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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 20, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Konjufca meets French President of the National Assembly Yawl Braun-Pivet (media)
  • Stoltenberg: 93 KFOR troops were injured by the violence in the north (Klan)
  • Szunyog: The EU's priority is the de-escalation to the north (RTK)
  • Hovenier: We support KSF as it transforms into territorial defence force interacting with NATO (media)
  • Rama appeals to EU: We cannot allow north of Kosovo to become a small Donbas (media)
  • Krasniqi meets Hovenier: Elections have no alternative (Express)
  • Borrell extends Tomas Szunyog’s mandate as EU head in Kosovo for another year (Express)
  • Milorad Djokovic's trial for war crimes in Kosovo begins today (Koha)
  • Specialized Chambers on summer break, KLA leaders’ trial continues in August (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Vucevic: We want dialogue with Pristina, not war (Radio KIM, Nova)
  • Ledwidge at Thaci’s trial: KLA in 1998 kidnapped and murdered 47 Serbs, Roma and couple of Albanians in Orahovac (KoSSev, BETA)
  • Why are some defendants in the Brezovica case in detention for 19 months? (VoA, KoSSev, Radio KIM)
  • Vucic: We are prepared for any surprises, people need not worry (Tanjug)
  • Milivojevic: KFOR to influence Pristina immediately so de-escalation can happen (RTV)
  • Dacic: Kurti’s plan is escalation, Pristina dissatisfied with negotiations (Kosovo Online, Kurir)



Albanian Language Media  


Konjufca meets French President of the National Assembly Yawl Braun-Pivet (media) 

The Speaker of the Assembly Glauk Konjufca, as part of his official visits to France, accompanied by Ambassador Mehdi Halimi, Chief of Staff, Ilir Kerceli and Councilor Donik Sallova, met the President of the National Assembly of France, Yawl Braun-Pivet, the Vice President of the National Assembly, Valerie Rabault, the Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, Jean-Louis Bourlanges, the Member of Parliament for the French living outside France, Frederic Petit and the Chairman of France-Kosovo friendship group, Jean-Philippe Ardouin.

"The Republic of Kosovo is very interested in the partnership between our two countries not only being continuous and unwavering, but also deepening further by cultivating all its potential, from an institutional, cultural, economic and political point of view, as a necessary response to the circumstances in which we currently find ourselves as a Western bloc, with common values and goals that we protect and develop", Konjufca said.

"The achievements of our state are also successes of our allies who have supported us and given their contribution, to whom we are grateful", he said further.

"We discussed the current situation in our countries and the challenges we are currently facing. I pointed out to Ms. Yawl Braun-Pivet the full commitment of the Republic of Kosovo to our commitments that have in focus the example, means and spirit of the European Union, the union of our common values and goals", he concluded.

Stoltenberg: 93 KFOR troops were injured by the violence in the north (Klan)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that 93 KFOR troops were injured by the tensions in the north of Kosovo. He made this figure public in a tweet while talking about the meeting he had with the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, where he also asks Pristina and Belgrade to return to the dialogue.

"Good to meet with the president of Serbia to discuss the recent violence in northern Kosovo, which left 93 NATO KFOR troops injured. NATO has deployed additional troops and implements its UN mandate impartially. Prishtina and Belgrade must prevent escalation and engage in dialogue facilitated by the EU", Stoltenberg wrote.

Szunyog: The EU's priority is the de-escalation to the north (RTK)

The Head of the Office of the European Union in Kosovo, Tomas Szuynog, spoke at a security roundtable organised by the Kosovo Center for Security Studies, about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.

"The agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is also useful for the stability and prosperity of the entire region and is key for the future of Kosovo and Serbia on the way to the European Union and international recognition of Kosovo. In recent months, we have seen the deterioration of the situation in the north of Kosovo, how it can cause violence in the entire region", he emphasised.

According to him, the priority of the European Union is the de-escalation to the north of the country, and he considered it vital to find a solution to guarantee security for all citizens. Szuynog has stated that Europe cannot afford another conflict, after the one in Ukraine.

Hovenier: We support KSF as it transforms into territorial defence force interacting with NATO (media)

The Ambassador of the United States of America, Jeff Hoveneir, received today at the U.S. Embassy in Prishtina, the soldier of the KSF, Ylli Dalladaku, who has completed one of the most rigorous American military courses. Dalladaku has completed the course of the West Point Military School, thus becoming the first KSF soldier to go to the American Academy.

Hovenier has said that the US supports the KSF as it transforms into a multi-ethnic, professional and interoperable territorial defence force with NATO.

"It was a pleasure to meet West Point USMA graduate LT Ylli Dalladaku, the first KSF to pass US Army Ranger School - one of America's most rigorous military courses. We support KSF as it transitions into a multi-ethnic, professional, NATO-interoperable territorial defense force,” Hovenier wrote.

Rama appeals to EU: We cannot allow north of Kosovo to become a small Donbas (media)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, has called on the European Union to act decisively to ensure a quick implementation of the Basic Agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia. On his Twitter account, he said that the north of Kosovo cannot be allowed to become a small Donbas.

“The EU needs to act firmly to secure a swift implementation of the Basic Agreement. Our region cannot become a hostage of a never-ending crisis between Kosovo and Serbia. We cannot allow nor the Northern Kosovo, where the line between organised crime and local politicians is blurred, to become a Little Donbass out of an uprising fueled by Russia and either the Dialogue to become an Old Balkan blame game, out of the lack of a real and strong will of the parties involved in it! Discussions are good, but what the region needs is a breakthrough before it is too late", Rama wrote.

Krasniqi meets Hovenier: Elections have no alternative (Express)

The chairman of the PDK, Memli Krasniqi, hosted today the US ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, with whom they discussed the current political situation. After the meeting, Krasniqi wrote on Facebook that early elections are the only alternative. He said that he told the American ambassador that Kosovo should not suffer because of a single individual.

"For the PDK, as we have said from the beginning, the unilateral and uncoordinated actions of the Government of Kosovo, which, in addition to damaging the progress and image of the country, brought Kosovo sanctions from the main international partners, are completely unacceptable. This is not the will of the citizens and what they have voted for, therefore, I expressed to the American Ambassador the position that Kosovo should not suffer punitive measures due to the political leadership of an individual", said Krasniqi.

Borrell extends Tomas Szunyog’s mandate as EU head in Kosovo for another year (Express)

Tomas Szunyog will be the head of the EU in Kosovo for another year. This decision was made by the EU High Representative Josep Borrell. According to the announcement of the European Council, his mandate was extended until August 31, 2024.

Tomas Szunyog was appointed Special Representative for Kosovo on 1 September 2020. His mandate includes the task of providing advice and support to the EU in the political process and promoting the overall political coordination of the Union in Kosovo.

Milorad Djokovic's trial for war crimes in Kosovo begins today (Koha)

The trial against Milorad Djokovic, suspected of war crimes in Kosovo, during the period 1998-1999 begins today.

In the indictment issued by the Basic Court in Pristina, it is said that he is suspected of having killed, raided, beaten, mistreated, arrested, tortured, treated in a cruel and inhumane manner, kept in conditions of slavery, expelled and deported dozens of Albanian civilians in the village of Ozdrim in Pejë and in the surrounding villages of this region.

The document also mentions the looting, burning and destruction of the houses of the civilian population of Albanian nationality.

He is suspected of having committed the criminal offence of war crime against the civilian population.

B.SH., G.SH., F.K and A.K. are also mentioned in the indictment as injured in this case.

Specialized Chambers on summer break, trial of KLA leaders continues in August (media)

With the conclusion of the testimony of the 15th witness (code 04586) in the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo in The Hague, the trial against Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi will resume on August 14, 2023.

Today in the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo, in the "Thaci and others" court case, is the last day before the summer vacation begins. According to the work calendar of the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo based in The Hague, the summer break begins on July 24, while the sessions will begin on August 14, reports RTKlive.

Seven sessions are scheduled to be held during August in the "Thaci and others" court case, while five sessions will be held in the "Shala" case.



Serbian Language Media


Vucevic: We want dialogue with Pristina, not war (Radio KIM, Nova)

Serbian Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic told Italian news agency Nova the aim of Serbia is not to wage wars, but to politically act on restoring the dialogue and establishing the peace and security in Kosovo and Western Balkans region, Radio KIM reports.

“Serbia has always been and remains open to continuation of the dialogue and we attempt to enable normal lives of the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija by peaceful means, while provisional Pristina institutions by their dangerous policy of violence annul everything what has been achieved with the dialogue thus far”, Vucevic said.

Asked what the Serbian side expects would defuse the tensions, Vucevic said that Kosovo and Metohija issue is very complex and Belgrade does not expect a solution to come in a day or two.

“In order to move in the direction of de-escalation and resolving the situation in the southern Serbian province, it is necessary for the Pristina side to show willingness for dialogue, to release all arrested Serbs and to stop further arrests”, he said.

He added Serbia also requests that, as he said, fake mayors and special police units withdraw from northern Kosovo and to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities. He noted the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities was crucial to de-escalation of the situation in Kosovo.

