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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 11, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 733 new cases, four deaths (media) 
  • PM Hoti announces new measures to combat COVID-19 (Prishtina Insight)
  • Hoti: Suspension of dialogue does not serve the state interests of Kosovo Telegrafi)
  • Selimi pleads not guilty at the Hague war crimes trial (media)
  • Abbott: Kosovo is showing it has courage to face its past, through rule of law (media)
  • Haradinaj-Stublla: Kosovo should be represented with state symbols (RTK)
  • PDK postpones Assembly activities for a week (Koha)
  • Governing partner AAK, against lockdown (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • 52 new cases in Serbian areas in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio) 
  • Gracanica Crisis Staff: 11 new Covid-19 cases (KIM radio)
  • Simic: We are seriously considering leaving Hoti's government (Kosovo Online,
  • CEFTA adopts Western Balkans' Declaration on common market (N1, Beta)
  • Serbia marks Armistice Day (N1, Beta)
  • New - third indictment filed in the case of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic (KoSSev)
  • Stano: Krasniqi's claim that the EU cooperated with the KLA is nonsense (RTV Puls, Kosovo Online, Vecernje Novosti)
  • Klan Kosova: Milo Djukanovic could be a key witness in the trial against former KLA leaders (KoSSev)
  • Osmani: Veer away from the dialogue at present; Serbia should not be trusted, they do not respect what they signed (KoSSev, DW)


  • This is not about organ trafficking (


  • Sofia Summit Conclusions: Western Balkans Leaders remain dedicated to regional cooperation (EWB)


  • Lockdown Has Increased Terrorist Risk to Kosovo, Experts Warn (Balkan Insight)
  • Study Underscores Link between Human Trafficking and Online Abuse (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media 


COVID-19: 733 new cases, four deaths (media) 

733 new cases of COVID-19 and four deaths from the virus have been recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. 137 patients have recovered from the virus during this time. 

The highest number of new cases is from the municipality of Prishtina (328).

PM Hoti announces new measures to combat COVID-19 (Prishtina Insight)

New measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus are set to enter into force on Friday, with the most affected municipalities facing quarantine and a 19:00 curfew.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti announced new measures the Kosovo Government intend to adopt in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

As part of the new measures, Kosovo’s municipalities will be divided into three categories, green, orange and red, with different restrictions applying to different municipalities depending on the public health situation.

Municipalities with less than 75 confirmed cases of coronavirus in a week will be in the green zone, municipalities with between 76 and 149 cases in a week will be in the orange zone, while municipalities with more than 150 confirmed cases within a week will be classified in the red zone.

In municipalities in the green zone, businesses will be limited to operating between 05:00 and 20:00, while gastronomic businesses will be able to run takeaway services after 20:00. For municipalities classified in the orange zone, businesses are restricted to working between 05:00 and 18:00. 

However, for the red zone, which Hoti said currently includes Prishtina, Peja, Gjilan, Gjakova, Podujevo, and Ferizaj, a curfew will apply from 19:00, when all economic operators must also cease activity. Hoti added that businesses that do not respect the new measures risk being forcibly closed for three months. 

The Prime Minister announced that the government would vote on the measures through an electronic meeting on Wednesday, with the measures coming into effect at 19:00 on Friday, when businesses must close. Entry and exit from these municipalities will also be prohibited from 19:00 Friday. 

Hoti stated that with the current municipalities currently classified as ‘red’, half of Kosovo’s economy will be affected by the restrictions. However, he added that these measures were “the best solution to balance the needs of the economy but always putting public health first.” 

The plans have been criticised by Prishtina Mayor Shpend Ahmeti, who stated on social media that there should be no closure with unstable statistics, and no closing the economy without support.

Earlier on Wednesday, a vote on the second reading of the Draft Law for the Economic Recovery Package failed due to a lack of quorum at the Assembly. At a press conference following the postponement of the Assembly session, Head of LDK’s parliamentary group Arben Gashi claimed that the session failed due to both members of the coalition government and the opposition. 

Kosovo has experienced a dramatic spike in coronavirus cases recently with 4,389 new cases confirmed in the last seven days. On Tuesday, the National Public Health Institute announced 596 new positive cases across the country, with 295 in Prishtina alone.

At Wednesday’s press conference, Hoti stated that 626 patients were currently hospitalised across Kosovo, adding that the current capacities were limited to 832 beds. He added that work was being done to expand capacities.

The Kosovo Chamber of Physicians told BIRN on Wednesday that 710 doctors had been confirmed as being infected with coronavirus, with around 50 active cases.

Hoti: Suspension of dialogue does not serve the state interests of Kosovo Telegrafi)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, received today in a meeting a delegation from the Swiss Parliament, headed by the Speaker of Parliament, Isabelle Moret.

Hoti and Moret talked about the latest developments in Kosovo, with emphasis on the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process and the fight against organized crime and corruption. 

Hoti informed Moret about the current situation with the COVID-19 and the new measures proposed by the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo, in accordance with the pandemic situation in the country.

Hoti stressed that the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, mediated by the European Union, has no alternative and that the suspension of this process does not serve the state interests of Kosovo. He reiterated that Kosovo and Serbia in Brussels are dialoguing to reach a final agreement, with mutual recognition, within the current borders 

Regarding the war against organized crime and corruption, Hoti informed the delegation from the Swiss Parliament about the steps that are being taken for the reorganization of the Kosovo Police, which aims to increase efficiency at work, but always insisting on respecting the separation of powers. 

The topic of the meeting was also the Kosovo diaspora living in Switzerland and the possibilities of their involvement in development projects and capital investments in Kosovo. 

Prime Minister Hoti and President Moret agreed to deepen bilateral cooperation in all areas of mutual interest.

Selimi pleads not guilty at the Hague war crimes trial (media)

One of the founders of the KLA, Rexhep Selimi, appeared today before the pre-trial judge in The Hague.

Selimi has pleaded not guilty to all counts of the charge confirmed by the Special Court.

"I have had enough time to see, analyze and understand the indictment. I feel innocent of all counts in the indictment. I usually state what I feel, I plead not guilty at all points of the indictment," Selimi said.

Prior to pleading not guilty, he gave a speech in front of the judge.

"I know that maybe this is not the moment or the place to talk about the legitimacy of this court, knowing that this court was established by the Assembly of Kosovo. I want to emphasize that I, as a member of that assembly, had opposed the establishment of this court not as an expression against justice, but on the contrary we wanted justice to be done by the institutions of Kosovo in Kosovo. Let me remind you that after Kosovo declared independence, Serbia had sued the International Court of Justice over allegations of independence. The decision of that court was in favor of Kosovo and gave legitimacy to Kosovo's independence. Only a few months later, Serbia through Senator Dick Marty issued a report as a counterweight to the decision of this court and to the legitimate independence of Kosovo, so I think that a court should not be set up with anti-Albanian and anti-Kosovo intentions. This court is a fact and here I am not as an MP that I opposed, but I am as a KLA fighter and one of its founders, in the face of an indictment filed by the prosecution and confirmed by you, aware of the importance and the seriousness of this issue. You have different roles here, we are different parties, but please make me believe that also the goal of all of us will be justice, above all the truth. I saw the indictment filed by the prosecution, it was a serious, voluminous indictment and above all very unfair, inaccurate and unfair to me, but also to the war of the people and the state where I come from. This process will prove that we were an oppressed people who fought for freedom, a just and liberating war, with just and noble goals, we fought a pure and just war and it will be like this even after this process. Anyone with suspicions will be convinced that neither I nor the KLA have anything to do with crime or joint criminal enterprise as we are unfairly described in this indictment. Yes, I fought against Serbia, against occupying Serbia, against what brought only bad things to the country. Murders, deportations, violence, extermination, ethnic cleansing and genocide have been committed by Serbia in Kosovo. Therefore I have only done my duty as a citizen, I am only a liberator. Since I started the fight for freedom with Adem Jashari and we have finished it with General Clark and NATO. Today it is my duty and honor to be on the side of the KLA and the allies of this army, it is up to me to do it and I will do it. Justice and above all the truth must be upon all of us here, even the prosecution. It is yours and it will be my primary intention during this process,” Selimi said.

Abbott: Kosovo is showing it has courage to face its past, through rule of law (media)

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott, said that Kosovo is showing that it has the courage to face its past, through the rule of law.

“This morning I paid my respects at the Jashari family memorial in Prekaz in remembrance of the dreadful events there over twenty years ago. Today Kosovo has the courage to confront the past through the rule of law and in the pursuit of justice for victims. The United Kingdom will always stand by its intervention as a just cause, to prevent a humanitarian disaster and to allow Kosovans to live free from repression. As Tony Blair said in the House of Commons on 23 March 1999: “We have no alternative but to act and act we will,” Abbott wrote on his Facebook account.

Haradinaj-Stublla: Kosovo should be represented with state symbols (RTK)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora (MFA), Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla has called on all institutions of Kosovo to be represented in every forum with state symbols.

Through a post on her Facebook account, she said that there is a tendency to avoid the appearance of state symbols in various forums. 

"Recently, there have been tendencies and insistences that in various forums, senior Kosovo officials have been asked to avoid appearing near state symbols, at the request of Serbia, in order to block Kosovo's participation in regional and international organizations. Respect for the Constitution and applicable laws are not desirable! Even the Brussels Agreement on Regional Representation and Cooperation does not prohibit the use of symbols, on the contrary - therefore the name of Kosovo should be equal to all other names of the participating states and in case of using the symbols of other states, the organizers of the meetings are obliged to place the symbols of the Republic of Kosovo, in line and with the purpose of equal representation of the Republic of Kosovo. But this will not happen without asking us, or without respecting ourselves and the existence of our state," Haradinaj-Stublla wrote.

PDK postpones Assembly activities for a week (Koha)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) will not participate in any activity of the Assembly, as a solidarity act for what is happening with senior figures of the Kosovo Liberation Army in the Special Court.

The leader of PDK, Kadri Veseli, who was also the Speaker of the Assembly for two terms, has already appeared in the Special Court.

Former President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, the former Speaker of the Assembly, Jakup Krasniqi and the head of the Vetevendosje Movement’s Parliamentary Group, Rexhep Selimi, have also been transferred to The Hague. 

"Kosovo as a state and our society as a community, are going through an unusual, not to say extraordinary situation. As of Monday, yesterday, as well as today, the main leaders of our fight for freedom and independence have been indicted in The Hague for war crimes. For this fact, this development naturally affects the tradition of the Assembly, if not for any specific commitment, at least for a solidarity reflection. And we as the Democratic Party of Kosovo, in the face of this development, need solidarity reflection, by postponing our presence for a week, from the usual development of the agenda of this assembly," Tahiri said.

He also invited institutional leaders "for solidarity reflection".

"Until our return to the usual agenda in the Assembly of Kosovo next week, we welcome a solidarity reflection from the holders of the central institutions of the Republic of Kosovo," he added.

PDK has announced this decision, just an hour and a half before the start of the announced session of the Assembly, where it is expected to be voted in the second reading of the Draft Law on Economic Recovery.

Asked about the post of the President, Tahiri said ‘this is not a topic within the PDK. It has neither been discussed nor is it being discussed.’

Governing partner AAK, against lockdown (media)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), part of the ruling coalition, has come out against the idea of ​​lockdown of Kosovo as a preventive measure for the coronavirus pandemic.

In a press conference, the AAK Parliamentary Group called on the Government of Kosovo to use all possible alternatives before deciding on a total lockdown of the country.

"We are against the idea of ​​having a total lockdown of the country and call on the government to review the measures because we as the Alliance support the common position we have taken today and declare that these measures should be reviewed to have a better management, take into account the situation," AAK MP Arbër Tolaj said. 

At a press conference, held prior to the Assembly session, where the second reading on the Law on Recovery is expected to be voted, AAK has asked the vote of all MPs as an important momentum to reflect on the general economic situation of the citizens of Kosovo."

"As AAK we understand the concern about the increasing number of cases, so, the escalation of the situation but we consider that the institutions in charge should give their recommendations and we as part of the policy should use all alternatives before reaching a conclusion for total lockdown of the country. We call on the Government to review the situation and use all possible alternatives, respecting the recommendations of the health institutions before reaching the decision for total lockdown", MP Albena Reshitaj said. 

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Abdullah Hoti announced the total lockdown of the country as a new precautionary measure. 

According to the drafts of new decisions, the Government is expected to quarantine some municipalities where the number of new cases is high. There are also expected to be suspensions of economic activities.




Serbian Language Media


52 new cases in Serbian areas in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio) 

North Mitrovica Crisis Staff announced today that based on 102 processed samples, 52 new cases of COVID-19 were registered, as well as five recoveries in Serbian communities in Kosovo, reported Kontakt plus radio.  

New cases by municipalities: North Mitrovica (16), Leposavic (10), Gracanica (9), Gnjilane (7), Priluzje (5), Kosovska Kamenica (2), Zvecan (1), Zubin Potok (1) and  and Lipljan (1).   

Three persons from North Mitrovica, one from Kosovska Kamenica and one from Gnjilane have recovered.  

At the moment, there are 294 persons in home-isolation, while 38 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 are hospitalized at the North Mitrovica Health Center and one patient is treated in Nis Clinical Center. 

Gracanica Crisis Staff: 11 new Covid-19 cases (KIM radio)

Gracanica Crisis Staff announced today that according to the latest results, 11 more persons from the territory of the municipality of Gracanica with Covid-19 were registered, while 14 patients were hospitalized at the Infectious Diseases Clinic in Laplje Selo, reported KIM radio. 

As it is stated with 11 new cases, the total number of positive for coronavirus on the territory of the municipality of Gracanica since the appearance of the first case is 120.

It is noted that the number of examinations in Covid dispensaries is increasing every day.

It is emphasized that the Crisis Staff which is in daily contact with business and economic entities, citizens and institutions, regularly monitors the implementation of the recommended measures, while the inspectors of the Municipality of Gracanica regularly control these measures on the ground.

"The fact is that we have an increase in the number of infected people in the last few days, but together with health institutions, we are keeping the situation under control. The situation in health institutions, the infectious department and all Covid clinics is satisfactory, there are enough hospital beds as well as medical staff. We call on the locals of the municipality to strictly adhere to the recommended measures, avoid all social activities and larger gatherings, and reduce their movements to a minimum in order to successfully get out of this epidemic. The responsibility is on everyone and in that sense, there are no exceptions," stated the announcement.

The Crisis Staff invites the locals to report to the nearest Covid ambulance in a timely manner with the appearance of the first symptoms.

Simic: We are seriously considering leaving Hoti's government (Kosovo Online,

The head of the parliamentary group of the Serbian List Igor Simic said that the Kosovo government does not respect the coalition agreement, so that party will most likely give its support for the overthrow of the current government headed by Avdullah Hoti, reports Indeks online, portal Kosovo Online quoted. 

"The Serbian list, that is, the deputies, did not participate in the work of the assembly today, and they will not participate in the future either, because the coalition agreement we signed is not respected. We have repeatedly and constructively demonstrated our commitment to acting in accordance with the interests of all citizens. We work in the interest of the citizens; we are committed to economic development and the fight against the pandemic. But I think they have to respect us as a partner. We have a signed agreement on the table, and we demand that it be respected. Because of the attitude towards the Serbian List, we are seriously considering leaving the government," Simic told Indeks Online.

Earlier, the head of the LDK parliamentary group, Arben Gashi, stated at a press conference that the Serbian List, which is a partner in the ruling coalition, did not participate in today's session of the Assembly, and accordingly there was no quorum for an extraordinary session on the Law on Economic Recovery.

"Today, we tried to hold an extraordinary session for the second reading of the Law on Economic Recovery, the holding of this session was prevented by some of the coalition partners and the obstructive actions of the opposition. The Serbian list was not present at the session. I demand that all Kosovo MPs come and perform their constitutional duties. Part of the opposition and the ruling coalition are taking obstructive actions," Gashi said.

CEFTA adopts Western Balkans' Declaration on common market (N1, Beta)

The Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), an international trade agreement between countries mostly located in Southeastern Europe, adopted on Tuesday the Western Balkan's Declaration on Common Market the regional countries signed earlier in the day during the online Summit in Sofia.

CEFTA's statement said the Declaration on the Action Plan covered the regional trade area, based on the four freedoms and the areas like digitalisation, innovation, investment and industry development.

It added that it was agreed that such cooperation would contribute to greater attractiveness and competitiveness of the region, as well as to its approaching the European Union market.

The statement said the CEFTA agreement would implement a large number of critical activities of the Declaration.

It added the Western Balkans region with 18 million-strong population was an important market for all companies in the area and a springboard for access to markets inside and outside the EU, and that regional economic integration could generate up to 6.7 percent of additional GDP.

The statement said CEFTA would contribute to the implementation of the Action Plan in reducing waiting times at crossings by 30 percent following the implementation of a set of measures including the extension of the Green Corridor System to EU border crossings and simplifying procedures and electronic data exchange through the so-called SEED + system.

That will also enable the 24/ 7 inspection services at the crossings within the Green Corridors, reduce costs and save time through Mutual Recognition Programs, using a single document for seven markets.

The establishment of a regional e-commerce market available primarily to small and medium enterprises, and the elimination of non-tariff barriers through the implementation of an efficient dispute resolution system, negotiated two weeks ago, will also contribute to more straightforward trade.

"The common market of 18 million people is more competitive at the European and world level, more attractive for investors. Establishing the Common Regional Market is also supporting the region in the process of adopting the EU standards and joining the EU single market," CEFTA Secretariat Director Emir Djikic said.

See at:

Serbia marks Armistice Day (N1, Beta)

Serbia marked Armistice Day on Wednesday as a holiday with state institutions and schools closed for the day.

The end of the fighting in World War I has been marked as a state holiday in Serbia since 2012. Prior to the pandemic, the first class of the day was a history lesson about the Great War, a tradition started in 2005.

To mark the anniversary, Serbian Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic and Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs Minister Darija Kisic Tepavcevic will lay wreaths on the monument to the soldiers who defended Belgrade in that war. President Aleksandar Vucic will present medals to individuals and institutions.  

Serbians wear badges with a green and black ribbon around a purple flower (Ramonda Nathalie or Nathalie’s Ramonda found in Serbia and North Macedonia and named after Queen Natalija Obrenovic) which is considered to be a symbol of the Serbian army’s struggle in the Great War.

See at:

New - third indictment filed in the case of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic (KoSSev)

The special prosecutor's office in Pristina has filed a new indictment against the suspects for helping in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, the defense lawyers confirmed for portal KoSSev.

The Court of Appeals in Pristina decided on September 25 to return the case of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic to the beginning, based on the appeals of the defense of the accused.

The indictment was returned to the Special Prosecutor's Office for review - "that is, the time, place and manner of committing the crime should be determined and it should be confirmed whether there are grounds for suspicion that the persons charged with crimes actually did so," confirmed at the time Jovana Filipovic, the defendant's lawyer. 

However, as lawyers Faruk Korenica and Mahmut Halimi told KoSSev today, the Special Prosecutor's Office filed a new indictment.

Faruk Korenica, the lawyer of the accused Nedeljko Spasojevic, says that he has not had an insight into the new indictment yet, but that he also received information that it was filed, and that it will be delivered to him later today.

He claims that he is disappointed with the Kosovo judiciary because this is the third indictment filed in one case - "which is a precedent".

"I've been doing this job for 50 years, but nothing like this has ever happened."

Although he did not have access to the indictment, he believes that the plaintiff failed to eliminate the shortcomings pointed out by the Court of Appeals.

"Based on the files at my disposal, I am absolutely sure that the prosecutor is not able to determine anything closer as ordered by the Court of Appeals. But we must wait to get a copy to see if it is as I say or if it is something new that we did not know until now," Korenica added.

The lawyer of the accused Marko Rosic, Mahmut Halimi, also confirmed for KoSSev that a new indictment has been filed, but that it has not been submitted to him yet.

As Silvana Arsović's lawyer, Jovana Filipovic, stated after the decision of the Court of Appeals to return the indictment, according to the reasoning of this court, the indictment is contradictory and inconsistent with the existing evidence, so it is not possible to act on the indictment given the legal qualification of organized crime, aggravated murder, aiding and abetting the commission of the crime of aggravated murder.

"Given that one act excludes another and that it is not possible to act on such an indictment, it needs to be edited, and we have pointed this out during the proceedings so far," added lawyer of Silvana Arsovic at the time.

Stano: Krasniqi's claim that the EU cooperated with the KLA is nonsense (RTV Puls, Kosovo Online, Vecernje Novosti)

The spokesman of the High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy of the EU Josep Borell, Peter Stano did not want to directly comment on the statement of Jakup Krasniqi, that the KLA together with the EU created the "state of Kosovo", portal Kosovo Online quoted daily Vecernje Novosti. 

"We do not comment on various comments of current or former officials, especially not when they were given during the current court proceedings," Stano answered the question of Novosti yesterday.

Asked to answer whether the EU cooperated with the KLA in creating the "state of Kosovo", regardless of Krasniqi's statements, Stano said:

"That claim is such nonsense that it doesn't deserve even 'no comment' ".

Klan Kosova: Milo Djukanovic could be a key witness in the trial against former KLA leaders (KoSSev)

The President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic could travel to The Hague as a key witness in the trial against former KLA leaders, the director of the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies, Zijad Becirovic announced, the Pristina-based Klan Kosova reported.

Becirovic said that the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic could be testifying as a key witness due to his personal relations with Hashim Thaci and others and that his testimony could be a confirmation of Albanian actions – military and political.

Milo Djukanovic’s participation in the proceeding was inevitable because he was involved in the decision to send military and police forces to the territory of Kosovo. He is the only living witness who could truly testify about the events in Kosovo and the region – Becirovic said, Klan Kosova reported.

Becirovic also said that he was not surprised by the confirmation of the indictment against two former top representatives of the KLA, Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli, claiming that both of them would be held accountable for obstructing the work of the court.

“There will be one particularly aggravating circumstance – if it is proven that they (ab)used veterans’ associations to obstruct the work of the court.”

Becirovic added that the indictments would be extended to several other Albanian leaders, especially from Northern Macedonia, who actively participated in the war in Kosovo.

He noted that the general trials could take “a different turn given the pressure on prosecution witnesses and the experience of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.”

The director of the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies also assessed that the trial process would take years given the claims of innocence of the accused.

See at:

Osmani: Veer away from the dialogue at present; Serbia should not be trusted, they do not respect what they signed (KoSSev, DW)

At present, it is not the time to continue the dialogue, while Serbia certainly should not be trusted in this process. Germany’s position that a comprehensive agreement implies mutual recognition should be adopted by official Brussels instead of it referring to the process as „normalization“ – the acting president of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani said on the topic of the Brussels negotiation process. In an interview with Deutsche Welle in Albanian, Osmani spoke about the Special Court, alleging that it was adopted because the alternative was „more frightening“ as it involved an „attack on Kosovo’s statehood.“

The President of the Kosovo Assembly, Vjosa Osmani took over the duty of President of Kosovo on November 5, when the then President, Hashim Thaci resigned and surrendered to EULEX, acting on an arrest warrant issued by the Specialist War Crimes Chambers in The Hague.

She will hold this post until the Kosovo Assembly elects a new president, but no longer than a period of 6 months.

Together with Thaci, Kadri Veseli and Rexhep Selimi traveled to The Hague on the same day over the indictments of war crimes and crimes against humanity issued against them, while Jakup Krasniqi did the same the day earlier.

Veer away from the dialogue, especially because Lajcak demanded constitutional changes

In an interview with DW, Osmani emphasized that Kosovo had not been left without institutions, but that the situation is different and that it is not the time to continue the dialogue bearing in mind the current circumstances.

“I think that due to the current events, now is not the time to continue the dialogue immediately. Kosovo institutions should take some time, consult with each other, create a much more unified position on dialogue, because it is necessary that everyone who negotiates on behalf of Kosovo, for the fate of Kosovo, presents a more unified stance of the political spectrum than just the coalition it represents,” she said.

She also called for a revision of the current negotiation process – review of what was negotiated, how it was negotiated, what was achieved. The acting Kosovo president added that finding out via Brussels what is being negotiated should be avoided.

Osmani recalled that the Kosovo Assembly „made it clear what the red lines“ of the dialogue are – „sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state and the internal organization of Kosovo.“

‘’No one is allowed to negotiate the creation of a third force. The government must also be extremely careful not to fall into such traps that Serbia is setting by opening these topics in Brussels, ostensibly only formally, but which then turn into new compromises for the Republic of Kosovo. We who have been following the dialogue for a long time have seen how they got here. But mistakes must not be repeated.’’

On the contrary, she warned that one should not go to Brussels just for the sake of signing and formalities and called for a departure from the process.

„Unity is necessary, but we must take a step back in the dialogue process, especially after the recent statements of Mr. Lajcak, who asked Kosovo to push through the amendment of the Constitution because of the Association (ASM). Therefore, the political and institutional leaders of Kosovo should sit down to confirm in detail their views on these topics, and not just say that the Constitution is the guide. The constitution has always been the guiding principle. So far, we have signed 33 agreements, many of which have violated the Constitution, especially the document signed in Brussels on the Association from 2015,“ she told DW.

According to Osmani, she will personally support any document „which is in the best interest of Kosovo and which promotes the international subjectivity of Kosovo, but does not diminish our statehood or internal regulations.“

Osmani alleged that Kosovo has made enough compromises since Ahtisaari’s package, while Serbia has not made any concessions.

„We are making endless concessions in the hope that they will allegedly recognize us and in the end, they will behave with these latest agreements like they did in 2007, 2008. I believe that is the wrong approach. Serbia simply cannot be trusted. Anyone who has historically monitored the way they behave in foreign policy, how they sign agreements, regardless of who they sign them with, should know that the main characteristic of Serbia is that they cannot be trusted. They do not possess credibility, as the institutions I am talking about, as political leaders, they do not keep their word and they do not respect what they signed. That is why nothing else should be expected from Serbia in this case. “

See more at:





This is not about organ trafficking (

I’ve now had a chance to at least skim the charges against Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, and other KLA leaders indicted by the Specialist Chambers in The Hague. While triggered by the Marty report, the Specialist Chambers have adopted an expansive definition of the crimes they were investigating. I can’t even be sure from the redacted indictment whether it includes charges related to the organ-trafficking Marty alleged without, he himself admitted, sufficient evidence to stand up in court. If those crimes at the “yellow house” in northern Albania are included in this indictment, they are a small part of the whole.

What the court has done is to charge the KLA leadership with being a joint criminal enterprise that intentionally committed many and widespread war crimes and crimes against humanity. The victims were non-combatant civilian “opponents,” whose ethnic identity is not specified but clearly include Albanians as well as Serbs.

There will be many people in Serbia and some in Kosovo who rejoice at this indictment. The crimes, sometimes according to the indictment itself committed in the aftermath of Serb abuses against civilians, were apparent at the time of the war and in its aftermath. What the prosecutor seeks to show is that the criminality was not spontaneous or undisciplined behavior but rather an organized, concerted effort directed by the top KLA leadership.

Many of the details are redacted in the public version of the indictment, but some will presumably become public as the court proceeds with witnesses and other evidence. The defense will deny the charges. We’ll then all have a chance to judge for ourselves the validity of the prosecutor’s portrait of the KLA,







Sofia Summit Conclusions: Western Balkans Leaders remain dedicated to regional cooperation (EWB)

SOFIA – EU and Western Balkan leaders emphasised the importance of regional cooperation and pledged their continuous support to different common initiatives to improve the regional potential for strengthening the economy and good neighbourly relations, reads the final version of the Chair’s conclusions.

The document also reflects on the common regional market initiative, as well as the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, digital transformation of the region, youth-related policies and other issues.

“The Leaders commended the European Commission’s Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans accompanied by a Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, which are intended to spur the long-term economic recovery of the region building on Green and Digital transition through a substantial investment package leading to sustained economic growth, implementation of reforms required to move forward on the EU path, and bringing the Western Balkans closer to the EU Single Market”, the document reads.

See at:






Lockdown Has Increased Terrorist Risk to Kosovo, Experts Warn (Balkan Insight)

After around 200 former fighters were repatriated from the war zones of Syria and Iraq, Kosovo is struggling with the security consequences – particularly during the lockdown.

Several hundred Kosovars travelled to Syria and Iraq since the war started in Syria in 2012, joining various Islamist terrorist groups fighting to topple the regime of Bashar-Al Assad.

Around 100 Kosovars were killed in the fighting alongside Al-Qaeda’s wing, Jahbat Al-Nusra, and other Islamist organisations in the Middle East, who proclaimed the Islamic State, ISIS, in the territories they occupied in Syria and Iraq.

However, after ISIS lost its strongholds that were steadily recaptured by Iraqi and Syrian government forces in 2018, hundreds of those who fought or participated in these wars were captured and awaited repatriation.

In April 2019, Kosovo fighters who had been arrested by Iraqi and Kurdish forces in areas where ISIS rule had collapsed were repatriated.

However, Avni Islami, an advisor to the Kosovo Interior Ministry, warns that the collapse of IS has not removed the security risk to countries like Kosovo.

“With the disbanding of Islamic State, the terrorists or those who supported them have split to other continents but also to Europe,” Islami told

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Study Underscores Link between Human Trafficking and Online Abuse (Balkan Insight)

There are fears that the COVID-19 pandemic may fuel the growth of so-called cyber-trafficking as lives increasingly move online.

More than 40 per cent of female victims of human trafficking have also been subjected to some form of online abuse, according to a report by a Serbian NGO looking at the correlation between the two.

In interviews with 178 women and girls who received support from the organisation Atina over the past five years, 42 per cent reported being the target of online abuse, ranging from cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, hacking, catfishing, revenge porn and ‘doxing’, the online publishing of private information to publicly expose and shame the victim.

For 31 per cent, the online abuse was directly linked to the process of human trafficking.

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