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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 12, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti expects sanctions will be lifted after de-escalation agreement (Koha)
  • Bislimi: The moment has come for Serbia to stick to its commitments (Kanal10)
  • Von der Leyen: There is clear plan to de-escalate situation in Kosovo (media)
  • Croatian president demands recognition of Kosovo by NATO member countries (Klan)
  • Kurti: Government has zero dependency on the Serbian List (Koha)
  • Haradinaj: de-escalation and cooperation between communities, the only way to stability (Klan)
  • Former minister Ivan Todosijevic acquitted of charges (media)
  • Memli Krasniqi on an official visit to Paris and Brussels (media)
  • Rama meets with Erdogan, discuss about the north of Kosovo (Koha)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Party of Kosovo Serbs on reducing presence of Kosovo police: Poor marketing trick (N1)
  • Vulovic: Situation in Zubin Potok difficult and tense, Bozovic’s detention extended (TV Most) 
  • Rohde condemns burning of returnee house near Istok (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Ivan Todosijevic acquitted of all charges (KoSSev, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Visoki Decani on burning of returnee house near Istok (KoSSev) 
  • Radakovic: The partial withdrawal of the police means nothing, their presence unnecessary (Kosovo Online)
  • Serbian Parliament dismisses Economy Minister Rade Basta (N1)
  • Vucic says sanctions on Vulin imposed because of Russia, not crime (RTS)
  • Opposition calls for Vulin dismissal over US sanctions (N1)
  • Vucic: I expect to meet with Stoltenberg in coming days (Tanjug)
  • Israeli FM: Serbia a friendly country, strongest ally in region (BETA, N1)


  • Under Spain’s EU presidency, the issue of the Western Balkans will be sidelined (Balkan Insight)


  • Duggan Flanakin: Tensions in Kosovo between Albanians and Serbians have led to an appalling stifling of free speech (Chicago Tribune)




Albanian Language Media  


Kurti expects measures will be lifted after de-escalation agreement (Koha)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said today that he expects the agreement that the government has reached with the European Union for steps to de-escalate the situation in the north of Kosovo will lead to lifting of measures against Kosovo and for the parties in the dialogue to be equal.

After reading the points of the agreements that foresee the reduced presence of police in and around the municipal buildings in the north, the continuous assessment of the security situation, support for new elections and a new meeting in dialogue, Kurti said that Serbia did not accept that it has a legally binding agreement with Kosovo and that the EU made the parties unequal by introducing measures against Kosovo.

“I have continuously outlined that for the basic agreement to be successful, first both parties need to accept that the agreement is legally binding. Second, the agreement needs to be implemented in its entirety. Third, the implementation of the agreement cannot be conditioned. Four, both parties must have the possibility to negotiate from equal positions, which was threatened since the introduction of provisional measures against Kosovo by the European Union. As a conclusion, I think that the agreement in Bratislava will help strengthen the focus and establish equality between the parties which helps the full implementation of the basic agreement and its annex,” Kurti said.

Bislimi: The moment has come for Serbia to stick to its commitments (Kanal10)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi announced Tuesday night the agreement with the emissary of the European Union, Miroslav Lajcak, for the de-escalation of the situation in the north, saying that the actions "will be finalised within a two-week period".

He is expected to go to Brussels next week to meet with the Serbian chief negotiator, Petar Petkovic, where it is intended to finalise the sequencing plan for the Agreement towards Normalisation, after which its implementation is expected to begin.

"The moment has come for Serbia to adhere to its commitments in front of the EU and implement the consented agreements. They can no longer hide behind attempts to create tensions and crises, to escalate the situation. The moment has come for the agreement to be implemented, in a fair, unconditional and balanced way," Bislimi wrote on Facebook.

The chief negotiator of Kosovo spoke about the constructiveness in dialogue that, as he said, Kosovo has never lacked.

"And we are continuously witnessing this. We have never acted or contributed to the escalation of the situation in the north, but only in defence of constitutionality and legality in the country. In this spirit, we take all our decisions and steps," Bislimi wrote on Facebook.

