Stojanovic made those remarks in relation to the Kosovo Central Bank decision on payment transactions and ban of dinars. Stojanovic also asked if official Belgrade was thinking of any alternative. “Did you think at all what would happen if at some point payment transactions in this area stopped? Do not only tell me, you can’t do anything, you can. How come the Kosovo Central Bank can ban payment transactions, and the National Bank of Serbia can not make certain banks continue operating and pay wages in euros at least”, he said. Stojanovic said a solution should be found in order not to have people going by buses to the places outside of Kosovo to get their pensions or salaries.

Zvecan residents expect elections to choose their own representatives (Kosovo Online)

Large number of citizens gathered this morning at King Milutin plateau in Zvecan to sign a petition to recall the mayor in this town, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Residents of Zvecan told the portal they expect new elections to be called at which they will choose their own representative.

Zvecan male resident said people expect elections at which they will elect their own representatives, adding the events from the last period were shameful, employees were not able to enter municipal facility and were protesting outside of it, hoping everything would go back to normal, that people would return to their working places and town starts functioning as it should and as it deserves. Female resident said she signed the petition, adding she expects things to move in a better direction.

Srdjan Vucinic from Zubin Potok said collection of signatures in this town goes without problems and that he expects the necessary number to be collected very soon so they can oust the mayor.

Two houses in Banjska and Loziste searched “in relation to barricades from 2022” (KoSSev)

Kosovo police, a serious crime unit from Pristina, conducted the search of two houses in Zvecan municipality yesterday morning, in relation to the barricades from 2022, KoSSev portal reports.

The searched houses are located in the villages of Banjska and Loziste. Veton Elshani, deputy commander for the region North said searches were carried out “in relation to barricades from 2022”. He did not provide additional details, but confirmed that no one was arrested, KoSSev portal reported.

Swimming for Holy Cross organized at Gazivode lake(KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reported today that 224 swimmers took part in a traditional Epiphany swimming for the Holy Cross at Gazivode lake.

The swimming path entails 33 meters to symbolize the 33 years of the life of Jesus Christ. Several hundred spectators were also present. Rescue teams and Kosovo police were on the spot. Temperature on January 19 was as if it was spring, the portal reported.





Kosovo’s Ruling Party Steers Capital Expenditure to its Own Municipalities (Balkan Insight)

Municipal authorities in Kosovo say their budgets are too small, and many accuse the ruling Vetevendosje party of giving more to regions it controls. There is a similar disbalance in how Serb-majority municipalities are funded.

Kosovo’s government is facing a backlash from many of the country’s 38 municipalities which say budget funds for 2024 have been allocated along political lines, with the six regions run by the ruling Vetevendosje party receiving more than others.

There is a similar disbalance between Serb-majority municipalities, with those in the north bordering Serbia receiving disproportionately more than those scattered across the rest of Kosovo.

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Evidence-Tampering Denied at Trial for Kosovo Serb Politician’s Murder (Balkan Insight)

Two police investigators told the trial for the assassination of opposition politician Oliver Ivanovic that they didn’t see any evidence-tampering after they arrived at the crime scene in North Mitrovica in January 2018.

Two defence witnesses at the trial for the murder of Kosovo Serb opposition politician Oliver Ivanovic testified at Pristina Basic court on Thursday that evidence was not tampered with on the day of the murder and that they did not notice any suspicious person at the crime scene.

The evidence given by the witnesses, Mirsada Omeragic and Jugoslav Bugovac, police investigators who went to the scene of Ivanovic’s shooting in January 2018 in North Mitrovica, contradicted claims of evidence-tampering in the indictment.

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Kosovo Institutions Silent on Enforcing Euro-Only Rule in Serb Areas (Balkan Insight)

A Kosovo Central Bank regulation which says the euro is the official currency is causing confusion in Serb-majority areas, where the Serbian dinar is still the main currency used in everyday life.

No Kosovo or Serbian institutions answered questions put by BIRN about new regulations enforcing sole use of the euro and how they will be implemented in areas that remain part of the Serbian financial system.

On Wednesday, the Kosovo Central Bank announced that at its December 27 2023 meeting, the board approved a Regulation on Cash Operations that enters into force on February 1.

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