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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 9, 2024

Albanian Language Media:


  • Konjufca: Serbia can repeat Banjska if not punished (media)
  • Two trucks and a vehicle burnt after explosions in north of Kosovo (media)
  • Rosic, convicted in assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, flees Kosovo (Nacionale)
  • Haradinaj: Leaders must understand Kosovo in NATO is highest duty (media)
  • Haxhiu to Specialist Chambers: Removing Krasniqi’s tie, an absurd act (media)
  • Journalists’ Association reacts to arrest of media cameraman in Prizren (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Serbian Ministry of Culture strongly condemns continued restoration works on Xhafer Deva’s house (Radio KIM, media)
  • Kurti talks about restoration of 100 cultural heritage objects, among listed not a single belong to Serbian community (Radio KIM)
  • Northern Kosovo school principals questioned about local elections (N1, BETA)
  • Brnabic: Serbia wants peace, stability, cooperation, pleads for full respect for Dayton agreement (Tanjug)
  • Engines of two trucks belonging to “Elaa 1” company set on fire in Mitrovica North (KoSSev)
  • State Department spokesman calls Belgrade to complete investigation into Bytyqi brothers murder (N1)
  • Kosovo Assembly technical staff protest low wages: We can’t work for 275 euros (KoSSev)                             



Albanian Language Media 



Konjufca: Serbia can repeat Banjska if not punished (media)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca argued today that there is a threat that “Serbia can repeat” what happened in the north of Kosovo in September last year if it is not punished. After meeting the President of the Swiss National Council Eric Nussbaumer in Pristina, Konjufca said: “an inevitable topic was security in Kosovo and the threats that we are facing because of Serbia’s territorial claims against Kosovo. I expressed my concern that if Serbia remains unpunished about the September 24 aggression in Banjska, Serbia will repeat that scenario but with bigger proportions. As one of the countries that did not support sanctions against Russia because of the war in Ukraine, and it continues to develop military cooperation with Russia, Serbia should be seen as a threat not only to Kosovo but to stability and peace in the Western Balkans.”


Several news websites recall that earlier this month Konjufca warned that Kosovo’s institutions “have accurate information” that “a group of hundreds of persons” in Serbia were being trained for an eventual attack on Kosovo. “Our security institutions are at the highest level of vigilance to face anything that comes from Serbia, be it an attack or a provocation,” he said. Without disclosing further details, Konjufca said Kosovo’s institutions “are in full coordination with international security institutions operating in Kosovo”.


Asked by reporters today about the agreement with Serbia, Konjufca said “Belgrade cannot be a good neighbour if it has aggressive behaviours” and that Serbia was violating the principles of the agreement. “The issue of Kosovo’s position is being unnecessarily complicated. First, the agreement includes principles and concrete issues. The principles make up the spirit of the agreement. Principles don’t have timelines. Serbia cannot behave as an aggressor towards Kosovo and be a good neighbour at the same time. Concrete issues can have timelines. The problem is that Serbia is violating the principles of the agreement. The equal sovereignty between countries by not accepting Kosovo as a state and second obstructing Kosovo’s membership in EU institutions. There can be no equal sovereignty between countries when Ana Brnabic sends a letter to devalue the agreement. We have international subjectivity even without Serbia. The fact that Serbia is violating these principles is giving us the right not to make the other step. The Association is the seventh point [in the agreement]. The Association has a timeline,” Konjufca is quoted as saying.


Nussbaumer called on Kosovo and Serbia to take steps that prevent tensions and to return to the table of talks. “We had a fruitful meeting and our discussions focused on our dynamic and strong relations. Kosovo and Switzerland have cooperated in parliamentary diplomacy too. I have welcomed this cooperation. Switzerland is a constant supporter of Kosovo … Switzerland is also concerned about increased tensions related to the Serb minority in Kosovo. We call on the governments of Kosovo and Serbia to undertake steps that prevent tensions,” he said.

Two trucks and a vehicle burnt after explosions in north of Kosovo (media)

Two trucks and a vehicle were burnt after explosions early Tuesday morning in Mitrovica North. Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the north, Veton Elshani, told Koha that the case has been initiated as “arson” and that before the fire Molotov cocktails were thrown. He also said that no injuries were reported from the arson and that police are working on the case. “We will inform you about additional details later on,” he said. Radio Free Europe reports that the owners of the two trucks are Albanian and that they own businesses in Mitrovica North.

Rosic, convicted in assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, flees Kosovo (Nacionale)

The news website reports that Marko Roksic, found guilty of the assassination of Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic, has fled Kosovo. Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the north, Veton Elshani, told the news website today that they received the court’s decision on June 28. “The decision [of the court] was made around 10:00. They brought us the decision to enforce in the afternoon. We went to arrest him that day, but he was not at home,” he said. Elshani also said that police are now searching for Rosic.

Most news websites note that the Basic Court in Pristina found Rosic and another three defendants guilty for the assassination of Ivanovic and sentenced them to 20 years in prison.

Haradinaj: Leaders must understand Kosovo in NATO is highest duty (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said in a Facebook post today that it would have been wonderful news if Kosovo’s membership in NATO was discussed today, but that “unfortunately, the policies of Kosovo’s current leaders have prevented this from happening”. 

Haradinaj said that “Kosovo’s participation in any forum related to NATO, including the invitation for the President [Vjosa Osmani] to be part of the activity for women, peace, and security, as part of the NATO summit, is an honor for the country, and we are grateful to our allies! The current leadership in Kosovo and any other that comes after it, must understand that the highest duty remains membership in NATO. Those that don’t support this state objective of Kosovo, are not only shortsighted but also do not know why they hold their posts”.

Haxhiu to Specialist Chambers: Removing Krasniqi’s tie, an absurd act (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, has written to the President of the Specialist Chambers of Kosovo, Ekaterina Trendafilova, asking for actions to address the removal of the tie of Jakup Krasniqi before the court’s session on Monday. “According to the information we have received, before Mr. Jakup Krasniqi entered the room where the court sessions are held, his tie was removed without any explanation or justification. Even when his attorney raised it as a concern, she was told by judge Charles Smith that he does not have any information and that he would look into it. This action has caused great concern and indignation in Kosovo’s public. This action constitutes an unnecessary and inexcusable interference with Mr. Krasniqi’s personal integrity and dignity. The request to remove the tie is an absurd act because every individual, regardless of their status, is entitled to a respected and dignified treatment in court,” Haxhiu wrote in her letter.

Koha news website notes that Krasniqi had worn the same tie in previous sessions. His attorney asked the court to explain why the tie was removed, but the request was not publicly addressed. The Specialist Chambers did not respond to the news website’s questions for comment.

Journalists’ Association reacts to arrest of media cameraman in Prizren (media)

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo said in a statement today that it is alarmed over the arrest of the cameraman of the Betimi per Drejtesi media, Arianit Tahiri, and him being sent to a police station in Prizren. It notes that the cameraman, together with a reporter, were working on a story about the suspected abuse of duty during working hours by several prosecutors in the city of Prizren. “Tahiri [the cameraman] was taking footage at a public facility when he was stopped from doing that by several employers of the bar and at least one prosecutor that was there. The prosecutor then called the police to the facility and until police arrived, the cameraman was held with force by the employers, by illegally denying him his freedom. After police arrived at the scene, they confiscated the telephone of the cameraman, which is forbidden by law, and accompanied him to the police station in Prizren to give a statement. The AJK strongly condemns the behaviour of Kosovo Police, calls for Tahiri’s immediate release, the release of his working equipment, and public explanations about the incident, the association said.


Serbian Language Media 


Serbian Ministry of Culture strongly condemns continued restoration works on Xhafer Deva’s house (Radio KIM, media)

Serbian Ministry of Culture in the strongest terms condemned continuation of restoration works on the house of Nazi WWII collaborator Xhafer Ibrahim Deva in the southern Mitrovica, Radio KIM reported. Other Serbian media outlets widely covered the reaction. The Serbian Ministry of Culture warned that this is an unequivocal attempt to rehabilitate a fascist colaborator and implement projects of revision and forging history under the disguise of culture.  

As they point out, Pristina in this case unfortunately as in many others, showed complete consistency in extremism and one-sidedness.

"Of course, in every subsequent case, extremism must go one step further, so the house of a proven criminal not only becomes a famous place, but, according to announcements, also a ‘regional cultural centre'", the Ministry said.

It underlined Pristina insists "on such a bizarre project, which offends not only all victims of Nazi crimes, but also elementary moral feelings, and even common sense", despite warnings and protests not only from the Serbian people and the state, but also from international organisations and the European Union.

"It is clear that the meaning of such an act is not only related to revisionist goals, but that glorification of criminals, not only openly, but also demonstratively, while justifying the policy of violence in history, has the purpose of legitimising it today", the statement added.

The Serbian Ministry of Culture emphasised that persecution, to which the Serbian people in Kosovo are exposed on a daily basis, is thus gaining additional momentum by the fact that the area of ​​culture, in which the Serbian heritage is widely exposed to desecration, forgery, destruction and appropriation, is being transformed into a space for glorifying terror and making undisguised threats in the most cynical way that undermines any possibility of coexistence in Kosovo.

The Ministry recalled that "Xhafer Deva was a notorious Nazi collaborator, that he was active in the formation of the SS division "Skander Beg", known for preparing and carrying out crimes against the Serbian and Jewish population, that he was a mayor of Mitrovica during the WWII and minister of interior of the fascist Albania during the WWII, and was decorated by Adolf Hitler in 1944".

