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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 13, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID – 19: 953 new cases, 13 deaths (media)
  • Hoti: Outstanding issues must be resolved through dialogue (media)
  • EU, NATO do not answer Kosovo’s calls to condemn Vucic statement (media)
  • Hoti: Let’s agree on a President or set a date for new elections (media)
  • Mustafa: Talks with Serbian List; AKR said it’ll support the bill (Indeksonline)
  • PDK: Hoti-led government must go home ASAP (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • 84 new cases of Covid-19 in Serbian communities (Kontakt plus radio)
  • Vucic: Fabrications of Kosovo's politicians that I called for war (Danas, Beta)
  • Dacic: Time of false news and Pristina's first love with NATO and EU has passed (Kosovo Online)
  • Biden asked Haradinaj to protect Visoki Decani in a confidential letter from 2002 (KoSSev)
  • Spahiu: ''Mentioning of Catholics in the indictment is offensive, members of Muslim community worked more for Milosevic'' (Kosovo Online)  
  • CI SDP: New indictment for Ivanovic's murder confirms Kosovo judiciary violates its own laws (Beta, Kosovo Online)
  • What did Vucic say? Pristina: Vucic issued a ''war threat''; Belgrade: Kosovan ''hysteria'' and stereotypes about Serbs (KoSSev)


  • Serbian List awaits Vucic to ''wink'' (Danas)
  • Kosovo wartime leaders’ indictment is inaccurate and biased (Prishtina Insight)


  • UN Says Serbian anti-terrorism laws misused to target NGOs, media (N1)



Albanian Language Media 


COVID – 19: 953 new cases, 13 deaths (media)

13 people have died from COVID – 19 in the last 24 hours in Kosovo, the National Institute for Public Health said in a statement today. 953 new cases have been recorded during this time. The highest number of new cases is from the municipality of Prishtina (347). 177 patients have recovered from the virus during this time.

Hoti: Outstanding issues must be resolved through dialogue (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti said today that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic statements about war were inadequate. “These messages do not contribute to peace and stability and they are not in the spirit of the process of dialogue,” Hoti told a press conference in Prishtina. “The time of conflicts is over. We need to resolve outstanding issues through dialogue. Any other statement creates an unnecessary situation among the people. Our messages are for peace and determination to safeguard our sovereignty.” 

EU, NATO do not answer Kosovo’s calls to condemn Vucic statement (media)

The European Union did not want to comment on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s statement on Thursday that a conflict similar to the one in Nagorno Karabak can happen in Kosovo if efforts to reach a compromise fail. “As a general principle, we always call on all political actors in Kosovo and Serbia, and the rest of the region, to promote an atmosphere that helps regional stability and cooperation,” EU spokesman Peter Stano told Radio Free Europe.

Kosovo leaders reacted to Vucic’s remarks, with Assembly President Vjosa Osmani posting on Twitter that she expects the European Union and NATO to react to Vucic’s threats for war. Prime Minister Hoti said Vucic’s statement was in opposition with Serbia’s pledge for sustainable peace and economic development in the region. 

NATO officials did not want to comment on Vucic’s statement but said that the Alliance continues to support the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. “We continue to support the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Prishtina as the only permanent political solution for stability in Kosovo and the Western Balkans,” a NATO official told Radio Free Europe.

Hoti: Let’s agree on a President or set a date for new elections (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti said today that in the near future political parties must decide whether they want to agree on a candidate for the post of Kosovo President or go to new parliamentary elections.

Hoti said that Kosovo is faced with new circumstances following President Thaci’s resignation to appear before the Specialist Chambers in The Hague. “The President has resigned, and this means that we need to take the necessary constitutional steps. There are two options: either the parties need to come together and agree on a new president or agree on a date for early elections. We have yet to start consultations with political parties. We have seen public statements by different political parties but I believe that in a matter of days or weeks all parties will come together and hold talks to find a solution for the people,” Hoti said.

Mustafa: Talks with Serbian List; AKR said it’ll support the bill (Indeksonline)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa said in an interview with the news website that a solution must be found to overcome disagreements in the ruling coalition. He also refuted rumors that the Pacolli-led New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) is not supporting the coalition. 

“The coalition is a matter of willingness. So far, the Serbian List has been a fair partner. We will hold talks to try and solve their complaints. Solutions must be found, whenever possible. We need more communication and greater understanding on all issues. There were also rumors that the AKR will not support the government. Mr. Pacolli informed me that AKR MPs will vote in favor of the economic recovery law. The AKR has been very constructive and supportive in the difficult processes we are going through,” Mustafa said.

PDK: Hoti-led government must go home ASAP (media)

Kujtim Gashi from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) slammed the Hoti-led government today saying that it is failing to adopt the economic recovery package and damaging the people of Kosovo. 

“The PDK believes it is scandalous that the government is not only failing to support the businesses but also introducing measures to block businesses. The people were right to call on the PDK to vote in favor of the law, but Prime Minister Hoti did not have a serious approach, he only made political calculations. The government must go home as soon as possible, because it is incapable of leading the country, the economy and it is failing to manage the pandemic,” Shala said.



Serbian Language Media


84 new cases of Covid-19 in Serbian communities (Kontakt plus radio)

North Mitrovica Crisis Staff announced today that 84 new cases of COVID-19 infection were registered, ten recoveries, and that one person from Zvecan passed away, reported Kontakt plus radio. 

The new cases by municipalities: North Mitrovica (25), Zvecan (14), Leposavic (12), Gracanica (8), Gnjilane (8), Zubin Potok (5), Kamenica (5), Strpce (3), Priluzje (2) and Pec (2). 

Four persons from North Mitrovica recovered, and three each from Zvecan and Zubin Potok.   

Currently, 367 persons are in home-isolation, 39 patients are hospitalized at the North Mitrovica Hospital and one in hospital in Nis. 

Vucic: Fabrications of Kosovo's politicians that I called for war (Danas, Beta)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic rejected as "fabrications" the assessment of politicians from Kosovo and Albania that he "called for war" when he said that the example of Nagorno-Karabakh shows why it is dangerous to maintain a frozen conflict, reports daily Danas. 

Answering the questions of the journalists, Vucic assessed that the Albanian politicians have "their internal problems" because of which, according to him, "they have to fabricate".

"I spoke about the need to avoid a policy of frozen conflict, so that keeping that conflict would mean that anyone in the future could lead us to disaster. They understood well what I said, they just have to convey something in a different way, because they have their reasons," said Vucic to reporters, during his visit to the construction of an intermodal terminal for the transport of goods near Belgrade. 

He reiterated that Serbia's policy is to preserve peace and "to be the most successful in the next three years, and we hope in the next five years, and you cannot achieve that if you have any conflicts and instability."

Danas daily recalls that acting President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani called on the EU and NATO yesterday to react to the statements of the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, because as according to her claims, he threatened war.

Dacic: Time of false news and Pristina's first love with NATO and EU has passed (Kosovo Online)

While the whole world is talking about the trial in The Hague and the crimes of the KLA, Kosovo officials are trying their best to tell lies about Serbia and Aleksandar Vucic, the President of the Assembly of Serbia Ivica Dacic told portal Kosovo Online.

"Even now, they are lying heinously about Vucic threatening new wars. On the contrary, Vucic talked about the need to work on resolving the problems in Kosovo and not to leave a frozen conflict that would remain an eternal threat," the president of the Serbian parliament emphasized, reported the portal. 

According to him, in Pristina, they obviously forget that the time of false news and first love with NATO and the EU has passed.

"Everyone sees that Serbia is a predictable and constructive partner and a pillar of stability in the Balkans," Dacic said, reported Kosovo Online.

Biden asked Haradinaj to protect Visoki Decani in a confidential letter from 2002 (KoSSev)

Joseph Biden asked Ramush Haradinaj to protect the monastery of Visoki Decani in a confidential letter he sent back in 2002. Biden claims that he kept his promise, using as proof the fact that Decani is one of the few Serbian Orthodox monasteries preserved in the March violence which took place in 2004. These allegations were presented by Biden himself at US Congress in 2005, reported portal KoSSev last night. 

Joseph Biden was elected as the 46th President of the United States in the recently-concluded US presidential elections.

Biden is one of the most popular US politicians among Kosovo Albanians due to his proactive role in advocating for their political goals and the right to „self-determination“ during the 1990s. On the other hand, the Serb public from that period perceived Biden as a politician with an „anti-Serbian“ stance.

Little is known about the fact that Biden visited the Visoki Decani monastery on two occasions after the war, and that he personally asked Kosovo Albanians to protect this monastery.

While visiting Kosovo and the Visoki Decani Monastery for the first time, back in January 2001, he described the monastery as a „masterpiece“.

Visoki Decani was placed under UNESCO protection in 2004/2005, however, the monks still expressed concern for the safety of the monastery.

In the same year – 2005, Biden recalled his first trip to the monastery: „During that trip, I flew by helicopter to western Kosovo, where I visited the Serbian Orthodox Visoki Decani monastery, a 14th century architectural masterpiece which last year was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.“

While recalling the role of Orthodox monks during the 1999 war in front of the US Senate, Biden emphasized that the monks „saved Kosovo Albanians from persecution by Serb forces.“

„Again, these were Serbian Orthodox monks saving Kosovo Albanians most of them Muslims – from persecution by Serbian forces,“ reads the transcript of Biden’s testimony in the US Congress in 2005.

During his first visit, Biden also spoke with Ramush Haradinaj. Describing the former Kosovan Prime Minister as a „very hard, tough guy who could lift an ox out of a ditch“, he said that he got the impression that Haradinaj „seemed genuinely to recognize that the only way forward was for the rights of the Kosovo Serbs, and of other non-Albanian minorities to be guaranteed.“

Almost two years later, during Biden’s second visit to the monastery, Father Sava and other monks warned the US official that they were „in great danger“.

„„In fact, Italian KFOR armored personnel carriers were lined up in the snow just outside the monastery’s stone walls as a deterrent. Knowing that the territory around Decani is Mr. Haradinaj’s political base, I sent him a confidential letter after I returned to Washington. In it, I wrote that I was counting on him to personally guarantee and protect the Serbian Orthodox monastery I had just visited,“ Biden testified in front of his US colleagues 15 years ago.

„In March of 2004, serious riots against Serbs and other non-Albanian minorities broke out across Kosovo. Hundreds of homes were destroyed, and many medieval Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries were burned to the ground. KFOR proved unable or unwilling to prevent this destruction. In fact, in several cases, the outrages occurred while European KFOR troops stood by. One of those few venerable monasteries that remained untouched was Visoki Decani. Mr. Haradinaj had kept his promise“ – Biden described how Decani „survived“ the March violence.

See more at:

Spahiu: ''Mentioning of Catholics in the indictment is offensive, members of Muslim community worked more for Milosevic'' (Kosovo Online)  

Political analyst and university professor Nexhmedin Spahiu in a statement for portal Kosovo Online further clarified the reasons for the remark he sent to the Specialist Chamber in The Hague, on the part of the indictment related to crimes of KLA members committed against members of the Catholic community in Kosovo, emphasizing that it is a sensitive matter which may further influence the undermining of divisions in the Albanian community in Kosovo. 

''I wrote to the court in The Hague that it is offensive to the Catholic community in Kosovo, because it indirectly implies that the Catholic community was in the majority or as a whole on the side of Milosevic, which is incorrect. Of course, there were those who worked for Milosevic from the Catholic community, but there were many more from the Muslim community. That means that they were not targeted as Catholics, but as collaborators, '' Spahiu opined.  

Spahiu stated that he did not receive any answer from the Specialist Chamber in The Hague, but that he concluded that they still accepted his suggestion. His intention, as he said, was not to interfere with the work of the court, but to formulate accurately and truthfully all the counts of the indictment that are charged against Hashim Thaci and the other accused.  

''This does not refer to the indictment itself, but to the bad wording that harms Kosovo society, and the intention of the court is to prosecute criminals, to discover and address the perpetrators of crimes, and not to attack Kosovo society, that is the essence of what I wrote,'' Spahiu pointed out.  

He raised objections regarding Kosovo officials who did not react to this fact, which could have had negative consequences for Kosovo society.

''I think it is negligence, that none of the Kosovo officials reacted to that. They either attack the court or do not react at all. They are silent, they say that they will not interfere in the work of the court. We must not interfere in the work of the court, the manner in which they will prosecute the suspects for crimes, but we must not be silent if the court makes a mistake that is obvious and that harms Kosovo society, which divides Catholics and Muslims. Milosevic did not manage to achieve that either, and that is a really dangerous thing and the officials should deal with it, to send that remark to the officials of the Special Court,'' Spahiu concluded. 

CI SDP: New indictment for Ivanovic's murder confirms Kosovo judiciary violates its own laws (Beta, Kosovo Online)

The decision of the Special Prosecutor's Office in Pristina to file a new, third indictment against the suspects in the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, confirms that the Kosovo judicial system does not respect and violates its own laws, the SDP Civic Initiative assessed today, news agency Beta reports.

According to the CI SDP, there are no "new moments or evidence related to the crime" in the third indictment, except that two persons without names and surnames unknown to the police appear for the first time."

''A new changed detail in this indictment, and it concerns Silvana Arsovic, is that she no longer helped in the commission of the crime but is charged with directly participating in the murder of her's best friend and associate," the CI SDP statement reads.

The SDP Civic Initiative called on international representatives in Kosovo to "deal with" the work of judicial institutions in Pristina "and point them out that they are there to enforce laws and respect the language culture of all citizens."

What did Vucic say? Pristina: Vucic issued a ''war threat''; Belgrade: Kosovan ''hysteria'' and stereotypes about Serbs (KoSSev)

Vjosa Osmani’s alert on Thursday to both NATO and the EU against what is perceived as a war threat from Belgrade after the Serbian President’s address to media, moved a chain of reaction from Pristina, Albanians and international supporters. What did Aleksandar Vucic say?

 „I expect the European Union and NATO to respond to this threat for a violent war, made by Vucic,“ the acting Kosovo President and the president of the Kosovo Assembly, Vjosa Osmani tweeted last night.

Along with this message, she shared the DTT-NET English’s news piece, presented to be an independent online daily news media agency outlet on the Western Balkans region, with a contact address in Klina, Kosovo.

“Ex-Milosevic minister warns of Nagorno Karabakh type of conflict over Kosovo if compromise efforts fail“ – read the headline.

“The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, today warned that if a compromise is not reached with Kosovo through EU-mediated talks then the frozen conflict could be unfrozen in the future, pointing out to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, vowing that whatever happens with the talks in Brussels, Serbia will continue to strengthen itself economically and militarily too, as he put it, to defend the country at any moment from any potential aggressor,” this agency reported.

The text, however, does not specify where and on what occasion Vucic presented these claims, and there are no quotes.

Instead of a photo from the press conference, a photo of the Serbian and Russian president shaking hands at an earlier meeting was published, although the Russian president was not mentioned within the event or the article itself.

The same news article was also shared by Daniel Serwer with the following message: „This is a threat to try to retake Kosovo by military force. NATO should make clear what the consequences of that would be.”

Kosovo diplomacy: Serbian weapons add fuel to fighting, Milosevic’s minister threatens NATO allies, Russia’s puppy

The Kosovo Minister of Foreign Affairs, Meliza Haradinaj Stubla also immediately reacted.

„After fueling the Nagorno Karabakh fight with Serbian made arms, Serbia’s Vucic, Milosevic’s Information Minister now threatens all NATO aligned neighboring countries that it will continue to prepare militarily for new Balkans wars!“ she tweeted, adding:

“The ‘Russia’s puppy’ policy and the approach is clearly against EU values and NATO security policies in the Balkans. All Russian-Serbian efforts to undermine the region’s peace, stability, and security are unacceptable for Kosovo and will surely fail like their infamous capitulation in 1999.”

Hoxhaj: Milosevic’s followers the only threat to regional stability

 Acting PDK President and former Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj also reacted last night.

“The only threat to regional stability and peace remain Milosevic’s followers in the Serbian government and security apparatus. Today’s comments by Vucic require a prompt response by the international community. The region can move forward only when Serbia faces the genocide it has committed under the Flag of Kosovo,” Hoxhaj wrote on Twitter.

Hoti: Vucic’s statements are not in favor of normalization

A somewhat more moderate reaction arrived from the Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti.

„Kosovo is committed to peace and stability in the region and beyond. The statements of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic are not in favor of the normalization of relations between the two countries, reaching a final agreement and mutual recognition. They are contrary to all the obligations that Serbia has undertaken, under the guarantees of the international community, for lasting peace and economic development in the region. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to its constructive role in favor of peace, stability, and prosperity of the entire region,“ he wrote in a Facebook post.

He also reiterated Osmani’s call for the EU and NATO to respond to „these provocations“, adding that the government in Pristina will continue to be committed to attaining membership in NATO, the EU, and all relevant international institutions as soon as possible.

''We will wait for Vucic''

According to the head of the AAK parliamentary group and Ramush Haradinaj’s brother – Daut Haradinaj, Vucic’s statement, but also the filing of indictments by the Specialist Chambers, is a „threat of war“.

He assessed the situation in Kosovo as serious and never seen before. Haradinaj described the dialogue with Belgrade, although there is no alternative to it, as a process that should not be rushed, that is, one which should be stopped, the online media in Pristina reported.

Amid the first hearings of the top members of the former „KLA“, but also top Kosovo politicians, before the Special Court, the former commander of this armed formation, Xhafer Gashi, said that the inhabitants of Kosovo would „stay and wait for Vucic“.

„We are here and we will wait for them as we expected them at the time. I would not like for that to happen because the war does not bring good, but we are here and we do not intend to leave,“ Gashi said on Thursday during a guest appearance on the talk-show Frontal on the T7 channel.

Majko: Vucic avoids obligations from the White House and leads a double life in international relations

A reaction also arrived from Albania. Former Albanian Prime Minister, Pandeli Majko said that Vucic’s statement about the „frozen conflict“ and his comparison with Nagorno Karabakh was irresponsible, assessing that Vucic is thus avoiding the obligations signed in the White House.

„The statement of the President of Serbia by which he drew a parallel between the state of Kosovo with the status of the frozen conflict of Nagorno Karabakh is irresponsible! Serbia’s double life in international relations is a real threat to regional stability! President Vucic has determined that the conflict with the Albanians is not over yet and he considers it ‘frozen’,“ Majko wrote.

„Cold logistics minds in Serbia understand the readiness of Albanians in some countries if someone follows the idea of a conflict scenario. He will know the beginning, but not the end!“ he added.

These are only some of the reactions from Pristina. The assessments are all the same – Vucic threatens war. Also, Milosevic’s name and the „genocide“ of Serbia were mentioned in all of the reactions, while NATO and the EU have been urged to react.

Only a few online portals published Vucic’s original statement last night, as the majority of them listed comments and assessments of Kosovo politicians.

Petkovic: Albanian politicians are not having a polemic with Vucic, but with stereotypes about Serbs

The Belgrade-based Kosovo Office recently appointed head Petar Petkovic described the avalanche of reactions from Kosovo politicians as a “hysterical reaction from Pristina.”

It is not a matter of a polemic with the President of Serbia, but with stereotypes about Serbia that Pristina systematically cultivates, he issued through a press release last night.

„The frozen conflict has never brought anyone any good, and the fact that some politicians in Pristina perceive our aspiration for a compromise solution as a threat, it best shows the way many in Kosovo actually perceive dialogue,“ the press release also reads.

He pointed out that some Albanian politicians „still live in the 1990s“.

Instead, this official claimed the key message of President Vucic was that peace is the most important thing for Serbia and the Serb people and that the Albanian representatives in Pristina are equally interested in peace. They should welcome and support such a commitment from Belgrade, Petkovic stressed.

„Speaking about threats to peace and stability in the region, I must note that the greatest danger, in that sense, are precisely those who oppose the punishment of war criminals and those who form an army, although according to Resolution 1244 and the Kumanovo Agreement they have no right to do so. Well, let them recognize themselves!” Petkovic concluded.

Similar messages were sent by Srpska Lista, which came to the defense of the Serbian president.

Kosovo Serb Party: Vucic is bringing unrest to Serbs in Kosovo, for the umpteenth time

An entirely different reaction arrived from the north of Kosovo.

Vucic’s statement actually brings unrest among the remaining Serbs in Kosovo „for the umpteenth time“ – this party alerted.

„By comparing the situation in Kosovo with the one in Nagorno-Karabakh, he directly insults the intelligence of Serbs who remained in Kosovo and tramples on the Constitution of Serbia. Kosovo has nothing in common with the situation in Azerbaijan and the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 applies in Kosovo, the same one that Pristina and Belgrade constantly violate in some segments,“ this party wrote in a press release last night.

Recalling the presence of international security forces and their role as the guarantor of peace and stability, the Kosovo Serb Party added that another armed formation had been established – contrary to the constitution of Kosovo itself but with the tacit consent of Srpska Lista and official Belgrade.

„Now, two years later, frightening the remaining Serbs with a new war and conflict like the one in Nagorno-Karabakh, all for the sake of preparing the ground for Serbia’s recognition of Kosovo, is unacceptable for us and is a reflection of the complete amateurism of Serbia towards its interests and people in Kosovo,“ they added.

The Kosovo Serb Party assessed as particularly hypocritical the part of the President of Serbia’s statement in which he says that we should not leave a frozen conflict to „our children“.

„And at the same time, he does not say whether our children south of the Ibar should stay in ‘Greater’ Albania, or are they not as important in this SNS equation as some other children north of the Ibar?“ the party pointed out.

KFOR: Fully committed to the implementation of the UN mandate

NATO also reacted with a statement after being asked by media.

„The NATO-led KFOR mission remains fully focused on implementing the United Nations mandate, to ensure security and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo. We also continue to support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, with the help of the EU, as the only permanent political solution for stability in Kosovo and the wider region of the Western Balkans,“ they said in a statement for RFE.

What did the Serbian president actually say?

It would be better if a solution for Kosovo is reached sooner than later, otherwise, a conflict is possible – reads the crux of Vucic’s statement to the media on Thursday, immediately after he met with Quint in Belgrade.

„Many might think that the situation around Kosovo is better than it was before due to the internal situation in Kosovo, because it is not possible to expect stronger pressure on Serbia by December, January by the great Western powers. But I need to tell you today that the conflict in Nagorno Karabakh has shown how a frozen conflict, when thawed, can escalate into a real catastrophe.“

At the same time, he pointed out that the most important message is the message of peace, dialogue, and the desire for Belgrade to continue the dialogue with Pristina, as well as that the best solution can be achieved through dialogue – whereby conflict would be avoided.

„The most important message for us is the message of peace and the message of dialogue, the message of the desire to continue the dialogue with Pristina, and to understand that the best solution is the solution that we can and must achieve through dialogue. And it is better to achieve it earlier than later because otherwise, some kind of conflict can happen to us. We have to take care of the future of our children, we have to take care of Kosovo, and I am completely sure that people in Europe will understand that.“

He did point out that Serbia must continue to strengthen economically and in a military sense to save the country from potential aggression.

See at:




Serbian List awaits Vucic to ''wink'' (Danas)

The Serbian list has not yet made a final decision on whether it will support the efforts of the opposition Democratic Party of Kosovo to "overthrow" the current Kosovo government of Avdullah Hoti, although it publicly threatens to do so, claim political and diplomatic sources to  Belgrade based daily Danas.

According to interlocutor of Danas: "The Serbian list will be ready to participate in the overthrow of Hoti's government only if they are sure that it will lead to new elections in Kosovo, weakening of Kosovo's negotiating position and giving Serbia time to postpone a final solution which would imply recognition of Kosovo, therefore the representatives of the Serbian List are waiting for a wink from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on whether they should do it so."

Some diplomats claim that Vucic for now will not advise the Serbian List to vote for the overthrow of Hoti's government, writes the daily. 

As they explain, adds Danas, Vucic will wait to see how the administration of the incoming US President Joseph Biden will treat the Kosovo issue, and "Hoti, who advocates the continuation of negotiations with Serbia, is a less unpleasant interlocutor to Serbian President than Albin Kurti, the leader of Self-Determination, who is considered the most popular politician among Kosovo Albanians." 

"Kurti's rating is growing further after Biden's victory, and it is believed that he would find easier a common language with the Democratic administration in Washington than with the Republicans led by Donald Trump. Therefore, more realistic is to expect that the Serbian List will formally stay aside for these few months, i.e. that it will not overthrow Hoti's government, but will obstruct the work of the Kosovo government and parliament, according to the principle - I participate when it suits me, I do not participate when it does not suit," a source of Danas explains. 

KoSSev's journalist Milica Andric Rakic estimates for Danas that if the government is overthrown, "it will be on the initiative of Haradinaj's Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), because of the position of president."

- The Serbian list, as before, did offer support to the parties that want to overthrow the government, but I also remind you that the Kosovo parties have previously stated that although they want to overthrow the government, they will not achieve it with the Serbian List. Any cooperation with Serbian List before the elections, even on the overthrow of the unpopular government, does not benefit the Kosovo parties and they will not do that. Likewise, the DPK currently suits a government reshuffle more, where it would become a part of it, than new elections. Now, the elections correspond only to the Self-Determination, Andric Rakic points out.

Petar Miletic, journalist and former vice-president of the Kosovo Parliament, states for Danas that the position of the Serbian List "will depend on whether Hoti will meet the Serbian list requirements, but the survival of the current government depends more on DPK and their eventual entry into the Government and as well from the new Washington administration than it depends from the Serbian List."

- Hoti's government survives thanks to negotiations with Belgrade, and that is the only reason for not calling the elections. Hoti has many more serious problems than the demands of the Serbian List, so it is certainly not high on his list of priorities, Miletic believes.

Kosovo wartime leaders’ indictment is inaccurate and biased (Prishtina Insight)

The Hague war crimes prosecutors’ indictment of Hashim Thaci and three other former senior Kosovo Liberation Army officials distorts history and selectively omits facts to set out a biased case, writes Anna Di Lellio, lecturer in international relations and security at New York University and The New School in New York.

"Between the excitement of the American presidential election and the scary news about COVID-19, I was about to miss the opening of the trial of the Kosovo Liberation Army’s former General Staff at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers. Now that I have focused on it, I wish I had missed it altogether.

The truth is, I believe in international justice, but what I read and understood is a significant blow to my confidence in it.

Let’s start from the beginning: the Kosovo Specialist Prosecution’s indictment of Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Rexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi on November 4. The charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes under international law are severe. Still, I will not address the merit of those crimes since I am not an investigator, a prosecutor or a defence lawyer.

However, I found plenty to say about the framing of those crimes in the narrative that goes under the section entitled “Statement of Facts”.

This title rings Orwellian already after reading the first few lines: “In 1989, in the context of increasing tensions and schisms throughout the former Yugoslavia, Kosovo’s status as an autonomous province was rescinded. Thereafter, Kosovo Albanians overwhelmingly supported a referendum for independence…”

The indictment’s incipit is paradigmatic of the language used by the prosecutor’s office throughout the document. It is an incredibly vague and obfuscating language that makes abundant use of misnomers and the passive voice."

See more at:





UN Says Serbian anti-terrorism laws misused to target NGOs, media (N1)

United Nations experts warned that Serbia’s anti-terrorism laws are being misused to target NGOs, the UN said in a press release.

“Human rights experts expressed concern that the Serbian authorities are using oversight powers designed to target the financing of terrorism to obtain banking information and information on financial transactions of more than 50 NGOs, media associations and other non-profit organizations,” the press release said and added that the organizations and media that have been targeted stand out for their work on human rights, investigation of war crimes, monitoring of the government’s work, and other forms of investigative journalism.

The press release named the experts as Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism Fionnuala Ní Aoláin,Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders Mary Lawlor, andSpecial Rapporteur on the rights of peaceful assembly and association Clément Nyaletsossi Voule.

“We fear that such use of the Serbian Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism interferes with and limits the freedoms of expression and association of people belonging to these groups, and their right to take part in the conduct of public affairs,” it quoted the experts as saying.

They warned that the unjustified use of this law risks intimidating civil society actors and human rights defenders, restricting their work and muffling any criticism of the Government”. The UN warned that the “broad and arbitrary implementation of the law against non-profit organizations as well as individuals is inconsistent with Serbia’s obligations under international law”.

“Targeting civil society is counter-productive to human rights compliant counter-terrorism efforts and undermines rather than enhances security,” it said.

“The Financial Action Task Force and regional bodies such as the Council of Europe’s MONEYVAL must ensure through their engagement and oversight that national legislation passed pursuant to the Task Force’s standards do not contravene States’ human rights obligations. We therefore call on the Serbian Government to guarantee that the use of anti-terrorism laws will not affect the activities of civil society and on their right to freedom of expression,” the UN experts said.

The UN report and press release were not reported by Serbian media until the Civic Initiatives NGO issued a statement about the report.

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