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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 7, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Specialist Chambers conducting operations in Kosovo (media)
  • Customs carry out operation against smuggled medical products in north (RFE)
  • Central Bank Governor meets Swedish Ambassador to Kosovo (media)
  • New UK Ambassador to Kosovo: Can’t wait to get to know you (media)
  • Qalaj: 3 policemen that arrested Russian official of UNMIK for barricades in the north are now on Interpol list (Express)
  • Mehmetaj: Charges against me came from the ruling party (Albanian Post)
  • Sandulovic publishes photo of Jashari children killed in Prekaz in 1998 (media)
  • Day when Serb clerics visited church in Studenica, woman told police fence was damaged (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Education workers in Leposavic did not manage to withdraw their salaries (Kosovo Online)
  • Fico: I see not a single reason for us to recognize Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug)
  • Raska-Prizren Diocese: Our Church objects are still endangered, they need protection (Kosovo Online)
  • Office for KiM: Instead of de-escalation, Kurti makes new escalatory acts (Tanjug)
  • Pharmacies searched in Mitrovica North and Zvecan (Radio KIM, media)
  • EU adopts joint position on Growth Plan for WB, stipulates conditions (BETA, N1)
  • Brnabic meets with Mitsotakis (Tanjug)
  • Brnabic: I am preparing for new role, I will build stronger ties with MEPs (Tanjug)


  • Kosovo Police Arrest Serb for Wartime Sexual Violence (Prishtina Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Specialist Chambers conducting operations in Kosovo (media)

All news websites report today that the Specialist Chambers have raided the house of Sylejman Selimi, former commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army General Staff. Nacionale quotes unnamed sources as saying that Selimi is suspected of “obstruction of justice”. An attorney for Selimi told the media that his client is not a suspect but that “according to the Court’s order, it is believed that in his house there could have been evidence that relate to criminal proceedings for the obstruction of justice”.

A spokesperson for the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office confirmed to several media that they are conducting operations in Kosovo “with the support of EULEX and the Kosovo Police”.

Several media initially reported that the house of former Kosovo Minister of Justice, Hajredin Kuci, was raided too, but Kuci denied the reports. “There was no raid at my house. I met with officials of the Specialist Chambers because of my work, and because of my engagement with a case there,” Kuci told the media.

Faton Klinaku, acting leader of the KLA War Veterans Organization, in a Facebook post, commented on the raid in Selimi’s house saying that “it is just another spectacle” by the Specialist Chambers.

Customs carry out operation against smuggled medical products in north (RFE)

Kosovo Customs and Police carried out searches in several pharmacies in the north of Kosovo today regarding suspected smuggling with medical products and material. Kosovo Customs told Radio Free Europe that in two pharmacies in the north were found “a considerable amount of smuggled medical products”. “The Kosovo Customs and Police received the information [about suspected smuggled medical products] from the Kosovo Intelligence Agency,” the Customs said.

Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the north, Veton Elshani, said that searches were carried out in Mitrovica North too. He said police assisted the Customs and that the search operation in Zvecan is complete. Members of the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) were also present during the operation.

New UK Ambassador to Kosovo: Can’t wait to get to know you (media)

The newly appointed UK Ambassador to Kosovo, Jonathan Hargreaves, said in a video message on Facebook today that his family and him are “excited to explore Kosovo’s wonderful mountains and countryside, the country’s sports, arts, and culture. We already love the food and drink. Above all I want to get to know all of Kosovo’s communities all over the country and admire Kosovo’s diverse and multilayered culture”. See full video at:

Central Bank Governor meets Swedish Ambassador to Kosovo (media)

Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo, Ahmeti Ismaili, met today with Swedish Ambassador to Kosovo, Jonas Westerlund, and informed him on the current developments in Kosovo’s financial system, macroeconomic developments, perspectives, objectives, and the Strategic Plan of the Central Bank of Kosovo, initiatives for the advancement of the financial system, including the project for the modernization of the payment system and the aim for membership in the European Union's Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) and the European Instant Payment System (TIPS).

Ismaili thanked the ambassador for his Government's and the Swedish people's continued support for Kosovo's institutions and people. A press release issued by the Central Bank notes: “During the meeting, the progress towards digitalization and potential cooperation with Swedish institutions in this area were also discussed, as well as the expansion of cooperation with the Central Bank of Sweden. Discussions also focused on the further development of the regulatory and legal framework, including the Law on Banks, the Law on Payment Services and other legislation which aim to align with EU directives. Ambassador Westerlund was also informed about the completion of the Executive Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, and the activities for completing the Organizational Structure of the CBK, approved at the end of last year. Challenges and opportunities for membership in the Green Card for vehicles were part of the discussion, as well as the need to find opportunities for the listing of the Republic of Kosovo on global payment platforms (PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay) and the ISO Code, for which support was also requested from the Swedish Government. Governor Ismaili informed Ambassador Westerlund about the Regulation on Cash Operations, explaining its key aspects, effects, and arguments for its position. It was clarified that the regulation advances the integrity of the financial system and aligns the Republic of Kosovo with EU standards, and it does not prevent or limit the acceptance of funds in Euro bank accounts, nor does it restrict exchange activities conducted by financial institutions licensed by the Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo. In this regard, Ambassador Westerlund was also briefed on the CBK’s Plan for the implementation of this Regulation in practice, as well as the actions to ease its effects, in addition to the CBK’s constructive commitment to facilitate the transfer of funds according to the proposed model and the readiness to discuss possible legal options. In the end, it was concluded that there would be further exchanges of information with a view to possible cooperation between the CBK and Swedish institutions in the area of interest.”

Qalaj: 3 policemen that arrested Russian official of UNMIK for barricades in the north are on Interpol list (Express)

Former Director of Kosovo Police, Rashit Qalaj, said in today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly, that they received information that the three members of Kosovo Police, who arrested a Russian official of UNMIK for the barricades in the north, have been included on the Interpol list following Russia’s request for their arrest. “We received very bad news, with great concern, that three Kosovo police officers have been included on the Interpol list only because they were enforcing the country’s laws. On May 28, 2019, there was a police operation against smuggling, organized crime, and the involvement of some members of Kosovo Police and several Serb and Albanian citizens in illegal activities. Investigations were conducted for a long time. At the start of the operation, several police officers were wounded and injured, and vehicles of Kosovo police were damaged, but Police managed to unblock all roads and arrest a large number of police officers and citizens that were involved in criminal activities. At the helm of these Serb criminal forces and mobs was a Russian official of UNMIK and a Serb local staff member of UNMIK. They misused the immunity of the United Nations. Moreover, [the police] removed from the vehicle of UNMIK a chainsaw that served to cut trees which were then used for blocking the roads that lead to Zubin Potok. The Russian official refused to present his documents and barricaded himself inside his car. The police officers, who are on the Interpol list now, used necessary, rational, and proportionate force to enforce the law,” Qalaj said. “They [the police] identified the Russian official of UNMIK. Following the arrest, he was sent to the hospital center in Mitrovica, and it was concluded that he had no injuries and was later declared persona non grata by the Haradinaj-led government”.

Qalaj also called on Kosovo institutions and their allies to do their best to remove the police officers from the Interpol list. “I call on the Ministry of Interior Affairs, the Government and the allies to do the impossible to remove them from the Interpol list,” he said.

Mehmetaj: Charges against me came from the ruling party (Albanian Post)

Albanian Post editor-in-chief Lirim Mehmetaj said today that the charges against him were made from members of the ruling party, namely from MP of the Vetevendosje Movement Dimal Basha, and that during his interview the prosecutor of the case was “concerned”, and that he offered her “help” if she is facing pressure from someone. Mehmetaj made these remarks after he was interviewed by a prosecutor, who summoned the journalist as a defendant for the criminal case “inciting division and intolerance”.

“I didn’t have anything to say. I didn’t get an attorney because I don’t consider this a regular legal proceeding. I offered my help to the prosecutor, telling her whoever is putting pressure on her, we are on her side, and we can expose anyone that forced her to get involved in this mistake which can cost her her career or lowering of the wage,” he argued.

Asked who filed the charges against him, Mehmetaj said they came from who he called a “fascist” MP. “The ruling party filed charges against me, through the fascist MP Dimal Basha. Basha made an allegation against the citizens of a region of Kosovo that they lack something that other citizens have. He implied that the citizens of Drenica that come to Pristina, should not have greater demands, in his words ‘they want heating’,” he said.

Mehmetaj said that after he exposed what he called fascist language of the MP, he was charged with creating “intolerance and division”.

The news website notes that in Mehmetaj’s case, there have been numerous reactions from civil society, influential public people, the opposition, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, who unanimously condemned the decision of the prosecutor to summon Mehmetaj as a defendant.

Sandulovic publishes photo of Jashari children killed in Prekaz in 1998 (media)

Several news websites report that Serbian opposition politician and leader of the Republican Party, Nikola Sandulovic, posted in X today a photo of the children of the Jashari family who were killed in Prekaz in 1998. Sandulovic writes in the post: “Take a good look at this photo, because these are the murdered children of the Jashari family. They were killed on the orders of the war criminal Slobodan Milosevic. Among these children was the seven-year-old girl Blerina Jashari, who was killed by a bullet in the back of the head. The president of the Republican Party in Serbia, Nikola Sandulovic, laid flowers on her grave, apologized on behalf of the Serbs who did not commit this crime, and asked for forgiveness in the name of peace and the future of the Serbian and Albanian people in Kosovo. That is why he was kidnapped, tortured, humiliated and beaten to death by the Serbian secret police BIA on the orders of the Russian decorated spy Aleksandar Vulin and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić. When Nikola Sandulović remained alive after 9 hours of torture, the anti-terrorism department stepped in both the prosecutor's office and the judges from Nis and accuse him of SPREADING RELIGIOUS AND NATIONAL HATRED for placing flowers on the grave of a murdered seven-year-old Albanian girl! Is it now clear to everyone what the current government in Serbia is and what the consequences will be?”

Day when Serb clerics visited church in Studenica, woman told police fence was damaged (Telegrafi)

The news website reports that several Serb clerics visited the church in the village of Studenica in Istog municipality on Tuesday triggering many reactions. Head of the Kosovo Assembly Committee on Defense and Security Matters, Beke Berisha, reacted to the visit saying that their primary objective was to spread many untruths and incite hatred in Kosovo. “What these ‘uninvited guests’ declared is typical propaganda and in opposition with historical and scientific facts because the Church of Studenica in Istog (also known as the Basilica in Studenica of Istog) dates from the VI century after Christ, so it is a Paleochristian church meaning it dates from early Christianity, so it is a non-Slavic church,” Berisha argued in a Facebook post.

Meanwhile, Kosovo Police in their 24-hour report said that a woman notified them over the phone that on the same day of the visit of the clerics, the fence of the religious site was damaged. Police said there are no suspects yet and that the case is being investigated.



Serbian Language Media


Education workers in Leposavic did not manage to withdraw their salaries (Kosovo Online)

Dozens of education workers from secondary and elementary schools in Leposavic gathered this morning in front of the Postal Saving Bank in an attempt to withdraw their salaries, paid from the Serbian budget, Kosovo Online portal reported.

They told the portal they feel disappointed and find themselves in a hopeless situation. There was no money at ATMs of this bank, while at desk counters they could withdraw only up to 5000 dinars (approximately 42 euros) until there were reserves of money available. They have been unable to withdraw their full salaries ever since Kosovo Central Bank decision to ban dinar in payment transactions entered into force.

Ivan Obradovic, secondary school professor told the portal people are concerned about their survival in Kosovo.

“We have gathered in front of the Postal Saving Bank to express our displeasure over the decision to ban dinar. Instead of talking today about our students and their successes, we are again concerned about our survival here (…)”, Obradovic said. He also appealed to fellow citizens living outside of Kosovo, to help those elderly coming from Kosovo to withdraw their allowances by showing them places where they can withdraw the money.

Bojan Milosavljevic, elementary school teacher, sees dinar ban as yet another pressure exerted upon the Serbian population. He also expressed displeasure for not being able to withdraw his salary for the second month, adding that instead of focusing on teaching pupils and younger generations teachers are brought in a situation to ask for their salaries.

“(…) we see this as yet another pressure exerted upon us. Where is the international community, do they see what is happening here? We demand normal life to be ensured for us in this area”, Milosavljevic said.

Education workers in Mitrovica North faced the same situation, with long queues in front of the Postal Saving Bank in this town and limited prospects to withdraw their salaries.

Fico: I see not a single reason for us to recognize Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug)

Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico said today his country does not see a single reason to recognize Kosovo, adding that in the future as well it will be in a group of several countries which hold the same opinion on this issue.  He also stressed Serbia must count that the Kosovo issue would be used as a brake when it comes to the negotiations with the EU.

In an interview with Tanjug news agency Fico said Slovakia is a small country that holds onto the principle that small countries which do not have armament and do not resolve their problems in military manner, can only rely upon international law.

“If we have the courage as well to say that in case of Ukraine we see violation of international law, then also in the case of Kosovo we have the courage to say the same. Because if we remain on the platform of respecting international law, standards of how an independent state should be created, in this case you can rely on us. We see not a single reason to recognize Kosovo”, Fico said.

Asked if Slovakia is exposed to pressure because of such a stance, Fico responded he already got used to it, and if you say courageous opinions or the truth, and do not say what “liberal, progressivist media” expect you to say then you become a target of criticism.

Asked if there is a possibility that Slovakia return to KFOR, which is significant for the safety of Serbs in Kosovo, Fico said that he discussed with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Robert Kalinak about Slovakia’s action abroad.

“We have also touched upon this mission, and the minister of defense confirmed to me, if Slovakia would be invited we are absolutely ready to go on that mission and take an active part in it”, he said.

Raska-Prizren Diocese: Our Church objects are still endangered, they need protection (Kosovo Online)

Kosovo police in today’s daily report said it received a report that the fence around Holy Mother of Hvosno Monastery site had been damaged, Kosovo Online portal reported. The Raska-Prizren Eparchy Diocese told the portal that they remain concerned about the Holy Mother of Hvosno as one of our significant historic shrines included in the special protection zones along with 50 other objects of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo.

As the Diocese said, the latest damage on this locality (archeological remains of the Holy Mother of Hvosno Monastery) demonstrates that our objects are still endangered and need protection.

The portal recalled that on Wednesday, Raska-Prizren Diocese Bishop Teodosije and Visoki Decani Monastery Abbot Father Sava visited the archeological remains of the Holy Mother of Hvosno Monastery, in coordination with the EULEX team.

Office for KiM: Instead of de-escalation, Kurti makes new escalatory acts (Tanjug)

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement today that Pristina authorities headed by Albin Kurti carried out a new violent action in the north of Kosovo by storming the pharmacies in Mitrovica North and Zvecan, Tanjug news agency reported.

This, the Office added, has made already difficult supply and availability of medications in the north of Kosovo, additionally impaired, which as a problem affects all categories of the population in the north.

“This is yet another indicator that instead of de-escalation, (Albin) Kurti on a daily basis makes new escalatory acts in the north of Kosovo, in particular to make the lives of Serbs impossible and thus force them leave their centuries-old places, by abolishing basic living means, from dinar to medications and basic food groceries”, the statement said.

Serbian List: Pristina continues practice of denying right to treatment and all other rights (Tanjug)

Serbian List said today that Pristina authorities by storming pharmacies in the north of Kosovo have deprived children, elderly and all those in need of medications, and continued the practice of denying right to medical treatment and all other rights for the Serbs in Kosovo, Tanjug news agency reported.

Serbian List also said that “Pristina regime led by Albin Kurti, encouraged by passivity of the international community regarding dinar abolishment and the ban on entry of Serbian goods into Kosovo and Metohija, took away the medicines today, by which it fulfilled all the conditions for causing a humanitarian disaster in the Serbian areas in Kosovo and Metohija before eyes of the entire world”.

Serbian List recalled that customers in those pharmacies were all citizens, regardless of thier ethnic background, and that thousands of Serbian, but also Albanian, Bosniak, Roma, Gorani and other children were cured with medicines from those pharmacies.

Pharmacies searched in Mitrovica North and Zvecan (Radio KIM, media)

Kosovo customs, assisted by Kosovo police, searched two pharmacies, one in Mitrovica North and the second in Zvecan, Radio KIM reports. As it was said the searches are carried out “under suspicion of goods smuggling, respectively medical products”.

The eyewitnesses said the action lasted around three hours, and at least a dozen bags with medications were taken out from Oreol pharmacy in Mitrovica North.

“They took from the shelves all that they could. They took confiscated goods to a customs terminal in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica”, employees in the pharmacy said.

EU adopts joint position on Growth Plan for WB, stipulates conditions (BETA, N1)

Respecting democratic mechanisms, including free and fair elections, and honoring rule of law and fundamental rights, will be the preconditions for beneficiaries to receive support under the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, reads the joint position of European Union (EU) member countries adopted on Wednesday, N1 reported.

The joint position, adopted in Brussels at the level of ambassadors of EU member states, says that a precondition for Kosovo and Serbia is also for both “to engage constructively in the normalization of their relations with a view to fully implementing all their respective obligations” stemming from the Agreement on the Path to Normalization and its Implementation Annex from Ohrid, as well as all past agreements reached within the Brussels Dialogue, Beta reported.

In addition, Serbia and Kosovo are also required to engage in negotiations on the Comprehensive Agreement on normalization of relations, reads the document published by the EU Council.

Read more at:

Brnabic meets with Mitsotakis (Tanjug)

Outgoing Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Bucharest on Thursday, the second day of a European People's Party congress in the Romanian capital.

Brnabic and Mitsotakis reconfirmed the good relations and cooperation between their countries and discussed future cooperation in several areas, Tanjug news agency reported. Brnabic also said that Greece extends strong support to Serbia’s EU integration and territorial integrity.

Brnabic: I am preparing for new role, I will build stronger ties with MEPs (Tanjug)

Outgoing Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday in Bucharest, where she is attending a European People's Party (EPP) congress, that she was preparing for her new role as parliament speaker and that she would build even stronger ties with European Parliament members.

"I am preparing for my new role in the parliament - building stronger and firmer bridges with EU parliamentarians across Europe", Brnabic told reporters, adding that she would certainly be doing the same with the EPP, a "sister party" of Serbia's ruling Serbian Progressive Party.





Kosovo Police Arrest Serb for Wartime Sexual Violence (Prishtina Insight)

Kosovo police arrested a Serb in North Mitrovica who is accused of sexual violence during the 1998-99 war, sparking an angry reaction from Serbian officials.

Kosovo police arrested a Serb identified only by the initials Z.N. on war crimes charges in the city of North Mitrovica on Monday.

“He is suspected of ‘war crimes against the civilian population – sexual violence’ committed during 1999 in the municipality of Vushtrri,” police said in a statement.

According to the statement, the suspect was interviewed in the presence of a defence lawyer and was then sent to detention for 48 hours.

The Serbian government’s Kosovo office reacted angrily to the arrest, describing the police’s actions as “legal persecution and intimidation”.

“We demand that the international community finally begin to guarantee Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija the minimum human and civil rights and conditions for a dignified life, and prevent criminals from Pristina from arresting and mistreating people without evidence,” the office said in a statement.

“The Office for Kosovo and Metohija has provided a lawyer to the arrested Serb, and will provide him, as it has done in similar cases in the past, all necessary support and assistance,” it added.