Von der Leyen: There is clear plan to de-escalate situation in Kosovo (media)

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said today that there is a very clear and committed plan to de-escalate the situation in Kosovo and that is the roadmap that the parties have worked on since early this year.

On the eve of the second day of the NATO summit in Vilnius, von der Leyen said it is clear that Belgrade and Pristina need to respect what they agreed upon in Ohrid. “I call on both parties to de-escalate and adhere to the roadmap. This is absolutely crucial to move forward in a peaceful way,” she said.

Croatian president demands recognition of Kosovo by NATO member countries (Klan)

The President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic spoke about the situation in the north of Kosovo on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Vilinus, Lithuania. He said that NATO member states that have not yet recognized Kosovo should change their position.

"Four NATO members have not done this yet. This is an unsustainable contradiction. We are inviting Ukraine to join NATO, but among us there are still those who will not recognize the existence of Kosovo", Milanovic said.

Kurti: Government has zero dependency on the Serbian List (Koha) 

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has said that his government has “zero dependency on the Serbian List,” and that the head of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Parliamentary Group Mimoza Kusari Lila has the duty to secure as many votes as possible in the Assembly. Kurt made these comments after being asked about the published recordings in which Kusari Lila is heard communicating with representatives of the Serbian List.

"First of all, the head of the parliamentary group is heard there for a few seconds and for many minutes there are preliminary partisan interpretations. The head of the parliamentary group naturally not only communicates with the heads of other parliamentary groups but has the duty to secure as many votes as possible. The government has zero dependence on the Serbian List", Kurti told reporters during the laying of the foundation stone of the Multifunctional Center in Podujeva. "I have never communicated or met the person in question. Be careful about the hybrid war waged by Serbia", he added in the commentary of the recordings where the name of Milan Radojicic, deputy leader of the Serbian List, a person wanted by the Kosovo authorities for several criminal offenses and sanctioned by United States, came up.

Haradinaj: de-escalation and cooperation between communities, the only way to stability (Klan)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has said that it is in the interest of all communities to find a path not only for de-escalation, but also cooperation. According to him, the path of cooperation is the only path to peace, stability and prosperity for all.

“It is a pity tha the representatives of the Serb community did not understand my noble offer as prime minister, for their integration in the institutions of Kosovo.”

“Unfortunately, they failed to understand that the creation of the Kosovo Army, even as prerequisite for NATO membership, would be the best guarantee for the perspective of the Serb community, but they rejected it, making an assessment of wrong and thus ignoring the integration processes,” he said.

Furthermore, Haradinaj said that NATO member countries have the highest level of respect for human rights, regardless of ethnicity, which, according to him, would be a guarantee for the Serb community and their rights.

Former minister Ivan Todosijevic acquitted of charges (media)

The Supreme Court of Kosovo has acquitted the official of the Serbian List, Ivan Todosijevic, of all accusations of hate speech in his statement denying the massacre of Recak. The decision means that the previous verdict, by which he was sentenced to one year in prison, is annulled. The news of his acquittal from all charges was confirmed for REL by his lawyer, Nebojsha Vlajic.

"The decision of the Supreme Court is final, there are no more appeals or procedures, Mr. Todosijevic is a free man," said Vlajic.

Ivan Todosijevic was tried twice for "spreading hatred and intolerance". The first time he was sentenced to two years in prison, but the Supreme Court of Kosovo decided at the end of 2021 to return the trial to the beginning. Todosijevic stated in March 2019 that the reason for "NATO's aggression" against the targets of the Yugoslav army in 1999 was "the so-called humanitarian disaster in Kosovo and the fictional massacre of Recak".

Memli Krasniqi on an official visit to Paris and Brussels (media)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi will visit Paris and Brussels on Tuesday and Friday. 

PDK's announcement states that Krasniqi will meet many friends, allies and senior European officials in the two European capitals to discuss the current situation in Kosovo.

“Kosovo’s journey, historically, would not have been so successful without the support and coordination with our allies,”

"Therefore, the commitment of leader Krasniqi to preserve and cultivate these relationships, in the service of the safe future of our country, is daily and unstoppable", the announcement states.

Rama meets with Erdogan, discuss about the north of Kosovo (Koha)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, met on Wednesday with the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, within the framework of the NATO Summit being held in Vilnius, Lithuania. In the announcement on Facebook, Rama wrote that he and Erdogan discussed the situation in the Balkan region, especially the north of Kosovo.

"With President Erdogan, in the bilateral meeting about the situation in our region and especially in the north of Kosovo", Rama wrote.



Serbian Language Media


Party of Kosovo Serbs on reducing presence of Kosovo police: Poor marketing trick (N1)

Party of Kosovo Serbs (PKS) said today announcements of Kosovo government about its readiness to reduce the presence of Kosovo special police units in northern Kosovo by 25 percent is only “a poor marketing trick”, adding dialogue with Serbs is the only way to de-escalate the situation, N1 reports.

PKS said the true de-escalation can only occur by complete withdrawal of Kosovo special police, removal of illegal bases built on usurped properties without any legal procedure and establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities.

“An illegal checkpoint on Bistrica bridge which serves no purpose but only to maximally impede the movement of the citizens, instil fear and act threatening is a particular story”, PKS said in a statement.

They urged the Kosovo government to, as they said, reduce by 25 percent their sense of nationalism in order to be able to look at the situation in a more realistic manner and realise what mistakes have they made and continue making in relation to the citizens in northern Kosovo.

“Direct dialogue with Serbs is the only way to de-escalate the situation, and everything else is a seeming buying of time and indicator that Kosovo government perceives Serbs as part of the problem and not part of solution”, PKS added.

Vulovic: Situation in Zubin Potok difficult and tense, Bozovic’s detention extended (TV Most) 

Former Zubin Potok mayor Srdjan Vulovic told TV Most today that the situation in this municipality is extremely tense and difficult, because of the actions of Kosovo special police units, and that the extension of the detention of their fellow resident Milovan Bozovic disturbed the citizens.

He also said the municipal building remains usurped. “ROSU (reference to Kosovo police) special units have been in the building for a month and a half and are not allowing us to get to our workplaces. In addition, they usurped the properties of Serbian landowners on which they built bases, they built three checkpoints, they simply walk around the city with long barreled weapons. Life does not run normally. The worst thing is that our children live with this fear of Albanian special units”, Vulovic said.

Speaking about the arrested Serbs, including Milan Bozovic, he pointed out that Bozovic was one of the first Serbs arrested in the north of Kosovo.

“The man is completely innocent, accused without any evidence, now his detention has been extended for another month. We are in constant contact with the lawyer and his family. The state of Serbia has provided guarantees so that he could be released pending trial, however, the Kosovo institutions did not even take this into consideration at all”, Vulovic said. He added that the entire Bozovic family is in a vulnerable position.

“Milovan has three minor children, the oldest is six years old, the youngest is two years old. His mother had cancer surgery, his father suffers from a kidney disease and in the meantime he became a diabetic, so the entire family is really vulnerable, and the worst thing is that the Kosovo institutions have no proof, they simply hold the man in detention for two months and who knows how much longer they will detain him”, he emphasised.

Rohde condemns burning of returnee house near Istok (Kosovo Online, social media)

German Ambassador in Pristina, Jorn Rohde has condemned the arson attack against the Serb returnee house in the village Veric in Istok municipality, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Rohde wrote in a post on Twitter that he fully agrees with US Ambassador Jeffrey Hovenier who yesterday in a video condemned the incident and visited the Jozic family house, adding that such acts discourage return of this family.

“This home in Istok/g suffered a criminal arson attack. I visited to see it myself, with the permission of the family, who intended to return to their property. I condemn this arson attack, and this effort to intimidate a family from exercising their right to return to their home”, Hovenier said. 

Ivan Todosijevic acquitted of all charges (KoSSev, Radio Mitrovica sever)

The president of the temporary authority of the municipality of Zvecan, i.e., the former minister in the Kosovo government, Ivan Todosijevic, by the decision of the Supreme Court in Pristina - was acquitted of all charges against him, his legal representative Nebojsa Vlajic confirmed for KoSSev.

The judicial panel of the Basic Court in Pristina sentenced Ivan Todosijevic, in October last year, to one year in prison for, as they stated, inciting hatred, discord and intolerance.

The same was confirmed by the Appellate Court, and on March 28 he received a public invitation to report to the detention centre on April 3 to serve his sentence. Then, the Basic Court in Pristina decided to postpone the measure for two months.

Todosijevic's lawyer, Nebojsa Vlajic submitted a request for protection of legality, which the Supreme Court has now accepted.

"They accepted the request for protection of legality that I submitted two months ago and released him completely," said the lawyer.

Vlajic is very satisfied with this decision of the court because it confirms what he claimed from the very beginning of this procedure.

Even today, Vlajic emphasises that his client did not "advocate violence, nor hatred and anything like that."

"The Supreme Court understood and recognized that," the lawyer pointed out.

KoSSev recalls that the whole procedure against this local official was initiated while he was in the position in the Ministry of Local Self-Government in Pristina. 

The Kosovo authorities charged him with inciting and publicly spreading hatred, discord and intolerance between peoples, ethnic and racial groups, after he declared during the anniversary of the NATO bombing that the Racak case was invented and was used as an excuse for the bombing.

Due to this statement, he was sentenced to two years in prison in 2019 in Pristina.

Visoki Decani on burning of returnee house near Istok (KoSSev) 

The Visoki Decani monastery emphasised today that ''focusing on the problems in the north of Kosovo in recent months, while at the same time ignoring the deplorable state of human rights and freedoms of Serbs and other minority communities in other parts of Kosovo, creates a deeply wrong image that suggests that Serbs in majority Albanian areas are satisfied and safe'', reported portal KoSSev. 

Visoki Decani reacted to the case of the burning of a returnee house near Istok, while greatly appreciating public condemnations by the US Ambassador Hovenier. Visoki Decani shared the ambassador tweet adding : 

"Unfortunately, this incident is not an isolated event, because the Serbian community in Kosovo, especially the returnees, has been exposed to similar arson and thefts for years."

And precisely such incidents, as they emphasised, practically stopped the return process, reported portal KoSSev.

They believe that, on the other hand, it is essential to allow every citizen, regardless of ethnicity or religion, to live freely on their property without fear of intimidation or attack.

This, as they emphasised, is also the obligation of the Kosovo authorities, especially the police and the judiciary - to thoroughly investigate incidents of arson and other forms of violence that affect vulnerable communities.

“Unfortunately, numerous previous attacks have not been thoroughly investigated, if investigated at all, creating an atmosphere of impunity. This discrimination fosters an environment of fear and uncertainty, inhibiting peaceful coexistence and reconciliation among communities in Kosovo”, they added.

Read the Visoki Decani post on Twitter:

Radakovic: The partial withdrawal of the police means nothing, their presence unnecessary (Kosovo Online)

Dusan Radakovic from the Center for the Representation of Democratic Culture believes that the Kosovo government's decision to reduce the presence of the police in and around municipal buildings in Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan by 25 percent means nothing, and adds that he does not see the purpose of their presence in those buildings, which are actually empty, reports portal Kosovo online.

Radakovic told the portal that Monday's agreement in Bratislava between Lajcak and Bislimi on steps for de-escalation is still a step forward.

"Any agreement is better than no dialogue. The problems on May 26 arose precisely because there was no dialogue and agreement on everything. Honestly, I don't see the point of special anti-terrorist units sitting in virtually empty municipal buildings in Leposavic, Zvecan, Zubin Potok, except to secure one or two people in them," says Radakovic.

When it comes to new local elections in the north, he says he hopes that they will be held by resignations of the mayors and councilors. 

"If there is a referendum, we will certainly not have elections before the New Year, or in January, February next year. So, first the resignations of the mayor and councilors, and then fair and democratic elections should be held so that the composition of municipal assemblies and mayors mirror the structure of the population living there, where 95 percent are Serbs," says Radakovic.

He adds that everything that will be done will take place during July, because "August is figuratively speaking a 'dead' month due to vacations".

"Everyone from the EU is on vacation, the international community in Kosovo and Serbia as well, so I don't expect any concrete actions in August. If there is nothing concrete in the next two weeks, then we have to wait until mid-September. The agreement reached in Bratislava is a good step, but the withdrawal of 25 percent of the police is small, the people feel fear because of their presence. I think they should completely withdraw from municipal buildings because they have no function," says Radakovic.

Serbian Parliament dismisses Economy Minister Rade Basta (N1)

The Serbian Parliament dismissed Economy Minister Rade Basta on Tuesday following a lengthy debate which also focused on a number of other issues, including the Srebrenica anniversary, Kosovo and the list of ruling party human Internet bots, N1 reports.

Rade Basta was ousted with 149 votes in favour of his dismissal out of a total of 250 MPs. The proposal for his dismissal came from the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) – Single Serbia (JS) coalition which is allied with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS).

Basta was named Economy Minister in October 2022 after being elected to parliament in April 2022. He has been advocating sanctions on Russia for months.

Vucic says sanctions on Vulin imposed because of Russia, not crime (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said US sanctions on Aleksandar Vulin, chief of Security and Informative Agency (BIA) were not imposed upon him because of any crime or corruption, but because of his stance towards the Russian Federation, RTS reports. Vucic added he will speak about this in more detail tomorrow.

According to RTS Vucic said he had not noticed “that cocaine was found in Vulin’s cabinet, but in the White House”.

“They have investigations to deal with, but I think it is very important, really important to conduct an investigation. I think this is some general article, they use to write something”, Vucic said after touring the works at Dunav corridor.

“Sanctions have not been imposed against Vulin because of any crime, corruption or anything like that, the sanctions against him have been imposed because of his attitude towards the Russian Federation”, Vucic said.

Opposition calls for Vulin dismissal over US sanctions (N1)

Opposition officials called for the dismissal of Serbia’s top security agency chief Aleksandar Vulin after the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on him for, as they said, involvement with drug trafficking groups and corruption.

“In any normal country, the government would fall and the president would resign”, Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) deputy leader Marinika Tepic said in a written statement, adding that she and her associates have been warning, as she said, of illegal activities of Vulin and his closest associates for years.

Free Citizens Movement (PSG) leader Pavle Grbovic said “it’s clear that Vulin is a threat to the security of Serbia and the region”. According to him it was just a matter of time when this would have happened. The PSG also demanded Vulin’s dismissal as BIA director.

Zdravko Ponos SRCE (Serbia Centre) Movement also called for Vulin’s dismissal and the accountability of President Aleksandar Vucic who brought a man accused of involvement with organised crime, corruption and drug trafficking to head the BIA.

Vucic: I expect to meet with Stoltenberg in coming days (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday he expected to meet with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the coming days, Tanjug news agency reports.

"Yesterday, I sent official correspondence requesting a meeting. I expect that we will see each other in the days to come", Vucic told reporters in Pozarevac, eastern Serbia, when asked whether a meeting with Stoltenberg had been arranged.

Responding to a Tanjug query in Vilnius on Tuesday, Stoltenberg said he was in regular contact with Vucic and ready to meet with him.

Israeli FM: Serbia a friendly country, strongest ally in region (BETA, N1)

Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Eli Cohen said Serbia is a friendly country, which is and will remain Israel's strongest ally in the region, BETA news agency reports.

Last year we marked three decades of the renewal of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Israel and we are truly proud of the special ties between the Jewish and the Serbian people throughout history, Cohen told Politika daily.

Cohen, who is due in Belgrade on Wednesday on the first visit by an Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister to Serbia after more than a decade, said that Israel deeply appreciates Serbian Government’s immense efforts to preserve important places of remembrance in connection with issue of Jewish property restitution, as well as in the field of education about the Holocaust. I hope that our bilateral and economic relations will from now on continue in an upward trajectory thanks to more frequent official visits, he added.

Asked to comment on the fact that Israel established diplomatic relations with Kosovo in 2021, Cohen said Israel has good relations with all Serbia’s neighbours. We are closely following the developments in your region and we hope that negotiations will result in mutual understanding for the benefit of the region, Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister said.






Under Spain’s EU presidency, the issue of the Western Balkans will be sidelined (Balkan Insight)


By Alejandro Esteso Perez

Spain’s 6-month presidency of the Council of the EU has been upended by a snap election in July. Yet regardless of who wins that vote, prospects for progress on the issue of EU enlargement are poor.

From July 1, Spain took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, following Sweden’s six months’ stint in the role. In the current political, economic, and social context, Spain is being tasked with leading the bloc in navigating the ongoing war in Ukraine, taming inflation and the rising cost of living, and laying the groundwork for the European elections in June 2024 – all of which represent potential turning points for years to come.

However, this task has been complicated by a hastily announced snap election on July 23, the tightness of the race for which could mean Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s Spanish Socialist Workers' Party loses power.

In truth, regardless of which party wins the election – the centre-right Popular Party is ahead in the polls – the prospects for progress on EU enlargement are not bright. As things currently stand, there are not many factors conducive to an outcome where the Western Balkans’ position, or that of enlargement policy in general for that matter, would come out stronger.

Spanish agenda: low expectations, low disappointments

As per the presidency’s announced priorities, Spain will put a special focus on the social, green and geostrategic pillars of EU policymaking. An enhancement of the EU’s strategic autonomy, featuring issues of reindustrialisation and diversification of raw resource providers, will go hand in hand with a boost in trade relations with Latin America and the Caribbean – the only geographical region mentioned explicitly in Spain’s programme.

While mention of EU enlargement does appear once in the 18-month programme of the current presidential ‘trio’– consisting of Spain, Belgium and Hungary – where it is claimed it will be “taken forward in accordance with the new [2020] methodology”, it is not mentioned as part of the Spanish task list per se. This should not be interpreted as disdain, let alone aversion, to the issue, but rather as adherence to Madrid’s long-established foreign policy orientations.

Spain’s approach towards enlargement – and towards the Western Balkans in particular – traditionally follows that of the EU and its major member states, and has rarely distanced itself from the overall straightforward line dictated by Brussels. As a geographically distant country with a rather low strategic interest in the region, Spain has kept a modest profile vis-à-vis the Western Balkans. It is, therefore, not surprising that Madrid shows a higher predilection for Latin America, for obvious historical, linguistic and cultural reasons, and also towards its neighbouring South Mediterranean region.

Kosovo is, notably, the sole issue where Madrid has proactively diverged from mainstream EU policy, alongside four other EU non-recognisers. Despite some (arguably) reticent progress in its rapprochement towards Pristina, Spain has made its solid non-recognition policy clear on several occasions over recent months.

Read more at:






Duggan Flanakin: Tensions in Kosovo between Albanians and Serbians have led to an appalling stifling of free speech (Chicago Tribune)

In a move that predictably led to increased tensions between Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian majority and its ethnic Serbian minority, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti recently installed ethnic Albanian mayors in four Serbian-majority towns in northern Kosovo after the ethnic Serbians boycotted the elections.

Violence and road blockages ensued, starting at the end of May that to date have led to injuries in dozens of United Nations peacekeeping members and even more locals. As a result, NATO has increased the number of peacekeeping forces in Kosovo in an attempt to prevent further violence.

Kurti’s actions brought quick condemnation from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and French President Emmanuel Macron that he had fomented an unnecessary crisis. And in the latest attempt to calm the stormy waters, former President Bill Clinton, largely credited for ending the Kosovo war nearly 25 years ago, has traveled to the Balkans once again in the hopes of restoring order.

Their shared concerns, and the ethnic Serbian resistance, has thus far not dissuaded the prime minister. Instead, Kurti has used state agencies to attempt to target media outlets reporting on the crisis.

Read more at: