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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 22, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani meets Meta: Kosovo's membership in NATO strengthens peace in the region (media)
  • Osmani: We will see if Specialist Chambers are respecting the rights of the accused (RTK)
  • Klinaku: Government publicised proposal without waiting for feedback (media)
  • Pacolli meets President of South Sudan (media)
  • In the global fight against corruption, U.S. values ​​Kosovo as a partner (RTK)
  • 100 interns from communities will carry out internships in Kosovo institutions (Klan)
  • Kamberi meets Kurti, thanks him for his support (media)
  • Trade unions request 100 euro for public sector employees pending law's approval (Kallxo)
  • Berisha: I've been banned from entering the UK (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Visoki Decani Monastery: KFOR presence necessary because of frequent attacks (media, social media)
  • Defendants in Ivanovic’s case to remain under house arrest (Radio KIM)
  • Filipovski: Serbia will sharply react to Albanian Parliament resolution on Dick Marty’s report (Kosovo Online)
  • Office for KiM: Ambulance vehicles kept at Merdare crossing point (Kosovo Online)
  • Cadez: Meeting of the ministers of the countries of the Open Balkans on Monday in Tirana (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)


  • US Warns of ‘Threat’ to Iranian Opposition Summit in Albania (Balkan Insight)
  • Albanian MPs Adopt Resolution Condemning Kosovo War Crimes Report (Balkan Insight)
  • Energy Community Secretariat initiates infringement procedures against Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Serbia (




Albanian Language Media  


Osmani meets Meta: Kosovo's membership in NATO strengthens peace in the region (media)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani met in Pristina today President of Albania Ilir Meta as he is ending his mandate. Osmani thanked Meta for supporting Kosovo and for "being a powerful voice in the international arena". 

"Relations between our two countries have made progress in many fields," said Osmani at a joint press conference. She added that what unites Kosovo and Albania is their Euro-Atlantic future. "Kosovo was and will always be on the right side of history as it is doing now in this very challenging time." 

Osmani said Kosovo's objective remains membership in NATO and EU. "Kosovo is working to prepare its application for EU candidate country status by the end of this year. As for NATO, it is important to take decisive steps forward because the fact that Albania is a member of NATO has created greater security for the entire region. The moment that Kosovo also joins this Alliance, the level of security and peace and stability in our entire region will increase", Osmani stressed.

Meta on his part thanked Osmani for the cooperation and said he hoped it would continue. He said he does not need to be thanked for the support to Kosovo as this is merely a "moral and constitutional" duty. "The only regret I have is that I could have done even more in supporting Kosovo if I had less internal problems in my five-year term in office," Meta said. 

Meta said he was looking forward to an agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, "one that not only leads to normalisation but also mutual recognition of Serbia and Kosovo." 

Meta later addressed the MPs of the Assembly of Kosovo, saying among other things, that Albania should do more on Kosovo’s membership in NATO. 

Osmani: We will see if Specialist Chambers are respecting the rights of the accused (RTK)

The President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani has said that the institutions of Kosovo must see if human rights are being respected in the case of the former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army, who are in custody in The Hague.

"I believe that we will sit down and discuss with the institutions, in the first place, how we can do our utmost so that the laws that the Assembly of Kosovo itself has approved, the constitutional amendments that have been approved with two-thirds of the votes, are implemented as far as the protection of the rights of the accused in this case are concerned. Because we are dealing with a context of fundamental freedoms and rights which are part of our Constitution and which the Special Court itself has undertaken to implement," Osmani said during the joint press conference with the President of Albania, Ilir Meta.

Commenting on the resolution approved by the Assembly of Albania, which requires the Council of Europe to make updates regarding the report of Senator Dick Marty in 2011, which claimed that there was organ trafficking in Kosovo and Albania during the war in Kosovo, Osmani pointed out:

"Dick Marty with his report tried to distort the truth that happened in Kosovo, which was a genocidal war of Serbia against the people of Kosovo. The liberation war of Kosovo and the KLA cannot be undone by anyone because no one will be able to change history regardless of efforts. Kosovo has never had anything to hide because it protected itself from a genocidal regime led by Milosevic at that time."

