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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 25, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Quint countries call on Kosovo and Serbia to act with restraint (media)
  • Kurti sends letter to EU regarding Serbia's elections (media)
  • Serbs protest decision not to allow Serbia's elections in Kosovo (media)
  • KJC: Decision to suspend Stevanovic was not politically influenced (Koha)
  • North Macedonia's support for Kosovo discussed during Gervalla's visit to Skopje (media)
  • Mehaj: Kosovo is safe, will not succumb to threats or blackmail (media)
  • COVID-19: 31 new cases, no deaths (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • US Embassy: Quint and the EU share democratic value of peaceful assembly (Facebook)
  • Serbs protest in Gracanica and Mitrovica North (Radio KIM, media)
  • Petkovic: ''Peaceful protests of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are a magnificent picture of Serbian harmony and unity'' (Kosovo Online, Facebook)
  • Pristina suspend Serb judge, Vucic says Brussels Agreement dead (media)
  • REC: Voters from Kosovo to vote in Raska, Kursumlija, Bujanovac and Tutin (Radio KIM)
  • Fires in the villages near Kamenica localised (KiM radio) 
  • Serbia votes to adopt new UN General Assembly resolution (N1)
  • Institute for European Affairs: Record low support of Serbia – NATO cooperation (NMagazin, N1, FoNet)


  • Kosovo’s Kurti Has Created Own Goal Over Serbian Elections (Balkan Insight)


  • Kosovo Serbs to Vote in Serbian Elections in Serbia (Prishtina Insight)
  • Serbia Remembers NATO Victims on Bombing Anniversary (Balkan Insight)
  • Western Balkan countries vote in favour of the second UN General Assembly resolution on Ukraine (EWB)


  • Serbian Government approves export of wheat and maize in Albania (RTS)



Albanian Language Media  


Quint countries call on Kosovo and Serbia to act with restraint (media)

The Heads of Mission of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union issued a statement saying they take note of the planned demonstrations today and expressed concern at the risk of escalation or violence.

"Citizens have a right to peaceful assembly as well as a responsibility to ensure that such gatherings are peaceful and do not become violent. Among our shared democratic values are the right to peaceful assembly and to have our voices heard, rights which law enforcement is responsible to protect. Law enforcement has an obligation to preserve public order and should do so without infringing on the democratic principles of free speech and assembly. The Quint and EU also reiterate their calls on Kosovo and Serbia to act with restraint and refrain from any rhetoric or action that could increase tensions," they said.

Kurti sends letter to EU regarding Serbia's elections (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti has sent a letter to the head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, saying that it is regrettable that while Kosovo works with the EU and Quint to find an acceptable solution between the governments of Kosovo and Serbia, "Serbia's illegal structures are trying to organise elections in Kosovo as if its Government did not exist." 

"Serbia's 3 April elections can take place in the Republic of Kosovo only in line with an agreement between our two respective Governments. To this end, we were waiting for a request from the Government of Serbia directly to the Government of Kosovo. Liaison offices (unlike 'officers') are only means to convey inter-governmental communications, and not political or institutional substitutions for such communication. Furthermore, Belgrade doesn't even mention our Government, instead referring to us as the 'relevant governing authorities of Kosovo'," Kurti said in the letter.

Kurti said that Serbia's attempts to 'undermine' Kosovo and its institutions are happening at a time when "Belgrade is being destructive in many fronts: by refusing to resolve the problem of the non-payment of electricity in the north of Kosovo; absence of agreement on Kosovo and Serbia license plates; by appointing illegal structures as municipal commissioners; by using administrative means to carry out ethnic cleansing against Albanians in Presevo, Medvedje and Bujanovac by unregistering them as residents; and by refusing to join EU and U.S. sanctions against the Russian Federation over its military aggression and invasion in Ukraine." 

In conclusion, Kurti thanked the EU and Quint on their "continuous efforts" to resolve "this challenging issue." 

Serbs protest decision not to allow Serbia's elections in Kosovo (media)

The Serb local population in Mitrovica North and Gracanica, protested today against the decision of the Kosovo Government not to allow the holding of Serbia's presidential and parliamentary elections in Kosovo on 3 April, Radio Free Europe reported.

The protest in Mitrovica North was headed by the leader of the Serbian List Goran Rakic who announced that Serbian List representatives and Serb judges would be suspending their wok in Kosovo institutions until the decision for suspending the head of the Mitrovica Basic Court Ljiljana Stevanovic, for attending a meeting with the Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade, is revoked. 

Klan Kosova quotes Rakic as saying at the protest that for the first time they did not agree with Serbian President Vucic over participation in Kosovo institutions. "He did not approve of us leaving all Kosovo institutions. We today reiterated that we are not the ones violating the Brussels agreement but Kurti is and that we will stand by our people and judges," Rakic is quoted. "I want to emphasize that all Serbs working in Kosovo institutions, including the police, will suspend their work until the return of Ljiljana Stevanovic," Rakic is quoted by Telegrafi news website.

Protesters carrying banners reading "Peacefully against Kurti's violence", "Kurti will not expel Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija," "We just want our rights", dispersed peacefully.

Earlier, Kosovo Police reacted to reports that special unit vehicles seen today on the Pristina-Mitrovica road saying the movement is not related to any specific operation but part of routine activity. 

KJC: Decision to suspend Stevanovic was not politically influenced (Koha)

Kosovo's Judicial Council said today that its decision to suspend the head of Mitrovica Basic Court Liljana Stefanovic after she met Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade was taken free of political interference.

In a statement, KJC said that the suspension decision was taken on the request of the Competent Authority for President for Courts, in accordance with the Law on Disciplinary Responsibility of Judges and Prosecutors, the Law on Courts, the Law on the KJC, the Code of Ethics and the Regulation on the Disciplinary Procedure of Judges. "KJC emphasises that the decision to suspend the President of the Basic Court in Mitrovica was taken within the constitutional and legal responsibilities of the KJC, and does not prejudge the termination of the proceedings in relation to the judge, Ms. Stevanovic."

The KJC called on institutions and public officials to refrain from making statements on KJC decisions, as any public statement does not contribute to the independence of the judiciary.

North Macedonia's support for Kosovo discussed during Gervalla's visit to Skopje (media)

Kosovo's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora is undertaking an official visit to North Macedonia where she had meetings with Assembly Speaker Talat Xhaferi and First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi.

According to a press release issued by Kosovo's Foreign Ministry, Gervalla and Xhaferi discussed North Macedonia's support for Kosovo joining the Council of Europe, NATO, EU.

At the same time, Gervalla and Grubi spoke about deepening bilateral relations, with special emphasis on the implementation of 11 agreements signed at a joint meeting of the two governments in September of last year. 

Mehaj: Kosovo is safe, will not succumb to threats or blackmail (media)

Kosovo's Minister of Defence Armend Mehaj said that Kosovo is safe but that it is also aware of what he said are Serbia's tendencies to destabilise the region. 

"We do not succumb to fake words, threats, blackmails which Serbia has made in these years. We keep our cool. Kosovo is safe, it has its security institutions, we have meaningful cooperation with KFOR," Mehaj said. "Serbia has never given up on tendencies to destabilise Kosovo, Montenegro, and Bosnia," Mehaj said in a press conference where he presented the one-year work of the Ministry of Defence under his leadership.

COVID-19: 31 new cases, no deaths (media)

31 new cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Kosovo in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health said today. 22 persons recovered during this time. There are 675 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.



Serbian Language Media


US Embassy: Quint and the EU share democratic value of peaceful assembly (Facebook)

The US Embassy in Pristina posted today on Facebook a message on behalf of the Quint countries and the EU, following media reports on planned protests organised today in Serbian communities. 

The statement reads:   

"The Heads of Mission of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union take note of the planned demonstrations today and express concern at the risk of escalation or violence. Citizens have a right to peaceful assembly as well as a responsibility to ensure that such gatherings are peaceful and do not become violent. Among our shared democratic values are the right to peaceful assembly and to have our voices heard, rights which law enforcement is responsible to protect. Law enforcement has an obligation to preserve public order and should do so without infringing on the democratic principles of free speech and assembly. The Quint and EU also reiterate their calls on Kosovo and Serbia to act with restraint and refrain from any rhetoric or action that could increase tensions."

See the Facebook post here:

Serbs protest in Gracanica and Mitrovica North (Radio KIM, media)

As announced two days ago Serbs organised peaceful protests in Gracanica and Mitrovica North today to express dissatisfaction over Pristina’s decision to ban holding of Serbian presidential and parliamentary elections in Kosovo, thus making eligible voters to go outside of Kosovo and cast their ballots there, Serbian media report.

The gathering in Gracanica started at noon. Serbian List Vice President and Strpce mayor Dalibor Jevitc who took part in a protest in Gracanica said that judges and prosecutors from northern Kosovo left the judiciary institutions because of the suspension of Ljiljana Stevanovic. The Kosovo Judicial Council suspended Stevanovic, head of Mitrovica Basic Court over her participation in a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

“Someone constantly attempts through different institutional manners to endanger the lives of Serbs in those areas. Someone is using institutions to criminalise us, both as political representatives and the people. Someone wants to depict us as some criminals. Under the pretext of fighting against corruption certain processes are carried out with evident violation of the laws and human rights and no one is bothered with that”, Jevtic said.

He added Serbian people in Kosovo “had it enough”. “We will not remain silent to such violence and the message today and our walk today, everything we do is directed towards it that we no longer wish to remain silent and confirm with our silence that we agree with such violence. This is our democratic fight against that violence and our clear message that we will no longer be silent. We want to be free citizens who wish to live here and enjoy all human and democratic rights in the XXI century”. 

Also, mayors of all Serbian municipalities south of the Ibar River were present in a protest in Gracanica, as well as the residents of Pomoravlje region and Sirinicka Valley. Radio KIM reports that several thousand people took part.   

Protesters were carrying banners “Peacefully against Kurti’s violence”, “We only want our human rights”, “Stop to Kurti’s terror”, “Kurti will not drive us away from KiM”, “Survival of the Serbs in KiM endangered” and similar. 

Meanwhile, gathering of Serbs in North Mitrovica also started at noon. The estimates on the number of present protestors vary, from Kosovo-online portal reporting there were almost 10.000 people present to some other media saying the number was high but without mentioning exact figures. Mayors of northern municipalities were also present. 

“According to the information I and the mayors received today, the judges of Serbian ethnicity and workers of the court, judicial bodies, didn’t report to their duty today. As of today, as a token of support to the replaced court president, they shall also be self-suspended, and it will remain so until Mrs. Ljiljana Stevanovic doesn’t return to her working place”, Serbian List President Goran Rakic said.

“Therefore, as of today, all of us, political representatives are suspended and we will not carry out any duty as long as they do not return to working place court president Ljiljana Stevanovic”, Rakic said, adding that workers of all other institutions will be literally suspended until Ljiljana Stevanovic returns to her working place.  

Protestors carry banners saying, “Kurti you have brought down the Brussels agreement, you have brought down everything”, “We preserve our homes and children by peace”, “We only want our human rights”, “UN 1244 HELP” and others.  

Protest ended without incident, and a number of media crews, both Serbian and Albanian  covered it. 

Meanwhile, Serbian List refuted in the strongest terms reporting of Mitrovica-North based portal and some Albanian media that around thirty buses carrying citizens to attend the protest arrived to Mitrovica North from central Serbia. Serbian List said “such desinformation may have dangerous consequences”, adding that only people from Kosovo and Metohija took part in the protest in Mitrovica North. 

Editor-in-Chief of KoSSev portal, Tanja Lazarevic in reaction to the Serbian List statement said “this was not the first time that Serbian List falsely libel and accused us, although for the first time in a press statement. That is why I find this press release a sort of pressure on our portal, because of our impartial reporting. I advise the Serbian List to read our text carefully before issuing a statement next time”.

She also noted it was untrue that the portal published disinformation, adding their portal said that prior to the protest, at least dozen buses with registration plates “RKS”, “KM”, “CA” and “BG” came from direction of Zvecan to Mitrovica and all buses were marked with a number, with 30 being the highest number seen.  

Petkovic: ''Peaceful protests of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are a magnificent picture of Serbian harmony and unity'' (Kosovo Online, Facebook)

The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, wrote in a Facebook post that today's peaceful protests of Serbs in North Mitrovica and Gracanica are a magnificent picture of Serbian harmony and unity, Kosovo Online cited. 

"Today at gatherings in Kosovska Mitrovica and Gracanica never more people, where tens of thousands of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija gathered in peaceful protests. Magnificent images of Serbian harmony and unity! Thanks to our people in Kosovo and Metohija for protesting peacefully, that they did not fall on provocations, but also for not being silent when their basic human rights are violated, when their compatriots are harassed and mistreated!" Petkovic posted on Facebook.

Pristina suspend Serb judge, Vucic says Brussels Agreement dead (media)

The Judicial Council of Kosovo has decided to suspend the president of the Basic Court in North Mitrovica, Ljiljana Stevanovic, after she attended a meeting with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade, media reported.  

Last night President of Serbia, in a video message posted on the Instagram account "Buducnostrbijeav", warned the Quint countries and the international community that Serbia would be with its people.

"By the order of Albin Kurti, Serbian judge Ljiljana Stevanovic was removed from Kosovo institutions today. For the morning, the dismissal of all Serbian commanders of all police officers who were at the session of the Security Council in Belgrade is prepared. Albin Kurti decided to attack Serbs. He violated the Brussels agreement and by his will and the will of those who protect him, the Brussels Agreement no longer exists. Albin Kurti is the one who wants to crush the peace in Kosovo and Metohija, he is the one who wants to attack the Serbian people everywhere they live in the south and north of Kosovo and Metohija. Serbia wants peace to be preserved, and that is why we warn the countries of Quint and the international community. My last message is that whatever they do, Serbia will be with its people," Vucic said.

Brnabic: "Kurti undermines peace with every decision and denies basic rights to Serbs; Brussels agreement dead" 

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, last night wrote on Twitter: 

"Brutal violence against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija continues. With each of his decisions, Kurti undermines peace and stability daily, violates international agreements and denies basic human rights to members of our people in Kosovo and Metohija. The Brussels agreement is dead." Brnabic said on Twitter.

Vulin: "Kurti killed the Brussels agreement" 

Minister of Internal Affairs, Aleksandar Vulin, assessed that the Brussels Agreement "no longer exists" after the decision of Pristina to suspend the President of the Basic Court in Kosovska Mitrovica, Ljiljana Stevanovic.

In a written statement, Vulin assessed that it was "the first step towards dragging Serbia into the armed conflicts in Kosovo and Metohija" and accused Kosovo PM Kurti of "killing" the 2013 Brussels agreement by expelling Serbs from institutions.

"If the EU, which is the patron of the Brussels Agreement, does not immediately convene a meeting in Brussels and stop any violent action directed against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, then we can rightly say that Kurti's attack did not come from his hate-poisoned head," Vulin said, the statement from the Ministry reads, media cited. 

He added that Serbia "has done everything to preserve peace" and that "all responsibility for the stability of the region is now on the EU, the KFOR mission and Kurti".

Petkovic: "Kurti's decision is a scandal of unprecedented proportions and political revenge" 

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated that the latest decision of Albin Kurti is a scandal of unprecedented proportions and direct political revanchism, the Office for KiM said in a statement, media cited.

As Petkovic said, with this move, Kurti entered a new era of political violence and disenfranchisement of Serbs and showed that he wants to see henchmen in leading positions in institutions belonging to the Serbian people, and not people of integrity such as Ms. Stevanovic.

He recalled that Ljiljana Stevanovic accepted to work as the president of the Basic Court in North Mitrovica because Serbia invited and asked her, and not on her own.

"The focus of the meeting and talks between Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija and President Vucic was the violation of basic human and civil rights of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija and efforts to preserve peace and stability. However, Kurti's latest moves directly destabilise the situation on the ground and threaten the hard-won peace and show that his intention is to annul all agreements and erase every trace of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija," said Petkovic.

As he assessed, Kurti's violence will not succeed because "we will continue to preserve peace and stability, but we will never allow our people to be persecuted and mistreated just because they are with their country, Serbia".

"President Aleksandar Vucic and the state of Serbia will continue to be strong and determined with their people in Kosovo and Metohija," said Petkovic.

Rakic: "Kurti does not want Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, he wants a war" 

The president of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic told Tanjug on the removal of Ljiljana Stevanovic from the position of the president of the Basic Court in North Mitrovica, that Albin Kurti showed that he does not want Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and wants war, reported media. 

REC: Voters from Kosovo to vote in Raska, Kursumlija, Bujanovac and Tutin (Radio KIM)

Serbian Republic Election Commission (REC) adopted a decision last night that voters from Kosovo and Metohija will cast their ballots at upcoming Serbian April 3 elections in the municipalities in central Serbia, Radio KIM reports. REC said it was notified by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija there will be no elections held in the territory of Kosovo.

“As they said (Office for KiM) despite all the efforts invested by this office, President of the Republic and other state bodies, representatives of the provisional institutions of the self-government in Pristina refused cooperation with the OSCE Mission in KiM, and to support holding of elections in the territory of our AP (Autonomous Province), thus preventing holding of electoral process in the province. The Office asks us that in line with our authorities and the law we undertake all necessary steps in order to enable our citizens, respectively voters in KiM to exercise their rights guaranteed by the law and Constitution”, President of REC, Vladimir Dimitrijevic said.

In line with the REC decision, voters from Kosovo will cast their ballots in Raska, Kursumlija, Bujanovac and Tutin.

Voters from Pomoravlje region will vote in Bujanovac, from central Kosovo in Kursumlija, from Mitrovica region in Raska and those from Zubin Potok in Tutin, while voters from Pec and Prizren regions will vote in Tutin as well.

After the decision was announced, there was discussion as to whether this decision is constitutional and legal. 

Fires in the villages near Kamenica localised (KiM radio) 

KiM radio reported that in the vicinity of villages of Odevce, Bozevce, Malo Ropotovo, Rajanovce, forest fires broke out yesterday, which at one point were close to the settlement. Residents of these settlements called the Department of Public Services of the Municipality of Ranilug, which alerted the Fire Services from Gnjilane and Kosovska Kamenica.

The director of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development of the Municipality of Ranilug, Petar Nikolic said that so far there have been no fires of this magnitude in this municipality that started in a synchrony and in one day, reported KiM radio.

"The fires were localised; we were on the field last night. We did not receive any information from the Fire Brigade from Kosovska Kamenica about the exact cause of the fire. We know that they did not cover more vegetation and area, nor did they damage the locals. Police officers were also with us in the field, but the details of the police report on the cause of the fire are not known, "Nikolic told RTV Kim.

He added that the fire started yesterday in the afternoon and that it was localised last night at 10 pm and that there are no problems with that issue for now.

The director of the Office for KiM, Petar Petkovic believes that the fires were not a coincidence. He wrote on his Facebook that a series of forest fires occurred at a dozen locations in the Serbian villages of Bozevce, Odevce, Malo Ropotovo, Rajanovce and Ranilug last night. "The fire was localised during the evening, but it is especially worrying that it took the fire brigades more than an hour to come to the intervention," Petkovic wrote, KiM radio cited.

Serbia votes to adopt new UN General Assembly resolution (N1)

The Serbian UN delegation voted to adopt a new non-binding resolution at the UN General Assembly which calls Russia to end its war in Ukraine immediately, reported N1 yesterday.

The resolution also calls for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the population of Ukraine and criticized Russia over the humanitarian situation. It expressed regret over the Russian artillery and air strikes and siege of densely populated areas. The resolution won the votes of 140 countries with 38 abstaining and five countries opposed.

Moscow said that resolution is anti-Russian and accused the countries that voted to adopt it of wanting to make the situation political.

Institute for European Affairs: Record low support of Serbia – NATO cooperation (NMagazin, N1, FoNet)

Belgrade Institute for European Affairs' latest public opinion poll on relations between Serbia and NATO show a record low average grade of cooperation and an increasing number of respondents who oppose Serbia's membership in the Alliance, an Institute's press release said on Thursday.

Its seventh annual opinion poll was conducted this year from March 4 to 14 on a representative sample of 1,228 respondents.

The average assessment of the relations between Serbia and NATO on a scale from one to five is two, which is below the average.

The press release has added that this was the lowest average assessment of the relations between Serbia and the Alliance in the past seven years.

Ten percent of citizens support Serbia's membership in NATO, while 82 percent are against, mainly older men, with secondary education, from all regions, except the northern province of Vojvodina.

The results show that eight percent are undecided.

As for the reasons for the NATO bombing in 1999, most citizens cite the US and the West's military and political interests, the support of Kosovo's independence, the policies of then-head of state Slobodan Milosevic and the destruction of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Read more at:





Kosovo’s Kurti Has Created Own Goal Over Serbian Elections (Balkan Insight)

By Edward P. Joseph

With his obduracy on voting, PM Kurti has handed Serbia’s Vucic a gift at a moment when the pro-Russian autocrat’s margin for maneuver has shrunk.

Almost a decade ago to the day, Kosovo faced its worst-ever security crisis as an independent state. 

Wisdom by leaders in Pristina and Belgrade – and last-minute, extraordinary intervention by the OSCE – averted calamity, creating a benign precedent that has lasted until this year. 

But today, Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti is damaging his country’s interests and advancing those of Serbia, by discarding the hard-won precedent achieved in 2012. 

I know. I negotiated the eleventh-hour agreement between Kosovo and Serbia that turned a near-certain confrontation into a demonstration of Kosovo’s maturity – not the spectacle of immaturity on display today in Pristina.

Led by the United States, the so-called Quint countries have expressed “great disappointment” with the Kosovo government’s decision to reject facilitated voting for Kosovo Serbs in Serbia’s upcoming April 3 elections. 

The US and its four allies have accused Kosovo of “failing to protect the … rights of all citizens.” The five key EU and NATO members meanwhile went out of their way to praise Serbia for its “availability to find a solution”.

Read more at:





Kosovo Serbs to Vote in Serbian Elections in Serbia (Prishtina Insight)

Polling stations for Kosovo Serbs wanting to vote in Serbia's elections will open in four towns in Serbia, Belgrade authorities said, after Kosovo's government refused to allow them to vote in Kosovo.

Kosovo Serbs will vote in Serbia’s April 3 elections inside Serbia, Serbia’s Election Commission said on Thursday.

Polling stations will be opened for them in the towns of Bujanovac, Kursumlija, Raska and Tutin, in central, southern and southwestern Serbia.

Serbia is simultaneously holding presidential and parliamentary elections, and local elections in some municipalities.

Read more at:

Serbia Remembers NATO Victims on Bombing Anniversary (Balkan Insight)

Serbian officials paid tribute at memorials to people killed during the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia – but Kosovo prime minister called the Western air strikes “rightful and necessary”.

Senior Serbian officials on Thursday commemorated the victims of the NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, which started on March 24, 1999 – a day that Defence Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic described as “not only a symbol of our pain, but also a symbol of injustice”.

“It’s an injustice that has been done to our country, and for which no one has yet apologised clearly or loudly enough,” said Stefanovic as he laid a wreath near a memorial at the Jugovicevo army barracks in the city of Novi Sad.

Read more at:

Western Balkan countries vote in favour of the second UN General Assembly resolution on Ukraine (EWB)

NEW YORK – During the 11th Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, 193 Member States adopted the second resolution on the Ukraine war on 24 March, with 140 votes in favour, five against – Russia, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea and Belarus – and 38 others abstaining.

The resolution was drafted by Ukraine and 90 co-sponsors and entitled “Humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine”.

All Member States from the Western Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, voted in favour of the resolution.

Read more at:





Serbian Government approves export of wheat and maize in Albania (RTS)

The Serbian Government adopted a conclusion approving the export of wheat and maize to the companies exporting those products to Albania based on the agreement made prior to the decision to introduce a temporary ban on exporting basic agricultural food products important for the population, RTS reports.

This conclusion makes implementation of already made agreements possible and will not impact the agricultural and food sector of Serbia, as well as it will not endanger security of food supply to the Serbian population. The Serbian Government also said it will contribute to building trust and preserving good trade relations in the region.