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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 17, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Rama gathers leaders of region, Kosovo expected to be represented by Bislimi (Klan)
  • Bislimi’s participation at informal meeting of regional leaders, refused (Reporteri)
  • Mehaj calls on citizens to contribute to Security Fund: To guarantee a safe Kosovo (media)
  • Citaku to Kurti: Your approach is harming Kosovo (media)
  • Hoti: Kurti's non-participation in the meeting in Tirana, lack of seriousness (media)
  • Albanians of Presheva Valley demand justice (RTK)
  • CDRF on the fight in Parliament: Bislimi was a guest, had no right to tear photo of opposition (media)
  • Association of Municipalities has not received membership application from Mitrovica North (Koha)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • A lot of what I’ve seen in the north reminds me of Northern Ireland, that’s why the dialogue is important (KoSSev)
  • Detention of Dejan Pantic extended for two more months (Radio KIM, Radio kontakt plus)
  • Lawyer: Nemanja Vlaskovic from Leposavic released on bail (Radio KIM)
  • Serbian journalists associations request Kosovo police to stop mistreating Serbian media outlets journalists (Radio KIM)
  • Dacic: Still no evidence against Vulin from US, and I don’t expect it to come (BETA, Politika, N1)
  • Serbian PM: Open Balkan has a bright future, I don’t think Rama is against it (N1, BETA)
  • Vucic: Our ties with US a priority in Kosovo crisis (Tanjug)
  • Mitrovica North MA: Land parcel near firefighter station allocated for use of Directorate of emergency situations (KoSSev)



Albanian Language Media  


Rama gathers leaders of the region, Kosovo expected to be represented by Bislimi (Klan) 

The leaders of the countries of the Western Balkans, with the exception of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, will participate today in the informal meeting in Tirana, invited by the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama.

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, the acting Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dritan Abazovic, the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, as well as the President of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Borjana Kristo, have confirmed participation. Meanwhile, based to sources, Kosovo will be represented by the first deputy prime minister, Besnik Bislimi.

Prime Minister Kurti, according to a communiqué of the government of Kosovo, is participating in the 25th edition of the SYMI International Symposium, held in Greece, where progressive politicians and prominent academics are participating. As a result, he will not be able to be present at this meeting.  

No statement or press conference is planned after the meeting, being that it is an informal gathering.

Bislimi’s participation at informal meeting of regional leaders in Tirana, refused (Reporteri)

Based on ABC News Albania, the news website reports that the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has invited the leaders of the Western Balkans to an informal lunch this Monday in Tirana.

Participation has been confirmed by: four prime ministers of the region, Serbia's Bernabic, Macedonian Prime Minister Kovacevski, Montenegrin Prime Minister Abazovic and the Prime Minister of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Borjana Kristo. The European Union Commissioner for Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, will also participate in the meeting.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, also received an invitation, but even after Varhelyi's effort, he chose to go to an international symposium that is being held in Greece, where Albania is represented by a group of non-governmental organisations headed by Remzi Lami.

As ABC News reports, it is learned that the participation of Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi at the meeting of regional leaders in Tirana was confirmed by the Kosovo government. However it will not be possible because of the protocol. The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo was informed by the organisers of the meeting that his level is secondary and not suitable and that the meeting file will be sent by secure mail to the government of Kosovo, namely the Prime Minister's office, in case that Albin Kurti does not change his mind at the last minute, and leave Greece for Tirana.

The media adviser of Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi, Klisman Kadiu, has said that the news about Bislimi's participation in the informal meeting in Tirana of the leaders of the Western Balkans is not true. "Since there was no confirmation from Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi, then it was not even possible to refuse his participation or his presence. Therefore, even the reports from some Albanian media regarding the rejection are nothing but speculation and being such, we can only speculate about its origin" Kadiu said.

Mehaj calls on citizens to contribute to Security Fund: To guarantee a safe Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Defense, Armend Mehaj, has called on the citizens of Kosovo to contribute to the Security Fund.Through a post on the Facebook social network, the minister stated that this is the only way to strengthen the army.

"Our army, through investment in weapons and other military equipment, is continuously being consolidated. To be even stronger to guarantee a safer Kosovo, all you dear citizens can contribute by donating to the Security Fund in the active account inside or outside the country", Mehaj wrote.

Citaku to Kurti: Your approach is harming Kosovo (media)

Deputy Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Vlora Citaku has called Prime Minister Albin Kurti's behaviour childish and irresponsible, for saying that he could not participate in the informal meeting in Tirana, due to his participation in a conference in Greece.

"Childish and politically inappropriate behaviour of Prime Minister Kurti. How could a conference on the beautiful islands of Greece be more important than a meeting with the leaders of the region and the European Commission in Tirana?! Prime Minister, Edi Rama did not invite you to a family wedding, but to a meeting with the leaders of the region, within the framework of the Berlin process", Citaku wrote.

Hoti: Kurti's non-participation in the meeting in Tirana, lack of seriousness (media)

Former Prime Minister of Kosovo and LDK MP, Avdullah Hoti, has said that Prime Minister Kurti's non-participation in the preparatory meeting for the Berlin Process in Tirana means giving up of state obligations and a mockery of the aspirations of the people of Kosovo for European integration.

"Since its start in 2014, the agreements reached at the annual meetings of the Berlin Process have been decisive for the progress of the Western Balkan countries towards the EU. Based on those agreements, the relevant decisions of the EU institutions and member countries towards the countries of the Western Balkans have been taken. For Kosovo, it has been very important to participate in this mechanism, on an equal basis as any other country, being a determining factor for the progress in the integration of the entire region in the EU", Hoti wrote.

According to him, there is no other meeting more important for the Prime Minister of Kosovo than participating in the preparatory meeting that is being held in Tirana.

"Not participating in this meeting shows the Prime Minister's lack of seriousness and respect for Tirana and the Berlin Process. Non-participation in this meeting is a waiver of Kosovo's state obligations. Not participating in this meeting is a mockery of the aspirations of the people of Kosovo for European integration",  Hoti wrote on Facebook.

Albanians of Presheva Valley demand justice (RTK)

The Party of the Albanian Democratic National Front is protesting today in Pristina, ‘against the pressure that Serbia is putting on the Albanians in the Presheva Valley.’

They are demanding respect for the rights and equal treatment of citizens in the Valley. "Stop the passivation of the addresses of Albanians", "Equal rights for the Albanian community in the Presheva Valley, Medvegja and Bujanoc, like any people in Europe", it was written in some of their banners.

CDRF on the fight in Parliament: Bislimi was a guest, had no right to tear photo of opposition (media)

The Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) has reacted to the physical fights that took place on Thursday in the Assembly of Kosovo between MPs and ministers. CDRF has clarified that the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, did not have the right to tear the photo placed by the MPs.

"All others, the prime minister, the president, ministers, deputy ministers are considered guests and must be subject to the rules that are determined by the Assembly and this did not happen in the last session.,” reads the communique adding that Deputy Prime Minister of the government of Kosovo Besnik Bislimi or any other minister have no right to take any action contrary to the Work Regulations and their status as guests.

"MPs of this government have had this right, just like any other MP in the Assembly of Kosovo. Another violation was when the Deputy Prime Minister threw a water bottle at MP Lushtaku".

"In this situation, if the Speaker of the Assembly had had professionalism and courage, he would have removed Besnik Bislimi from the session because, as a guest, contrary to the Rules of the Assembly, he took actions that do not belong to him, such as attacking the MP Lushtaku".

"KMDLNj is certain that, if the Speaker of the Assembly would remove Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi from the session, the situation would calm down and the session would take place under completely different circumstances."

"However, the most serious violation committed by the speaker of the Assembly, Glauk Konjufca, was the call to the Kosovo police to intervene while the session was in progress."

Saying that in the parliamentary history of Kosovo, there has never been any case that the presidents of the Assembly have called the Police or the security of the Assembly.

"The Speaker of the Assembly first had to interrupt the session and then call the Kosovo Police to intervene in calming the session," reads the communique further.

Association of Municipalities has not received membership application from Mitrovica North (Koha)

 The Association of Kosovo Municipalities has not officially received the request for membership from the North Mitrovica Municipality, confirmed the director of this institution, Sazan Ibrahimi. Ibrahimi adds that based on the laws in force, the Ministry of Local Government Administration must verify the legality of the decision and then the Municipality forwards it to the Association. 

"We have understood that the Municipal Assembly of North Mitrovica has made the decision, where it has announced its readiness for membership in the Association of Municipalities of Kosovo, but the rules are that every decision of the Municipal Assembly must be sent to the Ministry of Local Government Administration for review of legality. Now I don't know what happened in this case and we are open to even accept this official request if the Ministry has given the green light, the Board of the Association will examine the request, then the Assembly will make a decision on this issue, i.e. officially we have still not received a request from North Mitrovica, except for the initial request which showed readiness for membership in the Association and on the same day we gave the answer as to what steps the Municipality of Mitrovica should follow in order to become a member ", Ibrahimi said.

He added that he expects a positive response from the Ministry, since, as he said, the procedures have been fully respected.



Serbian Language Media


A lot of what I’ve seen in the north reminds me of Northern Ireland, that’s why the dialogue is important (KoSSev)

Full interview of British Ambassador in Pristina Nicholas Abbott for KoSSev

“My fear is very much for the next couple of months because many of the proposed solutions around the new municipal elections, around the reduction in police forces and such, these may take time. And time isn’t necessarily the best friend of the current instability,” the British Ambassador, Nicholas Abbott, said in an interview with KoSSev.

Abbott said that he is concerned over the specificities of the latest de-escalation agreement, while also recalling the English saying – “the devil is in the details.” Although he welcomed the recent agreement reached in Bratislava, assessing that the reduction in the number of special police units is a good way to go, the ambassador also underlined the details as to who, where, when, on what basis, and where these units will go.

Although it is the UK’s position that the special police units should be able to operate in the north, he added that these units should not have a role in population centres.

“They should not be used as regular police. There is a real opportunity to allow that responsibility to lie with the regular police force. Special police have particular training that is not served by them looking into buildings. In terms of removing a point of friction, it’s very important for those special police units not just to be reduced but actually to be moved out of the centres of population.”

Read the full interview at:

Detention of Dejan Pantic extended for two more months (Radio KIM, Radio kontakt plus)

A house arrest measure for Dejan Pantic, former member of Kosovo police arrested on December 10 last year, had been extended for two more months, his defence lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic told Radio kontakt plus.

According to the court, the investigation is still in the preliminary phase and it was necessary to carry out additional investigative activities.

However, Pantic’s defence lawyer says this court decision was tendentious.

“The investigation was launched on December 11, last year. This is evidence that those deciding on house arrest detention measures do not read court files, complaints, but make decisions automatically. Basic human rights of Pantic have been violated”, Pantovic stressed, adding that Pantic is under house arrest for eight months.

He said he filed an appeal to this decision to the Court of Appeals already.

Dejan Pantic was arrested at Jarinje crossing point on December 10, last year, after which barricades in northern Kosovo were erected. He was kept in Kosovo police base near Jarinje crossing point until the court made a decision to send him under house arrest.  

Lawyer: Nemanja Vlaskovic from Leposavic released on bail (Radio KIM)

Nemanja Vlaskovic from Leposavic, arrested by Kosovo police over alleged attack against journalists on May 29, has been released on bail pending trial, his lawyer Predrag Miljkovic told Radio KIM.

“Nemanja was obliged to hand over to the court his travel and personal documents and make a promise that he will not leave place of residence”, Miljkovic said.

Serbian journalists associations request Kosovo police to stop mistreating Serbian media outlets journalists (Radio KIM)

Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch in Kosovo (UNKiM) protested because Kosovo police banned Serbian media outlets journalists on Friday to record the house playing the loud music by which liturgy and ceremony on the occasion of Holly Healers holiday was impeded in the village of Krajiste, near Lipljan, Radio KIM reports. 

“Police did not permit us to record the house from which nationalistic songs glorifying Adam Jashari and so-called KLA were played. “Chief, you must not record, this is a private house”, one of the police officers told us, and then pointed with his hand to turn cameras away”, Gracanica-online journalist and Prva TV correspondent, Ana Markovic told UNS.

KIM Radio cameraman Bojan Cirkovic said police asked for their details.

“After the liturgy ended, journalists teams were taking statements from those present. Then a uniformed police officer and one in plain clothes approached. They asked what media we work for, which media are present and noted it down”, Cirkovic said.

UNS and DNKiM underlined it is in public interest to record people and premises from which public peace and order is violated, regardless who owns it.

They also called to end pressure on Serbian media outlets and enable them to carry out their duties unobstructed. They also requested Kosovo and international institutions to determine accountability of police officers who prevented journalists from doing their work. 

Dacic: Still no evidence against Vulin from US, and I don’t expect it to come (BETA, Politika, N1)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said no evidence has arrived from the US for the allegations against the head of the Security Information Agency (BIA) Aleksandar Vulin, who was sanctioned by the US authorities, adding that “he does not expect it to arrive, because this is not about establishing evidence, but about politically motivated sanctions”, N1 reports.

“We have not received a single piece of information from America, not even an indication that there are any criminal acts involved. Of course, we will seek an explanation from the United States because this is not a private matter, but a decision directed against a high-ranking government official. But, let’s put that aside, the motive for this decision is politics”, Dacic told Politika in an interview for this daily.

Speaking about why these sanctions were introduced, Dacic said it was about Vulin’s “stances towards Russia”. “If we had imposed sanctions on Russia, there would be no sanctions against Vulin or anyone else”, Dacic is quoted as saying.

When asked how this could affect Serbia-US relations, the minister said that Serbia “has good cooperation with the USA in the fight against all forms of organised crime”.

Dacic also assessed that with this action “they want to create some artificial balance” between Belgrade and Pristina. He assessed that “after the harsh decisions of the West and America against the authorities in Pristina, it was only a matter of days when a decision against Belgrade would arrive”.

“That was never a good policy, because you cannot create a balance between Pristina, which for years has continuously undermined the dialogue, used violence and does not want a solution, and Belgrade, which keeps the dialogue alive and fulfils everything that was agreed”, Dacic said.

Serbian PM: Open Balkan has a bright future, I don’t think Rama is against it (N1, BETA)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said she is convinced that the future of the Open Balkan regional initiative is bright and that others from the region will also join in. She said that this initiative is “indigenous and extremely practical, because all projects have a concrete application”.

“Regardless of certain statements, and I do not believe that Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama is against the Open Balkan initiative, I think he also talked about it at the last press conference with President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. So, I believe that the future of this initiative is bright and safe”, Brnabic said in a joint address with Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitri Kovacevski.

Brnabic and Kovacevski visited the OPEN BALKAN mobile point of sale – electronic toll collection, at the Presevo toll station, towards North Macedonia.

Kovacevski emphasised that he believes that the future of the Open Balkan initiative is bright, stating that the increased trade exchange of its members is the best indicator that the initiative is producing results.

Vucic: Our ties with US a priority in Kosovo crisis (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says fostering bilateral ties with the US is Serbia's priority in the Kosovo crisis, Tanjug news agency reported.

In an interview for the Pavlovic Today internet portal, Vucic said it was important for Serbia to "engage in discussions with America" to have better relations with the US.

"Serbia has recently purchased a substantial amount of military equipment - 118 Humvees (HMMWV) - from the US after facing obstacles for several years", the portal said.

"It is crucial that we continue to develop our relationship with America in a positive direction. This requires us to be responsible regarding Kosovo and Metohija, but it also necessitates that the United States listens more frequently and is willing to hear the Serbian stance and perspective", Vucic said.

"I recently had a phone conversation with (US State Secretary Antony) Blinken. I have spoken with many officials in the American establishment who oversee Kosovo and Metohija and are responsible for the stability of the region, including Jon Finer, (Derek) Chollet, and (Gabriel) Escobar", Vucic said.

"However, we are in a difficult position because no matter how constructive and responsible we are, we always find ourselves as the ones who are not their favourite, as we do not agree with the independence of Kosovo", he added.

"No matter how much some political actors in Kosovo disrespect America and act against America’s vital interests, unfortunately, it sometimes seems to us that they will always have even not so vocal support from the United States", Vucic said.

Mitrovica North MA: Land parcel near firefighter station allocated for use of Directorate of emergency situations (KoSSev)

The Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly in a session held on Friday made a decision to allocate a 4-acre parcel for the use of the Kosovo Directorate of emergency situations. The land parcel is located in Kolasinska Street, near firefighter station. This agenda item was presented by Mitrovica North mayor Erden Atiq at the previous session, but the chairperson Nedzad Ugljanin refused to put it on agenda back then, which led to Atiq leaving that session in a demonstrative manner, KoSSev portal reports.

The land parcel is owned by Mitrovica North municipality, and according to the decision of the MA from Friday, an object of 150 square metres will be built there.

Since Serbs left institutions in northern Kosovo in November last year, the new composition of Mitrovica North MA made a number of decisions that Serbs are not content with, the portal recalls.

The only Serb municipal councillor in this municipality, Dusan Milunovic, was against this decision.