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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 14, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 12 new cases, no deaths (media)
  • “Kurti talked on the phone with Decan mayor, we are doing the utmost” (media)
  • KIA Inspector General reports to Assembly Committee (media)
  • The PSD “launches” Kurti's campaign promises (media)
  • The U.S. assists KSF with modern equipment (media)
  • Abbott: Kosovo benefits when it embraces its minority communities (RTK)
  • Number of patients in Decan increases, possibility of viral infection not ruled out (Koha)
  • CDHRF: Dragica Gasic’s return to Gjakova should not be politicised (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic: Easier to bring investors through progress in the dialogue (media)
  • Vukcevic: EULEX did not send cases of Serbs suspected of war crimes to Belgrade (NMagazin, Danas)
  • Falconi: What has already been agreed must be implemented (KiM radio, Politika)
  • Serbian FM invites Non-Aligned countries to Belgrade for anniversary (N1)
  • Arlov requests ban on his entry in Kosovo be revoked (Radio KIM)
  • Abbott: Kosovo benefits when it embraces its minority communities (Kosovo-online)
  • Milena Ivanovic says she was not summoned to testify (Beta, N1)
  • Kusari-Lila condemned attack against Serb boy in Gojbulja, petition against return of Dragica Gasic (Radio KIM)
  • Petkovic: Bacic visited in hospital (Kosovo-online)


  • Kosovo to Restore Reciprocity Measures Against Serbia, Minister Says (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 12 new cases, no deaths (media)

12 new cases with COVID-19 and zero deaths from the virus were recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 14 persons recovered from the virus during this time.

There are 106 active cases with COVID-19.

11,518 vaccine doses have been administered in the last 24 hours. To date, 282,180 vaccines have been administered in Kosovo.

Kryeziu: Kurti talked on the phone with Decan mayor, we are doing the utmost (media)

Perparim Kryeziu, the spokesman of the government of Kosovo, has justified the visit of Prime Minister Albin Kurti to Greece, saying that he is participating in two important conferences. Kryeziu through a post on his Facebook account has said that Kurti has participated in these discussions before and that the expenses are covered by the organizer.

Kryeziu’s comment comes after accusations of the opposition that Kurti is staying with his family at an expensive resort in Greece, while over a thousand people have been poisoned in Decan.

"After yesterday's meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Dendias, Prime Minister Kurti talked on the phone with the mayor of Decan , Mr. Ramosaj and the Minister of Health, Mr. Vitia,  while the latter was visiting Decan. The President of the country, Mrs. Osmani, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Mrs. Gervalla and the Minister of Defense, Mr. Mehaj also visited Decan yesterday,” Kryeziu wrote.

KIA Inspector General reports to Assembly Committee (media)

The General Inspector of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA) Burim Ramadani has started his reporting to the Supervising Committee of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency. The Chairperson of the Committee Ganimete Musliu said that the meeting is closed to the media.

"Honorable, as you are aware of the tradition of our Committee meetings, the meeting is closed to the media. Thank you for participating and I apologize that you have to leave the hall," she said.

The PSD “launches” Kurti's campaign promises (media)

Kosovo’s Social Democratic Party (PSD) has held an activity in front of the premises of the government of Kosovo.

They have released balloons with inscriptions containing the promises of Prime Minister Albin Kurti during the campaign.

Some of the inscriptions read "Open and Democratic Dialogue," "Rejection of the Association," "War Damages," "Dialogue with Local Serbs," "Apology," and other inscriptions.

"Negotiations have resumed after a long time, from the point where they were left. Moreover, Besnik Bislimi admits that they have agreed to all the agreements, except the one for KS license plates. The only difference in this process is the attempt to change the terminology, change the tone and rhythm, but not the process. Because otherwise, we would have heard of an alternative project, as proposed by the Prime Minister Kurti. Instead of a political effort to close the issue with Serbia and open new development opportunities, we have a bunkerization of the new government. Rare and well-controlled interviews are heard here and there," said the PSD.

"Changing the language with which the old agreements are accommodated, tends to amortize dissatisfaction, create confusion. And who needs clarity and knowledge when at the forefront leads a politician who sees himself as the bearer of the fate of history? And for this service to the citizens, he requires blind faith. His regime wants obedience." 

"From the seventh priority, he raised the dialogue to the third and second, and very soon it became the first. And for this he did not give an account. The Kurti regime, in addition to being closed in terms of the progress of the dialogue, is bunkering Kosovo by perpetuating the problem with Serbia. With or without the Association, maintaining power is its goal."

The PSD has said that language on the one hand and the lack of transparency on the other, are signs that should be read.

"Through the union of these points, the problem is drawn. The figure appears. For a project that solves the problem with Serbia, courage is needed. And Kurti has the characteristic of authoritarian leaders: they are cowards. But no matter how great Kurti's power is, he cannot hide his former stances. He promised: dialogue with local Serbs, review of agreements, apology from Serbia, reciprocity, open and democratic dialogue, rejection of the Association, request for repair of war damages, the need for recognition, and so on. But his principles for dialogue were blown away," said members of the PSD.

The U.S. assists KSF with modern equipment (media)

The U.S. Military Command in Europe has donated intelligence systems to the Kosovo Security Force in the amount of 190 thousand dollars. The U.S. Embassy in Pristina announced in social media that the modern equipment will serve to protect Kosovars.

“Empowering the KSF to better protect all Kosovans, last week, thanks to U.S. European Command (EUCOM), the Embassy donated over $190,000 in modern x-ray detection systems and other equipment, while training KSF Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Company members how to properly use these systems,” the U.S. Embassy to Kosovo wrote on Twitter and  Facebook.

Abbott: Kosovo benefits when it embraces its minority communities (RTK)

The British Ambassador to Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, met on Tuesday with Deputy Prime Minister Emilija Rexhepi. They discussed minorities in Kosovo.

“Yesterday afternoon I had a very informative meeting with DPM Emilija Redzepi to discuss minority relations in Kosovo and the challenges communities face. We continue to provide practical support to integration. Kosovo benefits when it embraces its minority communities,” Abbot wrote.

Number of patients in Decan increases, possibility of viral infection not ruled out (Koha)

The Family Medicine Center in Decan continued to receive patients with symptoms of poisoning this Wednesday.

The director of this Center Selmon Berisha in an interview for Koha has confirmed that so far there are 55 patients who have sought medical help.

"The condition of the patients is good, the situation is under control, the number of patients is declining. Today there is a smaller number, but even today we have 55 patients who have asked for help. In the last 24 hours, from yesterday until today there are 310 patients who have been given help. They are being treated based on protocols," said Berisha.

As for the symptoms shown to patients, since Saturday the director of QKMF has referred to it as an infection which at the moment according to him remains unknown.

Although the chemical tests performed so far have been negative, Berisha has not ruled out the possibility that these symptoms may be viral.

As of Saturday, over 1,500 patients sought help at the Decan Medical Center following suspicions of water poisoning, while the Prosecution in Peja has ordered autopsies for two deaths.

CDHRF: Dragica Gasic’s return to Gjakova should not be politicised (media)

The Council for Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) has stated that it supports the right of return of all displaced persons, without making any distinction on the basis of ethnicity, political beliefs or status in society, as a basic human right which cannot be conditioned by anything.

CDHRF further noted that so far, almost all embassies in Kosovo including the EU reacted in support of the return of Dragica Gasic, and stressed that official Belgrade has been involved in this return all along.

“On the other hand, there are thousands and tens of thousands of Albanians and non-Serbs forcibly displaced from North Mitrovica and the northern part of Kosovo and no one reacted or defended their right to return to their property.

To make the matter worse, in addition to Serbia, which was quite committed to prevent the return of Albanians and non-Serbs to their legal property, the international community, with its opportunistic behavior and by applying double standards, prevented the return of Albanians and non-Serbs to northern part of Kosovo, where the government of Serbia, by building residential buildings and individual houses in North Mitrovica has changed the ethnic structure and created a new situation by colonizing this part of Kosovo with Serbs who have never lived in that part of Kosovo,” CDHRF writes.

“There are no two standards in the return process; to allow Dragica Gasic to return to Gjakova, which, according to the CDHRF, is an inalienable right and, at the same time, to prevent tens of thousands of Albanians and non-Serbs from returning to their legal properties in the northern part of Kosovo. Internationals must work and act according to the universality of human rights and not on the basis of political opportunity,” is written among others in the CDHRF press release. 



Serbian Language Media


Vucic: Easier to bring investors through progress in the dialogue (media)

"We are going to Brussels in the best faith and we want to talk and solve specific problems, from missing persons to all others," said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic today after the European Union scheduled a new round of dialogue for July 19, media reported.

The President of Serbia believes that progress is necessary, and whether it is possible, he will see. 

However, he estimates that it is important for Serbia, because when the dialogue progresses, then investors are brought in faster.

"In any case, I think it is important for our entire country and it is important, among other things, because when we make progress in the dialogue, then be sure that we will bring such investors easier, faster and more successfully," Vucic told reporters after visiting an  engineering center in the German company ZF (ZF Friedrichshafen AG) in Pancevo.

Media recalled that a new round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina at a high political level, between the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti would be held on Monday, July 19, as confirmed by the EU spokesman Peter Stano yesterday.

Vukcevic: EULEX did not send cases of Serbs suspected of war crimes to Belgrade (NMagazin, Danas)

The first Serbian war crimes prosecutor, Vladimir Vukcevic said today that the claims of the former judge of the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) in Kosovo that a large number of war crimes cases involving Serbs were sent to Belgrade were incorrect.

Vukcevic told the newspaper "Danas" that "EULEX did not submit any war crimes cases, because if it did, we would certainly act in those cases", as well as that he does not know who Malcolm Simmons is, reported media. 

On Monday, Simons told Kosovo lawmakers in a video address that Serbian authorities had convicted only one person in ten years and stressed that the Specialized Chamber and the Specialized Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo, i.e. the Special Court for Crimes of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), was a mechanism used as a solution in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

Simons' allegations were also denied by EULEX for daily Danas. 

According to the EU Mission, Simons' speech before the members of the Kosovo Assembly, among other things, reflected his dissatisfaction with the outcome of the three investigations against him conducted by the EU authorities in Brussels and handed over to the United Kingdom authorities.

"EULEX has never handed over any war crimes cases to Serbian prosecutors, nor relinquished authority over investigative files and cases," EULEX said, asking Simmons to say exactly which cases the EU mission had handed over to Serbian authorities as he claimed.

They stated that EULEX "never handed over any war crimes case to the Serbian prosecutor's office, nor it has relinquished authority over investigative files and cases."

EULEX stated that during the period of cooperation with the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor's Office, it kept all the original files of war crimes cases, which were handed over to the Kosovo authorities after the end of their executive mandate.

"Specifically, by December 2018, EULEX had handed over to the Kosovo authorities 495 police files of organized crime cases, 434 police files of war crimes cases, files of 'missing persons' cases, court files of cases on which only EULEX worked, and more than 1,400 prosecutorial case files," EULEX said.

Falconi: What has already been agreed must be implemented (KiM radio, Politika)

The Ambassador of France to Serbia, Jean-Louis Falconi stated that the President, Emmanuel Macron, was bound to Serbia, that he closely followed the relations between the two countries and that he did not forget the warm welcome in July 2019, KiM radio reported, citing daily Politika.

In an interview with daily Politika, Falconi said that relations between the two countries continued to develop after Macron's visit, despite the coronavirus pandemic, and that French companies operating in Serbia increased their investments, and new ones arrived.

Speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Falconi said that an agreement was necessary and that the stability and development of the Western Balkans depend on that reconciliation.

"Its European path also depends on that. The path to this agreement goes through the negotiations led by the EU in Brussels, with the strong support of France. What has already been agreed must be implemented in good faith and new issues need to be resolved, in order to reach a comprehensive, final and legally binding agreement," Falconi said.

Asked about France's position on Serbia's progress on the European path, Falconi said that the necessary reforms were demanding, such as the rule of law, but also the key ones.

"When I see a certain discouragement in Serbia, I remind you that since 1957, all countries that have applied for EU membership, and which have implemented the necessary reforms to achieve that - except Turkey, with which negotiations are still ongoing - have joined the EU," said the French ambassador.

He welcomed the determination with which Serbia adopted the new accession methodology, which offered more political governance of the process with high-level dialogue and a step-by-step approach to EU policies, reported KiM radio.

Serbian FM invites Non-Aligned countries to Belgrade for anniversary (N1)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic invited Non-Aligned Movement member states to attend the 60th anniversary celebration of the founding of the movement this autumn in Belgrade, N1 reports.

A ministry press release said that he called the Non-Aligned countries to send delegations to Belgrade on October 11-12 to mark the anniversary of the 1st movement conference.

It quoted Selakovic as telling a Non-Aligned Movement ministerial meeting that Yugoslavia and its late President Josip Broz Tito were co-founders of the movement and helped create a vision of a different world.

See at:

Arlov requests ban on his entry in Kosovo be revoked (Radio KIM)

Chairman of humanitarian organization Committee of Helping Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija Milorad Arlov requested EULEX Mission that he enters Kosovo unimpeded on August 19 and in order for this to happen it was necessary to revoke an entry ban, imposed upon him a year ago without any explanation, Radio KIM reports.

Arlov sent a letter to EULEX seeking help from its representatives to revoke a ban the Kosovo Ministry of Internal Affairs imposed upon him.

He also said that he visited Kosovo last time on June 11, last year and then on June 26 he was banned from entering, without any explanation provided, while the second ban followed on December 27. After that he made no attempts to enter Kosovo.

In a letter Arlov stressed he is dealing primarily with humanitarian work for 14 years.