Klinaku: Government publicised proposal without waiting for feedback (media)

Acting leader of the KLA War Veterans Organisations, Faton Klinaku, commented on Facebook about the proposal of the Government regarding veterans' pensions. He said the government made the proposal public even before receiving any feedback from the veterans “to play games in the public.”

“They talk about veterans deserving more benefits than they currently have, while their goal is not to change that payment even at this time of crisis. Some have no idea how and by whom the assessment and verification is done, and some are unscrupulous because they know that this cannot be currently done and presents an interference in the judicial process". He added: “Do that evaluation and verification on dry paper, because you have the files in the prosecutor's office and the court.”

According to the media, the government proposed the adoption of a new law that would also initiate the process of assessing and verifying lists of KLA veterans.

Pacolli meets President of South Sudan (media)

Leader of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) Behgjet Pacolli announced via Twitter that as part of his tour of Africa he met the President of South Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit and discussed relations between Kosovo and South Sudan. 

"I look forward to a new chapter in the relations between Kosovo and South Sudan as the two youngest countries in the world," Pacolli wrote.

In the global fight against corruption, U.S. values ​​Kosovo as a partner (RTK)

Kosovo's Minister of Justice Albulena Haxhiu met the U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Lisa Johnson and the U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Hovenier. 

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Justice, Haxhiu called the relationship with the U.S. in Kosovo 'excellent' and that the U.S. continues to support important rule of law processes in Kosovo. "The rule of law, fight against corruption, the judicial vetting process - including aspects of criminal justice, were topics that aroused interest from Deputy Assistant Secretary Johnson," the statement said.

In the framework of the U.S. agenda in the global fight against corruption, Johnson is said to have assessed Kosovo as an important partner and noted that this cooperation will also bring its results in the strengthening and implementation of the law and legal order. 

Deputy Assistant Secretary Johnson also met with the Minister of Internal Affairs Xhelal Svecla. She congratulated the achievements so far and emphasised that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is an important partner, and for this reason she assessed that the cooperation for the strengthening and implementation of the law will continue. The two sides agreed to intensify cooperation in the fight against crime and other negative phenomena to contribute not only to the security of Kosovo but also to regional stability.

100 interns from communities will carry out internships in Kosovo institutions (Klan)

100 interns will carry out internships in eight ministries and the Prime Minister's Office.This was announced in the promotion of multiethnic employment in institutions, organized by the Office for Community Affairs within the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said that apart from these institutions, there will also be a place in some municipalities of Kosovo.

"Eight ministries and the Office of the Prime Minister will be the places where these 100 interns will be able to perform their duties and commitments. But not only that, there will be a place for them in a total of 16 municipalities and organizations. I assure you that you will have my support for the beginning of your professional careers. These institutions do not belong to the government but they are yours, you do not belong only to your community but to the profession that you will develop without obstacles," Kurti said.

Kamberi meets Kurti, thanks him for his support (media)

The only Albanian MP in the Serbian Parliament Shaip Kamberi was received today by the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. This was announced by Kamberi himself through an announcement on Facebook.

"With the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo Albin Kurti to thank him for the continuous public support he has given to our persistence for representation and for the concrete support he is giving to the Presheva Valley", Kamberi wrote.

He further said that the coordination and coordination of policies is of vital importance for the Presheva Valley.

Trade unions request 100 euro for public sector employees pending law's approval (Kallxo)

Kosovo's Minister of Finances, Work and Transfers, Hekuran Murati, met the head of the Independent Trade Unions, Atdhe Hykolli, to discuss the economic and social situation of the workers.

The main topic of the meeting was finding a way to accommodate the request to subsidise pays of all public sector employees by 100 euros until the Assembly approves the law on salaries. The trade unions announced that the further course of action will be discussed in their meeting on 10 August. 

