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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 23, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • The three Kosovo policemen released from Serbian prison (media)
  • Kurti: Despite the joy, Serbia's serious offense must be reprimanded (media)
  • Osmani thanks the USA for releasing the policemen (Koha)
  • Svecla after release of policemen: Serbia continues to play its games (media)
  • The EU considers the release of the policemen as a de-escalation step (Albanian Post)
  • Krasniqi welcomes release of policemen, “now time to defuse tensions in north” (media)
  • Rama: Release of Kosovo police officers paves way to de-escalation (media)
  • Bujar Osmani welcomes release of three Kosovo policemen (media)
  • Kearns: Release took too far, without evident repercussions for Serbian govt (Telegrafi)
  • Hungary takes the credit for the release of Kosovo policemen from Serbia (Koha)
  • Rama in Brussels with a new proposal for reach of Kosovo-Serbia agreement (RTK)
  • Kosovo and Iowa sign agreement to further cooperation (Radio Free Europe)
  • Kurti meets Foreign Secretary Cleverly in London (media)
  • The new EULEX chief takes office (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Belgrade liaison officer report on Serb detainees in Podujevo and Gnjilane prisons (KoSSev)
  • Court in Kraljevo confirmed indictment and released Kosovo police officers pending trial (Kosovo Online)
  • Petkovic: A judicial, not a political decision - we will fight for the release of all arrested Serbs (Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug)
  • House of Miladinovic family in Donja Brnjica robbed (Radio KIM)
  • Wigemark: People in north feel unsafe, urgent de-escalation and new elections needed (Kosovo Online)
  • Drecun: Situation in northern Kosovo can only be defused by withdrawal of special units and cessation of arrests (Tanjug, RTV, RTS)
  • Serbian Ombudsman: All acts of maltreatment and torture against arrested Serbs in Kosovo to be investigated (Kosovo Online)
  • Antonijevic: Torture of detained Serbs from the north is an alarm for everyone (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, Twitter)
  • Varhelyi welcomes release of three Kosovo police officers (Kosovo Online, social media)


  • Zoran Ostojic: Serbs in Kosovo are hostages of the West's struggle against “Greater Albania” (KiM radio,


  • Serbia releases 3 Kosovo police officers whose arrest fueled tensions between the Balkan foes (AP)
  • Serbia Releases Three Seized Kosovo Policemen (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


The three Kosovo policemen released from Serbian prison (media)

The three policemen who were kidnapped by Serbia have been released. The secretary of the Liaison Office of Kosovo in Belgrade, Fatmir Haxholli, published a photo with the three policemen and wrote "finally".

Rifat Zeka, Beqir Sefi and Mustafa Shemi were kidnapped on June 14 of this year. The institutions have announced that they were captured inside the territory of Kosovo by Serbian special units. The European Union and the United States of America (USA) have called for their release.

They were kidnapped near a makeshift table where they were eating. The kidnapping was considered an act of aggression committed by Serbia.

Kurti: Despite the joy, Serbia's serious offense must be reprimanded (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti reacted after the release of three Kosovo policemen from Serbia. Through a post on Twitter, he wrote that he confirms that the three kidnapped policemen have been released.

"Although we are happy that they are returning to their families, this abduction constitutes a serious violation of human rights and must be reprimanded. The Serbian aggression must bear responsibility", he wrote.

Osmani thanks the USA for releasing the policemen (Koha)

Kosovo President  Vjosa Osmani has thanked the United States of America for the release of three policemen kidnapped by Serbia. She made these statements at the press conference with the governor of the state of Iowa, Kim Reynolds.

She said that Serbia was holding the Kosovo policemen hostage.

"Let me express my thanks for all the work the USA has done for the release of three Kosovo policemen who were being held hostage," she said.

Svecla after release of policemen: Serbia continues to play its games (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said in a Facebook post today that although the release of the three Kosovo police officers is good news, “the confirmation of the indictment and their release in regular procedure is a continuation of Serbia’s attempt to cover up its police-military aggression within the territory of the Republic of Kosovo”.

“Our police officers were on official duty, within the territory of the Republic, doing their job in the protection of integrity and sovereignty and fighting smuggling. They must be released without condition and Serbia must be held responsible for violating the territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo,” Svecla argued.

The EU considers the release of the policemen as a de-escalation step (Albanian Post)

The Commissioner of the European Union for Enlargement and Neighborhood, Oliver Varhelyi, through a tweet on his "Twitter" account, has welcomed the release of three Kosovar policemen kidnapped by Serbia on June 14 and at the same time, considering it as an action towards de- the escalation of the tense situation in the north of Kosovo.

“I welcome that Serbian authorities released the 3 previously arrested Kosovo policemen from custody. De-escalation must continue, new municipal elections need to be organized without delay and dialogue Agreements need to be implemented including establishing Association of Serb Majority Municipalities,” Varhelyi wrote.  

Krasniqi welcomes release of policemen, “now time to defuse tensions in north” (media)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, said today that the release of the Kosovo police officers is good news and thanked “international friends” who engaged in their release. “The release of the three police officers from an arbitrary detention in Serbia – Rifat Zeka, Beqir Sefa and Shemsi Mustafa, although late, is good news for their families and for the citizens of our country. I thank all the international friends who were engaged and played a crucial role in the process,” Krasniqi said in a Facebook post. “Now is the time to defuse tensions in the northern part of the country and to restore normality there, through mature and responsible political actions”.

Leaders of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) also hailed the release. 

Rama: Release of Kosovo police officers paves way to de-escalation (media)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said today that the release of Kosovo police officers by Serbian authorities paves the way to de-escalation and to resolve the knots in the process of final normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia.

“I am glad that the force of reason prevailed over the reason of force. I wish that the force of reason will begin the much-anticipated de-escalation so that we can further resolve the knots in the process of final normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia. We have just arrived in Brussels, where I will shortly meet with the President of the European Council, the dear friend of Albania and our region, Charles Michel. I will convey to our friend the great concerns about the critical situation in the region and by conviction about the need to hold a conference without a timeline, where behind closed doors of a host structure and under the care of the Euro-Atlantic community, the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia must conclude all the points of the normalisation agreement,” Rama wrote on Twitter.

Bujar Osmani welcomes release of three Kosovo policemen (media)

North Macedonia Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman-in-Office said in a Twitter post today he welcomes “Serbia’s Court decision to release the three Kosovo policemen and call upon sides to commence implementation of the CiO’s Roadmap for deescalation and normalisation. OSCE is here to support this process.”

Kearns: Release took too far, without evident repercussions for Serbian govt (Telegrafi)

British MP and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Alicia Kearns said in a Twitter post today “relieved to see the release of three Kosovar Police officers who had been illegally detained & abducted from Kosovan territory. It took far too long for their release, w/no evident repercussions for Serbian Govt. To the contrary the Republic of Serbia participated in a joint military exercise w/USA.” 

Hungary takes the credit for the release of Kosovo policemen from Serbia (Koha)

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has taken the credit for the release of the three policemen kidnaped by Serbia.

Through a post on Facebook, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Peter Szijjarto has said that the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has informed Prime Minister Prime Minister Viktor Orban about the release of the policemen.

"Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has just informed Prime Minister Viktor Orban that, according to the request presented at their meeting last week, the Serbian authorities will soon release from custody the three previously arrested Kosovo policemen," he wrote on Facebook.

He said that Orban appreciates the step taken by the Serbian president "in a period of serious challenges, which is a clear proof of the deep friendship between the Serbian and Hungarian nations and the strategic cooperation between the two countries".

Rama in Brussels with a new proposal for reach of Kosovo-Serbia agreement (RTK)

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said today that the release of Kosovo police officers by Serbian authorities paves the way to de-escalate and to resolve the knots in the process of final normalisation between Kosovo and Serbia.

Showing that he has just arrived in Brussels, where he will soon meet with the President of the European Council, whom he described as a precious friend of Albania and the region, Charles Michel, Prime Minister Rama said that he will convey to him his great concerns about the critical situation in the region and his conviction on the necessity of a conference without a deadline, where closed within the walls of a welcoming structure, under the auspices of the Euro-Atlantic community, the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia, to conclude all the points of the normalization agreement .

"Unfortunately, recently both sides have their eyes on the front of internal politics and polls fueled by nationalist rhetoric", said Rama, adding that "while they turned their back to the vital dialogue for the future of the entire region and relations with the democratic world".

The Albanian Prime Minister said that in the meantime the situation in the north of Kosovo is deteriorating by the hour and by the minute, increasing the possibility of god forbid, a Balkanic Donbass right in the heart of Europe".

He further said that this possibility is disastrous even to think about it, therefore it must be eliminated at all costs.

"The strategic myopia in the approach to the dialogue, the delay of the excellent Franco-German plan, the deviation of the focus on the demonstrations of force and, as a result, the degradation of the situation in the North, can cost the whole region, to Serbia without a doubt, but especially to Kosovo more than to anyone else, a god forbid return, with many years of consequences".

Rama said that Albania will do its best to prevent this from happening, because according to him, it would be madness that the fragile peace that we have built throughout these years, in the framework of the Berlin Process and through various initiatives, is destroyed as sandcastle from the return of the wave of Balkan madness.

"...This, throwing us all off the path of European integration, into the old powder keg in the middle of Europe".

Kosovo and Iowa sign agreement to further cooperation (Radio Free Europe)

Governor of the State of Iowa, Kim Reynolds, said today that the state of Iowa is open to furthering cooperation with Kosovo in the areas of security, education, and commerce. She made these remarks during a joint press conference in Pristina with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, after signing an agreement to continue cooperation. The first agreement was signed in 2013.

Osmani said the new agreement is proof of commitment to open new chapters in bilateral relations in “different areas of mutual interest, including education, culture, tourism, agriculture, trade, and energy”. “The agreement will offer instruments for increased cooperation between our two countries and in the area of defence, an essential cooperation between the Kosovo Security Force and the Iowa Guard,” Osmani said. She also said that Kosovo’s citizens will have direct benefits from the agreement. 

Commenting on the current situation in Kosovo, Osmani said that the authorities are committed to overcoming all challenges in the area of security. “Kosovo, as always, remains fully committed to long-term peace and stability in the country and the region, in full coordination with our allies,” she added.

Kurti meets Foreign Secretary Cleverly in London (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in a Twitter post today “a great pleasure to meet with Foreign Secretary James Cleverly today in London. I thanked him for the UK's unwavering support. I also emphasised that RoL will be our guiding principle in addressing the attacks on KFOR, police & journalists, and in preparing for new elections.”

The new EULEX chief takes office (media)

The new head of the EULEX Mission in Kosovo, Giovanni Pietro Barbano, took office on Monday, this institution announced. He stated that he feels a great responsibility for taking on this task, as a strategic partner of Kosovo in the field of rule of law and security.

He stated that he will work with integrity and professionalism to continue the motto of the Mission Partnership for Justice.

According to Barbano, EULEX will continue to closely monitor selected cases at the police, prosecutorial and judicial level, as well as at the correctional level, to assess how those cases are handled by the Kosovo authorities.

"I feel a great responsibility as I take up the position today as Head of EULEX, a strategic partner of Kosovo in the field of rule of law and security. Being fully aware of the Mission's vital mandate, I will work with integrity and professionalism to continue the Mission's motto of 'Partnership for Justice', to positively impact the field and advance our common goals for the governance of the law in Kosovo," Barbano said.

The Major General of the Italian Carabinieri succeeds the Swedish diplomat, Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, who completed his duties as Head of Mission on June 25.



Serbian Language Media 


Belgrade liaison officer report on Serb detainees in Podujevo and Gnjilane prisons (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal ran a report of the Belgrade liaison officer Dejan Pavicevic’s visit to the “High-Security Prison Detention Unit”, located in Grdovac near Podujevo on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at 10:00 am. The following individuals were visited:

  1. Milun “Lune“ Milenković
  2. Nemanja Vlašković
  3. Milovan Božović
  4. Dalibor Spasić

During that same visit, prison officials were not present during the liaison officer’s conversation with the detainees. The liaison officer established the following facts while speaking with these individuals:

  1.       Milun “Lune“ Milenković, a father of two minor children, displayed visible injuries at the back of his head, under a bandage, where, according to him, several (he is unsure of the exact number) “stitches“ have been sewn after an injury inflicted with the but of a rifle by the so-called Kosovo police. He also has a visible hematoma above his right eye and bilateral hematomas on his neck, over his clavicle, ribs, and under his rib cage on the left side. Abrasions caused by restraint devices that are healing are visible on the wrists of both hands, and Milenković complains of numbness and tingling in both thumbs as a result of prolonged restraint. The liaison officer found Milenković in a very poor mental state, who appeared visibly confused, strikingly anxious, and significantly disturbed throughout the visit.

Read the full report on condition of above mentioned  Serb detainees at:

Court in Kraljevo confirmed indictment and released Kosovo police officers pending trial (Kosovo Online)

The pre-trial panel of the High Court in Kraljevo confirmed the indictment against three Kosovo police officers and made a decision terminating the defendants' detention.

As stated in the announcement of the High Court in Kraljevo, after the preliminary proceedings were conducted and the indictment was filed by the High Public Prosecutor's Office in Kraljevo against the suspects B.S., R.Z. and Sh.M. due to criminal offence of each, the illegal production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosive substances from Article 348 para. 4 in connection with para. 2 in connection with para. 1 of the Criminal Code, the non-trial panel of the High Court in Kraljevo confirmed the indictment against the aforementioned defendants and issued a decision terminating the defendants' detention.

Police officers R.Z., B. S. and M. Sh. were arrested on June 14 in the territory of central Serbia, and they appeared before the court in Kraljevo today.

They were initially remanded in custody for 30 days.

Petkovic: A judicial, not a political decision - we will fight for the release of all arrested Serbs (Radio Mitrovica sever, Tanjug)

The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, stated that the decision of the High Court in Kraljevo to confirm the indictment against three Kosovo police officers and to release them pending trial was a judicial decision, not a political one, and emphasised that Serbia will fight for all Serbs arrested in Kosovo, reported Radio Mitrovica sever. 

Petkovic told Tanjug that this means that the court process continues, given that three Kosovo police officers are accused of the criminal offence of illegal carrying and possession of weapons and explosive substances in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia.

"We have a court decision here, regardless of whether we are satisfied with it or not, Serbia is a legal state and here court decisions must be respected, unlike in Pristina where there is no court, no judges, no prosecutor's office, but all decisions are made by Kurti and Svecla,  who arrest Serbs with lists, present non-existent evidence and everything that is contrary to the approach that prevails in central Serbia", said Petkovic.

He points out that Serbia will continue to fight for every Serb arrested in the north of Kosovo and emphasised that there will be no talks with Albin Kurti until all are free.

"The problem is that in Pristina you don't have the rule of law, but Kurti who arrests, presents evidence and keeps people in custody. In central Serbia, you have the rule of law where there is an independent judicial branch of government that makes its own decisions. That is a decision of the court, not a political decision, and we will continue to fight for each of our people, each Serb," said Petkovic.

As he stated, at this moment, special pressure will be exerted on the representatives of the international community, who must do everything for the Serbs to be free.

"This is a condition for the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina", said Petkovic.

House of Miladinovic family in Donja Brnjica robbed (Radio KIM)

The house of the Miladinovic family in the village of Donja Brnjica, near Gracanica has been robbed, Radio KIM reports. Money, jewellery and laptop were stolen, Boban Miladinovic said.

The family was not at the house at the moment of robbery. Upon return they noticed windows opened and the house ransacked. Boban lives there with his wife and two children.

The case has been reported to the Kosovo police that opened an investigation. 

Wigemark: People in north feel unsafe, urgent de-escalation and new elections needed (Kosovo Online)

Outgoing head of EULEX Lars-Gunnar Wigemark said the tensions in northern Kosovo are still running high despite joint efforts of the international community, people feel unsafe and their lives negatively affected, Kosovo Online portal reports citing Albanian Post.

He said we all bore witness to “incidents, harsh rhetoric and unstable security situation in northern Kosovo, as well as security and rule of law vacuum”. He also said elections in the north must be organised as soon as possible, with participation of the Serbs.

“Current situation in northern Kosovo can not become a new normalcy. There must be de-escalation immediately, new elections in the north must be held as soon as possible with participation of Kosovo Serbs. Long-term solution can only be found through the dialogue of Belgrade and Pristina under EU’s mediation”, he said.

He added there can be no impunity for perpetrators of the violence, whomever they may be, but that the judicial system must resolve those cases in a professional and impartial manner respecting the rights of defendants and suspects regardless of their ethnic background.

Drecun: Situation in northern Kosovo can only be defused by withdrawal of special units and cessation of arrests (Tanjug, RTV, RTS)

Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Chairman Milovan Drecun said today Pristina’s intention is to further escalate the situation in Kosovo, which can only be defused by complete withdrawal of Kosovo special police units from the north and cessation of arrests of Serbs, Tanjug news agency reports.

“The goal of the prime minister of Pristina provisional institutions, Albin Kurti, is to prevent Serbs from living in Kosovo and Metohija at all”, Drecun told RTS, adding that “Kurti made a list of about 350 Serbs, whom he calls terrorists, and the space for the Serbian people to act has been narrowed (...)”.

He said that at the same time, Pristina is receiving weapons, “primarily from Turkey, from drones to artillery weapons, and they are growing into an army”.

“We have several things warning us that Kurti’s ultimate goal is to establish a full police-military occupation of the north of Kosovo and Metohija”, he added. Drecun also said that “we recently had the march of 250 members of the so called KSF” who, as he said, “were actually rehearsing the invasion of northern Kosovo”.

“By planting a car with weapons, Pristina is asking that the football fan group “Sever” is to be declared a terrorist group, because that way, they want to introduce the military structures, in addition to police units”, Drecun opined.

Serbian Ombudsman: All acts of maltreatment and torture against arrested Serbs in Kosovo to be investigated (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Ombudsman Zoran Pasalic expressed today concern about the situation of Serbs arrested in Kosovo, who, as he said, have been exposed to torture and extended appeal that all acts of maltreatment are investigated and sanctioned without further delay, Kosovo Online portal reports.

Pasalic made those remarks on the occasion of 26th International Day of Support to the Victims of Torture marked today. 

Antonijevic: Torture of detained Serbs from the north is an alarm for everyone (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, Twitter)

Human Rights Lawyer Milan Antonijevic said that the information that detained Serbs in the north of Kosovo suffered torture was an alarm for everyone, reported Kosovo Online.

Antonijevic wrote on Twitter that it was good that representatives of the international community visited the four detainees.

"The information I received that the detained Serbs in the north of Kosovo suffered torture is an alarm for everyone. It is good that the representatives of the international community visited the four detainees, recorded their injuries, and took statements from them without the presence of the Kosovo authorities, in accordance with the rules," said Antonijevic in a Twitter post.

In a reply to Vjosa Osmani's Twitter post about gratitude to partners, especially the USA, for making the release of three police officers possible, Antonijevic wrote:

''As far as I can see, the only partner that made this release possible is the Serbian Government and the Prosecution Office of the Republic of Serbia. If Kosovo police officers by mistake entered the territory of inner Serbia, it would be fair from the Kosovo authorities to state it like that."

Varhelyi welcomes release of three Kosovo police officers (Kosovo Online, social media)

European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi welcomed release of three Kosovo police officers adding that de-escalation must continue, including establishment of Community of Serb Municipalities, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“I welcome that Serbian authorities released the 3 previously arrested Kosovo policemen from custody. Deescalation must continue, new municipal elections need to be organised w/out delay & dialogue AGs need to be implemented incl. establishing Ass. of Serb Majority Municipalities”, he wrote on Twitter. 





Zoran Ostojic: Serbs in Kosovo are hostages of the West's struggle against “Greater Albania” (KiM radio,

Journalist from Belgrade and former member of the Parliament of Serbia, Zoran Ostojic, said in the ''Slobodno srpski'' (Free in Serbian) TV Show that Serbs from Kosovo are the main obstacle to the creation of “Greater Albania”, reported KiM radio.

"Serbs in Kosovo are hostages of the West's struggle against “Greater Albania”. Without Serbs in Kosovo, certainly Kosovo cannot be prevented from uniting, but first, according to the Kosovo constitution, it is not possible," Ostojic said.

He claims that Kosovo did not become independent to unite with Albania, because if that was the plan, it would have happened in 1999, after the Kumanovo Agreement and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

"No, Kosovo is independent in order not to unite with Albania, but in order to completely eliminate that idea, the Serbs must stay in Kosovo," Ostojic believes.

According to him, the survival of Serbs in Kosovo depends on both Albanians and Serbia.

"Serbia should help the survival of Serbs in Kosovo, and not lie to the citizens of Serbia that Kosovo is part of Serbia, because it is not. The fact that Serbia does not recognize Kosovo, nor do other countries, but Spain does not say that Kosovo is part of Serbia. Both Spain, and Greece say that Kosovo is a semi-recognized state that they do not recognize", says Ostojic.

He points out that only by strengthening the Serbian element in Kosovo, for which Serbia is responsible, but also the Albanians, the disappearance of Serbs from Kosovo will be prevented.

"The Serbian character of Kosovo is lost without the Serbs. We can only say that Serbs used to live in Kosovo," warns Ostojic.

The unification of Kosovo with Albania would mean the loss of Serbian holy sites, most of which are south of the Ibar.

"If by any chance the north remained in Serbia, it would mean the disappearance of Serbs from Kosovo, then the Serbs would lose all the rights that Ahtisaari gave them: 10 deputies, that the Serbian language is a constitutional category in the entire territory of Kosovo, and Decani and Gracanica would be in Albania," Zoran Ostojic said on the show ''Slobodno Srpski''.





Serbia releases 3 Kosovo police officers whose arrest fueled tensions between the Balkan foes (AP)

A Serbian court on Monday ordered the release of three police officers from Kosovo who were detained earlier this month as tensions escalated between the Balkan foes and following U.S. and European Union demands that they be set free.

A court in the central Serbian town of Kraljevo said it was releasing the police officers, who will be allowed to return to Kosovo. The court said in a statement that the three were charged with illegal possession of weapons and explosive devices, and that they will be allowed to remain free pending potential further proceedings.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti tweeted that “we confirm that the 3 kidnapped police officers have been released. Even though we are joyous that they get to return to their families, this abduction consists of a serious human rights violation & must be reprimanded. The Serbian aggression must be held accountable.”

The three were detained in mid-June. Serbia has said they had crossed into the country from Kosovo, while Kosovar authorities insisted they had been kidnapped inside Kosovo and transferred to a Serbian prison.

The dispute had increased tensions between the two countries that had flared into recent violent clashes in the Serb-majority north of Kosovo, stirring fears of a renewal of the 1998-99 conflict in Kosovo that left more than 10,000 people dead, mostly Kosovar Albanians.

The EU last week summoned the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to Brussels in a bid to ease the tensions. The meeting produced no breakthrough as EU officials urged both sides to make an immediate effort to defuse the situation.

Read more at:

Serbia Releases Three Seized Kosovo Policemen (Balkan Insight)

Court in Serbia releases three Kosovo police officers seized last week, following intervention by Serbia's ally, Hungary, and calls from both the US and EU.

The Higher Court in Kraljevo, Serbia, on Monday ordered the release of three Kosovo policemen who Serbia says it arrested on Serbian territory – and who Kosovo says were kidnapped inside Kosovo last week.

The court also said it confirmed the indictment against them for alleged illegal production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosive materials.

Read more at: