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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 24, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Norway is and remains our important partner (RTK)
  • Sinani: A silent ethnic cleansing is taking place in the Valley (RTK)
  • Interior ministers of Kosovo and Albania visit Vermice border crossing (media)
  • AAK meets with representatives of associations emerging from war (media)
  • Baraliu: 25 strange conditions on Kosovo's path to the EU (RTK)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Iranian President says his country to continue respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia (N1)
  • Dacic: Retractions of Kosovo recognitions started with Suriname (RTS)
  • Djuric: Albin Kurti 'persona non grata’ in political Washington (Tanjug)
  • High US official said no one supported Kurti in his policy in northern Kosovo, his approach impaired relations (KoSSev)
  • Drecun: Turkey’s behaviour indicates it will play significant role in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • Rasic: There are people interested to return to Kosovo (Radio KIM)
  • Vucic receives group of Serb children from region (Tanjug)


  • Institutions do not take measures if family does not send child with disabilities to school (Klan)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: Norway is and remains our important partner (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, together with the first deputy prime minister, Besnik Bislimi, today received the Norwegian ambassador to Kosovo, Jens Erik Grondahl, in a farewell meeting.

In the press release from the prime minister's office, it is said that both thanked Ambassador Grondahl for the excellent cooperation between the two countries, as well as for his commitment and dedication in this regard, wishing him success in his next commitments and responsibilities.

"In addition to the meeting in his reception office, the Prime Minister, in honor of Ambassador Grondahl, also hosted a joint breakfast with the advisers engaged in the government through the support of the Norwegian Embassy", the communique says.

Also, the prime minister expressed his deep gratitude for the contribution of the Norwegian state and reiterated that Norway is and remains our important partner with whom we share values, convictions and views on security and peace in the region and beyond, the press release informs.

Sinani: A silent ethnic cleansing is taking place in the Valley (RTK)

Ardita Sinani, Political Advisor to the Prime Minister of Kosovo for Presheva, Medvegjaa and Bujanoc, has said that Belgrade does not want to open the issue of reciprocity, because there are more national minorities in Serbia than in Kosovo. She also emphasised that ethnic cleansing is being done in the Valley.

"It means, if you want something for the Serbs elsewhere, you should also think about the minorities in your country", said Sinani, through an article on the Facebook social network.

According to her, in the hospital of Vranje, which covers Presheva and Bujanoc, in the district of Pcinj, there is no Albanian doctor, while at least one third of the patients are Albanians.

She further added that in the Presheva Valley, in Bujanoc, Medvegja and Presheva, a cold, silent administrative ethnic cleansing is taking place, cancelling the addresses of Albanian residents.

"If the police knock on your door and you're not there, they delete you from the register. They want to say that no one lives here. In a way, to register there as a resident, you have to be at home all the time", Sinani added.

Interior ministers of Kosovo and Albania visit Vermice border crossing (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, together with the Minister of Internal Affairs of Albania, Taulant Balla, have visited the joint border crossing point in Vermica.

The two ministers have not commented on the reports of the two prime ministers, that of Albania Edi Rama and Kosovo Albin Kurti, even though they were asked by journalists about the cancellation of the meeting of the two Governments.

Balla said that he and Svecla must implement the treaties agreed upon by the heads of government, and added that the emigrants want a solution to be found so that they do not wait at the border.

The ministers refused to talk about the relations between Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti and that of Albania Edi Rama and annulment of the latest meeting between the two governments. 

"It's the second time I've been here in a few days. I have many opinions on this issue that we will address in another case," Svecla said.

AAK meets with representatives of associations emerging from war (media)

The Parliamentary Group of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) held its third round table on Monday.They are discussing the political situation in Kosovo and possible ways to get out of this situation.

The MPs will discuss with representatives of the associations that emerged from the war, the associations of political prisoners, the associations of the missing, as well as the leaders of the KLA.

The chairman of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, has accused Prime Minister Albin Kurti, according to him, of stabbing two sublime values of Kosovo in the back - international allies and categories emerging from the war.

Haradinaj, in a meeting with the war categories, said that the same cannot be separated from the minimum wage. He emphasised that he is a true veteran, while according to him Kurti is not.