Berisha: I've been banned from entering the UK (media)

Albania’s former Prime Minister Sali Berisha told the media today that the British government has decided to ban him from entering its territories. According to him, this decision is a consequence of a smear campaign against him that is being sponsored by George Soros.

"A few hours after Edi Rama gave the news of the decision that was made by the United Kingdom, I was notified through a letter that the Secretary-General had decided to ban my entry to the UK," Berisha told the media. 

He said that the reasons he had been presented with in the letter were 'corruption and links to individuals in the organized crime world, who pose a risk to public safety in Albania and Britain'.

Despite the fact that this decision was confidential, Berisha said that he decided to make it public because he wants Albanian citizens to know that he has always been honest with them.



Serbian Language Media


Visoki Decani Monastery: KFOR presence necessary because of frequent attacks (media, social media)

Visoki Decani Monastery said this holy shrine is under KFOR protection because of frequent attacks against the Monastery and protection of the non-Albanian population, Kosovo Online portal reports.

The statement came in reaction to the Kosovo Minister of Culture Hajrullah Ceku’s remarks that the Monastery does not need KFOR protection.

“#Kosovo Minister of culture says #KFOR protection of Dečani #Serbian #Orthodox Monastery is not needed. IT IS due to 4 armed attacks by KS/ Albanian extremists, ISIS graffiti on our walls, arrest of an Alb armed group in 2016 at our gate, KS/Gov disrespect of law & court ruling”, Monastery wrote in a post on Twitter.

It added that “@NATO_KFOR presence is also needed due to political, legal & security instability for non-Albanian citizens of #Kosovo as Kos Govt behaves to this territory as ethnic Albanian land. Dečani Monastery is exposed to frequent denial of our identity, legal rights & media hate speech”.

“#Serbian #Orthodox #Church remains determined to preserve her identity, our property rights and religious freedoms. Until our life in #Kosovo is endangered (as recognized by #UNESCO, #EuropaNostra & other intl org reports) we need protection both institutional & security by #KFOR”, the Monastery added in a post. 

Defendants in Ivanovic’s case to remain under house arrest (Radio KIM)

Basic Court in Pristina rejected proposal to replace the measure of house arrest to Nedeljko Spasojevic, Rade Basara I Marko Rosic, defendants in Oliver Ivanovic’s murder case, Radio KIM reports.

Defence lawyer of Marko Rosic, Mahmut Hallimi made a proposal to replace the house arrest with some other alternative measure, however the proposal supported by defence lawyers of other two defendants, was dismissed.

Special prosecutor Burim Cerkini and the court president Valon Kurtaj opposed the proposal. Judge Kurtaj stated that later, if the court deems that the circumstances which caused the house arrest measure to be imposed have ended, he will change the same decision ex officio.

Basara, Spasojevic and Rosic were in detention longer than 40 months, and in June this year they were released from detention and placed under house arrest. 

Filipovski: Serbia will sharply react to Albanian Parliament resolution on Dick Marty’s report (Kosovo Online)

Serbia will sharply react to the decision of the Albanian Parliament to adopt a draft resolution disowning the claims on illegal organ harvesting in Kosovo and Metohija, member of the Serbian Delegation at Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Dubravka Filipovski said, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“It is a disgrace for the European Union as it did nothing following the report of Dick Marty, but tried to cover up the crimes committed against the Serbian population in the Yellow House”, she added.

She also said that Serbia submitted all evidence to the responsible institutions of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly adopted Dick Marty’s report and resolution on organ harvesting in Kosovo in 2011, calling for international investigation into those allegations. 169 MPs voted for resolution, eight were against, and 14 abstained.  

Office for KiM: Ambulance vehicles kept at Merdare crossing point (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo police had kept two ambulance vehicles from Serb-populated areas early this morning at Merdare crossing point, under the pretext that vehicles had Serbian institutions’ documents they referred to as “parallel”, Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement, Kosovo Online portal reports.

As the Office for KiM said first the ambulance vehicle from Strpce enroute to pick up severely ill patient S.S (71) who underwent carcinoma surgery in Nis was kept by the Kosovo police for longer than an hour and a half. A similar scenario also occurred yesterday, involving an ambulance vehicle transporting a patient that was kept at the crossing point for several hours.

The Office for KiM also said that an ambulance vehicle from Lipljan, transporting immovable and severely ill patient M.M. (77) for a medical treatment in Belgrade was also kept at the same crossing point.

Although both vehicles had regular papers and accompanying documentation, the Office for KiM further said the Kosovo police at Merdare claimed that those documents were not valid and that ambulance vehicles will not be able to cross the point next time.

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija called upon international representatives in Kosovo to invest their authority and “put an end to such anti-civilizational and inhumane actions of the Pristina provisional institutions”.  

Cadez: Meeting of the ministers of the countries of the Open Balkans on Monday in Tirana (Kosovo Online, Tanjug)

The Ministers of Agriculture and Energy of the three countries within the framework of the Open Balkans initiative, as well as representatives from state administrations and agencies for action in crisis situations, will meet on Monday in Tirana to discuss what can be done in order to meet problems of the coming period, announced today in Ohrid the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia Marko Cadez, reported Kosovo Online, citing Tanjug agency. 

Cadez told Tanjug that the main topic at the meeting in Tirana will be how to ensure stability in the countries of the Open Balkans in the domain of food and energy supplies.

"If we set goals together, see how we will cooperate and what we can offer each other, we can achieve significant results," he said. 

Cadez said that the stability of Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania will be more certain if all three countries work together and "go to meet the problems, and not wait for them to catch up".

Cadez met the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovacevski, as part of the initiative of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF) last night, and the meeting was also attended by representatives of other CIF member economies. The meeting discussed the importance of the initiatives such as the Open Balkans and WB6 CIF are for the development of the entire region. He pointed out that the meeting concluded that if the trust between leaders and countries is at the highest level, "everything can be done" for the benefit of all countries in the region.

"When the three heads of state communicated together in Brussels on major topics such as European integration, we saw that things were moving," said Cadez. 

He concluded that Europe reacts differently if the countries of the region act together and communicate with each other about common topics and problems, reported the portal, citing Tanjug.





US Warns of ‘Threat’ to Iranian Opposition Summit in Albania (Balkan Insight)

US Embassy in Tirana warns of unnamed security threat to weekend summit of opposition Iranians in Albania, which hosts thousands of members of the exiled People's Mujahedeen of Iran, MEK.

The US Embassy said that a security threat is targeting the Free Iran World Summit due on July 23-24 near Durres.

An announcement on Thursday evening said: “The US government is aware of a potential threat targeting the Free Iran World Summit to be held near Durres”.

It urged American citizens to avoid the event, monitor the local media, be aware about the surroundings and keep a low profile.

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Albanian MPs Adopt Resolution Condemning Kosovo War Crimes Report (Balkan Insight)

Albanian lawmakers backed a resolution condemning a 2011 Council of Europe report that accused senior Kosovo Liberation Army guerrillas of war crimes, after a debate marred by bitter wrangling between governing and opposition MPs.

MPs in Tirana voted late on Thursday to adopt a resolution proposed by the ruling Socialist Party condemning Swiss senator Dick Marty’s 2011 report for the Council of Europe, which made allegations of war crimes against senior Kosovo Liberation Army officers.

The resolution was approved with 125 votes in favour and none against after a long and heated parliamentary debate, during which governing and opposition parties verbally clashed with each other. Each side accused the other of not supporting Kosovo strongly enough.

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Energy Community Secretariat initiates infringement procedures against Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Serbia (

The Energy Community Secretariat has launched dispute settlement procedures against Kosovo*, North Macedonia, and Serbia.

Serbia didn’t transpose the Connection Network Codes, North Macedonia failed to include the REMIT Regulation in its legal framework, and Kosovo* didn’t transpose the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive (Case ECS-5/22), according to the case files. The secretariat cited the deadlines foreseen by the Energy Community acquis.

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