Kurti talks about restoration of 100 cultural heritage objects, among listed not a single belong to Serbian community (Radio KIM)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti boasted on social networks that this year, three times higher budget for the cultural heritage in Kosovo had been allocated compared to the one from three years ago. He also said that during three years of his rule 100 cultural heritage objects have been renovated, however, among those listed cultural heritage objects not a single one belongs to the Serbian community in Kosovo, Radio KIM reports.

Without mentioning the exact amount of the funds allocated for reconstruction of cultural objects, Kurti said that the budget was higher than ever, respectively three times higher than the one in 2021. He listed the objects that were renovated, including kulas, schools, museums, hammams and other objects of Albanian culture.

He also spoke about renovations of family homes from the last century in Prizren, Pristina, Hebrew Cultural Center in Prizren, Catholic Church in Urosevac, Mosque in Istok, and the old  Post Office in Mitrovica.

However, Radio KIM notes, among the listed objects of cultural importance that were renovated not a single one belonged to the Serbian community or Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo.

Northern Kosovo school principals questioned about local elections (N1, BETA)

Belgrade-based daily Politika said on Tuesday that prosecutors in Kosovo are questioning school principals who are alleged to have prevented voting at their schools last year, N1 reported.

According to Politika, 14 elementary and high school principals in northern municipalities are being questioned by prosecutors for alleged obstruction of the election process. It said that the principals are being accused of preventing the vote in their schools for the local elections in northern municipalities because they operate as part of the Serbian Education Ministry system.

The local elections were boycotted by the Belgrade-backed Serbian List and their supporters. The schools in majority-Serb areas were not available to be used for the mayoral recall vote.

Brnabic: Serbia wants peace, stability, cooperation, pleads for full respect for Dayton agreement (Tanjug)

Serbian Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic called on Tuesday in Banjaluka for respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement and Republika Srpska.

Serbia wants peace, stability and cooperation and pleads for full respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement, which defines Bosnia and Herzegovina as two entities and three constitutive nations, with Republika Srpska inviolable and undisputed, Brnabic said in an address at a ceremonial session of the Republika Srpska National Assembly.

"Serbia respects the Dayton Peace Agreement. We also plead for respect for the Serbs and all their rights, wherever they may live. We are against the erosion of the Dayton Agreement and, in particular, against questioning the powers of Republika Srpska", Brnabic said.

She said that, by an incredible inversion, those who constantly invoked respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement were being branded as wanting instability and problems, while those who were publicly stating that things would be better without the Agreement were being portrayed as advocating peace and stability. "But the opposite is true", Brnabic noted.

"Serbia respects the Dayton Agreement and the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the inviolability of Republika Srpska. Those who are publicly expressing a desire for destruction of the Dayton Agreement want uncertainty and problems in the region", Brnabic said.

Engines of two trucks belonging to “Elaa 1” company set on fire in Mitrovica North (KoSSev)

Two trucks and one car were damaged last night in a fire, which caught them, one hour after midnight, in front of Frukta building in Mitrovica North, KoSSev portal reported.

The local residents in Mitrovica North were shaken with three strong detonations that came one after the other. The fire which caught two trucks, and a car which the portal described as “collateral damage” in this case, was swiftly extinguished by firefighters. The investigation was opened by Kosovo police last night and today, and according to preliminary information it was “an arson case”.

State Department spokesman calls Belgrade to complete investigation into Bytyqi brothers murder (N1)

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller called official Belgrade to complete its investigation into the killing of three Kosovo Albanian US citizens at the end of the 1999 war, N1 reported. 

“25 years ago, U.S. citizens Ylli, Agron, and Mehmet Bytyqi were killed in Serbian police custody. Today, the perpetrators of this brutal act remain free. We call on Serbia again to complete its investigation and bring those responsible for their deaths to justice”, Miller wrote in a post on X social platform..

Kosovo Assembly technical staff protest low wages: We can’t work for 275 euros (KoSSev)

Technical staff of the Kosovo Assembly protested on Tuesday in front of the highest legislative body in Pristina over low wages. They demanded their salaries increase from 275 to 500 euros, KoSSev portal reported. They warned of other syndical actions if their demands are not fulfilled.

The chairman of the private sector workers syndicate, Jusuf Azemi said the problem is with a contracting company where out of 18.000 euros, only 6.000 are allocated for workers.

“The amount for us is 18.000 euros, while workers receive 6.000 euros only. The owner of the company receives a bigger (portion of the) budget. We came out to protest because of low wages for the technical staff performing services for the Assembly of Kosovo. In order to be principled, we had talks with the Assembly secretary and director of administration, and they explained precisely the procedure on salaries for the staff. The Assembly transfers to the company 18.000 euros in one month-time for the services we offer and we had a very good communication with the secretary. The problem is with the company offering services”, Azemi said.