The organisations that came out of the war have also expressed criticism of Kurti, who said that this government has forgotten the path of Kosovo's sacrifice. Xhavit Jashari, from the Association of the Families of KLA Martyrs, has said that they will wait for the decision of the Constitutional Court on the Law on the minimum wage, and then take further actions.

Baraliu: 25 strange conditions on Kosovo's path to the EU (RTK)

Political analyst Mazllum Baraliu said that the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels, the implementation of agreed agreements, the de-escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo and the new extraordinary elections in four municipalities are issues that should be in the centre of attention after the summer holidays.Commenting on the political situation in Kosovo and the dialogue with Serbia, Baraliu said that "it is time to do something for the benefit of the citizens".

He considers that it is necessary to change the way of politics in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia."Unfortunately, that dialogue has been going on for more than ten years and in fact the results are not visible, so this way of developing the dialogue does not lead anywhere, because it has not shown results. We need to change the way we work and find a more active way of diplomacy that will deliver concrete results. If it continues like this - two steps forward, one step back, it will lead nowhere and nothing will be solved", Baraliu said.

As for the EU's punitive measures against Kosovo, he expects that they will not be related to the liberalisation of visas.

"The EU had different criteria for certain countries when it came to visa liberalisation, if I'm not mistaken, Kosovo had to fulfill 25 conditions which are not only by nature, but also by chance, strange and unnecessary. Kosovo is the only black spot in Europe without the possibility for citizens to move freely, it has already been resolved in some way, since January 1 next year, if this issue is not included in the punitive measures against Kosovo, and it should not be, and the citizens of Kosovo should be able to travel without visas", said Baraliu.



Serbian Language Media


Iranian President says his country to continue respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia (N1)

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi told Serbian Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic that Tehran will remain consistent in respect Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, N1 reports. Orlic is paying a two-day official visit to Iran.

A parliament press release quoted Raisi as saying that Serbia can count on Iran’s support on all important issues. Orlic is quoted as saying that the two countries are linked by true friendship which is proved by Iran’s principled stand not to recognize Kosovo. Raisi said Tehran will remain consistent on the Kosovo issue.

Orlic and Raisi confirmed readiness to promote cooperation in all areas in which they have a common interest, primarily the economy, the press release said. It added that Orlic also met with his Iranian counterpart Muhammad Bagher Ghalibaf.

Dacic: Retractions of Kosovo recognitions started with Suriname (RTS)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation of Suriname, Albert Ramchand Radmin, noting that Suriname is a particularly friendly country to Serbia, adding both states expressed readiness to further cooperation at the highest level in all fields.

Ramdin also met Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and told him the stance of his country on Kosovo will not change.

Speaking in a press conference after the meeting with Minister Ramdin, Dacic expressed gratitude to Suriname for its decision in 2017 to revoke recognition of unilaterally declared Kosovo independence, adding that after that decision 27 more states revoked recognitions of Kosovo.

He also recalled that Suriname voted against Kosovo membership in UNESCO and Interpol, which was of high importance for Serbia.

Vucic during his meeting with Minister Ramdin, said he highly appreciated the decision of his county to revoke recognition of Kosovo, thus confirming the friendship between two states and adherence to the  basic principles of international law and UN Charter.  

Djuric: Albin Kurti 'persona non grata’ in political Washington (Tanjug)

Serbian Ambassador to US, Marko Djuric said today that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurit has no credibility among the good part of the Western public, lost monopoly to US support and has become “a persona non grata” in a political and factual sense in the political Washington.

Djuric added he has not heard that any Kosovo minister visited the US over the previous months.

“Unlike that, over the last three weeks we had a business forum with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, and an outstanding visit of Minister for European Integration Tanja Miscevic. The visit of Minister of Science Jelena Begovic concluded yesterday and she spoke about advancing scientific cooperation with the US”, Djuric said. 

He noted his job is not only to present the facts in Washington on what is going on in the north of Kosovo, but also to work on linking the interests of Serbia and US through economic cooperation. 

High US official said no one supported Kurti in his policy in northern Kosovo, his approach impaired relations (KoSSev)

It was in November 2022 when Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in a press conference accused a journalist of not understanding what exactly the US State Department spokesperson had said, and that is why he was asking the wrong question, KoSSev portal reports citing the Albanian Post article.

The US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price told the journalists back then that Kosovo Government does not listen to US, neither in public nor in private requests relating to the implementation of the decision on Serbian-issued licence plates people in northern Kosovo used.

This way, Kurti started one, as the article describes it, the most sophisticated official conspiracies that took place lately.

By doing opposite from what his allies requested him to do, but insisting that he is in constant coordination with them, the story has it that “someone”, “someone very powerful” keeps telling Kurti secretly to “maintain the course” so as to control opposition in public.

“The conspiracy” was that well served that even when Kosovo was warned it would face sanctions and consequences for its lack of coordination, and then those punitive measures were imposed by US and the EU at certain levels, the narrative nurtured by close Kurti’s cycles continued, so large number of people still believe in explanation “that someone powerful tells them to continue”.

Commenting on this fictional line, the high US State Department official, the article continues, told the portal that “there is not, nor was there ever, such a thing as secret coordination”.

“No one in Washington or from any other Western capital told Prime Minister Albin Kurti, nor indirectly encouraged him, to maintain the course that brings Kosovo in collision with its main allies”, this US official said.

“The truth is opposite, we are disappointed with the Kosovo Government that did not listen to the advice of its main allies”.

The rumors about “secret coordination” continued even after the differences in the public were raised higher than ever, and when Kosovo Government suddenly decided to send four Albanian mayors escorted by the special police to the municipal facilities in Leposavic, Zubin Potok, Zvecan and Mitrovica North to perform their functions from there. The act was met with resistance from local Serbs and protests turned violent at certain point.

Quint states and the European Union considered that Kosovo was responsible for escalation, calling the action unnecessary and requested withdrawal, however despite opposition from the public, Kurti continued saying that coordination with allies was excellent, in particular that with the US.

“Relations of Kosovo with the United States of America are excellent bilateral relations and everywhere in the international arena”, Kurti told journalists on June 1, that saw the peak in the US opposing his actions.

As if he were refuting it, US special envoy for Western Balkans and Belgrade-Pristina talks Gabriel Escobar told the Kosovo journalists that Kurti completely surprised the US with his actions.

“We see decisions are made despite our partnership, and that is for us a sort of signal, we can not accept that. We and our allies are completely confused why this is happening. Why this lack of coordination, this lack of flexibility and lack of political vision”, Escobar said during that meeting.

Escobar also said that this was not the stance of the US only, but that of the entire trans-Atlantic community.

Trust of the government's supporters in this imaginary story about secret support was also increased by the statement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who once said that international stakeholders secretly support Kurti and that he takes actions in the north with their support.

This is not the first time that the Kosovo prime minister created an “alternative reality” the portal continues. When Ramush Haradinaj was the prime minister, entire diplomatic corps urged him to revoke 100 percent tariffs he imposed on goods from Serbia, even offered visa liberalisation as a favour, the portal writes, however he refused their calls by telling them story there is someone very important in international community telling him to maintain 100 percent tariffs. No one knew who that person was who at the end cost Haradinaj the prime minister’s post, and then also elections where he took part under the slogan “100 percent state”. Tariffs were removed and nothing was received in return.

Drecun: Turkey’s behaviour indicates it will play significant role in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said today that Turkey’s behaviour in relation to the arming and training of KSF members, as well as the increase of their KFOR soldiers, indicates it will have a special role in the situation in Kosovo.

Drecun told TV Kurir morning program that Turkey cannot play such a role independently, without the consent of Western countries, namely the USA.

“Don’t forget that America ordered Turkey to operate the Bondsteel base. Now we see that the Turks have almost 800 soldiers, they will have their Commander in NATO. Turkish instructors train members of the KSF to operate Bayraktar. Now the anti-tank systems, howitzers, and mortars have also been delivered. They have crews that are trained to operate helicopters”, Drecun said.

He added that “thirty people have been trained and it’s not a harmless story. What they lacked was air support and now they have that with Bayraktar. Therefore, Turkey cannot play such a role in arming without the consent of the USA, which has the greatest influence on the creation of the state. The entire behaviour of Turkey indicates that it will play a significant role in Kosovo”.

Rasic: There are people interested to return to Kosovo (Radio KIM)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Return Nenad Rasic told “Slobodno Srpski” talk show that in the first six months of this year, according to UNHCR data, 145 persons applied for return to Kosovo, whose requests were approved by municipal commissions.

“We have approved 16 of those existing old cases, eight permits have been issued, eight more permits remain and we will start building houses, as a ministry, for those returnees. In addition, we have 15 houses that IOM is working on this year, nine are already nearing completion, six are left to be built”, he said.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Communities and Return does not have information on the number of Serbs who left Kosovo in the same period or years before.

“As a person and as a parent, I know that already in my children’s generations, I see that there are significantly fewer young people on the streets and in restaurants and cafes, but I want to believe that they only left temporarily, went to pick the raspberries, and will come back. Of course, it is our job to provide the conditions for them to stay here permanently, and not to go to pick raspberries all the time”, Rasic said.

He also spoke about the current budget of the Ministry for Communities and Return for this year and that it amounts to four million and 300 thousand euros, which was agreed upon before Rasic was appointed to lead the ministry. Commenting on the budget he said it is the smallest budget of all ministries and they are working for the next year's budget, adding the final preparations are due by September 20.

Vucic receives group of Serb children from region (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received a group of Serb children from countries in the region on Monday.

"I am very grateful to you for being here at the Presidency of Serbia. You are not guests here - whenever you are in Belgrade and in Serbia, you are not guests, you are at home. You will always be welcomed with open arms. I call on you to come to Belgrade always and as often as possible, and to always know that we Serbs are one people whatever part of the world we may live in, and that, most importantly for us, we are preserving our language, our alphabet and our culture and looking after each other and after our future", Vucic said.

"My only plea to you is that you play and learn, and learn the Cyrillic alphabet along with all other alphabets and that you love your Serbia, and we will be looking to always help you and stand with you as much as we can, as much as you and your parents have always stood with your Serbia, and I would say we cannot imagine greater love", Vucic said.

The first of six summer camps that will welcome 800 Serb children from the region - North Macedonia, Romania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia - until August 29 opened in Belgrade on Sunday.





Institutions do not take measures if family does not send child with disabilities to school (Klan)

According to the director of HANDIKOS, Afrim Maliqi in Kosovo, only 12 percent of children with disabilities continue to go to school. This, since according to him, the relevant institutions do not take any measures against families that do not send children with disabilities to school, as they would be obliged to fulfil the appropriate conditions for them. He said that according to the law, if the family does not send a child who has no restrictions to school, the relevant institutions take measures.

"Meanwhile, no measures are taken against a family that has a child with disabilities. This is not right because if the institutions take measures against that family that has a child with disabilities, then they are obliged to fulfil the conditions", Maliqi told Klan Kosova.

Sebahate Beqiri from Down Syndrome Kosovo considers that the legislation in Kosovo is not fully implemented on the ground and that this causes challenges for people with disabilities and their families. She also mentioned the Law on Pre-University Education, which guarantees the education of students with disabilities in regular schools, and also guarantees services based on the needs of children in regular schools.

Kosovo’s Ombudsman Naim Qelaj also said that the existing legislation is not implemented and according to him, this makes it difficult and places obstacles for people with disabilities to realise their rights.

"The other mechanism is the justice system, i.e. the judicial protection of rights, where people who consider that they have been discriminated against, request judicial protection".

"Until recently, there were no documented cases, but recently there have been positive movements. Two cases have also been mentioned in public, one in Mitrovica and one in Pristina, where persons with disabilities have challenged the state with a request for legal protection for non-respect of their rights. In both cases there is an epilogue", Qelaj said in the TV debate.

Teuta Prekazi-Haxhibeqiri, official for human rights in UNMIK, has said that it is time to discuss as much as possible about the basic freedoms of persons with disabilities. Speaking on this topic, she added that the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities should be part of the Constitution of Kosovo.

"We hope that the conditions will be created so that the convention will be listed in Chapter 22 of the Constitution and the application will begin directly in Kosovo. When we talk about the convention, it is important that they are seen as tools through which human rights can be realised", Prekazi-Haxhibeqiri said.

"Once the Convention is incorporated into the Constitution, the work begins... it must be reflected in the legislation because it consists of 50 articles. When it enters the Constitution, all laws must be adopted."