He also expressed belief that the international community would demonstrate stronger willingness to react to, as he said, Pristina’s aggressive acts.

Ledwidge at Thaci’s trial: KLA in 1998 kidnapped and murdered 47 Serbs, Roma and couple of Albanians in Orahovac (KoSSev, BETA)

Witness, Frank Ledwidge in his testimony yesterday at the trial of former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) commander Hashim Thaci and three co-defendants in the case of crimes committed in Kosovo and Albania, said KLA on July 17, 1998 “kidnapped and murdered 47 Serbs, Roma and couple of Albanians”, KoSSev portal reports citing BETA news agency.

Ledwedge who was at that time member of the OSCE Verification Mission in Kosovo (KVM) also said that those kidnapped “were previously tortured in a police station in Malisevo”, near Orahovac, where KLA detention camp was.

According to the indictment of the Specialist Court in the Hague, accused Thaci and members of KLA main headquarters Kadri Veseli and Rexhep Selimi were present at that time in the area.

Recalling the statements of two Serb female witnesses, from the Baljosevic family, he spoke with at the beginning of 1999, Ledwidge also said that the fourth defendant in this case Jakup Krasniqi, considered as KLA commander, was present in the KLA detention camp in Malisevo.

According to the indictment three members of the Baljosevic family, together with other Serbs, were killed in Malisevo on July 19, 1998. Their remains were found in 2005 in a mass grave.

Defence attempted to prove that Krasniqi was not in Malisevo at that time, and that the two witnesses probably mixed him with other KLA members they saw, adding it could be seen from inconsistencies in their statements.

Ledwidge allowed that possibility, but underlined that the two female witnesses from the Baljosevic family “were steadfast” in their statements that they had seen Jakup Krasniqi in a detention camp in Malisevo.

“I have never heard that it (the presence of Krasniqi in Malisevo) was ever refuted”, he said.

He also said that in the summer of 1998 “several hundred persons were kidnapped across Kosovo” and that “1000 Serbs went missing”.

Thaci’s defence suggested that kidnappings and murders of the Serbs were done “by renegade elements of KLA”, and “as revenge for earlier crimes Serb forces committed against Albanians”.

“This is not an unreasonable assumption…Serbs committed crimes, but also it was done by some KLA elements”, he responded.

He again said that according to some findings KLA intended to use Serbs kidnapped in Orahovac on July 17, 1998 for prisoner exchange but killed them, after the Serb forces, during the attack to reclaim Orahovac two days later “killed 150 Albanian civilians”.

Thaci’s defence also tried to dispute Ledwidge’s statement, that according to what the sources had told him, Thaci in November 1999 in Orahovac said “the time has gone when Serbian language was spoken in Orahovac”, arguing that there are no written traces, media or OSCE reports about it.

He remained on his stance, explaining he was told that by his Albanian coworkers who were in Orahovac.

“It was an Albanian holiday, a flag day…the situation was unstable, there was a threatening atmosphere on the streets and it was considered unsafe for us to travel from Prizren to Orahovac. What Thaci said we were told by Albanians who attended the speech”, he explained.  

Why are some defendants in the Brezovica case in detention for 19 months? (VoA, KoSSev, Radio KIM)

Former Strpce mayor Bratislav Nikolic and six more persons out of 12 accused in the Brezovica case remain in detention for 19 months already. Their lawyers argue it is about violation of human rights, Constitution and the laws, as well as European Convention of Human Rights, while Kosovo Constitutional Court in the case of two of defendants confirmed that violation of human rights took place, Voice of America reports.

Former Strpce mayor Bratislav Nikolic was arrested in December 2021 for alleged misuse of authority, receiving bribes and exerting influence in relation to construction permits at Brezovica. He is also accused of illegal weapons possession. 11 more persons have been arrested in relation to this case. Nikolic and six more are still in prison, while others have been released.

Out of seven persons remaining in detention, six of them are Serbs and one is Albanian. One of the reasons why they are in detention for that long, as the lawyers were told, is that they have Serbian citizenship as well and that there is a risk to flee, despite their readiness to guarantee stay with their assets and that according to anti-discrimination provisions and Constitution all persons in Kosovo, regardless of their ethnic background should have equal rights in relation to the laws. 

Lawyers of Bratislav Nikolic told Voice of America this is about discrimination on ethnic grounds, and that such long detention for this type of criminal offence was “unknown to the judicial practice”, adding they requested the court to list a single example of someone being exposed to the same treatment but received no reply. They also filed an appeal to Kosovo Constitutional Court.

This court over the last three months made two separate decisions that detention of Jadran Kostic and Sasa Spasic, accused in Brezovica case, was extended illegally, unconstitutionally and in contradiction with the European Convention of Human Rights. It also said they have the right to seek compensation from Kosovo public bodies. 

The two of them are accused of criminal acts for which the prison sentence goes up to five years, but remain in detention for longer than 19 months, their lawyers said, adding the Constitutional Court decisions will not affect their current status, so they remain detained.

Voice of America highlighted the case of two construction inspectors of different ethnic backgrounds charged for the same criminal acts in the Brezovica case. However, one is released, while the other one is still in detention.

“An inspector of Albanian ethnicity is on freedom for more than six months, his detention cancelled, and he again works in the same place and position, while the Serbian inspector is still in detention – for more than 19 months”, the lawyer said.

Vucic: We are prepared for any surprises, people need not worry (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Brussels on Wednesday evening he had pointed out to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg the problem of Pristina's arms acquisitions, which he noted were a violation of UNSCR 1244.

Responding to questions from reporters after a meeting with Stoltenberg, Vucic said that there was also another, bigger legal problem - the fact that, under UNSCR 1244, “"Kosovo Liberation Army" or anything resembling it was not allowed to exist in Kosovo and Metohija”.

He said he had noted that this, too, was a violation of UNSCR 1244.

"(PM Albin) Kurti says the police are their legal successor. That cannot exist in Kosovo and Metohija under the UN Charter and UNSCR 1244... Why does it exist? There is no answer to that", Vucic said.

Vucic added that Stoltenberg said NATO does not support Pristina's security forces being transformed into a Kosovo army.

"I asked: 'But what do we have from that?'" he said, noting that Pristina was arming itself and had mobile mortars, 105 mm vehicle-drawn howitzers and Bayraktar UAVs.

"But we are able to make all the calculations and assess the numbers, the weapons and the equipment", he said.

"We know what the dangers are, because someone is acting illegally and irresponsibly. Accordingly, we are fully prepared for any surprises and Serbian citizens need not worry", Vucic said.

Milivojevic: KFOR to influence Pristina immediately so de-escalation can happen (RTV)

Former high ranking Serbian diplomat Zoran Milivojevic said today KFOR would have to immediately react and influence Pristina in both political and security terms in order to de-escalate the situation in Kosovo, because it is completely clear that peace and stability are threatened in northern Kosovo.

Commenting on yesterday’s visit of Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic to Brussels and his request to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that the Alliance take control and ensure a decent life for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Milivojevic said this conversation was very important.

“That conversation was very important, because NATO practically on behalf and at the expense of the UN as part of KFOR performs the function of ensuring peace and stability in the area of Kosovo and Metohija, and in accordance with Resolution 1244. Therefore, it is the right address to turn to, bearing in mind that the situation in Kosovo has escalated and that it represents a direct threat to peace and stability in those areas. Therefore, the meeting with NATO is both justified and it came at the right time”, Milivojevic said.

He added that KFOR is expected to fulfil its mandate and its function in the full sense and to ensure peace and stability.

“We will see whether there will be a de-escalation and how NATO will behave. I think that it primarily depends on the political will, bearing in mind that NATO member states have mostly recognized Kosovo independence and that thus far they have not shown the political will to react decisively towards Pristina”, he added.

According to him Pristina is the cause of the escalation, and that NATO should be expected to take measures that would prevent it from carrying out repression, using police forces and jeopardising the peace and stability in the north of Kosovo.

Dacic: Kurti’s plan is escalation, Pristina dissatisfied with negotiations (Kosovo Online, Kurir)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said there is a permanent tendency on the side of the international community to blame everyone for the crisis in northern Kosovo, including the Serbian side, although it has been clear the responsibility for it is not on Belgrade.

He added there are suspicions that the plan of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti is not de-escalation, but rather escalation, as according to him, Pristina is dissatisfied with negotiations.

A day after President Aleksandar Vucic’s meetings with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and EU special envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks, Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels, and the technical round of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue meeting, Dacic pointed out that international community instead of exerting pressure on the one causing escalation, urges both sides to calm.

He said Kosovo officials are only interested that Serbia recognize Kosovo and termed their statements as utterly cynical.

Dacic said that at the last meeting in Brussels, Kosovo Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla, where he was also present, criticised EU officials of not doing enough that Serbia recognizes Kosovo and that the dialogue is going in the wrong direction.

He also noted that Gervalla termed Kosovo as “the most democratic” in the Western Balkans, at UN SC session.

“And you are in a dilemma whether they truly think so, because it would be a much bigger problem than if they would lie and do that for propaganda purposes. If they truly think so, then the problem is much bigger (…)”, Dacic said.