He said the reason for his address to EULEX was necessity to visit the premises of the Daily Center ‘Support Me – January 9’ in Mitrovica North dedicated to the children with special needs, whose reconstruction is financed by the Committee of Helping Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Reconstruction of the center started on August 19, 2019.

“The ceremonial handover of the premises to the Association ‘Support Me’ should take place on August 19”, Arlov said.

He added he intends on this occasion to handover humanitarian aid and scholarships to five students, that the Committee supports for many years.

Abbott: Kosovo benefits when it embraces its minority communities (Kosovo-online)

British Ambassador in Kosovo Nicholas Abbot met yesterday Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Emilija Redzepi and discussed with her about minorities in Kosovo and challenges they face, Kosovo-online portal reports.

He added Great Britain offers support to the integration and underlined that Kosovo would benefit the most when it embraces its minority communities.  

“Yesterday afternoon I had a very informative meeting with DPM Emilija Redzepi to discuss minority relations in Kosovo and the challenges communities face. We continue to provide practical support to integration. Kosovo benefits when it embraces its minority communities”, Abbott wrote on Twitter. 

Milena Ivanovic says she was not summoned to testify (Beta, N1, TV Prva)

Milena Popovic, the partner of the slain Serb politician in Kosovo, Oliver Ivanovic, said it was "unbelievable" that during the trial that began in Pristina's Basic Court, "100 witnesses will be heard, but that she was not summoned to testify".

Popovic told TV Prva that she had given statements several times in the pre-investigation procedure when "she had contact with the prosecution".

"Some of the witnesses who will testify have the information they received directly from me, " she said, adding that Ivanovic’s legal wife, "whom he had not seen for 20 years", also received a summons to testify.

The trial of Ivanovic’s January 18, 2018 assassination opened on Tuesday at Pristina Basic Court on July 6.

He was gunned down in the back outside his office while coming for work. The surveillance cameras on the building reportedly did not work.

She said she believed "that all those on the indictment should be questioned", including Zvonko Veselinovic and Milan Radoicic.  

"Every name mentioned in the indictment should be heard. That is a serious and complicated case, essential for every person in Kosovo and Serbia," Popovic said.

Kusari-Lila condemned attack against Serb boy in Gojbulja, petition against return of Dragica Gasic (Radio KIM)

Self-determination Movement caucus chief Mimoza Kusari-Lila told RTK 2 morning program the security situation in the areas populated by the Serbs was favorable, but at the same time condemned the recent attack against 13-year old boy in the village of Gojbulja near Vucitrn. She also said the petition of Djakovica-based NGOs against the return of Dragica Gasic to this town was a politically motivated act.

“What happened is not acceptable of course, and this is also something we condemn. A small boy was beaten up, and I am really sorry because this is not the attitude and environment in Kosovo. We can look at the statistics of the Kosovo police, there were very few inter-ethnic incidents. I think security is good, but we should all be wise and respect one another”, she said, Radio KIM reports.

Kusari-Lila also commented on petition of Djakovica-based NGOs against the return of Dragica Gasic to this town saying the petition was a politically motivated act, adding her case must not represent internal political struggle but should be viewed from a perspective of human rights, justice and facing the past.  

Petkovic: Bacic visited in hospital (Kosovo-online)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said a member of Klina Interim Municipal Council Bozidar Sarkovic visited Ranko Bacic, who was beaten up in an attack on Monday and provided him with the necessary assistance, Kosovo-online portal reports.

Petkovic added it was expected that the attacked Serb would probably be discharged from hospital today.

“I am just returning from Klina. As it is known, Ranko Bacic was attacked there yesterday. A 67-year-old man. He was attacked by Albanian extremists. Four young people attacked an old Serb. That is absolutely unacceptable. I sent a member of the Interim Municipal Council of Klina today to visit Bacic. What we found out is that he has injuries on his head, back and face. Unfortunately, many Serbs go through this, who just want to return and live in their houses”, Petkovic said Tuesday.

He pointed out that President Vučic, as he announced earlier, would especially insist on the issue of all incidents that have intensified recently in Kosovo and Metohija in Brussels as part of the dialogue.

“We ask KFOR and other international organizations to do everything to ensure the safety of our people”, Petkovic said. 





Kosovo to Restore Reciprocity Measures Against Serbia, Minister Says (Balkan Insight)

Trade Minister Rozeta Hajdari tells BIRN TV show that the Pristina government is determined to revive so-called reciprocity measures against Serbia in order to fulfil its election campaign promise.

Kosovo’s government, led by Vetevendosje’s Albin Kurti, is preparing to reintroduce reciprocity measures against Serbia, which were lifted by the former government because they were considered an obstacle to the EU-facilitated dialogue.

Read more at: