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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 5, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Konjufca sends condolences to families of victims of two attacks in Serbia (media)
  • Ahmeti: Kosovo’s CoE membership not conditioned with Association (RTV21)
  • Kusari-Lila: EU should stick to its own principles (media)
  • Szunyog: EU restored focus on Western Balkans (Albanian Post)
  • Osmani in the United Kingdom to attend the Coronation of King Charles III (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Serbian President calls for unity following second mass killing (N1, RTS)
  • Three-day mourning in Serbian areas in Kosovo, paying tribute to victims of Belgrade school shooting continues (Radio KIM, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)
  • EU, CoE, regional officials extend condolences over new mass shooting (N1)
  • Serbian Government proposes gun permit moratorium (N1, media)
  • “Attempt to enter Serbian institutions latest by May 28”: Danas interlocutors on possible development of events in northern Kosovo (Danas)
  • Lawyer Vasic speaks of indictments in absentia for war crimes in Kosovo  (RTS)


  • Second Mass Shooting in Two Days Stuns Serbia, Killing Eight (BIRN)
  • Suspect arrested after second mass shooting in Serbia (BBC)
  • Serbian Media Leak Private Details About School Mass Shooting (BIRN)



Albanian Language Media  


Konjufca sends condolences to families of victims of two attacks in Serbia (media)

President of the Kosovo Assembly, Glauk Konjufca, sent condolences to the families of victims of two attacks that happened this week in Serbia. “I express my deepest condolences to the parents and families of victims of two tragic events in Belgrade! Events like these are always hard and create sadness for everyone and everywhere, especially when it involves children and civilians, and especially when one of the crimes of this nature happens in a school. I wish a speedy recovery for the wounded!” Konjufca wrote in a Facebook post.

Ahmeti: Kosovo’s CoE membership not conditioned with Association (RTV21)

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kreshnik Ahmeti, said in an interview with RTV21 that Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe is not conditioned with the formation of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities, and that these are two separate processes.

“There is no conditioning of membership at the Council of Europe with other processes, including the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels, and this was made clear. So, we need to take into account that these are two separate processes pertaining to two independent organisations … So if membership would be conditioned, this would imply that the Council of Europe, as an organisation for human rights, democracy and rule of law, would subordinate to another organisation and not respect its own documents, such as the statute and rules of procedures,” Ahmeti said.

Kusari-Lila: EU should stick to its own principles (media)

Head of the Vetevendosje Movement parliamentary group, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, shared on Twitter an article by Euractiv headlined EU slams Kosovo’s dismissal of Serbian association of municipalities team. Kusari-Lila commented: “This statement would have had some credibility, if EU would’ve slamed the mgmt team for proposing anti constitutional draft, contrary to the principles EU confirmed. It’s mandatory for the success of process, EU sticks to its own principles!”

Szunyog: EU restored focus on Western Balkans (Albanian Post)

Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, said that the EU has restored its focus on the Western Balkans. “In these challenging years, we successfully concluded three aid packages for Kosovo, totalling to €200 million. I am also very proud of visa liberalisation, which is an achievement of Kosovo, especially its citizens. I think we can also be proud of the dialogue process and the latest developments. I think that even in these difficult times, the EU has been focused on the Western Balkans and Kosovo,” Szunyog said at the start of the week of activities marking Europe Day.

Osmani in the United Kingdom to attend the Coronation of King Charles III (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani will take part at the coronation ceremony of King Charles III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A press release issued by Osmani’s office notes that prior to the Coronation ceremony, Osmani will attend today, May 5, the reception organized by King Charles III and members of the Royal Family for world leaders at Buckingham Palace. “On May 6th, President Osmani and the First Gentleman, along with heads of state from all over the world, will attend the official coronation ceremony of King Charles III at Westminster Abbey, and will at the same time convey the felicitations of the people and institutions of the Republic and reaffirm the unwavering commitment of our state to further expansion of bilateral relations and cooperation with the United Kingdom,” the press release notes.



Serbian Language Media 


Serbian President calls for unity following second mass killing (N1, RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called for national unity in fighting evil following the second mass killing in as many as two days which he said is an attack on the entire country.

A 21-year old man killed 8 and wounded 14 people in three villages outside the town of Mladenovac on the night of Thursday-Friday.

“We have to continue living freely. We just have to decide to oppose this evil…. We have to beat this together. This has nothing to do with political parties”, Vucic told a news conference aired live on Serbian TV stations.

He added that the main thing is not to prevent the spread of panic but to prevent the spread of lies.

“Last night’s attack was an act of terrorism. Our Special Anti-Terrorist Unit was tasked with finding and neutralising the terrorist. He was arrested and he will not see the light of day anymore, metaphorically speaking. He will not leave jail”, Vucic said.

Commenting on the school shooting, Vucic said there were calls to release the 13 year old shooter because he is under the age of criminal accountability. “Are you serious? I am sick of romanticised stories”, he said. “The police intervened 25 times yesterday because young people imitated the monster killer”, Vucic added.

Vucic said that more police officers would be brought in to inspect and guard schools. “Police officers have to inspect 2-3 schools daily. We will bring in 1,000 more police officers to spend time in schools so that there is always a police officer in every school. I am sure that will reduce peer violence in schools”, he said, speaking of the measures to be taken following the mass shootings. 

Vucic also said that a complete disarmament of the country will be done. He said the government will make a conclusion today instructing the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prepare amendments and changes to the law on weapons in order to make the conditions for carrying and possessing firearms more strict. He added all those in possession of weapons will undergo revision and punishments for illegal weapons possession would become twice harsher while procedure would be in place for those in possession of such weapons to hand it over to the authorities. 

Commenting on media reports about mass shootings in Belgrade and Mladenovac he asked the media not to publish fake news and reports and to wait for official information before making a decision to publish news. 

Three-day mourning in Serbian areas in Kosovo, paying tribute to victims of Belgrade school shooting continues (Radio KIM, KoSSev, Kosovo Online)

In accordance with the decision of the Serbian Government to declare a three-day morning period starting as of today because of a tragic shooting at Belgrade elementary school, leaving eight students and a security worker dead and seven more injured, the same decision will be observed in the Serbian areas in Kosovo, KoSSev portal reports.

Serbian List said in a statement that all events of the entertaining nature organised by local self-governance and institutions will be cancelled in the Serbian areas, flags of the Serbian institutions will fly half mast and classes at elementary and secondary schools will start with a minute of silence.

Serbian List on its behalf and on behalf of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija extended deepest condolences to the families and the victims and wished those injured speedy recovery.   

Meanwhile residents of Gracanica municipality gathered yesterday in the yard of Gracanica Monastery and paid tribute to the victims of Belgrade school shooting. They lit the candles. Directors of elementary and secondary schools, education workers and representatives of Gracanica municipality were also present. Gracanica Mayor Ljiljana Subaric extended condolences to the families of the victims.

Director of elementary school Miladin Mitic from Laplje Selo, Ljubisa Karadzic said that education workers from central Kosovo gathered in the monastery to pay tribute and lit the candles for the victims of the shooting. He added they all wished those injured speedy recovery.

Students and education workers in Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Mitrovica North also paid tribute to the victims of the Belgrade school shooting. By lighting candles in Leposavic residents paid their tribute. A moleban was held in Strpce, attended by school students, education workers, parents, institutions' workers and municipal representatives. The tribute to the victims of the shooting in Belgrade school was paid in Gorazdevac and Gornje Kusce. 

Serbian media also reported that the Council of the Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared a day of mourning in the country over the shooting at Belgrade elementary school. 

EU, CoE, regional officials extend condolences over new mass shooting (N1)

Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret expressed his condolences and support over the new mass shooting in Serbia in which an armed attacker killed eight people and wounded 14.

“Another tragedy stroke Serbia last night. My thoughts are with the victims, their family and friends and the communities affected. We wish the wounded a swift recovery. The EU is by Serbia in these difficult times. EU flag flies half mast these days of mourning”, Giaufret wrote on Twitter, repeating, at the end of the message in Serbian, that the EU stands by Serbia.

“Another mass shooting in Serbia with innocent people killed. This is a shocking, terrible tragedy – we feel the pain and stand with the people of Serbia in these difficult moments. EU je uz Srbiju”, the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell wrote.

European Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi expressed his deepest condolences to the victims’ families.

“Another horrific news from Belgrade! I send my deepest condolences to the families of the victims and to the whole nation of Serbia. I also wish a speedy recovery for the wounded. This violence must end now!”, he wrote in a Twitter post.

European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik expressed shock and called for an investigation.

“I am shocked by the horrible news of another mass shooting near Belgrade. My thoughts are with the families of victims & the people of Serbia. I hope the authorities catch the gunman quickly. I call for a thorough investigation of the terrible events and full delivery of justice”, Bilcik wrote in a Twitter post.

Secretary General of the Council of Europe Marija Pejcinovic Buric expressed her shock over yet another mass shooting in Serbia, near the Serbian town of Mladenovac, in which eight people were killed.

“Shocked by another mass shooting in Serbia. My thoughts are with the victims, their families and the Serbian authorities”, Pejcinovic Buric wrote on Twitter.

President of Republika Srpska (RS) entity in B&H, Milorad Dodik extended condolences to families of victims in the second mass shooting. Dodik said he received in disbelief the news on the attack and murders of innocent residents, adding that we as people and society must find the adequate way to prevent such tragedies from reoccurring. 

“On a day when RS and Serbia mourn the innocent victims in the Belgrade school, a new tragedy has befallen us. I send my most sincere condolences to you (President Vucic) and the families of those killed, along with a message to find strength in these difficult days. I wish the injured a speedy recovery", Dodik wrote.

Serbian Government proposes gun permit moratorium (N1, media)

The Serbian Government proposed a two-year moratorium on handgun permits on Thursday following the deaths of eight children and a security guard in a school shooting, a press release said.

Media reports said that the government also adopted some of the proposals put forward by President Aleksandar Vucic including a review of all issued gun carry permits, control of how weapons are stored and checks of all shooting ranges as well as criminal accountability for adults allowing minors access to firearms.

The government instructed the Justice Ministry to look into lowering the age of criminal accountability from 14 to 12. The Justice and Telecommunications Ministries were instructed to look into introducing stiffer sanctions for media outlets that air excessive violence and criminal behaviour that can affect the overall development of minors.

“Attempt to enter Serbian institutions latest by May 28”: Danas interlocutors on possible development of events in northern Kosovo (Danas)

Albanians may try to enter the municipalities in the north of Kosovo even tomorrow, the people will not allow it, and if even one bullet is fired, no one can say whether it will be controlled, that is why the international community must react, interlocutors of Danas daily said in relation to possible sequence of events in the north of Kosovo following the snap elections held there on April 24.

Milica Andric Rakic from Mitrovica North-based New Social Initiative told Danas that the attempt to enter Serbian institutions can take place no later than May 28.

“Therefore, it can happen tomorrow, Monday or any other day until then. And it was precisely this situation that has exposed all of the impotence of dialogue to ensure security and predictability for the community in the North”, she said.

According to her, it is completely impossible to predict whether a possible attempt to enter the Serbian institutions will have an impact on speeding up the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities because the possible consequences of that escalation are also completely unforeseeable.

“In the darkest scenario, if even one bullet is fired, no one can say whether it will be possible to control it and what would be the consequences. That is why, at the moment when the heat is about to rise, despite the fact that two days ago we had a meeting at the highest political level, the information that the technical teams will meet in two weeks is completely irrelevant”, she said, replying to the question whether in two weeks someone can find the solution.

Asked whether a solution can be imposed and to which side, she replied that it is difficult to imagine an imposed solution, especially for such a complex topic as the CSM and so quickly.

“There may be imposed solutions for some of the hot topics, such as registration and the police, in an attempt to avoid escalation. However, it will also be an official recognition of what is obvious even now, which is that the mediators have already returned to the crisis management and that they are essentially using the alleged negotiations on the implementation of the Ohrid negotiations to negotiate crisis management”, she pointed out.

Social Democratic Party (SDS) vice-president and former Minister for Kosovo and Metohija Goran Bogdanovic does not expect a solution until May 28 either.

“It is difficult to expect that by May 28 something will change in the dialogue and that anything will be felt on the ground. The announcement that the mayors from the Albanian parties who won those seats will enter the local self-governments has no chance of happening. No one, neither in Leposavic, Zubin Potok nor Zvecan, will allow these people to enter the premises. And it is not enough for the mayors to come in, there is also the administration”, he said.

Bogdanovic added that the Albanians will certainly try to stage entry attempts and he fears that such attempts could lead to new destabilisation in the north of Kosovo.

“I think that the people will not allow someone who won 50 or 100 votes, as in the municipality of Leposavic, to be a mayor. But, on the other hand, they have legitimacy and can do it. I am afraid that there may be conflicts and incidents. And I hope that reason will prevail. The only place where I think the mayors will normally enter is North Mitrovica because the building is located in Bosniak Mahala where it is a little more difficult to prevent these people from entering. But again, it will not represent anything and will not bring improvement”, Bogdanovic pointed out.

When asked whether the international community will impose reason, he replied that he believes in the prudence of the international community and expects it to put additional pressure on Albin Kurti so that as long as the negotiations last, he does not take any action by force.

Lawyer Vasic speaks of indictments in absentia for war crimes in Kosovo  (RTS)

In just two days, the Special Prosecutor's Office in Pristina filed two indictments against the defendants in absentia, for allegedly committing war crimes against the civilian population 24 years ago in Kosovo and Metohija, RTS reports today. Since only the initials of the accused persons were published, lawyer Dejan Vasic believes it would be better to publish the full names so that those persons are aware that criminal proceedings are conducted against them.

A new Criminal Code Law was adopted in Pristina in February this year which allows trials in absentia, which according to legal professionals could lead to the complete halting of the returns process that is already too slow and also significantly impair freedom of movement.

Vasic told RTS that the trials in absentia did not take place in Kosovo for the last 20 years. He once again said it would be much better to publish the full names of those accused.

“Perhaps the defendants could then provide their knowledge about the events they are charged with”, Vasic added.

He also said the names on the indictments are public information and should be published, adding that defendants may also not be alive any longer and then only a death certificate should be submitted.

He expects “an infestation” of war crimes indictments at courts in Pristina, and opined that full names of defendants should be published in order to shed the light on all perplexities.

Defendants, because they would not even know that they are accused, would not be able to take part in that proceedings, and according to Vasic some of them could also choose to attend the trials to prove their innocence.  





Second Mass Shooting in Two Days Stuns Serbia, Killing Eight (BIRN)

Serbia was reeling on Friday after a second mass shooting in two days claimed another eight victims.

Police announced that they had arrested a suspect for the mass murder of eight people and wounding 13 people Thursday night in several villages in the municipality of Mladenovac, near Belgrade.

This was the second mass shooting in Serbia this week. It comes after a 13-year-old school pupil shot dead eight other pupils and a security worker in a Belgrade school on Wednesday, injuring six other pupils and a history teacher.

After an extensive search, police arrested the suspect for the latest killings, named as U. B., 21, in the vicinity of Kragujevac, in an action codenamed “Whirlwind“. The injured persons were treated in hospital.

The attacker first shot dead his victims in the village of Dubona, and then in Mali Orasje and the village of Sepsin. His motives are unknown.

Serbia was not previously known for such bloodbaths, which have shocked the whole country.

Three days of mourning days for victims of the school shootout began on Friday.

Suspect arrested after second mass shooting in Serbia (BBC)

A suspect has been arrested after eight people were killed and at least 14 injured in Serbia's second mass shooting this week.

The gunman fired an automatic weapon from a moving vehicle near a village 60km (37 miles) south of Belgrade. The interior ministry said the suspect was arrested after "an extensive search".

It comes after a boy killed nine people at a Belgrade school on Wednesday, Serbia's worst shooting in years.

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Serbian Media Leak Private Details About School Mass Shooting (BIRN)

Two days after a 13-year-old boy killed eight fellow pupils in the Belgrade school Vladimir Ribnikar, and one security worker, questions are being asked about whether media leaks of sensitive information violated media ethics.

Two mainstream tabloids, Informer and Kurir, published the teen killer’s alleged statement from the investigation, saying that he was “sorry because I did not kill them all”, and, “it was not difficult for me to kill them”.

Both newspapers leaked other details from the investigation, including that the boy “rushed to kill them [his fellow pupils] before July 30, when he turns 14” – the age of criminal responsibility – but also that “social workers felt sick listening to the killer’s cold-blooded testimony”.

Some of them published “confessions” of members of the victims’ families and some have continued to print photos of the victims.

On Wednesday morning, the seventh grade pupil entered his school premises bearing two guns and shot dead the school security worker first and then eight pupils, all born between 2009 and 2011. He injured six more pupils and history teacher.

Jovana Gligorijevic, from Vreme weekly and a member of group “[Female] Journalists against Violence” [Novinarke protiv nasilja] group, said while the crime had no precedent in Serbia, “our media covered it according to their established pattern, as if it was not a precedent, as if it were any other case of crime…, and that is where the biggest mistakes happened“.

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