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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, January 29, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • Konjufca addresses summit of Western Balkans Speakers (RTK)
  • Western Balkans Speakers adopt joint declaration at Brussels summit (Kallxo)
  • Apostolova: We do not interfere on internal matters (RTK)
  • Grenell: Germany, France, and the EU are not involved, I welcome them in the dialogue (Express)
  • Think tank presents report on institutions' response towards Syria returnees (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • NIN Weekly: Insight into Oliver Ivanovic’s murder indictment (Radio KIM)
  • SLS president Slobodan Petrovic resigns (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, RTV Puls, RTK2) 
  • Vucic: They will try to divide us as they try to tear down our church (B92, Tanjug)
  • Serbian Orthodox Church appeals for peace in Montenegro (BETA, N1)
  • Kosovo ‘1 out of 5 million’ protest organizers against Belgrade’s movement decision to take part in elections (KoSSev, N1)


  • The Balkan Great Game (CEPA)


  • Turkish national arrested in Kosovo sentenced to eight years in prison (Prishtina Insight)


  • Balkan Countries Take Precautions Amid Fear of Coronavirus (Balkan Insight)
  • Public money for private schools (Prishtina Insight)



Albanian Language Media


Konjufca addresses summit of Western Balkans Speakers (RTK)

Glauk Konjufca, Kosovo Assembly Speaker, is attending the Western Balkans Speakers' Summit in Brussels, hosted by the European Parliament President David Sassoli.

In his remarks, Konjufca thanked the organisers of the summit and highlighted the importance of European integration process for the region. "We in the Western Balkans know the importance of the European Project very well. Since the end of the wars in the 90s, the European integration process has guided our society towards democracy and economic development. Our society has built independent institutions, pluralist media and an active civil society," Konjufca is quoted by RTK. 

He said that following successful elections, Kosovo will soon have a new government and also spoke about challenges in the European integration journey. 

"Despite the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement we have not progressed towards the country's candidate status. 96 months have passed since we began dialogue for visa liberalisation and to date we remain the only country with no visa-free regime," Konjufca said. 

He also spoke about dialogue with Serbia noting that Kosovo fully understands the importance of having good neighbourly relations with Serbia and that the new government will take important steps in this direction. 

Western Balkans Speakers adopt joint declaration at Brussels summit (Kallxo)

Western Balkans speakers attending a summit in Brussels on the invitation of European Parliament President David Sassoli adopted a joint declaration. Participants were joined by the Speaker of the Parliament of Croatia, which is holding the rotating Council Presidency.

Following the Summit, President Sassoli stated:

“Today’s summit reaffirmed our strong conviction that the Western Balkans and the European Union share a common destiny. We firmly believe that enlargement will benefit the people of the region and EU member states and that it can bring about much-needed reconciliation in the neighbourhood. Now, we need to make sure that this political will translates into action.

“In our joint declaration, we call on the European Council to continue supporting the European perspective of the Western Balkans based on the fulfilment of the accession criteria and give an unambiguous and positive political message on opening of accession negotiations and granting of candidate status. We urgently need to give new impetus to the enlargement process by delivering concrete results. The Zagreb Summit should play a key role in this respect.

“In our conclusions, we reiterate our parliaments’ full commitment to participating in the reflections on a ‘renewed approach’ to enlargement in order for the process to become more democratic, more transparent and closer to the citizens and civil society. Enlargement is a process that takes a lot of effort and commitment on all sides, and parliaments are key in driving forward the EU reform agenda. The European Parliament stands ready to continue the constructive dialogue and support the Western Balkans parliaments as they move towards a European future.”

See the declaration:

Apostolova: We do not interfere on internal matters (RTK)

Head of the EU Office in Kosovo Nataliya Apostolova, explained that her presence at the meeting with the leaders of the two political parties, Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) was only to respond to Albin Kurti’s invitation. She insisted however that they made it clear in the meeting that they do not interfere on the reach of the coalition between LVV and LDK.

According to Apostolova, Kosovo is a sovereign country and the matters of the reaching or not of the coalition, are an internal issue.

She however added that the EU has an urgent need for a partner in the government of Kosovo.

Grenell: Germany, France, and the EU are not involved, I welcome them in the dialogue (Express)

The U.S. Presidential Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia dialogue Richard Grenell confirmed to Gazeta Express that he is currently leading on his own with the efforts to resume the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. Grenell also confirmed that neither Germany, nor France or the EU were involved in his up to date work, concretized with two agreements, one for the airline and the other railways between Pristina and Belgrade. He however said that all those interested to help are welcome. This news portal also informs that Office of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel did not want to comment on Richard Grenell’s work. In their response to Gazeta Express they insist that the dialogue should resume under the supervision of the EU High Representative Josep Borell.

“Please understand us that for principled reasons we do not comment on the efforts of our allies,” said the spokesperson of the German government. He added however that they would welcome Kosovo and Serbia agreement to improve their connections and business cooperation. He also stressed the necessity for resumption of political dialogue which would require lifting of the 100 percent tariff on Serbian goods.

“We welcome the fact if Serbia and Kosovo agree to improve their connections and business cooperation. However, a political dialogue is also required, and could be reached the best if Kosovo initially lifted the tariff for products from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he said.

“The expectations, in the interest of both countries, are to resume with the dialogue as soon as possible, under the supervision of the recently elected High Representative and his team,” he added.

Gazeta Express reports that their question addressed to Borell’s office one whether they are involved or cooperating with Ambassador Grenell, has not received a response for more than a week now. 

Think tank presents report on institutions' response towards Syria returnees (media)

The Kosovar Centre for Security Studies presented today a report tackling the response of Kosovo institutions towards the citizens that return from conflicts in Syria and Iraq.

The report, titled "Unpacking Kosovo's response to returnees from the war zones in Syria and Iraq", highlights that it is estimated that 403 citizens from Kosovo have joined different fighting groups in Syria and Iraq and that the collapse of the 'Islamic State' has led to Kosovo facing a new challenge of how to reintegrate the returnees in the society.

KCSS notes that overall, the government of Kosovo and the civil society have supported the reintegration of the returnees although there have been shortcomings in delivering on their proclaimed commitments.

Kosovo institutions have adopted a two-fold approach to the returnees, the report notes: the punitive-restorative approach and societal reintegration.

"Following a period of 72 hours returnees are interrogated by authorities to determine their roles in the war zones in Syria and Iraq, while confirmed foreign fighters are arrested," the report states. Foreign fighters in detention are provided with access to programs that aim to help them with skills development to increase their employability, completion of education, as well as, training and lectures that target radical religious beliefs.

The government of Kosovo has also established a division within the Ministry of Internal Affairs which focuses on providing support for the returnees' reintegration.

Majority of the returnees have been successfully resettled in the society, the report adds, and this is as a result of the strong community and family ties: "Reintegration of the returnees is most effective when it is not entirely orchestrated or managed by government, but it is facilitated by community and the well-kept family ties.

The report however also underlined that in practice government lacks a coherent policy and there are serious shortcomings with coordination and inclusion of civil society in the process.

See the full report:


Serbian Language Media


NIN Weekly: Insight into Oliver Ivanovic’s murder indictment (Radio KIM)

There would neither be executors, nor masterminds and main organizers of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic in the indictment process that is due in Pristina, Belgrade-based weekly magazine NIN reports.

The question arises, if this trial, in addition to strong public interest, also burdened by legal deadlines to initiate the process, would have a tangible result as its epilogue.

When the second hearing in Oliver Ivanovic’s murder case takes place on February 11, in Pristina, the presiding judge Valon Kurtaj would have 39 pages of recently amended indictments and six indicted persons charged with taking part in preparing and organizing this crime. However, NIN further notes, among five men and one woman, there would neither be executors, nor masterminds and the organizers of this crime. According to the Kosovo prosecution this includes Milan Radoicic and Zvonko Veselinovic, who are not available to the Pristina judicial bodies.

NIN claims that according to the insight into indictment, it had, Kosovo police did talk to Milan Radoicic on February 22, 2018. During the meeting, that took place at his restaurant “Grey” in Mitrovica North, Radoicic denied any connection with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, and disagreed with the thesis that Oliver Ivanovic was murdered by the Serbs.

According to the weekly, Radoicic said he has information that Serbian investigative bodies are dealing with the investigation of Ivanovic’s murder, respectively looking for the owner of a vehicle, which according to Pristina’s indictment was used in Ivanovic’s murder.  

Out of six indicted persons, including Ivanovic’s long-term associate and secretary Silvana Arsovic, three are awaiting trial in detention, Nedeljko Spasojevic and Rade Basara, members of the Kosovo police and Marko Rosic.

NIN further said, additional problem to the prosecutor Syle Hoxha in this process is certainly the fact that the investigation did not find the weapon used to commit the murder, respectively direct executors.

SLS president Slobodan Petrovic resigns (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, RTV Puls, RTK2) 

Slobodan Petrovic, President of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) resigned at the session of the party's Main Board held on January 28, 2020, reports Kontakt plus radio. 

Petrovic resigned expressing his gratitude to all members of the Independent Liberal Party for their commitment and sincere support and trust, reads the statement for the media. 

He called on all members of the Main Board, members and supporters of the party to support his decision and to understand the seriousness of the political situation at the time this decision was made. 

The Board of the party, after the party president's decision to resign, decided on a political moratorium in the coming period due to the circumstances and the inability of the Independent Liberal Party to function at full capacity, the statement concluded.

Vucic: They will try to divide us as they try to tear down our church (B92, Tanjug)

They will try to divide us as they try to tear our church apart, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said during a visit to the Gymnasium in Mrkonjic Grad, in the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina), B92 reports.

"We can live in different countries, but we must not forget that we belong to the same people", Vucic said. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic visits Drvar today, in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Mrkonjic Grad in Republika Srpska.

According to his office, Vucic will first attend the opening of the Komercijalna Banka branch in Drvar, then visit the Health Center, and then attend the opening of the Jumko factory.

The President of Serbia will then visit the Gymnasium and the Mechanical Engineering School in Mrkonjic Grad, and a meeting with officials and businessmen in that municipality is scheduled.

On the eve of the visit, Vucic yesterday on Instagram recalled his promise from September last year that a Serbian company would open a factory in Drvar.

"By the end of the year, a Serbian company will open a factory here. I want to see you smiling as you do today and have a future in this region. I will come again to Drvar to see how the funds given by Serbia are spent, but also to make sure that the promised projects are being realized", Vucic recalled his words on September 13, 2019, on the "buducnostsrbijeav" account on Instagram.

See at:

Serbian Orthodox Church appeals for peace in Montenegro (BETA, N1)

The Serbian Orthodox Church Montenegro Littoral Bishops appealed for peace in Montenegro and blamed the recent violence on the state authorities, BETA news agency reports. 

“We can only talk and build a future for ourselves in the state of Montenegro in peace. We are concerned by the hatred coming from individuals but recognize in it the irresponsible behavior of the people who should be the most responsible in Montenegro,” the statement said.   

It was added that statements from top state officials made it “clear that conflicts and hatred are the final weapon in their fight against the people” and condemned all violence.

Earlier in the day, Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko Markovic called Montenegro Littoral Bishop Amfilohije to discuss the law on freedom of confession. “It is time to devote ourselves to harmony and the building of trust, especially within the Orthodox Christian confession as the largest. The government sees that opportunity and will be strongly devoted to it,” a post on the government’s Twitter account said adding that it is prepared to discuss the law and remove any dilemmas about the future use of churches and monasteries. 

See at:

Kosovo ‘1 out of 5 million’ protest organizers against Belgrade’s movement decision to take part in elections (KoSSev, N1)

Two organizers of last year’s “1 out of 5 million” protests in Kosovo distanced themselves last night from the Belgrade protest organizers’ decision to take part in the upcoming elections in Serbia, KoSSev portal.

“As one of the organizers of the ‘1 out of 5 million’ protests in Kosovo, more precisely North Mitrovica, I am distancing myself from the decision of the organization of the same name in Belgrade which decided to take part in the upcoming elections in Serbia! ‘1 out of 5 million’ from Kosovo, boycott the elections!” Dejan Nedeljkovic tweeted. Marko Jaksic, a fellow organizer, conveyed the same message.

This week marks exactly one year since the first “1 out of 5 million” protest was organized in Mitrovica North. The protest was held under pressure and tension, and the walk ended with a changed and shortened route – with the protesters lighting candles at the scene of Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, KoSSev portal recalled.

Meanwhile, N1 reports that protests organizers in Krusevac also distanced themselves from Belgrade’s movement decision to take part in the upcoming elections.

See at:




The Balkan Great Game (CEPA)

By Janusz Bugajski

Can the Kremlin Take on the West?

The Great Game, a prolonged 19th century confrontation between the British and Russian empires in Central Asia, is often invoked as a prime example of the struggle for influence between major powers. But another Great Game was played out at that time in the Balkans between Russia and several European powers when the Ottoman empire began to retreat. We are now witnessing the 21st century version of the Balkan Great Game, but where Moscow relies on subversion and deception as it cannot compete militarily or economically with the West.

Putin’s Russia does not simply meddle or have malign intentions on the Balkan peninsula. These terms are misleading simplifications that disguise Moscow’s long-term objectives and may weaken the urgency of a concerted Western response. Words and definitions frame perceptions and help determine political actions, so it is important to understand the nature of the challenge. The Kremlin views the Balkans as a strategic asset and pursues at least four consistent goals.

First, it seeks to expand Russia’s geopolitical reach. Traditionally, the Balkans are a stepping-stone to the Adriatic and Mediterranean, a link between Europe and Asia, and an inroad into Central Europe. Moscow’s influence over Balkan governments, its role in multi-national formats (including the Peace Implementation Council in Bosnia-Herzegovina), its military deployments (as in Serbia), and its institutional presence through various arms of the Russian state, provide it with a major stake in the region’s evolution.

A second and related goal is to fracture Western cohesion and undermine the role of Western institutions. Fomenting conflict not only contributes to unsettling the Balkans, it also divides international responses. One recent example was the territorial exchange gamble between Serbia and Kosova supported by Moscow and accepted by some Western officials. Even debates about partition promote rifts in the region and policy disarray between Western governments. Unresolved conflicts and disputed states also enable the Kremlin to claim that despite its expansion NATO has failed to stabilize the Balkans.

See more at:



Turkish national arrested in Kosovo sentenced to eight years in prison (Prishtina Insight)

Facing eight years and one month in prison, Hasan Hysein Guakan becomes the fourth of six Turkish nationals deported in 2018 from Kosovo to Turkey to be found guilty of ‘membership in an armed terrorist group’ by an Istanbul court.

Hasan Hysein Gunakan, one of the six Turkish nationals that were deported from Kosovo to Turkey on March 29, 2018, has been sentenced to eight years and one month imprisonment by a court in Istanbul on changes of being a member of an armed terrorist group. The court acquitted Gunakan on the charge of international espionage.

Turkish newspaper ‘Sabah’ reported that the judgment came after an investigation by the Special Prosecution Office and the Turkish Intelligence Agency, MIT.

See at:




Balkan Countries Take Precautions Amid Fear of Coronavirus (Balkan Insight)

As concern spreads about the spread of the coronavirus, some Balkan countries have taken initial precautionary measures, issuing protection information and stepping up checks on travellers.

Several Balkan countries have stepped up health safety measures at airports and border crossings and issued protection information to their citizens, as concern spreads about a potential outbreak in the region of the coronavirus, which has killed dozens of people in China.

See at:

Public money for private schools (Prishtina Insight)

Over the past 15 years, the Kosovo Government has allocated millions of euros from the state budget to a private school in Prizren, despite the legal basis for the payments being contested and the public education system suffering from a desperate lack of funds.

See at: