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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 23, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 705 new cases, 10 deaths (media)
  • Albin Kurti officially assumes duties as new prime minister of Kosovo (Express)
  • Kurti: It is time to prove that we deserve our positions (media)
  • Quint to MPs: The first task is to elect the president (media)
  • Congratulations for Kurti and the new government continue (media)
  • U.S. Ambassador visits LDK offices (media)
  • Z.K and D.Sh. found guilty of war crimes (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Covid-19 in Serbian communities: 67 new cases, three people died (Kontakt plus radio) 
  • Vucic: Pristina brutally violated its own highest legal act (Danas, Beta)
  • Petkovic: Kurti's demands absurd and undermine Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (TV Most)
  • Simic: Two ministries belong to the Serbian list according to the law; we will not vote for Kurti's government (Kosovo Online, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Jevtic handovers duty to Rakic today, announces continuation of a joint struggle for betterment of Serbs (TV Most)
  • Rada Trajkovic to Kurti: Citizens place their hopes in you and your promise of equality for all (Kosovo Online)
  • Zlatan Krstic sentenced to 14 years in prison, Shabanaj to seven years (Kosovo-online)
  • Epidemiological situation in Zvecan deteriorates, authorities urge citizens to vaccinate (Kosovo-online) 
  • Miftaraj: The constitution is clear, the Kosovo president is elected first, then the government (KoSSev)
  • Surlic: Serbs acceptable for Pristina if decision-making does not depend on them (KoSSev)
  • Krasniqi: The government that consolidated the majority, with the highest number of women, I expect the president to be elected (KoSSev)
  • Only open debate on Kosovo "allowed" (Danas)
  • Serbian DefMin concerned over Kosovo participation in NATO exercise (N1, FoNet)
  • EU top diplomat says debate on Western Balkans at next meeting of EU FMs (N1, Beta)
  • RFZO: Serbia has 5.800 doses of US new anti-coronavirus drug (N1)
  • WHO Belgrade representative: Epidemic situation serious, measures to remain until results seen (N1)


  • Western Balkans’ Plight is Wake-up Call for Europe (Balkan Insight)


  • Balkan Countries Lacking Vaccines Look to Neighbours for Jabs (Balkan Insight)
  • Vaccine makers should license technology to overcome 'grotesque' inequity: WHO (Reuters)
  • Coronavirus digest: EU commissioner says herd immunity by summer is possible (DW)
  • NATO, US to stage large-scale military exercises around Serbia until summer (



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 705 new cases, 10 deaths (media)

Kosovo has recorded 705 new cases of COVID-19 and 10 deaths in the last 24 hours. 522 persons have recovered from the virus during this time.

There are 12,808 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

Gazeta Express reports that all beds in the Infectious Diseases Clinic at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo are filled with COVID-19 infected patients. Doctor of infectious diseases at this clinic, Salih Ahmeti, told Express that 118 patients were admitted to this clinic in the morning. He said that they are working at full capacity and that there are no free beds in this clinic.

This news portal informs that the situation is not better in many municipal hospitals of Kosovo.

Media widely reported that a 21-year-old female and a pregnant woman are among the deceased today.

Albin Kurti officially assumes duties as new prime minister of Kosovo (Express)

Albin Kurti has officially taken over as Kosovo’s new prime minister. The handover ceremony between outgoing Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti and his successor, Albin Kurti, took place on Tuesday morning in Pristina.

After assuming the office Kurti has called the first meeting of his Cabinet. After the ceremonial meeting of the Government, he will visit Prekaz and pay homage at the Adem Jashari’s memorial in Prekaz. 

According to the agenda published by the Prime Minister’s Office Kurti is expected to meet today also the Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog.

Albin Kurti was voted Monday as new prime minister of Kosovo with 67 votes of the Members of Kosovo Assembly.

Media also reported on the handing over of the duties to the newly elected ministers by those of the previous government, which commenced in a very positive spirit and by complementing each other. Furthermore, former Minister of Justice Selim Selimi, waited on just appointed Albulena Haxhiu with a bouquet of flowers. 

Kurti: It is time to prove that we deserve our positions (media)

After officially taking office, the ceremonial meeting of the Government of Kosovo, chaired by Albin Kurti was held today.

Kurti spoke in front of the cabinet about the current situation in Kosovo as a result of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus, as he asked them to come up with a plan for the management of the pandemic and the plan for economic revival.

In this first meeting, he asked the ministers to prove that they are deserving of the positions they will hold.

"We are still in a health crisis. Only today, there are 827 new cases and 16 deaths. These are not just numbers but human lives. So, we have to work urgently to reduce the cases. In the coming days I expect from each of you, I believe in your knowledge and capacities, but now is the time to prove to the citizens that you deserve the positions you have been appointed, we have been appointed to. The challenges are major, but we must all act to stop the economic recession, to help the private sector, save jobs… I expect the plan for pandemic management and economic recovery to be on my desk very soon," he said.

Quint to MPs: The first task is to elect the president (media)

The ambassadors of the QUINT countries (USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy) through a joint statement have asked the political parties represented in the Assembly to play a responsible role after the February 14 result.

The Ambassadors of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States congratulate the new government and Assembly and urge all political parties to play a responsible role in recognising the results of the 14 February election as a mandate from the people for effective government. In this time of pandemic and economic challenges, Kosovo needs purposeful leadership and functioning governing institutions that ensure stability, including the Presidency. Addressing these challenges will require political party leaders and elected MPs to now put the needs of Kosovo citizens above political partisanship and for the opposition and government to work together on shared priorities, the first task being the election of a new President.

Congratulations for Kurti and the new government continue (media)

EU Foreign Policy Chief Joseph Borrell has congratulated Prime Minister Albin Kurti on taking office. “Congratulations to new Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Look forward to working together to bring the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue to a successful close. This is crucial for European path. EU fully supports reform agenda and tackling #COVID19,” Borrell wrote.

The European Union (EU) Special Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, congratulated the elected Prime Minister, Albin Kurti.

“Congratulations Albin Kurti on your election as Prime Minister. I wish you success in meeting the high expectations of the citizens of Kosovo. The EU stands ready to facilitate the Dialogue on normalization of relations with Serbia,” Lajcak wrote.

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett has congratulated Prime Minister Albin Kurti on the formation of the new government.

Congratulations to Kosovo PM Albin Kurti and the new government. We look forward to working together to build a future of peace, justice, and prosperity for all of Kosovo’s citizens – and, most urgently, to defeat COVID-19.  WearYourMask,” Kosnett wrote.

U.S. Ambassador visits LDK offices (media)

Media widely report that the U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett is currently visiting the offices of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). While some of the media report that the reason for the visit is unknown, reports that Kosnett is expected to meet the LDK leader Lumir Abdixhiku. 

This news portal further reports on the joint statement of the representatives of the Quint countries earlier today, which stressed that the primary task of the opposition and government is the election of the president.

Z.K and D.Sh. found guilty of war crimes (media)

The Basic Court in Prishtina has found guilty the accused, Z.K and D.Sh for war crimes committed in Nerodime of Ferizaj.

Z.K was sentenced to 14 years and six months for direct participation in the murder of Nuhaj family members. While D.Sh for the criminal offense, war crimes against humanity with seven years.



Serbian Language Media


Covid-19 in Serbian communities: 67 new cases, three people died (Kontakt plus radio)  

In Serbian communities in Kosovo, according to the latest data, three people died as a result of the coronavirus last weekend. Based on the results received yesterday, 67 new cases of infection were registered, while 96 people came out of isolation, the North Mitrovica Crisis Staff announced.

The deceased are from North Mitrovica.

Based on 150 processed samples, positive cases were recorded in the municipalities: North Mitrovica (18), Leposavic (11), Zubin Potok (9), Zvecan (8), Priluzje (8), Gracanica (6), Strpce (3), Gnjilane (3) and Kosovska Kamenica (1).

766 cases are currently active.

Seven new cases of Covid-19 registered in Gracanica

According to the latest information, seven more cases of Covid-19 were registered in the territory of Gracanica municipality.

Currently 40 people are hospitalized.

Gracanica Crisis Committee urged residents of the municipality to remain vigilant and disciplined over the coming days in order to curb the spread of the virus, wear protective masks, keep distance and timely report to the nearest Covid-ambulance in case of the first symptoms. 

Vucic: Pristina brutally violated its own highest legal act (Danas, Beta)

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic assessed today that the treatment of Serbs in the government of Prime Minister Albin Kurti is a "brutal violation" of the highest legal act of Pristina and a "clear message" to the Serbian people, reported Belgrade based daily Danas. 

''Their constitution, as they say, says that Serbs must get two ministerial positions. They really do not care that they brutally violated their highest legal act, because no one from the world will blame them for that," said Vucic, answering journalists' questions during his visit of the works on the Iverak-Lajkovac road.

He assessed that Kurti sent an "even clearer" message when he stated that all Albanians should be united in the fight against Serbia.

"Of course, no one reacted to that because everything that is against Serbia is allowed in the part of the international community. That speaks of hypocrisy and double standards, but I have talked about that many times," said Vucic.

Last night, the Assembly of Kosovo elected Albin Kurti as the Prime Minister of Kosovo with 67 votes in favor and 30 against.

In the new cabinet, only the Ministry of Communities and Returns belong to the Serbian list.

"We have an obligation to not forget the victims of NATO aggression"

President Vucic stated today, and on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the beginning of the NATO bombing of the FRY, that Serbia wants to have friendly relations with all those who participated in it,  but that an obligation to never forget that event was there,  which was why they will cultivate a culture of remembering the victims of that war. 

"Tomorrow we will mark another anniversary of the beginning of the NATO aggression on the FRY. I say that word (aggression), I do not call it a campaign, intervention and operation, like those who were afraid of the truth and objections in certain embassies. We are interested in the truth, and for us, the lives of children who died are more important than what someone from Western embassies will tell us," said Vucic. 

After visiting the construction site of the fast road on the section Lajkovac - Iverak, Vucic said that an appropriate program would be organized on March 24, by which Serbia would remember the killed civilians, but also soldiers and policemen who defended their country.

"There are very few doubts about the legal nature of the attack on the FRY and the assessments we give are proportionate to that. The choice of our words is proportional to the crime that was committed against one nation and one country," he said.

Answering the question about the relationship between the American and Russian presidents, Vucic said that Serbia was too small to interfere in the relations between the superpowers.

"We have good relations with the United States, but unlike many other countries, we also have good relations with Russia and President Vladimir Putin. We will continue to cooperate, but I am too small to interfere in the relations between the two countries,'' said Vucic.

He added that Serbia will continue to pursue a libertarian policy of preserving its own sovereignty and fighting for national interests.

Petkovic: Kurti's demands absurd and undermine Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (TV Most)

"Messages of Albin Kurti, which call into question the formation of the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities (CSM) and threaten Serbia with a claim of alleged war reparations, directly undermine any possibility and future of the dialogue", Office for Kosovo and Metohija (OKiM) Director Petar Petkovic said, TV Most reports.

According to him, Kurti's request that Serbia should "pay Kosovo about EUR three billion in the name of war reparations" is additionally absurd considering that according to the international law, it is impossible for a province to claim war compensation from its state.

"The basic precondition for the continuation of talks is building mutual trust, and that is not possible without respecting and implementing the previously signed agreements", Petkovic emphasised.

He added that "Belgrade, as a credible partner in the dialogue, has fulfilled all its international obligations and expects to have a reliable interlocutor on the other side of the negotiating table, ready to implement what has been agreed upon".

"Therefore, we expect Pristina to abandon the electoral and warrior rhetoric and instead of threatening with a "Greater Albania "or denying its obligations, approach the formation of the CSM as agreed in Brussels 2894 days ago, without subsequent unilateral interpretations", Petkovic underlined. 

Simic: Two ministries belong to the Serbian list according to the law; we will not vote for Kurti's government (Kosovo Online, Radio Mitrovica sever)

The representative of the Serbian List, MP in the Kosovo Assembly Igor Simic, said that the Serbian List would appeal to the Constitutional Court because by law they have two, not one ministry, and that they would not vote for the government of Albin Kurti, reported Kosovo Online yesterday. 

Simic stated that the Serbian List submitted the signatures of 11 deputies, and that as such, it has the rights to two ministries.

"The first opportunity to act and you immediately violated the Constitution. You know very well that the Serbian List with eleven signatures of deputies has the right to two ministries that belong to non-majority communities, and not as your or anyone else's gift, but as something that the citizens gave us legally and legitimately by voting for the Serbian List in the elections. We presented that to you at the meeting that we had together with the eleven signatures of the deputies, which represents the majority of half of the non-majority deputies in this hall," said Simic.

Simic mentioned that ignoring the rights and violating the constitution was a bad start for the government that Kurti plans to lead.

"This is at the same time a bad message to all citizens, and because of this procedure, the Serbian List will not support this government. Even more, we will send a complaint to the Constitutional Court in order to protect the rights of our people, which is being violated by this proposal," Simic explained.

According to him, this is the message sent to the citizens that Kurti does not care about respecting the law and the rule of law.

"You, Mr. Prime Minister, have sent a message that you do not care about the law, protection of rights, democracy, and what you mentioned in your exposition. I am glad, unfortunately, that the representatives of the international community, as well as the entire public, could hear that, in order to know what kind of government you plan to lead. The Serbian list received the votes of citizens in order to fight for their rights. That is our obligation and that is why, I say once again, that we will not support your proposal," concluded Simic.

Jevtic handovers duty to Rakic today, announces continuation of a joint struggle for betterment of Serbs (TV Most)

Serbian List Vice President and long-term Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic wrote on Twitter he would hand over the duty “to his brother and President of Serbian List Goran Rakic”, TV Most reports.

Jevtic added they would continue the joint struggle for the better lives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, united and in harmony.

“We shall not give up on our goals regardless of all attempts to divide us and diminish our political strength”, Jevtic said.

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti earlier proposed that a guaranteed ministerial post, which belongs to the Serbian community in line with the Constitution, in this case to the Serbian List, be led by Goran Rakic, the outgoing Minister for Local Self-government Administration.

Serbian List also announced it would file an appeal to the Constitutional Court since, as they said, in accordance with the law they are entitled to two ministerial posts, given that they have submitted 11 signatures of the MPs, which make the majority of those representing non-majority communities in the Kosovo Assembly.

Rada Trajkovic to Kurti: Citizens place their hopes in you and your promise of equality for all (Kosovo Online)

Rada Trajkovic congratulated on Twitter to Albin Kurti and his election as Prime Minister and stated that after two decades of rule of people who lived in the past, by deepening divisions, Kosovo was starting all over again, reported portal Kosovo Online.

Trajkovic wrote in a tweet that citizens of all ethnic groups place their hopes in Albin Kurti and his promise of justice, fairness and equality for all.

"I congratulate you on your election as prime minister. After two decades of rule by people living in the past, who took advantage of our weaknesses and worked on further divisions, Kosovo is starting all over again. Citizens of all ethnic groups place their hopes in you, your promise of justice, fairness and equality for all," tweeted Trajkovic.

Zlatan Krstic sentenced to 14 years in prison, Shabanaj to seven years (Kosovo-online)

The Special Department of the Basic Court in Pristina sentenced Zlatan Krstic to 14 years and six months in prison, and Destan Shabanaj to seven years, Kosovo-online portal reports.

They were accused of committing war crimes against civilian population, during the conflict in 1999, by taking part in the murders of four members of Nuhaj family in the village of Nerodimlje, near Urosevac, respectively for inhuman treatment of the bodies of the killed persons.

Krstic was accused of persecution, kidnapping and then the murder of four members of the Nuhaj family. He has been in detention since April 2019.

Destan Shabani who was a police inspector in Urosevac during the conflict was accused of ordering the burial of the murdered persons without the rituals, in the village of Babus.

Epidemiological situation in Zvecan deteriorates, authorities urge citizens to vaccinate (Kosovo-online)

Due to significantly deteriorated epidemiological situation and rise in the number of Covid-19 infected persons, President of Interim Municipal Authority in Zvecan, Ivan Todosijevic held a meeting with directors of all public institutions in the territory of this municipality, Kosovo-online portal reports.

They discussed the current epidemiological situation and vaccination process. Following the meeting an appeal was sent to all directors, institutions’ employees and citizens to register en masse for vaccination, adding citizens may register at the Health House in Zvecan.

It was also said that transportation for those interested to get vaccinated has been provided from Zvecan to Raska and may choose between Chinese Sinopharm or Russian Sputnik V vaccines. 

Also, the Interim Municipal Authority in Mitrovica North urged citizens to vaccinate. 

Miftaraj: The constitution is clear, the Kosovo president is elected first, then the government (KoSSev)

In anticipation of a session of the Kosovo Assembly, at which, according to announcements, a new government will be elected soon, the point related to the election of the President of Kosovo could remain the main stumbling block.

The winning party, LVV with its candidate Vjosa Osmani has so far failed to obtain the required majority of at least 80 votes they need for the first, i.e. second round of voting.

Immediately after Glauk Konjufca was elected the Speaker of the Assembly, the news arrived from Pristina that he ''automatically took over''  the post of the acting Kosovo President from Vjosa Osmani.

Ehat Miftaraj from the Kosovo Law Institute told KoSSev, however, that the next step according to the constitution is clear: First the Assembly MPs are elected, then the president of Kosovo, and finally the government.

If the president of Kosovo is not elected today but a new government is elected, the MPs who are not satisfied with this order – and there must be at least ten of them – have the opportunity to address the Constitutional Court and request an assessment of the legality of the new government.

In such a case, the Constitutional Court is the only one that can decide whether the government was elected legally.

Hypothetically, Miftaraj does not exclude the possibility that the Constitutional Court may decide that the government was not legally elected.

Moreover, he recalled that it would not be the first time that the government fell in this way, citing the Hoti-led government as one such example.

When asked if today’s transfer of the post of the acting Kosovo President from Osmani to Konjufca could be a tactical move by LVV to secure two-thirds support of the MPs in the coming months, Miftaraj emphasizes:

''Even if that happens, that mandate will still expire on May 5th. Looking at it from the side of the law and the Constitution, if the government is elected first today and then the president – that would not be legal. The Constitution of Kosovo and the constitutional practice say the following: The Kosovo Assembly MPs are elected first, then the President of Kosovo, and then the government.''

Addressing LVV’s apparent attempt to automatically take over the function of the acting president by electing Glauk Konjufca as the Speaker of the Assembly, Miftaraj confirmed that this is interpreted as LVV’s intention to avoid the current situation in which they do not have a sufficient number of votes for the President of Kosovo.

''That is not legal,''  Miftaraj underlined.

This Kosovo law expert added that if Konjufca would remain the acting President of Kosovo until May 5, and LVV fails to obtain the required 80 votes in favor, new elections will be called.

See at:

Surlic: Serbs acceptable for Pristina if decision-making does not depend on them (KoSSev)

The elected government will perhaps be suitable for the Albanians, but it will contribute very little to improving the lives of the members of the Serbian community, a political analyst, Stefan Surlic, said in a statement for KoSSev. In his words, a true change of policy and civic concept would be visible at the moment, in some future government, the future Minister of Communities and Returns is an ethnic Albanian, and a Serb takes over the department that concerns all Kosovo citizens.

Kosovo elected a new assembly convocation and a new government yesterday. As expected, Albin Kurti is the new prime minister – for the second time in 12 months.

Surlic told KoSSev that the new government is in fact ''a government of continuity in which, under the guise of a civic and multicultural concept, Serbs will continue to be disenfranchised''.

''Serbian List is criticized for being close to Belgrade. It is begrudged that by the same political option that promotes the idea of unification with Albania before the election of the new government while displaying the Albanian flag during the election of the Government of Kosovo in the parliament,'' said Surlic.

This political analyst expressed hope that the new Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, will step out of the current policy and try to eliminate the decades-old problems in the announced internal dialogue with Serbs.

These are not problems that trouble all citizens in Kosovo equally, he said.

''These are the difficulties that the Serb community is facing in defending its legal and constitutional rights arising from the Ahtisaari plan, but also the international obligations undertaken by signing the Brussels agreement,'' Surlic underlined.

SL received one less ministerial post in the newly elected government of Kosovo compared to previous convocations.

''Also, I do not think that it is crucial for Serbs to formally have 1 or 2 ministers and 3 deputy prime ministers in the government if their role will be completely marginalized,'' Surlic stressed.

He recalled that just before the government was elected, the representatives of the Self-Determination party ''proudly'' pointed out that the government, as well as any future decision of the new executive power in Pristina, will not depend on Serb representatives.

''A conclusion is thus reached that the civic concept is acceptable only if the decisions are the product of mono-ethnic consent,'' warned Surlic.

Surlic also shared his view on how the relations between the Serbian and Albanian people can be improved in the future.

''In some new relations, the post of Minister for Communities and Returns in the government should belong to an ethnic Albanian, because it is the responsibility of members of the majority community to accommodate differences and show readiness for policies related to the return of the displaced and the integration of the Serb community into Kosovo society. On the other hand, Serb representatives could take over a department that concerns all citizens in Kosovo and bears more responsibilities,'' suggested Surlic.

That would be a true change of policy and civic concept, he added.

''Thus, the norm and form will be respected, and Serbian representatives will be acceptable as long as decision-making does not depend on them,'' he emphasized in a statement for KoSSev.

On the other hand, Jeta Krasniqi from the Kosovo Democratic Institute spoke to KoSSev about what she sees as positive sides of the new Kosovo government:

''The government with the highest number of women, great support from voters, but with new members, which include several minority communities, the government which consolidated the majority precisely because of the support of the electorate.''

According to her, the President of Kosovo will be elected if not in the first round of voting, then at least in the third round.

See at:

Krasniqi: The government that consolidated the majority, with the highest number of women, I expect the president to be elected (KoSSev)

The government with the highest number of women, great support from voters, but with new members, which include several minority communities, the government which consolidated the majority precisely because of the support of the electorate – Jeta Krasniqi from the Kosovo Democratic Institute assessed the newly elected Kosovo government in a statement for KoSSev. According to her, the President of Kosovo will be elected if not in the first round of voting, then at least in the third round.

Kosovo elected a new assembly convocation and a new government yesterday. As expected, Albin Kurti is the new prime minister – for the second time in 12 months. The previous ruling parties – LDK, AAK, and PDK – voted against this.

''This government has more women than the previous one – over 30%. Also, apart from the members of LVV, for the first time, there are ‘newcomers’ who have not been in LVV before. We also have representatives of minority communities, such as the Serbian, Turkish and Egyptian communities, who also hold positions at the head of the ministries, along with a Bosniak Deputy Prime Minister,'' Krasniqi said.

It is a government that has consolidated the majority due to the great support the voters have given to LVV and Vjosa Osmani, she added.

''There are plenty of expectations from this government. We could hear some general information from the Prime Minister tonight, but in the coming days they will say more about what the government will do, as he said tonight – when it comes to employment, justice, the fight against Covid, but also dialogue with Serbia and other issues,'' Krasniqi said, while also agreeing with the assessment of other analysts and the public that the election of the president will be the main obstacle in the establishment of new Kosovo institutions.

It seems that a new political crisis is imminent in that sense, but it is important to see how the LDK will act in the coming days – she underlined.

She recalled, however, the recent assurances from the LDK that they will take on a constructive role after the new leadership is elected, and meet with Osmani in the coming days, and that they will not have special demands toward her.

''I expect that they will have the necessary quorum for the president to be voted in,'' Krasniqi emphasized, adding that if a two-thirds majority is not obtained in the first two rounds of voting, 61 votes are needed in the third round.

In her words, the opposition parties are also not ready for new elections at the moment.

See more at:

Only open debate on Kosovo "allowed" (Danas)

The fact that among the topics that the citizens of Serbia are most interested in is the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, reached by the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA), according to interlocutors of Danas, was the result of the so-called patriotic narrative in almost all media, as well as media-imposed false dilemmas, within which the dialogue process between Belgrade and Pristina was interpreted as - for and against the independence of Kosovo.  

Last week, CRTA announced that the main findings of the survey "Attitudes of Serbian citizens on participation in democratic processes 2020", conducted by this organization by telephone to 1,010 respondents, from November 16 to 22, are that citizens in Serbia are moderately interested in politics, but somewhat more interested in local topics and the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Citizens are also poorly interested in the work of the Serbian Parliament, European integration, political party programs and the work of non-governmental organizations. Older citizens are more interested, as well as those who support the government, except for European integration, for which were more interested opposition-oriented citizens.

According to communicologist Marko Velickovic, the number of citizens interested in the negotiations on Kosovo was not as high as the low interest in other topics mentioned in the research.

- Parties do not speak publicly about their programs, which they usually do not have, the influence of NGOs has been small for years, it is similar with the Assembly in which nothing is decided and in which there is no quality debate for a long time. The EU itself has contributed to its marginalization, using the same messages for twenty years, while nationalists have changed their strategies and communication with the public. The research did not deal with the interest of citizens in the topic of living standards or the work of the judiciary, which were ahead of the topic of Kosovo in other researches, so then this topic also seemingly climbed the ladder - says Marko Velickovic for Danas.

However, he adds, the topic of Kosovo, as far as the interest of the respondents was concerned, remained in this research behind the work of local self-governments, despite the undoubted forcing of a "patriotic" narrative in almost all media.

- This narrative seeks to deprive other political issues of their significance, in order to expand the space and possibilities for Serbia to remain in the zone of so-called military-political neutrality, which is one of the options for which the government wants to remain open - concluded Velickovic.

The CRTA research emphasizes that a large percentage of citizens would be concerned about recognizing Kosovo's independence - 70 percent. About 20 percent would be indifferent to such a move by the authorities in Serbia, while only a small part would be happy.

- Interest in the topic of Kosovo is not surprising because previous research, in the last five years, shows a stable high place for the problem of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. There are several reasons for this. The first is the constant announcement of the final agreement, which is thought to have already been written, shaped and that only the right moment is awaited to announce it to the public. The second reason is that the topic of Kosovo is placed within the framework of apparent polarization and false dilemma, for and against the independence of Kosovo. This situation is used by the media to create an illusion of some debate on this issue by presenting different views. Also, it seems that this topic is always interesting, but at the same time the only one free of greater criticism, especially the dialogue process in Brussels - Stefan Surlic, assistant at the Faculty of Political Sciences, assessed for Danas.

As he concluded, the majority of the opposition believe that the topic of Kosovo was the only one on which the government of Aleksandar Vucic will slip, and they see in that a chance for a significant drop in the support he currently enjoys.

Serbian DefMin concerned over Kosovo participation in NATO exercise (N1, FoNet)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic expressed concern on Monday over the participation of the Kosovo Security Forces in the NATO Defender Europe 21 exercise.

He told US Ambassador Anthony Godfrey and newly-appointed US Defense Attache Colonel Corey Shea that he appreciates the fact that he was informed beforehand about the exercise in the spirit of partnership but that he is deeply concerned because Kosovo’s participation in it runs counter to all international documents, a press release quoted him as saying.

Ambassador Godfrey said that he understands Serbia’s concern, adding that the US wants to continue its intensive cooperation with the Serbian military. He expressed the hope that the two countries’ militaries could hold joint exercises this year.

Godfrey and Stefanovic said that cooperation in a number of fields is important, including the state partnership program with the Ohio National Guard which they said is mutually beneficial in all segments of bilateral military cooperation. They said that both countries have an interest in continuing military cooperation and expanding it and stressed the importance of bilateral defense consultations with the aim of aligning strategic guidelines to promote cooperation.

See at:

EU top diplomat says debate on Western Balkans at next meeting of EU FMs (N1, Beta)

The European Union’s top diplomat said on Monday that Union foreign ministers will have a “comprehensive debate” about the Western Balkans at their next meeting.

Speaking after a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, High Representative Josep Borrell said that the region remains a priority for the EU. He presented his report on developments in the Western Balkans and the recent visits to Belgrade, Pristina and Podgorica by his special representative Miroslav Lajcak.

The Foreign Ministers of Croatia and Romania, Gordan Grlic Radman and Bogdan Auresku presented a request on behalf of nine EU member states for a comprehensive strategic debate on the Western Balkans at the next ministerial meeting in order to strengthen the Union’s engagement with the countries of the region and confirm its commitment to expansion. The idea for a debate on the region was initially launched in a letter from nine foreign ministers to Borrell on March 5 because of dynamic internal political developments in the countries of the region.

See at:

RFZO: Serbia has 5.800 doses of US new anti-coronavirus drug (N1)

Director of the Republic Fund of Health Insurance (RFZO), Sanja Skodric said Monday Serbia has 5.800 doses of the US-made new anti-coronavirus drug, N1 reports.

She added Serbia was the fourth European country that had the US Eli Lilly Company’s drug.

“The drug prevents the virus from spreading within an organism; its efficiency is 95 percent“, Skodric said.

The drug is administered through an infusion. Patients don’t have to be hospitalized. It’s meant for those with moderate to more serious symptoms and at risk of developing a severe clinical picture.

“It’s administered to patients positive for coronavirus, but only during the ten days from the first symptoms. After that period, the drug doesn’t have effects'', Skodric explained.

She added the new quantities of the drug would arrive in Serbia in the next two months and that currently, there was enough of it.

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WHO Belgrade representative: Epidemic situation serious, measures to remain until results seen (N1)

Marjan Invanusa, the World Health Organisation (WHO) representative in Serbia, said Tuesday that the country was the fifth in Europe in the number of infected with the coronavirus per 100,000 people, adding the epidemic situation was difficult, N1 reports.

He also said the reason for that was the British strain of the virus which was spreading fast and warned that the anti-epidemic measures should be in place until their results were seen.

Speaking to the public broadcaster RTS Ivanusa said that the effects of the measures would be better if they were implemented, and if they were not, the situation would not only be the same, but it would worsen.

He also added the immunisation was one of the measures that could help curb the epidemic.





Western Balkans’ Plight is Wake-up Call for Europe (Balkan Insight)

In societies devastated by the pandemic, the EU needs to leave its conventional tool-box behind and urgently speed up the Europeanisation of its neighbours in Southeast Europe.

The coronavirus pandemic has deepened the vulnerabilities of the Western Balkan countries and exposed the weakness of their state institutions, especially in the health sector and social protection.

At the same time, related to the limited effectiveness of the EU enlargement process over the past years, the progress of reforms has stagnated and some countries have even experienced concerning regressions in the rule of law.

The outbreak of the coronavirus crisis has meanwhile increased the presence of other geopolitical players in the region, mainly in the context of competition over vaccinations, not only of China but also of Russia and the United Arab Emirates, UAE.

Awareness is growing that the EU and the West is not the only available partner. As other powers not known for their democratic practices use or misuse the Western Balkans to promote their interests, it’s becoming clear that the vision of a free, democratic and truly European Balkans is no longer self-evident.

After a long lean spell in terms of EU enlargement, now is the moment to act and put the whole range of EU policies applicable to the region back on the agenda.

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Balkan Countries Lacking Vaccines Look to Neighbours for Jabs (Balkan Insight)

With no or very few vaccines of their own, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are relying on their better-supplied neighbours to start belated immunisation processes.

Serbia, champion of the vaccination process in the Balkans, has donated thousands of jabs to its neighbours, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Montenegro.

Albania recently started doing the same, helping Kosovo, the only country in the region that did not start its vaccination process at all.

Around 100 media workers from North Macedonia will be vaccinated in Serbia on March 23, the Macedonian Association of Journalists, MAN, has reported.

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Vaccine makers should license technology to overcome 'grotesque' inequity: WHO (Reuters)

More producers of COVID-19 vaccines should follow AstraZeneca’s lead and license technology to other manufacturers, the World Health Organization’s head said on Monday, as he described continuing vaccine inequity as “grotesque”.

AstraZeneca’s shot, which new U.S. data on Monday showed was safe and effective despite some countries suspending inoculations over health concerns, is being produced in various locations including South Korea’s SKBioScience and the Serum Institute of India.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for more manufacturers to adopt this model to boost supplies, including for the COVAX vaccine sharing programme seeking to speed more shots to developing countries.

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Coronavirus digest: EU commissioner says herd immunity by summer is possible (DW)

COVID-19 herd immunity could be achieved in Europe by July, an EU commissioner has said. The bloc's vaccination drive is expected to speed up after a sluggish rollout that has been besieged by setbacks. 

"Let's take a symbolic date: by July 14 [Bastille Day], we have the possibility of achieving immunity across the continent," Thierry Breton, the EU's commissioner for the internal market, told French broadcaster TF1. 

Breton's comments were paralleled by French vaccination chief Alain Fischer, who expects France to return to some kind of "normal" living conditions by summer or autumn thanks to an acceleration of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. 

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NATO, US to stage large-scale military exercises around Serbia until summer (

A large-scale military exercise led by the US, NATO and its allies, dubbed Defender-Europe 21, began in mid-March and will last until the second half of June, while most of the activities will unfold in the Balkans and in Serbia’s immediate neighbourhood.

The Balkan Security Network reported on Saturday that the exercise consisted of a series of small-scale tactical manoeuvres and was part of a string of US military manoeuvres to strengthen capacity for the joint performance of military operations and partnerships by the US military and its European allies.

“Defender-Europe 21 brings together some 30,000 soldiers from 27 states who are performing manoeuvres over a large territory. Most of the troops are from the US,” according to the Balkan Security Network.

“One of the goals of the exercise is to move squadron-sized units from stations in the US to a potential battlefield site in Europe. All of the countries in the region, except for Serbia, are taking part in the exercise, including the Kosovo Security Force,” it added.

The Balkans are the main area where the exercise is taking place, while training centres in the Baltic states and Germany will also be used. 

Nearly all of the biggest military training centres in the region will be used such as Slunj in Croatia, Manjaca and Glamoc in Bosnia (Republika Srpska), Krivolak in North Macedonia and Bondsteel near Urosevac in Kosovo. A total of 30 military training centres across Europe will be utilised as well.

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